
96 lines
3.1 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`main.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
// @flow
var React = require('react');
class CustomComponent extends React.Component {
props: {
prop: string
var a: React.Element<{prop: string}> = <CustomComponent prop="asdf" />;
var b: React.Element<{prop1: string}> = <CustomComponent prop="asdf" />; // Error: Props<{prop}> ~> Props<{prop1}>
<div id="asdf" />;
<div id={42} />; // Error: (\`id\` prop) number ~> string
var c: React.Element<{id: string}> = <div id="asdf" />;
var d: React.Element<{id: number}> = <div id="asdf" />; // Error: Props<{id:string}> ~> Props<{id:number}>
// @flow
var React = require("react");
class CustomComponent extends React.Component {
props: {
prop: string
var a: React.Element<{ prop: string }> = <CustomComponent prop="asdf" />;
var b: React.Element<{ prop1: string }> = <CustomComponent prop="asdf" />; // Error: Props<{prop}> ~> Props<{prop1}>
<div id="asdf" />;
<div id={42} />; // Error: (\`id\` prop) number ~> string
var c: React.Element<{ id: string }> = <div id="asdf" />;
var d: React.Element<{ id: number }> = <div id="asdf" />; // Error: Props<{id:string}> ~> Props<{id:number}>
exports[`strings.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
/* @flow */
var React = require('react');
var Div = 'div';
var Bad = 'bad';
var Str: string = 'str';
<Div />; // This is fine
<Bad />; // Error: 'bad' not in JSXIntrinsics
<Str />; // Error: string ~> keys of JSXIntrinsics
React.createElement('div', {}); // This is fine
React.createElement('bad', {}); // Error: 'bad' not in JSXIntrinsics
React.createElement(Str, {}); // Error: string ~> keys of JSXIntrinsics
// TODO: Make this an error
<Div id={42} />; // Not an error but should be eventually
/* @flow */
var React = require("react");
var Div = "div";
var Bad = "bad";
var Str: string = "str";
<Div />; // This is fine
<Bad />; // Error: 'bad' not in JSXIntrinsics
<Str />; // Error: string ~> keys of JSXIntrinsics
React.createElement("div", {}); // This is fine
React.createElement("bad", {}); // Error: 'bad' not in JSXIntrinsics
React.createElement(Str, {}); // Error: string ~> keys of JSXIntrinsics
// TODO: Make this an error
<Div id={42} />; // Not an error but should be eventually