
339 lines
6.6 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`argument-list-preserve-line.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
class Foo {
private readonly bar: IBar,
private readonly myProcessor: IMyProcessor,
private readonly anotherThing: IAnotherThing | undefined,
) { }
class Foo {
private readonly bar: IBar,
private readonly myProcessor: IMyProcessor,
private readonly anotherThing: IAnotherThing | undefined
) {}
exports[`decorator-type-assertion.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
@(bind as ClassDecorator)
class Decorated {
class Decorated {
@(bind as ClassDecorator)
class Decorated {}
class Decorated {}
exports[`decorators.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
export class TestTextFileService {
@ILifecycleService lifecycleService,
) {
export class TabCompletionController {
selector: 'angular-component',
class AngularComponent {
@Input() myInput: string;
export class TestTextFileService {
constructor(@ILifecycleService lifecycleService) {}
export class TabCompletionController {}
selector: "angular-component"
class AngularComponent {
@Input() myInput: string;
exports[`decorators-comments.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
class Foo1 {
// comment
async method() {}
class Foo2 {
// comment
private method() {}
class Foo3 {
// comment
*method() {}
class Foo4 {
// comment
async *method() {}
class Something {
// comment
readonly property: Array<string>
class Something {
// comment
abstract property: Array<string>
class Something {
// comment
abstract method(): Array<string>
class Foo1 {
// comment
async method() {}
class Foo2 {
// comment
private method() {}
class Foo3 {
// comment
*method() {}
class Foo4 {
// comment
async *method() {}
class Something {
// comment
readonly property: Array<string>;
class Something {
// comment
abstract property: Array<string>;
class Something {
// comment
abstract method(): Array<string>;
exports[`inline-decorators.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
class Class1 {}
class Class2 {
method1() {}
method2() {}
method3() {}
method4() {}
class Class3 {
@d1 fieldA;
@d2(foo) fieldB; fieldC;
@d4.baz() fieldD;
constructor (
@d1 private x: number,
@d2(foo) private y: number,
@d3('foo') private z: number,
x: string
}) private a: string,
) {}
@decorated class Foo {}
class Bar {
@decorated method() {}
class MyContainerComponent {
@ContentChildren(MyComponent) components: QueryListSomeBigName<MyComponentThat>;
class Class1 {}
class Class2 {
method1() {}
method2() {}
method3() {}
method4() {}
class Class3 {
@d1 fieldA;
@d2(foo) fieldB; fieldC;
@d4.baz() fieldD;
@d1 private x: number,
@d2(foo) private y: number,
@d3("foo") private z: number,
x: string
private a: string
) {}
class Foo {}
class Bar {
@decorated method() {}
class MyContainerComponent {
@ContentChildren(MyComponent) components: QueryListSomeBigName<
exports[`interface.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
// invalid place but shouldn't be removed
interface MyInterface {
id: string;
// invalid place but shouldn't be removed
interface MyInterface {
id: string;