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2019-09-22 01:52:10 +03:00
* Yet another omnivorous data validator
* Peculiar features:
* - Uses literal definitions (unlike, for example, Joi)
* - Simpler than JSON schema, but convertible to it
* - Supports comments and convenient user-readable validation errors
* - Coerces decimal strings to numbers
* - Coerces scalars to single-element arrays
* (c) Vitaliy Filippov 2019+
* Version 2019-09-21
const UserError = require('./UserError.js');
class ServerPropTypes
static check(v, type, options)
const sub = {
refs: options && options.refs ? (type.refs ? { ...options.refs, ...type.refs } : options.refs) : type.refs,
return_error: true,
type = this.fill(type, sub);
let bad = false;
switch (type.type)
case 'any':
case 'string':
if (v != null && typeof v != 'number' && typeof v != 'string' || type.required && (v == null || v === ''))
bad = true;
v = ''+v;
if (type.regex && !new RegExp(type.regex, type.regexOptions).exec(v))
bad = true;
case 'decimal':
if (v != null && typeof v != 'number' && typeof v != 'string' || type.required && (v == null || v == 0))
bad = true;
else if (type.decimals != null)
const re = type.decimals > 0 ? /^-?\d+(\.\d+?)?0*$/ : /^-?\d+$/;
let m = re.exec(''+v);
if (m[1] && m[1].length > (type.decimals < 0 ? 0 : type.decimals) + 1)
bad = true;
case 'num':
v = v == null ? null : parseFloat(v);
if (v != v)
bad = true;
else if (type.min != null && v < type.min || type.max != null && v > type.max)
bad = true;
else if (type.required && !v)
bad = true;
case 'int':
v = v == null ? null : parseInt(v);
if (v != v)
bad = true;
else if (type.min != null && v < type.min || type.max != null && v > type.max)
bad = true;
else if (type.required && !v)
bad = true;
case 'id':
v = v ? parseInt(v) : null;
if (v != v || v < 0 || v == null && type.required)
bad = true;
case 'bool':
if ((v != null || type.required) && v !== false && v !== true &&
v !== '' && v !== 0 && v !== '0' && v !== 1 && v !== '1')
bad = true;
if (v != null)
v = v && v !== '0' ? true : false;
v = null;
case 'array':
if (!(v instanceof Array) && v != null && type.allow_scalar !== false)
v = [ v ];
if (v != null)
if (type.items)
if (v.length != type.items.length)
bad = true;
let rv = [];
for (let i = 0; i < type.items.length; i++)
let st = this.check(v[i], type.items[i], sub);
if (st.error)
bad = {
path: [ i, ...(st.error.path||[]) ],
name: '№'+i + ( ? ' - ' : ''),
rv[i] = st.value;
v = rv;
else if (type.of)
if (type.maxLength != null && v.length > type.maxLength ||
type.minLength != null && v.length < type.minLength ||
type.required && v.length == 0)
bad = true;
let rv = [];
const type_of = this.fill(type.of, sub);
for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++)
let st = this.check(v[i], type_of, sub);
if (st.error)
bad = {
path: [ i, ...(st.error.path||[]) ],
name: '№'+i + ( ? ' - ' : ''),
rv[i] = st.value;
v = rv;
else if (type.required)
bad = true;
v = null;
case 'object':
if (typeof v != 'object' || v instanceof Array || type.required && !v)
bad = true;
if (type.items)
let nv = {};
for (let k in type.items)
let st = this.check(v[k], type.items[k], sub);
if (st.error)
bad = {
path: [ k, ...(st.error.path||[]) ],
name: (type.comment
? type.comment + ( ? ' - ' : '')
if (k in v)
nv[k] = st.value;
v = nv;
else if (type.of || type.keyRegex)
let re = type.keyRegex ? new RegExp(type.keyRegex, type.keyRegexOptions) : null;
let nv = {};
for (let k in v)
if (re && !re.exec(k))
bad = true;
if (type.of)
let st = this.check(v[k], type.of, sub);
if (st.error)
bad = {
path: [ k, ...(st.error.path||[]) ],
name: (type.comment
? type.comment + ' - ' + k + ( ? ' - ' : '')
: k + ( ? ' - ' : '')),
nv[k] = st.value;
nv[k] = v[k];
v = nv;
case 'enum':
if (!type.of.filter(o => o === v).length)
bad = true;
case 'one':
let type_of = this.expandOneOf(type, sub);
for (let i = 0; i < type_of.length; i++)
const ti = type_of[i];
const st = this.check(v, ti, sub);
if (!st.error)
v = st.value;
bad = false;
bad = bad || true;
if (ti.type == 'object' && ti.items && typeof v == 'object')
let fit_enum;
for (const k in ti.items)
if (ti.items[k].type == 'enum')
fit_enum = fit_enum || {};
fit_enum[k] = ti.items[k];
if (fit_enum)
let fitst = this.check(v, { type: 'object', items: fit_enum }, sub);
if (!fitst.error)
const fit_fields = Object.keys(ti.items).filter(k => ti.items[k].required && (k in v)).length;
if (!bad || bad === true || bad.fields < fit_fields)
bad = { fields: fit_fields, error: st.error };
if (bad && bad !== true)
bad = bad.error;
if (type.comment) = type.comment + ( ? ' - ' + : '');
throw new Error('unknown-type');
if (bad)
if (bad === true)
bad = {
path: [],
name: type.comment,
if (options && options.varname)
{ = options.varname + ( ? ' - ' + : '');
if (options && options.return_error)
return { error: bad };
throw new UserError('invalid-format', bad);
return options && options.return_error ? { value: v } : v;
static expandOneOf(type, options)
const type_of = [];
for (let o of type.of)
o = this.fill(type.required ? { ...o, required: true } : o, options);
if (o.type == 'one')
type_of.push.apply(type_of, this.expandOneOf(o, options));
return type_of;
static fill(type, options)
if (type instanceof Array)
if (type.length == 1)
type = { type: 'array', of: type[0] };
else if (!type.length)
type = { type: 'array', of: 'any' };
type = { type: 'array', items: type };
else if (typeof type == 'object')
if (!type.type)
type = { type: 'object', items: type };
else if (typeof type == 'string')
type = { type };
type = { type: 'enum', of: [ type ] };
if (type.type == 'ref')
if (!options || !options.refs || !options.refs[type.ref])
throw new UserError('ref-missing', { ref: type.ref });
if (type.required || type.comment)
type = { ...options.refs[type.ref], required: type.required, comment: type.comment };
type = options.refs[type.ref];
return type;
ServerPropTypes.metaType = {
refs: {
anytype: {
type: 'one',
of: [
{ type: 'ref', ref: 'spt' },
{ type: 'array', of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'spt' } },
{ type: 'object', of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'spt' } },
{ type: 'enum', of: [ 'any', 'string', 'decimal', 'num', 'int', 'id', 'bool', 'array', 'object' ] },
{ type: 'num' },
{ type: 'bool' },
spt: {
type: 'one',
of: [
{ comment: 'Any type', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'any' ] },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
} },
{ comment: 'String', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'string' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
regex: { type: 'string', comment: 'Regular expression' },
regexOptions: { type: 'string', comment: 'Regular expression flags' },
} },
{ comment: 'String-coded decimal', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'decimal' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
decimals: { type: 'int', comment: 'Allowed decimal places' },
} },
{ comment: 'Number', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'num' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
min: { type: 'num', comment: 'Minimum value' },
max: { type: 'num', comment: 'Maximum value' },
} },
{ comment: 'Integer', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'int' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
min: { type: 'int', comment: 'Minimum value' },
max: { type: 'int', comment: 'Maximum value' },
} },
{ comment: 'ID (positive integer or NULL)', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'id' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
} },
{ comment: 'Boolean', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'bool' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
} },
{ comment: 'Array', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'array' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'anytype', required: true, comment: 'Array item type' },
minLength: { type: 'int', comment: 'Minimum length' },
maxLength: { type: 'int', comment: 'Maximum length' },
} },
{ comment: 'Tuple (fixed-length array)', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'array' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
items: { type: 'array', of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'anytype' }, required: true, comment: 'Tuple item types' },
} },
{ comment: 'Unstructured hash', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'object' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'anytype', required: true, comment: 'Hash item type' },
keyRegex: { type: 'string', comment: 'Hash key regular expression' },
keyRegexOptions: { type: 'string', comment: 'Hash key regular expression flags' },
} },
{ comment: 'Structured object', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'object' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
items: { type: 'object', of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'anytype' }, required: true, comment: 'Field types' },
} },
{ comment: 'Enum of constants', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'enum' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
of: { type: 'array', minLength: 1, required: true, comment: 'Constants' },
} },
{ comment: 'One of types', type: 'object', items: {
type: { type: 'enum', of: [ 'one' ] },
required: { type: 'bool', comment: 'Item is required' },
comment: { type: 'string', comment: 'Item comment' },
of: { type: 'array', of: { type: 'ref', ref: 'anytype' }, minLength: 1, required: true, comment: 'Type options' },
} },
type: 'ref',
ref: 'spt',
module.exports = ServerPropTypes;