// Tâmia © 2013 Artem Sapegin http://sapegin.me // Select with custom design // Dependencies: form // Bones .select no-select() position: relative display: block overflow: hidden font-size: 1em &_inline display: inline-block &__select position: absolute bottom: 0 left: 0 width: 100% opacity: 0 z-index: 2 cursor: default transform: scaleY(2) // Select height could be smaller than box height transform-origin: 0 100% // Fixes dropdown position on Windows &__box display: block vertical-align: middle line-height: 1 white-space: nowrap overflow: hidden text-overflow: ellipsis &:after content: "" position: absolute top: 0 bottom: 0 right: 0 z-index: 1 &.is-disabled opacity: .4 // Default skin modules_default_skin ?= true select_default_skin ?= false if modules_default_skin or select_default_skin .select border: 1px solid #bbb border-bottom-color: #aaa border-radius: form_border_radius transition: border-color .1s ease-in-out, box-shadow .1s ease-in-out &__box height: 2em padding: .5em 1.5em .5em .5em background: #f4f4f4 background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fefefe, #f4f4f4) line-height: 1 color: #555 &:after top: 50% right: .3em width: .8em height: .7em margin-top: -.3em background: embedurl("arrow.svg") no-repeat background-size: 100% 100% .no-svg &:after content: "▼" padding-right: .2em text-align: center vertical-align: middle font-size: 1em line-height: 2em &.is-focused border-color: form_focus_color box-shadow: 0 0 .4em rgba(form_focus_color, .75)