// Two-way stackable 3.5" HDD rack // GPLv3, (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2018 w = 100; // HDD width h = 29; // HDD height + spacing hl = 147; // HDD length l = 25; // Mount width fh = 13; // Fixer height (must be < h/2) t1 = 5; // Wall thickness th = 5; // Bracket notch thickness wo = 6; // Width offset (must be > 5) sw = 5; // Stack notch thickness module mount2() { difference() { union() { translate([-t1-wo,-5,-5]) cube(size=[t1,l,5+h]); translate([-t1-wo,-5,-5]) cube(size=[t1*2+w+wo*2,l,5]); translate([w+wo,-5,-5]) cube(size=[t1,l,5+h]); translate([-t1-wo-sw,l-15,-5]) cube(size=[w+wo*2+sw*2+t1*2,5,5]); translate([w,0,0]) cube(size=[wo,5,5]); difference() { translate([-t1-wo-sw,-5,h-5]) cube(size=[sw,l-5,15]); translate([-t1-wo-sw,l-15,h]) cube(size=[sw,l-5,5]); } difference() { translate([w+wo+t1,-5,h-5]) cube(size=[sw,l-5,15]); translate([w+wo+t1,l-15,h]) cube(size=[sw,l-5,5]); } translate([w+wo,-5,h-10]) cube(size=[5+2*sw+2*t1,5,10]); translate([w+wo+2*t1+2*sw,-5,h-10]) cube(size=[5,10,10]); } translate([-t1-wo-1, l-th-10-0.2, h/2-th-0.2]) cube(size=[t1+2,th+0.4,th*2+0.4]); translate([w+wo-1, l-th-10-0.2, h/2-th-0.2]) cube(size=[t1+2,th+0.4,th*2+0.4]); translate([-wo-t1-sw-1,-5-1,h-10]) cube(size=[wo+t1+sw+2,5+1,10]); } } module bracket() { translate([-wo, l-th-10, h/2-th]) cube(size=[5, hl-2*(l-th-10), th*2]); translate([-wo-t1-1, 10, h/2-th]) cube(size=[5+t1+1, th, th*2]); translate([-wo-t1-1, hl-2*(l-th-10)+th, h/2-th]) cube(size=[5+t1+1, th, th*2]); } module fixer() { difference() { union() { translate([w, -5, 0]) cube(size=[wo, l-10, fh]); translate([w-30, -5, 0]) cube(size=[wo+30, 5, fh]); } translate([w-1, 0, -1]) cube(size=[wo+2, 5+0.2, 6+0.2]); } } module cover() { translate([-t1-wo,-5,-5]) cube(size=[t1*2+w+wo*2,l,5]); translate([-t1-wo-sw,l-15,-5]) cube(size=[w+wo*2+sw*2+t1*2,5,5]); } module assembly(c) { color([0.8,0.6,1]) cube(size=[w,hl,27]); color(c) mount2(); color(c) translate([0,hl,0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) mirror() mount2(); color([0.5,1,0.5]) { bracket(); translate([w,hl,0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) bracket(); } color([0.5,1,1]) { fixer(); translate([0,hl,0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) mirror() fixer(); } } module covered_assembly(c) { assembly(c); translate([0, 0, h+5]) { cover(); translate([w,hl,0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) cover(); } } translate([0, 0, 0]) assembly(); translate([0, 0, h+5]) covered_assembly([0.5,0.5,1]); translate([-w-2*wo-2*t1-2*sw, 0, 0]) assembly([0.5,0.5,1]); translate([-w-2*wo-2*t1-2*sw, 0, h+5]) covered_assembly(); //mount2(); //fixer(); //bracket(); //cover(); //mirror() mount2(); //mirror() fixer();