// Configurable LEGO shock absorber // (c) Vitaliy Filippov 2015 // License: GNU GPL 3.0+ // -- CONFIGURATION -- // $fn = 50; tube_length = 4; // tube length in studs piston_length = 3; // piston length in studs travel_length = piston_length-2; // piston travel in studs top_type = "ball"; // top mounting type: "pin_hole" = pin hole, "ball_hole" = ball end hole, "axle_hole" = axle hole, "axle" = axle, "ball" = ball, "pin" = pin without friction, "pin_friction" = pin with friction bottom_type = "pin"; // bottom mounting type cross_section = false; // show cross-section of the assembly // -- MAIN -- // travel = min(travel_length, piston_length-2, tube_length-2); difference() { union() { tube(); color([1, 0.5, 0.5]) translate([0, 0, (tube_length+piston_length-1)*8]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) piston(); color([0.5, 0.5, 1]) translate([0, 0, tube_length*8-6]) fixer(); } if (cross_section) { translate([0, -50, -1]) cube(size=[10, 500, (tube_length+piston_length+1)*8]); } } // -- MODULES -- // module tube() { difference() { tube_offset = (bottom_type == "axle_hole" || bottom_type == "axle" || bottom_type == "pin" || bottom_type == "pin_friction" ? 1 : (bottom_type == "ball" ? 0.4 : 0)); union() { translate([0, 0, 8]) cylinder(r=4, h=tube_length*8-8); mount_base(type=bottom_type, r=4); } mount_hole(bottom_type); translate([0, 0, 8+tube_offset]) cylinder(r=3.2, h=tube_length*8-tube_offset); translate([-5, -0.5, tube_length*8-6]) cube(size=[10, 1, 3], center=false); } } module piston() { difference() { union() { //translate([0, 0, 4]) cylinder(r=3, h=piston_length*8-4); //rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([0, 4, -4]) cylinder(r=4, h=8); translate([0, 0, 8]) cylinder(r=3, h=piston_length*8-8); mount_base(top_type); } mount_hole(top_type); translate([-5, -0.7, (piston_length-travel-1)*8+3]) cube(size=[10, 1.4, travel*8+3], center=false); } } module fixer() { translate([-4, -0.5, 0]) cube(size=[8, 1, 3], center=false); } module mount_base(type, r = 3) { if (type == "ball_hole" || type == "axle_hole") { cylinder(r=4, h=8+0.1); } else if (type == "pin_hole") { hull() { translate([0, 0, 4]) cylinder(r=r, h=4); difference() { rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([0, 4, -3.2]) cylinder(r=4, h=6.4); translate([-5, -5, 7.2]) cube(size=[10, 10, 0.8]); } } } else if (type == "axle") { axleround(h=8+0.1); } else if (type == "ball") { translate([0, 0, 4]) sphere(r=3); translate([0, 0, 6]) linear_extrude(scale=r, height=2) circle(r=1); } else if (type == "pin") { half_pin(false); } else if (type == "pin_friction") { half_pin(true); } } module mount_hole(type) { if (type == "pin_hole") { rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([0, 4, -4]) pin_hole(); } else if (type == "ball_hole") { ball_end_n(); } else if (type == "axle_hole") { translate([0, 0, -0.1]) axleround(h=8+0.1, axleradius=2.4, axlemesh=1.85); translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder($fs=0.5, h=0.8+0.1, r=5); } } // ball end cut module ball_end_n() { translate([0, 0, 4]) sphere(r=3.05); translate([0, 0, 2.3-0.1]) cylinder(r=2.9, h=2); translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder(r=5, h=2.4); } module axleround(h = 24, axleradius = 2.3, axlemesh = 1.7) { difference() { cylinder($fn=16, r=axleradius, h=h); translate([axlemesh/2, axlemesh/2, -1]) cube([axleradius, axleradius, h+2]); translate([axlemesh/2, -axlemesh/2-axleradius, -1]) cube([axleradius, axleradius, h+2]); translate([-axlemesh/2-axleradius, axlemesh/2, -1]) cube([axleradius, axleradius, h+2]); translate([-axlemesh/2-axleradius, -axlemesh/2-axleradius, -1]) cube([axleradius, axleradius, h+2]); } } module pin_hole(height=8) { translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder($fs=0.5, h=height+0.2, r=2.5); translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder($fs=0.5, h=0.8+0.1, r=3); translate([0, 0, height-0.8]) cylinder($fs=0.5, h=0.8+0.1, r=3); } module half_pin(friction = false) { difference() { union() { cylinder($fs=0.5, h=8, r=2.4); if (friction) { intersection() { cylinder($fs=0.5, h=8, r=2.5); union() { rotate([0, 0, 45]) translate([-0.4, -2.5, 8-0.8-1.6]) cube(size=[0.6, 5, 1.6]); rotate([0, 0, 45]) translate([-0.4, -2.5, 0.6]) cube(size=[0.6, 5, 1.6]); rotate([0, 0, 135]) translate([-0.4, -2.5, 8-0.8-1.6]) cube(size=[0.6, 5, 1.6]); rotate([0, 0, 135]) translate([-0.4, -2.5, 0.6]) cube(size=[0.6, 5, 1.6]); } } } //cylinder($fs=0.5, h=0.6, r=2.6); translate([0, 0, 0.2]) minkowski() { cylinder($fs=0.5, h=0.2, r=2.4); sphere($fn=6, r=0.2); } translate([0, 0, 8-0.8]) cylinder($fs=0.5, h=0.8, r=2.9); } translate([0, 0, -0.2]) cylinder($fs=0.5, h=8+0.2, r=2.4-0.8); translate([0, 0, 4-0.5]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder($fn=4, r=0.5, h=8, center=true); translate([-0.5, -5, -0.1]) cube(size=[1, 10, 3.6]); } }