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2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
* This file is part of FEED ON FEEDS - http://feedonfeeds.com/
* sidebar.php - sidebar for all pages
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Stephen Minutillo
* steve@minutillo.com - http://minutillo.com/steve/
* Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<img id="throbber" src="image/throbber.gif" align="left" style="position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; display: none;">
<center id="welcome">Welcome <b><?php echo $fof_user_name ?></b>! <a href="prefs.php">prefs</a> | <a href="logout.php">log out</a> | <a href="http://feedonfeeds.com/">about</a></center>
<center><a href="add.php"><b>Add Feeds</b></a> / <a href="update.php"><b>Update Feeds</b></a></center>
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<ul id="nav">
2007-07-11 06:55:47 +04:00
$order = $fof_prefs_obj->get('feed_order');
$direction = $fof_prefs_obj->get('feed_direction');
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
$what = "unread";
$what = $_GET['what'];
$when = $_GET['when'];
$search = $_GET['search'];
echo "<script>what='$what'; when='$when';</script>";
$feeds = fof_get_feeds(fof_current_user(), $order, $direction);
foreach($feeds as $row)
$unread += $row['feed_unread'];
$starred += $row['feed_starred'];
$total += $row['feed_items'];
2007-06-12 07:20:19 +04:00
echo "<script>document.title = 'Feed on Feeds ($unread)';</script>";
echo "<script>document.title = 'Feed on Feeds';</script>";
2007-12-08 08:35:20 +03:00
echo "<script>starred = $starred;</script>";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<li <?php if($what == "unread") echo "style='background: #ddd'" ?> ><a href=".?what=unread"><font color=red><b>Unread <?php if($unread) echo "($unread)" ?></b></font></a></li>
2007-12-08 08:35:20 +03:00
<li <?php if($what == "star") echo "style='background: #ddd'" ?> ><a href=".?what=star"><img src="image/star-on.gif" border="0" height="10" width="10"> Starred <span id="starredcount"><?php if($starred) echo "($starred)" ?></span></a></li>
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<li <?php if($what == "all" && isset($when)) echo "style='background: #ddd'" ?> ><a href=".?what=all&when=today">&lt; Today</a></li>
2007-06-07 06:54:40 +04:00
<li <?php if($what == "all" && !isset($when)) echo "style='background: #ddd'" ?> ><a href=".?what=all&how=paged">All Items <?php if($total) echo "($total)" ?></a></li>
<li <?php if(isset($search)) echo "style='background: #ddd'" ?> ><a href="javascript:Element.toggle('search'); Field.focus('searchfield');void(0);">Search</a>
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<form action="." id="search" <?php if(!isset($search)) echo 'style="display: none"' ?>>
<input id="searchfield" name="search" value="<?php echo $search?>">
if($what == "unread")
echo "<input type='hidden' name='what' value='all'>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='what' value='$what'>";
<?php if(isset($_GET['when'])) echo "<input type='hidden' name='what' value='${_GET['when']}'>" ?>
$tags = fof_get_tags(fof_current_user());
$n = 0;
foreach($tags as $tag)
$tag_id = $tag['tag_id'];
if($tag_id == 1 || $tag_id == 2) continue;
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<div id="tags">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" id="taglist">
<tr class="heading">
<td><span class="unread">#</span></td><td>tag name</td><td>untag all items</td>
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
foreach($tags as $tag)
$tag_name = $tag['tag_name'];
$tag_id = $tag['tag_id'];
$count = $tag['count'];
$unread = $tag['unread'];
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
if($tag_id == 1 || $tag_id == 2) continue;
if(++$t % 2)
print "<tr class=\"odd-row\">";
print "<tr>";
print "<td>";
if($unread) print "<a class='unread' href='.?what=$tag_name+unread'>$unread</a>/";
print "<a href='.?what=$tag_name'>$count</a></td>";
print "<td><b><a href='.?what=$tag_name'>$tag_name</a></b></td>";
print "<td><a href=\"#\" title=\"untag all items\" onclick=\"if(confirm('Untag all [$tag_name] items --are you SURE?')) { delete_tag('$tag_name'); return false; } else { return false; }\">[x]</a></td>";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
print "</tr>";
<?php } ?>
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
<div id="feeds">
<div id="feedlist">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0">
<tr class="heading">
2007-07-11 06:55:47 +04:00
$title["feed_age"] = "sort by last update time";
$title["max_date"] = "sort by last new item";
$title["feed_unread"] = "sort by number of unread items";
$title["feed_url"] = "sort by feed URL";
$title["feed_title"] = "sort by feed title";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
2007-07-11 06:55:47 +04:00
$name["feed_age"] = "age";
$name["max_date"] = "latest";
$name["feed_unread"] = "#";
$name["feed_url"] = "feed";
$name["feed_title"] = "title";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
2007-07-11 06:55:47 +04:00
foreach (array("feed_age", "max_date", "feed_unread", "feed_url", "feed_title") as $col)
if($col == $order)
$url = "return change_feed_order('$col', '" . ($direction == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc") . "')";
$url = "return change_feed_order('$col', 'asc')";
echo "<td><nobr><a href='#' title='$title[$col]' onclick=\"$url\">";
if($col == "feed_unread")
echo "<span class=\"unread\">#</span>";
echo $name[$col];
if($col == $order)
echo ($direction == "asc") ? "&darr;" : "&uarr;";
echo "</a></nobr></td>";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
foreach($feeds as $row)
$id = $row['feed_id'];
$url = $row['feed_url'];
$title = $row['feed_title'];
$link = $row['feed_link'];
$description = $row['feed_description'];
$age = $row['feed_age'];
$unread = $row['feed_unread'];
$starred = $row['feed_starred'];
$items = $row['feed_items'];
$agestr = $row['agestr'];
$agestrabbr = $row['agestrabbr'];
$lateststr = $row['lateststr'];
$lateststrabbr = $row['lateststrabbr'];
if(++$t % 2)
print "<tr class=\"odd-row\">";
print "<tr>";
$u = ".?feed=$id";
$u2 = ".?feed=$id&amp;what=all&amp;how=paged";
print "<td><span title=\"$agestr\" id=\"${id}-agestr\">$agestrabbr</span></td>";
print "<td><span title=\"$lateststr\" id=\"${id}-lateststr\">$lateststrabbr</span></td>";
print "<td class=\"nowrap\" id=\"${id}-items\">";
print "<a class=\"unread\" title=\"new items\" href=\"$u\">$unread</a>/";
print "<a href=\"$u2\" title=\"all items\">$items</a>";
print "</td>";
print "<td align='center'>";
if($row['feed_image'] && $fof_prefs_obj->get('favicons'))
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
print "<a href=\"$url\" title=\"feed\"><img src='" . $row['feed_image'] . "' width='16' height='16' border='0' /></a>";
print "<a href=\"$url\" title=\"feed\"><img src='image/feed-icon.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' /></a>";
print "</td>";
print "<td>";
print "<a href=\"$link\" title=\"home page\"><b>$title</b></a></td>";
2007-04-12 05:41:46 +04:00
print "<td><nobr>";
print "<a href=\"update.php?feed=$id\" title=\"update\">u</a>";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
$stitle = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($title));
2007-04-12 05:41:46 +04:00
print " <a href=\"#\" title=\"mark all read\" onclick=\"if(confirm('Mark all [$stitle] items as read --are you SURE?')) { mark_feed_read($id); return false; } else { return false; }\">m</a>";
print " <a href=\"delete.php?feed=$id\" title=\"delete\" onclick=\"return confirm('Unsubscribe [$stitle] --are you SURE?')\">d</a>";
print "</nobr></td>";
2007-01-02 04:41:22 +03:00
print "</tr>";
$order = $_GET['order'];
$direction = $_GET['direction'];
$order = "title";
$direction = "asc";