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2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
* This file is part of FEED ON FEEDS - http://feedonfeeds.com/
* add.php - displays form to add a feed
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Stephen Minutillo
* steve@minutillo.com - http://minutillo.com/steve/
* Modified by Vitaliy Filippov (c) 2009
* vitalif@mail.ru - http://lib.custis.ru/
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
* Distributed under the GPL - see LICENSE
$url = $_REQUEST['rss_url'];
$login = $_REQUEST['basic_login'];
$password = $_REQUEST['basic_password'];
$opml = $_REQUEST['opml_url'];
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
$file = $_POST['opml_file'];
$unread = $_REQUEST['unread'];
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
if ($url && !preg_match('!^[a-z0-9_]+://!is', $url))
$url = "http://$url";
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
if ($login == '%user%')
$login = fof_username();
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
$feeds = array();
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
if ($_REQUEST['do'])
if ($opml)
$sfile = new SimplePie_File($opml);
echo "Cannot open $opml<br>";
return false;
$content = $sfile->body;
$feeds = fof_opml_to_array($content);
if ($url)
if ($login && strlen($password))
$url = preg_replace('!^([a-z0-9_]+)://([^/]*:[^/]*@)?!is', '\1://' . str_replace("\\", "\\\\", urlencode($login) . ':' . urlencode($password)) . '@', $url);
$feeds[] = $url;
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
$url = preg_replace('!^([a-z0-9_]+)://([^/]*:[^/]*@)?!is', '\1://', $url);
if ($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name'])
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
if(!$content_array = file($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name']))
echo "Cannot open uploaded file<br>";
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
$content = implode("", $content_array);
$feeds = fof_opml_to_array($content);
$add_feed_url = "http";
if($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on")
$add_feed_url = "https";
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
$add_feed_url .= "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<div class="fof-add-feeds">
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<h1>Use FeedOnFeeds for reading feeds always</h1>
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1.5em; margin: 1em;">
If your browser is cool, you can <a href='javascript:window.navigator.registerContentHandler("application/vnd.mozilla.maybe.feed", "<?php echo $add_feed_url ?>?basic_login=%25user%25&do=1&rss_url=%s", "Feed on Feeds")'>register Feed on Feeds as a Feed Reader</a>.
If it is not cool, you can still use the <a href="javascript:void(location.href='<?php echo $add_feed_url ?>?basic_login=%25user%25&do=1&rss_url='+escape(location))">FoF subscribe</a> bookmarklet to subscribe to any page with a feed.
Just add it as a bookmark and then click on it when you are at a page you'd like to subscribe to!
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
<form method="post" name="addform" action="add.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
When adding feeds, mark <select name="unread"><option value=today <?= $unread == "today" ? "selected" : "" ?> >today's</option><option value=all <?= $unread == "all" ? "selected" : "" ?> >all</option><option value=no <?= $unread == "no" ? "selected" : "" ?> >no</option></select> items as unread<br />
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<h1>Enter URL manually</h1>
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
Login: <input type="text" name="basic_login" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($login) ?>" /> Password: <input type="password" name="basic_password" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($password) ?>" /> (optional) for password-protected feeds<br>
RSS or weblog URL: <input type="text" name="rss_url" size="40" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($url) ?>" /> <input name="do" type="Submit" value="Add a feed" /><br>
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<h1>OPML import</h1>
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
OPML URL: <input type="text" name="opml_url" size="40" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($opml) ?>" /> <input name="do" type="Submit" value="Add feeds from OPML file on the Internet" /><br>
OPML filename: <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" /><input type="file" name="opml_file" size="40" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($file) ?>" /> <input name="do" type="Submit" value="Upload an OPML file" />
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<h1>OPML export</h1>
<form style="margin: 1em" method="post" action="opml.php"><input type="submit" value="Export subscriptions as OPML"></form>
<?php if (!count($feeds) && $fof_prefs_obj && ($suggest = intval($fof_prefs_obj->admin_prefs['suggestadd'])) &&
count($suggest = fof_db_get_most_popular_feeds($suggest))) { ?>
<h1>Most popular feeds</h1>
<?php foreach ($suggest as $feed) { ?>
2010-01-28 16:54:38 +03:00
<a href="<?=htmlspecialchars('?do=1&rss_url='.urlencode($feed['feed_url']))?>"><?=htmlspecialchars($feed['feed_title'])?></a> <a href="<?=htmlspecialchars($feed['feed_link'])?>"><img src="image/external.png" alt=" " width="10" height="10" /></a> &ndash; <?=$feed['readers']?> readers<br />
2010-01-28 16:49:32 +03:00
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
print("<script>\nwindow.onload = ajaxadd;\nfeedslist = [");
2009-08-03 16:42:04 +04:00
foreach($feeds as $feed)
$feedjson[] = "{'url': '" . addslashes($feed) . "'}";
print(join($feedjson, ", "));