. * * Include: * * require_once("[path/]sha256.inc.php"); * * Usage Options: * * 1) $shaStr = hash('sha256', $string_to_hash); * * 2) $shaStr = sha256($string_to_hash[, bool ignore_php5_hash = false]); * * 3) $obj = new nanoSha2([bool $upper_case_output = false]); * $shaStr = $obj->hash($string_to_hash[, bool $ignore_php5_hash = false]); * * Reference: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/secure_hashing.html * * 2007-12-13: Cleaned up for initial public release * 2008-05-10: Moved all helper functions into a class. API access unchanged. * 2009-06-23: Created abstraction of hash() routine * 2009-07-23: Added detection of 32 vs 64bit platform, and patches. * Ability to define "_NANO_SHA2_UPPER" to yeild upper case hashes. * 2009-08-01: Added ability to attempt to use mhash() prior to running pure * php code. * * NOTE: Some sporadic versions of PHP do not handle integer overflows the * same as the majority of builds. If you get hash results of: * 7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff * * If you do not have permissions to change PHP versions (if you did * you'd probably upgrade to PHP 5 anyway) it is advised you install a * module that will allow you to use their hashing routines, examples are: * - mhash module : http://ca3.php.net/mhash * - Suhosin : http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/ * * If you install the Suhosin module, this script will transparently * use their routine and define the PHP routine as _nano_sha256(). * * If the mhash module is present, and $ignore_php5_hash = false the * script will attempt to use the output from mhash prior to running * the PHP code. */ if (!class_exists('nanoSha2')) { class nanoSha2 { // php 4 - 5 compatable class properties var $toUpper; var $platform; // Php 4 - 6 compatable constructor function nanoSha2($toUpper = false) { // Determine if the caller wants upper case or not. $this->toUpper = is_bool($toUpper) ? $toUpper : ((defined('_NANO_SHA2_UPPER')) ? true : false); // Deteremine if the system is 32 or 64 bit. $tmpInt = (int)4294967295; $this->platform = ($tmpInt > 0) ? 64 : 32; } // Do the SHA-256 Padding routine (make input a multiple of 512 bits) function char_pad($str) { $tmpStr = $str; $l = strlen($tmpStr)*8; // # of bits from input string $tmpStr .= "\x80"; // append the "1" bit followed by 7 0's $k = (512 - (($l + 8 + 64) % 512)) / 8; // # of 0 bytes to append $k += 4; // PHP Strings will never exceed (2^31)-1, 1st 32bits of // the 64-bit value representing $l can be all 0's for ($x = 0; $x < $k; $x++) { $tmpStr .= "\0"; } // append the 32-bits representing # of bits from input string ($l) $tmpStr .= chr((($l>>24) & 0xFF)); $tmpStr .= chr((($l>>16) & 0xFF)); $tmpStr .= chr((($l>>8) & 0xFF)); $tmpStr .= chr(($l & 0xFF)); return $tmpStr; } // Here are the bitwise and functions as defined in FIPS180-2 Standard function addmod2n($x, $y, $n = 4294967296) // Z = (X + Y) mod 2^32 { $mask = 0x80000000; if ($x < 0) { $x &= 0x7FFFFFFF; $x = (float)$x + $mask; } if ($y < 0) { $y &= 0x7FFFFFFF; $y = (float)$y + $mask; } $r = $x + $y; if ($r >= $n) { while ($r >= $n) { $r -= $n; } } return (int)$r; } // Logical bitwise right shift (PHP default is arithmetic shift) function SHR($x, $n) // x >> n { if ($n >= 32) { // impose some limits to keep it 32-bit return (int)0; } if ($n <= 0) { return (int)$x; } $mask = 0x40000000; if ($x < 0) { $x &= 0x7FFFFFFF; $mask = $mask >> ($n-1); return ($x >> $n) | $mask; } return (int)$x >> (int)$n; } function ROTR($x, $n) { return (int)(($this->SHR($x, $n) | ($x << (32-$n)) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } function Ch($x, $y, $z) { return ($x & $y) ^ ((~$x) & $z); } function Maj($x, $y, $z) { return ($x & $y) ^ ($x & $z) ^ ($y & $z); } function Sigma0($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 2)^$this->ROTR($x, 13)^$this->ROTR($x, 22)); } function Sigma1($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 6)^$this->ROTR($x, 11)^$this->ROTR($x, 25)); } function sigma_0($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 7)^$this->ROTR($x, 18)^$this->SHR($x, 3)); } function sigma_1($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 17)^$this->ROTR($x, 19)^$this->SHR($x, 10)); } /* * Custom functions to provide PHP support */ // split a byte-string into integer array values function int_split($input) { $l = strlen($input); if ($l <= 0) { return (int)0; } if (($l % 4) != 0) { // invalid input return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i += 4) { $int_build = (ord($input[$i]) << 24); $int_build += (ord($input[$i+1]) << 16); $int_build += (ord($input[$i+2]) << 8); $int_build += (ord($input[$i+3])); $result[] = $int_build; } return $result; } /** * Process and return the hash. * * @param $str Input string to hash * @param $ig_func Option param to ignore checking for php > 5.1.2 * @return string Hexadecimal representation of the message digest */ function hash($str, $ig_func = false) { unset($binStr); // binary representation of input string unset($hexStr); // 256-bit message digest in readable hex format // check for php's internal sha256 function, ignore if ig_func==true if ($ig_func == false) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1.2','>=')) { return hash("sha256", $str, false); } else if (function_exists('mhash') && defined('MHASH_SHA256')) { return base64_encode(bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_SHA256, $str))); } } /* * SHA-256 Constants * Sequence of sixty-four constant 32-bit words representing the * first thirty-two bits of the fractional parts of the cube roots * of the first sixtyfour prime numbers. */ $K = array((int)0x428a2f98, (int)0x71374491, (int)0xb5c0fbcf, (int)0xe9b5dba5, (int)0x3956c25b, (int)0x59f111f1, (int)0x923f82a4, (int)0xab1c5ed5, (int)0xd807aa98, (int)0x12835b01, (int)0x243185be, (int)0x550c7dc3, (int)0x72be5d74, (int)0x80deb1fe, (int)0x9bdc06a7, (int)0xc19bf174, (int)0xe49b69c1, (int)0xefbe4786, (int)0x0fc19dc6, (int)0x240ca1cc, (int)0x2de92c6f, (int)0x4a7484aa, (int)0x5cb0a9dc, (int)0x76f988da, (int)0x983e5152, (int)0xa831c66d, (int)0xb00327c8, (int)0xbf597fc7, (int)0xc6e00bf3, (int)0xd5a79147, (int)0x06ca6351, (int)0x14292967, (int)0x27b70a85, (int)0x2e1b2138, (int)0x4d2c6dfc, (int)0x53380d13, (int)0x650a7354, (int)0x766a0abb, (int)0x81c2c92e, (int)0x92722c85, (int)0xa2bfe8a1, (int)0xa81a664b, (int)0xc24b8b70, (int)0xc76c51a3, (int)0xd192e819, (int)0xd6990624, (int)0xf40e3585, (int)0x106aa070, (int)0x19a4c116, (int)0x1e376c08, (int)0x2748774c, (int)0x34b0bcb5, (int)0x391c0cb3, (int)0x4ed8aa4a, (int)0x5b9cca4f, (int)0x682e6ff3, (int)0x748f82ee, (int)0x78a5636f, (int)0x84c87814, (int)0x8cc70208, (int)0x90befffa, (int)0xa4506ceb, (int)0xbef9a3f7, (int)0xc67178f2); // Pre-processing: Padding the string $binStr = $this->char_pad($str); // Parsing the Padded Message (Break into N 512-bit blocks) $M = str_split($binStr, 64); // Set the initial hash values $h[0] = (int)0x6a09e667; $h[1] = (int)0xbb67ae85; $h[2] = (int)0x3c6ef372; $h[3] = (int)0xa54ff53a; $h[4] = (int)0x510e527f; $h[5] = (int)0x9b05688c; $h[6] = (int)0x1f83d9ab; $h[7] = (int)0x5be0cd19; // loop through message blocks and compute hash. ( For i=1 to N : ) for ($i = 0; $i < count($M); $i++) { // Break input block into 16 32bit words (message schedule prep) $MI = $this->int_split($M[$i]); // Initialize working variables $_a = (int)$h[0]; $_b = (int)$h[1]; $_c = (int)$h[2]; $_d = (int)$h[3]; $_e = (int)$h[4]; $_f = (int)$h[5]; $_g = (int)$h[6]; $_h = (int)$h[7]; unset($_s0); unset($_s1); unset($_T1); unset($_T2); $W = array(); // Compute the hash and update for ($t = 0; $t < 16; $t++) { // Prepare the first 16 message schedule values as we loop $W[$t] = $MI[$t]; // Compute hash $_T1 = $this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($_h, $this->Sigma1($_e)), $this->Ch($_e, $_f, $_g)), $K[$t]), $W[$t]); $_T2 = $this->addmod2n($this->Sigma0($_a), $this->Maj($_a, $_b, $_c)); // Update working variables $_h = $_g; $_g = $_f; $_f = $_e; $_e = $this->addmod2n($_d, $_T1); $_d = $_c; $_c = $_b; $_b = $_a; $_a = $this->addmod2n($_T1, $_T2); } for (; $t < 64; $t++) { // Continue building the message schedule as we loop $_s0 = $W[($t+1)&0x0F]; $_s0 = $this->sigma_0($_s0); $_s1 = $W[($t+14)&0x0F]; $_s1 = $this->sigma_1($_s1); $W[$t&0xF] = $this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($W[$t&0xF], $_s0), $_s1), $W[($t+9)&0x0F]); // Compute hash $_T1 = $this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($_h, $this->Sigma1($_e)), $this->Ch($_e, $_f, $_g)), $K[$t]), $W[$t&0xF]); $_T2 = $this->addmod2n($this->Sigma0($_a), $this->Maj($_a, $_b, $_c)); // Update working variables $_h = $_g; $_g = $_f; $_f = $_e; $_e = $this->addmod2n($_d, $_T1); $_d = $_c; $_c = $_b; $_b = $_a; $_a = $this->addmod2n($_T1, $_T2); } $h[0] = $this->addmod2n($h[0], $_a); $h[1] = $this->addmod2n($h[1], $_b); $h[2] = $this->addmod2n($h[2], $_c); $h[3] = $this->addmod2n($h[3], $_d); $h[4] = $this->addmod2n($h[4], $_e); $h[5] = $this->addmod2n($h[5], $_f); $h[6] = $this->addmod2n($h[6], $_g); $h[7] = $this->addmod2n($h[7], $_h); } // Convert the 32-bit words into human readable hexadecimal format. $hexStr = sprintf("%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", $h[0], $h[1], $h[2], $h[3], $h[4], $h[5], $h[6], $h[7]); return ($this->toUpper) ? strtoupper($hexStr) : $hexStr; } } } if (!function_exists('str_split')) { /** * Splits a string into an array of strings with specified length. * Compatability with older verions of PHP */ function str_split($string, $split_length = 1) { $sign = ($split_length < 0) ? -1 : 1; $strlen = strlen($string); $split_length = abs($split_length); if (($split_length == 0) || ($strlen == 0)) { $result = false; } elseif ($split_length >= $strlen) { $result[] = $string; } else { $length = $split_length; for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) { $i = (($sign < 0) ? $i + $length : $i); $result[] = substr($string, $sign*$i, $length); $i--; $i = (($sign < 0) ? $i : $i + $length); $length = (($i + $split_length) > $strlen) ? ($strlen - ($i + 1)) : $split_length; } } return $result; } } /** * Main routine called from an application using this include. * * General usage: * require_once('sha256.inc.php'); * $hashstr = sha256('abc'); * * Note: * PHP Strings are limitd to (2^31)-1, so it is not worth it to * check for input strings > 2^64 as the FIPS180-2 defines. */ // 2009-07-23: Added check for function as the Suhosin plugin adds this routine. if (!function_exists('sha256')) { function sha256($str, $ig_func = false) { $obj = new nanoSha2((defined('_NANO_SHA2_UPPER')) ? true : false); return $obj->hash($str, $ig_func); } } else { function _nano_sha256($str, $ig_func = false) { $obj = new nanoSha2((defined('_NANO_SHA2_UPPER')) ? true : false); return $obj->hash($str, $ig_func); } } // support to give php4 the hash() routine which abstracts this code. if (!function_exists('hash')) { function hash($algo, $data) { if (empty($algo) || !is_string($algo) || !is_string($data)) { return false; } if (function_exists($algo)) { return $algo($data); } } } /* Bugzilla password hashing */ function bz_crypt($password, $salt) { $algorithm = ''; if (preg_match('/{([^}]+)}$/', $salt, $m)) $algorithm = $m[1]; if (!$algorithm) return crypt($password, $salt); elseif (strtolower($algorithm) == 'sha-256') { $salt = substr($salt, 0, 8); return $salt . substr(base64_encode(pack('H*',sha256($password . $salt))), 0, -1) . '{' . $algorithm . '}'; } return NULL; } ?>