admin_prefs; if(!$p['logging']) return; static $log; if(!isset($log)) $log = @fopen("fof.log", 'a'); if(!$log) return; $message = str_replace ("\n", "\\n", $message); $message = str_replace ("\r", "\\r", $message); fwrite($log, date('r') . " [$topic] $message\n"); } function require_user() { // FIXME Пилять! Да это же по безопасности, как HTTP Basic авторизация! :-( if (empty($_COOKIE["user_name"]) || empty($_COOKIE["user_password_hash"]) || !fof_authenticate($_COOKIE["user_name"], $_COOKIE["user_password_hash"])) { if (!function_exists('fof_require_user_hook') || !fof_require_user_hook()) { header("Location: login.php"); exit; } } } function fof_authenticate($user_name, $user_password_hash) { global $fof_user_name; if(fof_db_authenticate($user_name, $user_password_hash)) { setcookie ( "user_name", $fof_user_name, time()+60*60*24*365*10 ); setcookie ( "user_password_hash", $user_password_hash, time()+60*60*24*365*10 ); return true; } } function fof_logout() { setcookie ( "user_name", "", time() ); setcookie ( "user_password_hash", "", time() ); setcookie ( "logged_out", "1", time() + 300 ); } function fof_current_user() { global $fof_user_id; return $fof_user_id; } function fof_username() { global $fof_user_name; return $fof_user_name; } function fof_get_users() { return fof_db_get_users(); } function fof_prefs() { $p = FoF_Prefs::instance(); return $p->prefs; } function fof_is_admin() { global $fof_user_level; return $fof_user_level == "admin"; } function fof_get_unread_count($user_id) { return fof_db_get_unread_count($user_id); } function fof_get_tags($user_id) { $tags = array(); $result = fof_db_get_tags($user_id); $counts = fof_db_get_tag_unread($user_id); foreach ($result as $row) { if(isset($counts[$row['tag_id']])) $row['unread'] = $counts[$row['tag_id']]; else $row['unread'] = 0; $tags[] = $row; } return $tags; } function fof_get_item_tags($user_id, $item_id) { $result = fof_db_get_item_tags($user_id, $item_id); $tags = array(); while($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) { $tags[] = $row['tag_name']; } return $tags; } function fof_tag_feed($user_id, $feed_id, $tag) { $tag_id = fof_db_get_tag_by_name($user_id, $tag); if (!$tag_id) { $tag_id = fof_db_create_tag($user_id, $tag); } fof_db_tag_feed($user_id, $feed_id, $tag_id); } function fof_untag_feed($user_id, $feed_id, $tag) { $tag_id = fof_db_get_tag_by_name($user_id, $tag); if ($tag_id) { fof_db_untag_feed($user_id, $feed_id, $tag_id); } } function fof_tag_item($user_id, $item_id, $tags) { foreach((array)$tags as $tag) { $tag_id = fof_db_get_tag_by_name($user_id, $tag); if (!$tag_id) { $tag_id = fof_db_create_tag($user_id, $tag); } fof_db_tag_items($user_id, $tag_id, $item_id); } } function fof_untag_item($user_id, $item_id, $tag) { $tag_id = fof_db_get_tag_by_name($user_id, $tag); fof_db_untag_items($user_id, $tag_id, $item_id); } function fof_untag($user_id, $tag) { $tag_id = fof_db_get_tag_by_name($user_id, $tag); $result = fof_db_get_items($user_id, $feed_id, $tag, NULL, NULL); foreach($result as $r) { $items[] = $r['item_id']; } fof_db_untag_items($user_id, $tag_id, $items); } function fof_nice_time_stamp($age) { $age = time() - $age; if($age == 0) { $agestr = "never"; $agestrabbr = "∞"; } else { $seconds = $age % 60; $minutes = $age / 60 % 60; $hours = $age / 60 / 60 % 24; $days = floor($age / 60 / 60 / 24); if($seconds) { $agestr = "$seconds second"; if($seconds != 1) $agestr .= "s"; $agestr .= " ago"; $agestrabbr = $seconds . "s"; } if($minutes) { $agestr = "$minutes minute"; if($minutes != 1) $agestr .= "s"; $agestr .= " ago"; $agestrabbr = $minutes . "m"; } if($hours) { $agestr = "$hours hour"; if($hours != 1) $agestr .= "s"; $agestr .= " ago"; $agestrabbr = $hours . "h"; } if($days) { $agestr = "$days day"; if($days != 1) $agestr .= "s"; $agestr .= " ago"; $agestrabbr = $days . "d"; } } return array($agestr, $agestrabbr); } function fof_get_feeds($user_id, $order = 'feed_title', $direction = 'asc') { $feeds = array(); $result = fof_db_get_subscriptions($user_id); while ($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) { $age = $row['feed_cache_date']; list($agestr, $agestrabbr) = fof_nice_time_stamp($age); $feeds[$row['feed_id']] = array( 'prefs' => unserialize($row['subscription_prefs']), 'feed_id' => $row['feed_id'], 'feed_url' => $row['feed_url'], 'feed_title' => $row['feed_title'], 'feed_link' => $row['feed_link'], 'feed_description' => $row['feed_description'], 'feed_image' => $row['feed_image'], 'feed_age' => $age, 'agestr' => $agestr, 'agestrabbr' => $agestrabbr, 'feed_items' => 0, 'feed_read' => 0, 'feed_unread' => 0, 'feed_starred' => 0, 'max_date' => NULL, 'lateststr' => '', 'lateststrabbr' => '', ); } $tags = fof_db_get_tag_id_map(); foreach ($feeds as &$feed) { $feed['tags'] = array(); if (is_array($feed['prefs']['tags'])) { foreach ($feed['prefs']['tags'] as $tag) { $feed['tags'][] = $tags[$tag]; } } } $result = fof_db_get_item_count($user_id); while ($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) { $feeds[$row['id']]['feed_items'] = $row['count']; $feeds[$row['id']]['feed_read'] = $row['count']; } $result = fof_db_get_tagged_item_count($user_id, 1); while ($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) { $feeds[$row['id']]['feed_unread'] = $row['count']; } $result = fof_db_get_tagged_item_count($user_id, 2); while ($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) { $feeds[$row['id']]['feed_starred'] = $row['count']; } $result = fof_db_get_latest_item_age($user_id); while ($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) { if (!isset($feeds[$row['id']])) { var_dump($row); die(); } $feeds[$row['id']]['max_date'] = $row['max_date']; list($agestr, $agestrabbr) = fof_nice_time_stamp($row['max_date']); $feeds[$row['id']]['lateststr'] = $agestr; $feeds[$row['id']]['lateststrabbr'] = $agestrabbr; } $feeds = fof_multi_sort($feeds, $order, $direction != "asc"); return $feeds; } function fof_feed_title($feed, $prefs = NULL) { if (!$prefs && !empty($feed['prefs'])) { $prefs = $feed['prefs']; } if (!$prefs) { $prefs = fof_db_get_subscription_prefs(fof_current_user(), $feed['feed_id']); } $t = !empty($prefs['feed_title']) ? $prefs['feed_title'] : $feed['feed_title']; return $t; } function fof_view_title($feed = NULL, $what = "new", $when = NULL, $start = NULL, $limit = NULL, $search = NULL) { $prefs = fof_prefs(); $title = "feed on feeds"; if (!is_null($when) && $when != "") { $title .= ' - ' . $when; } if (!is_null($feed) && $feed != "" && ($r = fof_db_get_feed_by_id($feed))) { $title .= ' - ' . htmlspecialchars(fof_feed_title($r), ENT_QUOTES); } if(is_numeric($start)) { if(!is_numeric($limit)) $limit = $prefs["howmany"]; $title .= " - items $start to " . ($start + $limit); } if($what != "all") { $wh = array(); $new = ''; foreach(explode(',', $what) as $t) { if ($t == 'unread') $new = ' new'; else $wh[] = $t; } $title .= ' -' . $new . ' items'; if (count($wh)) $title .= ' tagged '.implode(',', $wh); } else $title .= ' - all items'; if(isset($search)) { $title .= " - matching $search"; } return $title; } function fof_get_items($user_id, $feed=NULL, $what="unread", $when=NULL, $start=NULL, $limit=NULL, $order="desc", $search=NULL) { global $fof_item_filters; $items = fof_db_get_items($user_id, $feed, $what, $when, $start, $limit, $order, $search); for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { foreach($fof_item_filters as $filter) $items[$i]['item_content'] = $filter($items[$i]['item_content']); $items[$i]['feed_title'] = fof_feed_title($items[$i]); } return $items; } function fof_get_item($user_id, $item_id) { global $fof_item_filters; $item = fof_db_get_item($user_id, $item_id); foreach($fof_item_filters as $filter) $item['item_content'] = $filter($item['item_content']); $item['feed_title'] = fof_feed_title($item); return $item; } function fof_mark_read($user_id, $items) { fof_db_mark_read($user_id, $items); } function fof_mark_unread($user_id, $items) { fof_db_mark_unread($user_id, $items); } function fof_delete_subscription($user_id, $feed_id) { fof_db_delete_subscription($user_id, $feed_id); if (fof_num_rows(fof_db_get_subscribed_users($feed_id)) == 0) { fof_db_delete_feed($feed_id); } } function fof_get_nav_links($feed=NULL, $what="new", $when=NULL, $start=NULL, $limit=NULL) { $prefs = fof_prefs(); $string = ""; if(!is_null($when) && $when != "") { if($when == "today") $whendate = fof_todays_date(); else $whendate = $when; $begin = strtotime($whendate); $tomorrow = date( "Y/m/d", $begin + (24 * 60 * 60) ); $yesterday = date( "Y/m/d", $begin - (24 * 60 * 60) ); $string .= "[« $yesterday] "; if($when != "today") $string .= "[today] "; if($when != "today") $string .= "[$tomorrow »] "; } if(is_numeric($start)) { if(!is_numeric($limit)) $limit = $prefs["howmany"]; $earlier = $start + $limit; $later = $start - $limit; $string .= "[« previous $limit] "; if($later >= 0) $string .= "[current items] "; if($later >= 0) $string .= "[next $limit »] "; } return $string; } function fof_render_feed_link($row) { $link = $row['feed_link']; $description = $row['feed_description']; $title = htmlspecialchars(fof_feed_title($row), ENT_QUOTES); $url = $row['feed_url']; $s = "$title "; $s .= "(feed)"; return $s; } function fof_opml_to_array($opml) { $rx = "/xmlurl=\"(.*?)\"/mi"; if (preg_match_all($rx, $opml, $m)) { for($i = 0; $i < count($m[0]) ; $i++) { $r[] = $m[1][$i]; } } return $r; } function fof_prepare_url($url) { $url = trim($url); if(substr($url, 0, 7) == "feed://") $url = substr($url, 7); if(substr($url, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($url, 0, 8) != 'https://') $url = 'http://' . $url; return $url; } function fof_subscribe($user_id, $url, $unread = "today") { if (!$url) return array("Empty URL", false); $url = fof_prepare_url($url); $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_url($url); if (fof_is_subscribed($user_id, $url)) return array("You are already subscribed to " . fof_render_feed_link($feed), $feed); if (fof_feed_exists($url)) { fof_db_add_subscription($user_id, $feed['feed_id']); fof_apply_plugin_tags($id, NULL, $user_id); fof_update_feed($feed['feed_id']); if ($unread != "no") fof_db_mark_feed_unread($user_id, $feed['feed_id'], $unread); return array('Subscribed.', $feed); } $rss = fof_parse($url, $user_id); if (isset($rss->error)) return array("Error: " . $rss->error . "", $feed); else { // Changing saved feed URL automatically is a fucking bad idea! // It's very unpleasant to see that URL just changed sometime // by itself because the remote site had an error and gave FOF // some crap instead of real feed. // The another problem is handling feeds with authorization data // in the feed link: such feeds don't usually include login and // password inside the 'self' link. // So we don't change URLs in any way (original FOF did). $id = fof_add_feed($url, rss_feed_title($rss), $rss->get_link(), $rss->get_description()); fof_update_feed($id); fof_db_add_subscription($user_id, $id); if ($unread != "no") fof_db_mark_feed_unread($user_id, $id, $unread); fof_apply_plugin_tags($id, NULL, $user_id); $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_id($id); return array('Subscribed.', $feed); } } function fof_add_feed($url, $title, $link, $description) { if ($title == "") $title = "[no title]"; return fof_db_add_feed($url, $title, $link, $description); } function fof_is_subscribed($user_id, $url) { return fof_db_is_subscribed($user_id, $url); } function fof_feed_exists($url) { $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_url($url); return $feed; } function fof_generate_sudo_id() { global $fof_sudo_id_user; $sudo_id = unpack('H*', urandom(16)); $sudo_id = $sudo_id[1]; fof_cache_set("sudo-$sudo_id", $fof_sudo_id_user, 30); return "fof_sudo_id=$sudo_id"; } function fof_parse($url, $as_user = NULL) { $p = FoF_Prefs::instance(); $admin_prefs = $p->admin_prefs; $pie = new SimplePie(); /* Bug 63447 - Allow FoF to securely pass user authorization without verification */ if (!is_null($as_user) && strpos($url, "fof_sudo") !== false) { global $fof_sudo_id_user; $fof_sudo_id_user = $as_user; $pie->headers['Cookie'] = new SimplePie_Callback('fof_generate_sudo_id'); } $pie->set_cache_duration($admin_prefs["manualtimeout"] * 60); $pie->set_favicon_handler("favicon.php"); $pie->set_feed_url($url); $pie->set_javascript(false); $pie->remove_div(false); $pie->init(); return $pie; } function fof_apply_tags($item) { global $fof_subscription_to_tags; if (!isset($fof_subscription_to_tags)) $fof_subscription_to_tags = fof_db_get_subscription_to_tags(); // add subscription tags if (!empty($fof_subscription_to_tags[$item['feed_id']])) { foreach ($fof_subscription_to_tags[$item['feed_id']] as $user_id => $tags) if (is_array($tags)) foreach($tags as $tag) fof_db_tag_items($user_id, $tag, $item['item_id']); } $filtered = array(); // filter duplicate items $dup = fof_db_get_is_duplicate_item($item['item_id'], $item['item_guid'], md5($item['item_content'])); foreach ($dup as $user_id) $filtered[$user_id] = true; // regexp filter items if (isset($fof_subscription_to_tags['filter'][$item['feed_id']])) { foreach ((array)$fof_subscription_to_tags['filter'][$item['feed_id']] as $user_id => $filter) if ($filter && (preg_match($filter, $title) || preg_match($filter, $content))) $filtered[$user_id] = true; } // mark item as unread for some users fof_db_mark_item_unread($item['item_id'], array_keys($filtered)); } function rss_feed_title($rss) { return html_entity_decode(strip_tags($rss->get_title()), ENT_QUOTES); } function fof_update_feed($id, $as_user = NULL) { if(!$id) return 0; if($as_user === NULL) $as_user = fof_db_get_feed_single_user($id); $feed = fof_db_get_feed_by_id($id); $url = $feed['feed_url']; fof_log("Updating $url"); fof_db_feed_mark_attempted_cache($id); $rss = fof_parse($feed['feed_url'], $as_user); if ($rss->error()) { fof_log("feed update failed: " . $rss->error(), "update"); return array(0, "Error: " . $rss->error() . ""); } // Changing saved feed URL automatically is a fucking bad idea! // It's very unpleasant to see that URL just changed sometime // by itself because the remote site had an error and gave FOF // some crap instead of real feed. // The another problem is handling feeds with authorization data // in the feed link: such feeds don't usually include login and // password inside the 'self' link. // So we don't change URLs in any way (original FOF did). $image = $feed['feed_image']; $image_cache_date = $feed['feed_image_cache_date']; if ($feed['feed_image_cache_date'] < (time() - (7*24*60*60))) { $image = $rss->get_favicon(); $image_cache_date = time(); } $title = rss_feed_title($rss); if ($title == "") $title = "[no title]"; fof_db_feed_update_metadata($id, $feed['feed_url'], $title, $rss->get_link(), $rss->get_description(), $image, $image_cache_date); $feed_id = $feed['feed_id']; $n = 0; if (!empty($feed['feed_filter'])) { $filter = @unserialize($feed['feed_filter']); if (!$filter || !$filter['re'] || !$filter['tags']) $filter = NULL; else $filter['tags'] = preg_split('/[\s,]*,[\s,]*/', $filter['tags']); } if($rss->get_items()) { foreach($rss->get_items() as $item) { $link = $item->get_permalink(); $author = $item->get_authors(); if ($author) { foreach ($author as &$a) { $an = htmlspecialchars($a->get_name()); $al = htmlspecialchars($a->get_link()); $ae = htmlspecialchars($a->get_email()); if ($al) $a = "$an"; else if ($ae) $a = "$an"; else $a = $an; } $author = implode(', ', $author); } else $author = ''; $title = $item->get_title(); $content = $item->get_content(); $date = $item->get_date('U'); if(!$date) $date = time(); $item_id = $item->get_id(); if(!$item_id) $item_id = $link; $id = fof_db_find_item($feed_id, $item_id); if($id == NULL) { $n++; global $fof_item_prefilters; foreach ($fof_item_prefilters as $filter) list($link, $title, $content) = $filter($item, $link, $title, $content); $id = fof_db_add_item($feed_id, array( 'item_guid' => $item_id, 'item_link' => $link, 'item_title' => $title, 'item_author' => $author, 'item_content' => $content, 'item_cached' => time(), 'item_published' => $date, 'item_updated' => $date, )); $fof_item = fof_db_get_item_by_id($id); fof_apply_tags($fof_item); fof_apply_plugin_tags($feed_id, $id, NULL); } $ids[] = $id; } } // optionally purge old items - if 'purge' is set we delete items that are not // unread or starred, not currently in the feed or within sizeof(feed) items // of being in the feed, and are over 'purge' many days old $p = FoF_Prefs::instance(); $admin_prefs = $p->admin_prefs; $ndelete = 0; if ($admin_prefs['purge'] != "") { fof_log('purge is ' . $admin_prefs['purge']); $count = count($ids); fof_log('items in feed: ' . $count); if(count($ids) != 0) { $in = implode ( ", ", $ids ); global $FOF_ITEM_TABLE, $FOF_ITEM_TAG_TABLE; $sql = "select item_id, item_cached from $FOF_ITEM_TABLE where feed_id = $feed_id and item_id not in ($in) order by item_cached desc limit $count, 1000000000"; $result = fof_db_query($sql); while($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) if($row['item_cached'] < (time() - ($admin_prefs['purge'] * 24 * 60 * 60))) if(!fof_item_has_tags($row['item_id'])) $delete[] = $row['item_id']; $ndelete = count($delete); if(count($delete) != 0) { $in = implode(", ", $delete); fof_db_query( "delete from $FOF_ITEM_TABLE where item_id in ($in)" ); fof_db_query( "delete from $FOF_ITEM_TAG_TABLE where item_id in ($in)" ); } } } unset($rss); fof_db_feed_mark_cached($feed_id); $log = "feed update complete, $n new items, $ndelete items purged"; if($admin_prefs['purge'] == "") { $log .= " (purging disabled)"; } fof_log($log, "update"); return array($n, ""); } function fof_apply_plugin_tags($feed_id, $item_id = NULL, $user_id = NULL) { $users = array(); if($user_id) $users[] = $user_id; else { $result = fof_db_get_subscribed_users($feed_id); while($row = fof_db_get_row($result)) $users[] = $row['user_id']; } $items = array(); if($item_id) $items[] = fof_db_get_item($user_id, $item_id); else { $result = fof_db_get_items($user_id, $feed_id, $what="all", NULL, NULL); foreach($result as $r) $items[] = $r; } $userdata = fof_get_users(); foreach($users as $user) { fof_log("tagging for $user"); global $fof_tag_prefilters; foreach($fof_tag_prefilters as $plugin => $filter) { fof_log("considering $plugin $filter"); if(!$userdata[$user]['prefs']['plugin_' . $plugin]) { foreach($items as $item) { $tags = $filter($item['item_link'], $item['item_title'], $item['item_content']); fof_tag_item($user, $item['item_id'], $tags); } } } } } function fof_item_has_tags($item_id) { return fof_db_item_has_tags($item_id); } function fof_init_plugins() { global $fof_item_filters, $fof_item_prefilters, $fof_tag_prefilters, $fof_plugin_prefs; $fof_item_filters = array(); $fof_item_prefilters = array(); $fof_plugin_prefs = array(); $fof_tag_prefilters = array(); $p = FoF_Prefs::instance(); $dirlist = opendir(FOF_DIR . "/plugins"); while ($file = readdir($dirlist)) { fof_log("considering " . $file); if (ereg('\.php$',$file) && is_readable(FOF_DIR . "/plugins/" . $file) && !$p->get('plugin_' . substr($file, 0, -4))) { fof_log("including " . $file); include(FOF_DIR . "/plugins/" . $file); } } closedir(); } function fof_add_tag_prefilter($plugin, $function) { global $fof_tag_prefilters; $fof_tag_prefilters[$plugin] = $function; } function fof_add_item_filter($function) { global $fof_item_filters; $fof_item_filters[] = $function; } function fof_add_item_prefilter($function) { global $fof_item_prefilters; $fof_item_prefilters[] = $function; } function fof_add_pref($name, $key, $type="string") { global $fof_plugin_prefs; $fof_plugin_prefs[] = array($name, $key, $type); } function fof_add_item_widget($function) { global $fof_item_widgets; $fof_item_widgets[] = $function; } function fof_get_widgets($item) { global $fof_item_widgets; if (!is_array($fof_item_widgets)) { return false; } $widgets = array(); foreach ($fof_item_widgets as $widget) { $w = $widget($item); if ($w) $widgets[] = $w; } return $widgets; } function fof_get_plugin_prefs() { global $fof_plugin_prefs; return $fof_plugin_prefs; } function fof_multi_sort($tab,$key,$rev) { if($rev) { $compare = create_function('$a,$b','if (strtolower($a["'.$key.'"]) == strtolower($b["'.$key.'"])) {return 0;}else {return (strtolower($a["'.$key.'"]) > strtolower($b["'.$key.'"])) ? -1 : 1;}'); } else { $compare = create_function('$a,$b','if (strtolower($a["'.$key.'"]) == strtolower($b["'.$key.'"])) {return 0;}else {return (strtolower($a["'.$key.'"]) < strtolower($b["'.$key.'"])) ? -1 : 1;}'); } usort($tab,$compare) ; return $tab ; } function fof_todays_date() { $prefs = fof_prefs(); $offset = $prefs['tzoffset']; if ($prefs['dst']) $offset += date('I'); return gmdate( "Y/m/d", time() + ($offset * 60 * 60) ); } function fof_repair_drain_bamage() { if (ini_get('register_globals')) foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) unset($GLOBALS[$k]); // thanks to submitter of if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function undoMagicQuotes($array, $topLevel=true) { $newArray = array(); foreach($array as $key => $value) { if (!$topLevel) $key = stripslashes($key); if (is_array($value)) $newArray[$key] = undoMagicQuotes($value, false); else $newArray[$key] = stripslashes($value); } return $newArray; } $_GET = undoMagicQuotes($_GET); $_POST = undoMagicQuotes($_POST); $_COOKIE = undoMagicQuotes($_COOKIE); $_REQUEST = undoMagicQuotes($_REQUEST); } } // for PHP 4 compatibility if(!function_exists('str_ireplace')) { function str_ireplace($search,$replace,$subject) { $search = preg_quote($search, "/"); return preg_replace("/".$search."/i", $replace, $subject); } }