; ; Replicator 2 EEPROM setting configuration ; [byte] ; VERSION_LOW ; Firmware Version, low byte: 1 byte ;0x0000= ; VERSION_HIGH ; Firmware Version, high byte: 1 byte ;0x0001= ; AXIS_INVERSION ; Axis inversion flags: 1 byte. ; Axis N (where X=0, Y=1, etc.) is inverted if the Nth bit is set. ; Bit 7 is used for HoldZ OFF: 1 = off, 0 = on 0x0002= ; ENDSTOP_INVERSION ; Endstop inversion flags: 1 byte. ; The endstops for axis N (where X=0, Y=1, etc.) are considered ; to be logically inverted if the Nth bit is set. ; Bit 7 is set to indicate endstops are present; it is zero to indicate ; that endstops are not present. ; Ordinary endstops (H21LOB et. al.) are inverted. 0x0004= ; DIGI_POT_SETTINGS ; Digital Potentiometer Settings : 5 Bytes 0x0006= 0x0007= 0x0008= 0x0009= 0x000A= ; AXIS_HOME_DIRECTION ; axis home direction (1 byte) 0x000C= [integer] ; AXIS_HOME_POSITIONS_STEPS ; Default locations for the axis in step counts: 5 x 32 bit = 20 bytes 0x000E= 0x0012= 0x0016= 0x001A= 0x001E= [string] ; MACHINE_NAME ; Name of this machine: 16 bytes (16 bytes extra buffer) 0x0022=Replicator 2 [byte] ; TOOL_COUNT ; Tool count : 1 byte 0x0042=1 ; VID_PID_INFO ; Hardware ID. Must exactly match the USB VendorId/ProductId pair: 4 bytes ;0x0044= ;0x0045= ;0x0046= ;0x0047= ; INTERNAL_VERSION ; Version Number for internal releases ;0x0048= ; Versin number to be tagged with Git Commit const static uint16_t COMMIT_VERSION = 0x004A; ; HBP Present or not //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:B const static uint16_t HBP_PRESENT = 0x004C; ; 40 bytes padding ; Thermistor table 0: 128 bytes const static uint16_t THERM_TABLE = 0x0074; ; Padding: 8 bytes // Toolhead 0 data: 28 bytes (see above) const static uint16_t T0_DATA_BASE = 0x0100; // Toolhead 0 data: 28 bytes (see above) const static uint16_t T1_DATA_BASE = 0x011C; ; unused 8 bytes = 0x0138; ; Light Effect table. 3 Bytes x 3 entries const static uint16_t LED_STRIP_SETTINGS = 0x0140; ; Buzz Effect table. 4 Bytes x 3 entries const static uint16_t BUZZ_SETTINGS = 0x014A; ; 1 byte. 0x01 for 'never booted before' 0x00 for 'have been booted before) ;const static uint16_t FIRST_BOOT_FLAG = 0x0156; ; 7 bytes, short int x 3 entries, 1 byte on/off const static uint16_t PREHEAT_SETTINGS = 0x0158; ; 1 byte, 0x01 for help menus on, 0x00 for off const static uint16_t FILAMENT_HELP_SETTINGS = 0x0160; ; This indicates how far out of tolerance the toolhead0 toolhead1 distance is ; in steps. 3 x 32 bits = 12 bytes const static uint16_t TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SETTINGS = 0x0162; ; Acceleraton settings 22 bytes: 1 byte (on/off), 2 bytes default acceleration rate, //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$eeprom_map:acceleration_eeprom_offsets const static uint16_t ACCELERATION_SETTINGS = 0x016E; ; 2 bytes bot status info bytes const static uint16_t BOT_STATUS_BYTES = 0x018A; ; axis lengths XYZ AB 5*32bit = 20 bytes const static uint16_t AXIS_LENGTHS = 0x018C; ; total lifetime print hours, 3bytes //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$eeprom_map: build_time_offsets const static uint16_t TOTAL_BUILD_TIME = 0x01A0; ; axis steps per mm XYZAB 5*32bit = 20 bytes const static uint16_t AXIS_STEPS_PER_MM = 0x01A4; ; Filament lifetime counter (in steps) 8 bytes (int64) x 2 (for 2 extruders) const static uint16_t FILAMENT_LIFETIME = 0x01B8; ; Filament trip counter (in steps) 8 bytes (int64) x 2 (for 2 extruders) const static uint16_t FILAMENT_TRIP = 0x01C8; ; Acceleraton settings 60 bytes: 1 byte (on/off) + acceleration settings const static uint16_t ACCELERATION2_SETTINGS = 0x01D8; ; axis max feedrates XYZAB 5*32bit = 20 bytes const static uint16_t AXIS_MAX_FEEDRATES = 0x01F4; ; Hardware configuration settings //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:B const static uint16_t BOTSTEP_TYPE = 0x0208; ; temperature offset calibration: 1 byte x 3 heaters = 3 bytes //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:BBB const static uint16_t HEATER_CALIBRATION = 0x020A; ; start of free space const static uint16_t FREE_EEPROM_STARTS = 0x020B; //Sailfish specific settings work backwards from the end of the eeprom 0xFFF //P-Stop enable (1 byte) //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:B const static uint16_t PSTOP_ENABLE = 0x0F90; //Use SD card CRC(1 byte) //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:B const static uint16_t SD_USE_CRC = 0x0F91; //Extruder hold (1 byte) //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:B const static uint16_t EXTRUDER_HOLD = 0x0F92; //Toolhead offset system (1 byte; 0x00 == RepG 39; 0x01 == RepG 40+) //$BEGIN_ENTRY //$type:B const static uint16_t TOOLHEAD_OFFSET_SYSTEM = 0x0F93; ;Location of the profiles, 4 x 26 bytes (PROFILES_QUANTITY * PROFILE_SIZE) const static uint16_t PROFILES_BASE = 0x0F94; ;1 byte, set to PROFILES_INITIALIZED (0xAC) when profiles have been initialized const static uint16_t PROFILES_INIT = 0x0FFC; const static uint16_t OVERRIDE_GCODE_TEMP = 0x0FFD; const static uint16_t HEAT_DURING_PAUSE = 0x0FFE; const static uint16_t DITTO_PRINT_ENABLED = 0x0FFF;