181 lines
6.9 KiB

# Created by Adam Mayer on Jan 25 2011.
# Originally from ReplicatorG sources /src/replicatorg/scripts
# which are part of the ReplicatorG project -
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import struct
import sys
toolCommandTable = {
1: ("", "[1] init: Initialize firmware to boot state"),
3: ("<H", "[3] Extruder: set temperature = %i"),
4: ("<B", "[4] Motor 1: set speed (PWM) = %i"),
5: ("<B", "[5] Motor 2: set speed (PWM) = %i"),
6: ("<I", "[6] Motor 1: set speed (RPM) = %i"),
7: ("<I", "[7] Motor 2: set speed (RPM) = %i"),
8: ("<I", "[8] Motor 1: set direction = %i"),
9: ("<I", "[9] Motor 2: set direction = %i"),
10: ("B", "[10] Motor 1: toggle = %d"),
11: ("B", "[11] Motor 2: toggle = %d"),
12: ("B", "[12] Fan: toggle = %d"),
13: ("B", "[13] Valve: toggle = %d"),
13: ("B", "[14] Servo 1: angle = %d"),
13: ("B", "[15] Serve 2: angle = %d"),
27: ("B", "[27] Automated build platform: toggle = %d"),
31: ("<H", "[31] Build Platform: set temperature = %i"),
def parseToolAction():
global s3gFile
packetStr =
if len(packetStr) != 3:
raise "Incomplete s3g file during tool command parse"
(index,command,payload) = struct.unpack("<BBB",packetStr)
contents =
if len(contents) != payload:
raise "Incomplete s3g file: tool packet truncated"
return (index,command,contents)
def printToolAction(tuple):
print "\t[136] Tool %i:" % (tuple[0]),
# command - tuple[1]
# data - tuple[2]
(parse, disp) = toolCommandTable[tuple[1]]
if type(parse) == type(""):
packetLen = struct.calcsize(parse)
if len(tuple[2]) != packetLen:
raise "Packet incomplete"
parsed = struct.unpack(parse,tuple[2])
parsed = parse()
if type(disp) == type(""):
print disp % parsed
def parseDisplayMessageAction():
global s3gFile
packetStr =
if len(packetStr) < 4:
raise "Incomplete s3g file during tool command parse"
(options,offsetX,offsetY,timeout) = struct.unpack("<BBBB",packetStr)
message = "";
while True:
c =;
if c == '\0':
message += c;
return (options,offsetX,offsetY,timeout,message)
def parseBuildStartNotificationAction():
global s3gFile
packetStr =
if len(packetStr) < 4:
raise "Incomplete s3g file during tool command parse"
(steps) = struct.unpack("<i",packetStr)
buildName = "";
while True:
c =;
if c == '\0':
buildName += c;
return (steps[0],buildName)
# Command table entries consist of:
# * The key: the integer command code
# * A tuple:
# * idx 0: the python struct description of the rest of the data,
# of a function that unpacks the remaining data from the
# stream
# * idx 1: either a format string that will take the tuple of unpacked
# data, or a function that takes the tuple as input and returns
# a string
# REMINDER: all values are little-endian. Struct strings with multibyte
# types should begin with "<".
# For a refresher on Python struct syntax, see here:
commandTable = {
129: ("<iiiI","\t[129] Absolute move to (%i,%i,%i) at DDA %i"),
130: ("<iii","\t[130] Machine position set as (%i,%i,%i)"),
131: ("<BIH","\t[131] Home minimum on %X, feedrate %i, timeout %i s"),
132: ("<BIH","\t[132] Home maximum on %X, feedrate %i, timeout %i s"),
133: ("<I","\t[133] Delay of %i us"),
134: ("<B","\t[134] Switch to tool %i"),
135: ("<BHH","\t[135] Wait for tool %i (%i ms between polls, %i s timeout"),
136: (parseToolAction, printToolAction),
137: ("<B", "\t[137] Enable/disable axes %X"),
138: ("<H", "\t[138] User block on ID %i"),
139: ("<iiiiiI","\t[139] Absolute move to (%i,%i,%i,%i,%i) at DDA %i"),
140: ("<iiiii","\t[140] Extended Machine position set as (%i,%i,%i,%i,%i)"),
141: ("<BHH","\t[141] Wait for platform %i (%i ms between polls, %i s timeout)"),
142: ("<iiiiiIB","\t[142] Move to (%i,%i,%i,%i,%i) in %i us (relative: %X)"),
143: ("<b","\t[143] Store home position for axes %d"),
144: ("<b","\t[144] Recall home position for axes %d"),
145: ("<BB","\t[145] Set pot axis %i to %i"),
146: ("<BBBBB","\t[146] Set RGB led red %i, green %i, blue %i, blink rate %i, effect %i"),
147: ("<HHB","\t[147] Set beep, frequency %i, length %i, effect %i"),
148: ("<BHB","\t[148] Pause for button 0x%X, timeout %i s, timeout_bevavior %i"),
149: (parseDisplayMessageAction, "\t[149] Display message, options 0x%X at %i,%i timeout %i\n %s"),
150: ("<BB","\t[150] Set build percent %i%%, ignore %i"),
151: ("<B","\t[151] Queue song %i"),
152: ("<B","\t[152] Reset to factory, options 0x%X"),
153: (parseBuildStartNotificationAction, "\t[153] Start build, steps %i: %s"),
154: ("<B","\t[154] End build, flags 0x%X"),
155: ("<iiiiiIBfh","\t[155] Move to (%i,%i,%i,%i,%i) dda_rate: %i (relative: %X) distance: %f feedrateX64: %i"),
156: ("<B","\t[156] Set acceleration to %i"),
157: ("<BBBIHHIIB","\t[157] Stream version %i.%i (%i %i %i %i %i %i %i)"),
158: ("<f","\t[158] Pause @ zPos %f"),
def parseNextCommand():
"""Parse and handle the next command. Returns
True for success, False on EOF, and raises an
exception on corrupt data."""
global s3gFile
commandStr =
if len(commandStr) == 0:
print "EOF"
return False
sys.stdout.write(str(lineNumber) + ': ')
(command) = struct.unpack("B",commandStr)
(parse, disp) = commandTable[command[0]]
if type(parse) == type(""):
packetLen = struct.calcsize(parse)
packetData =
if len(packetData) != packetLen:
raise "Packet incomplete"
parsed = struct.unpack(parse,packetData)
parsed = parse()
if type(disp) == type(""):
print disp % parsed
return True
s3gFile = open(sys.argv[1],'rb')
lineNumber = 0
while parseNextCommand():
lineNumber = lineNumber + 1