32 lines
804 B
Executable File

#Name: GPX
#Info: GCode to x3g conversion post processor
#Help: GPX
#Depend: GCode
#Type: postprocess
#Param: gpxPath(str:/Applications/GPX) GPX path
#Param: machineType(str:r2) Machine type
import platform
import os
from Cura.util import profile
from subprocess import call
def getGpxAppName():
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
if os.path.exists(gpxPath + '/gpx.exe'):
return gpxPath + '/gpx.exe'
return gpxPath + 'gpx.exe'
if os.path.isfile(gpxPath + '/gpx'):
return gpxPath + '/gpx'
return gpxPath + 'gpx'
x3gFile = profile.getPreference('lastFile')
x3gFile = x3gFile[0:x3gFile.rfind('.')] + '.x3g'
commandList = [getGpxAppName(), '-p', '-r']
if machineType is not None and machineType != '':
commandList += ['-m', machineType]
commandList += [filename, x3gFile]