Make the configuration wizard work on the first extruder.

Henrik Brix Andersen 2012-07-19 22:56:38 +02:00
parent 30a2213fd9
commit 35e6420ff5
1 changed files with 19 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ sub new {
my $label_width = 200;
my $opt_key = $params{option};
my $index;
$opt_key =~ s/#(\d+)$// and $index = $1;
my $opt = $Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key};
my $callback = $params{callback} || sub {};
@ -91,8 +93,18 @@ sub new {
my $style = $opt->{multiline} ? wxTE_MULTILINE : 0;
my $size = Wx::Size->new($opt->{width} || -1, $opt->{height} || -1);
my ($get, $set) = $opt->{type} eq 's@' ? qw(serialize deserialize) : qw(get_raw set);
# if it's an array type but no index was specified, use the serialized version
my $get_m = $opt->{type} =~ /\@$/ && !defined $index
? 'serialize'
: 'get_raw';
my $get = sub {
my $val = Slic3r::Config->$get_m($opt_key);
if (defined $index) {
$val = $val->[$index]; #/
return $val;
if ($opt->{type} eq 'i') {
my $value = Slic3r::Config->$get($opt_key);
$field = Wx::SpinCtrl->new($parent, -1, $value, wxDefaultPosition, $size, $style, $opt->{min} || 0, $opt->{max} || 100, $value);
@ -373,7 +385,7 @@ sub new {
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, 'Nozzle Diameter');
$self->append_text('Enter the diameter of your printers hot end nozzle, then click Next.');
return $self;
@ -384,8 +396,8 @@ sub apply {
# set first_layer_height + layer_height based on nozzle_diameter
my $nozzle = Slic3r::Config->get_raw('nozzle_diameter');
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_height', $nozzle);
Slic3r::Config->set('layer_height', $nozzle - 0.1);
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_height', $nozzle->[0]);
Slic3r::Config->set('layer_height', $nozzle->[0] - 0.1);
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page::Filament;
@ -398,7 +410,7 @@ sub new {
$self->append_text('Enter the diameter of your filament, then click Next.');
$self->append_text('Good precision is required, so use a caliper and do multiple measurements along the filament, then compute the average.');
return $self;
@ -413,7 +425,7 @@ sub new {
$self->append_text('Enter the temperature needed for extruding your filament, then click Next.');
$self->append_text('A rule of thumb is 160 to 230 °C for PLA, and 215 to 250 °C for ABS.');
return $self;
@ -424,7 +436,7 @@ sub apply {
# set first_layer_temperature to temperature + 5
my $temperature = Slic3r::Config->get_raw('temperature');
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_temperature', $temperature + 5);
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_temperature', [$temperature->[0] + 5]);
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page::BedTemperature;