#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(first); use Slic3r::XS; use Test::More tests => 20; use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1, 1); my $square = [ # ccw [100, 100], [200, 100], [200, 200], [100, 200], ]; my $polygon = Slic3r::Polygon->new(@$square); my $cw_polygon = $polygon->clone; $cw_polygon->reverse; ok $polygon->is_valid, 'is_valid'; is_deeply $polygon->pp, $square, 'polygon roundtrip'; is ref($polygon->arrayref), 'ARRAY', 'polygon arrayref is unblessed'; isa_ok $polygon->[0], 'Slic3r::Point::Ref', 'polygon point is blessed'; my $lines = $polygon->lines; is_deeply [ map $_->pp, @$lines ], [ [ [100, 100], [200, 100] ], [ [200, 100], [200, 200] ], [ [200, 200], [100, 200] ], [ [100, 200], [100, 100] ], ], 'polygon lines'; is_deeply $polygon->split_at_first_point->pp, [ @$square[0,1,2,3,0] ], 'split_at_first_point'; is_deeply $polygon->split_at_index(2)->pp, [ @$square[2,3,0,1,2] ], 'split_at_index'; is_deeply $polygon->split_at_vertex(Slic3r::Point->new(@{$square->[2]}))->pp, [ @$square[2,3,0,1,2] ], 'split_at'; is $polygon->area, 100*100, 'area'; ok $polygon->is_counter_clockwise, 'is_counter_clockwise'; ok !$cw_polygon->is_counter_clockwise, 'is_counter_clockwise'; { my $clone = $polygon->clone; $clone->reverse; ok !$clone->is_counter_clockwise, 'is_counter_clockwise'; $clone->make_counter_clockwise; ok $clone->is_counter_clockwise, 'make_counter_clockwise'; $clone->make_counter_clockwise; ok $clone->is_counter_clockwise, 'make_counter_clockwise'; } ok ref($polygon->first_point) eq 'Slic3r::Point', 'first_point'; ok $polygon->contains_point(Slic3r::Point->new(150,150)), 'ccw contains_point'; ok $cw_polygon->contains_point(Slic3r::Point->new(150,150)), 'cw contains_point'; { my @points = (Slic3r::Point->new(100,0)); foreach my $i (1..5) { my $point = $points[0]->clone; $point->rotate(PI/3*$i, [0,0]); push @points, $point; } my $hexagon = Slic3r::Polygon->new(@points); my $triangles = $hexagon->triangulate_convex; is scalar(@$triangles), 4, 'right number of triangles'; ok !(defined first { $_->is_clockwise } @$triangles), 'all triangles are ccw'; } { is_deeply $polygon->centroid->pp, [150,150], 'centroid'; } # this is not a test: this just demonstrates bad usage, where $polygon->clone gets # DESTROY'ed before the derived object ($point), causing bad memory access if (0) { my $point; { $point = $polygon->clone->[0]; } $point->scale(2); } __END__