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package Slic3r::MedialAxis;
use strict;
use List::Util qw(first min max);
use Boost::Geometry::Utils qw(polygon_medial_axis);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(line_intersection);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex diff_ex);
my $pi = 4 * atan2(1, 1);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $polygon = $_[0]; # expolygon: [[contour], [hole1], [hole2], ...]
my $self;
if (ref($_[0]) =~ /(ARRAY|Polygon)/) {
# polygon_medial_axis() should probably do it's own
# polygon simplification that's limited to removing
# degeneracies and near-degeneracies that Boost::Voronoi can't handle.
# Until then, do an ExPolygon simplify here that should remove almost
# duplicate vertices which can come from safety_offset() cycle upstream.
$self = polygon_medial_axis($_[0]->simplify(2));
bless $_, 'Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge' for @{$self->{edges}};
bless $_->vertex0, 'Slic3r::MedialAxis::Vertex' for @{$self->{edges}};
elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
$self->{edges} = $_[0]->{edges};
$self->{vertices} = $_[0]->{vertices};
$self->{max_radius} = $self->{edges}->[0]->radius;
foreach my $edge (@{$self->{edges}}) {
if ($self->{max_radius} < $edge->radius) {
$self->{max_radius} = $edge->radius;
# find the P1 control point for the quadratic Bezier curve
# that represents the parabolic arc
if ($edge->curved && $edge->internal) {
my $line1 = [[@{$edge->vertex0}[0, 1]],
[$edge->vertex0->[0] + 100000 * CORE::cos($edge->theta),
$edge->vertex0->[1] + 100000 * CORE::sin($edge->theta)]
my $line2 = [[@{$edge->next->vertex0}[0, 1]],
[$edge->next->vertex0->[0] + 100000 * CORE::cos($edge->twin->theta),
$edge->next->vertex0->[1] + 100000 * CORE::sin($edge->twin->theta)]
# If $edge->[CURVED] is false the edge is just a straight
# line segment. line_intersection() will return undef (false) when
# the lines are practically parallel, so in that case the
# curved edge will in effect be downgraded to a straight segment.
$edge->curved(line_intersection($line1, $line2));
#Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView::edges_svg($self->{edges}) if ($DB::svg && 1||$DB::current_layer_id == 22);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub offset_interval_filter {
my $self = shift;
my ($tool_diameter, $count, $initial_offset, $bracket, $initial_bracket, $nudge) = @_;
$nudge //= 0;
my @dblines;
# If $initial_offset is undef, default to a half $tool_diameter.
$initial_offset //= ($tool_diameter / 2);
# While the different offset levels put a lower bound
# on radius for each level, $bracket puts an upper bound on the radius.
# $bracket will be added to each level's offset to determine
# the upper radius bound.
# $bracket should be useful for limiting results to just thinwall
# or thin gap subsets of the offset edges.
$bracket //= $tool_diameter + $nudge;
$initial_bracket //= $bracket; # not used below yet - maybe don't want this
my $max_intervals = int( ($self->{max_radius} - $initial_offset)
/ ($tool_diameter) )
+ 1;
# If $count is undef or zero, do as many $tool_diameter
# offsets as will fit per edge.
my $intervals_count = $count ? min($count, $max_intervals) : $max_intervals;
# calculate all offset distances
my @offset = map $_ * $tool_diameter + $initial_offset + $nudge, (0 .. $intervals_count);
# an "interval" is a set of polyedges all at the same offset level
# so one interval per offset level, and zero or more polyedges per interval.
# Should rethink terms here to harmonize with Slic3r and other CNC vocabulary.
my @intervals;
$#intervals = $#offset;
$_ = [] for @intervals;
# these help keep track of polyedges typically at the start and end of
# an interval that should really be one polyedge, so they can be merged
my @last_loop_starts = map 0, (0 .. $intervals_count);
my $last_loop_start = 0;
# process each edge - medial axis edges should be in a sequence
# corresponding to the order of the polygons that generated them
# though there may be jumps from one polygon to the next, typically
# when hole polygons are present
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{edges}}; $i++) {
my $e = $self->{edges}->[$i];
my $er1 = $e->radius;
my $er2 = $e->next->radius;
my $er_max = ($er1 > $er2) ? $er1 : $er2;
my $er_min = ($er1 > $er2) ? $er2 : $er1;
my $ephi = $e->phi;
# TODO: fix this upstream in Boost::Geometry::Utils
# phi should always be between 0 and +pi
# but sometimes you get something very close to -pi,
# which probably should be +pi - but needs investigation
$ephi += 2*&Slic3r::Geometry::PI if $ephi < 0;
# TODO: enforce a minimum resolution - corners interpreted by resolution
# or tool diameter are better modeled as circular arcs that the
# tool edge will touch - meaning edge radius can never go to zero
# ... not using this yet - might just turn into "lower bracket"
my $resolution = $tool_diameter/2;
my $ep = $e->prev;
my $en = $e->next;
my $edge_max_intervals = int( ($er_max - $initial_offset)
/ $tool_diameter )
+ 1;
my $edge_intervals = $count ? min($count, $edge_max_intervals) : $edge_max_intervals;
for (my $j = 0; $j < $edge_intervals; $j++) {
push @{$intervals[$j]}, [] if ! @{$intervals[$j]};
# edge list order matches edge->next order, except where
# one edge loop subset ends and the next begins
my $edge_intersect = ($er1 > $offset[$j] && $er2 <= $offset[$j])
? 1 : 0;
my $bracket_threshold = defined($bracket)
? ($offset[$j]) + $bracket
: $er_max + 1;
# TODO: make phi threshold used here a parameter
# TODO: avoid this hard threshold for sharp corners - ramp the depth
# of incursion into sharp corners relative to sharpness/depth
my $shallow_corner = $ephi < &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(60)
|| $ephi > &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(120)
? 1 : 0;
# now make sure that's not a false positive by scanning the corner
# ahead or behind to see if it has any non-shallow phi angles
if ($shallow_corner && $ephi < &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(60)) {
my $n = $e->next;
while ($n != $e->twin) {
if ( $n->phi < &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(60)
|| $n->phi > &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(120)) {
$n = $n->next;
} else {
$shallow_corner = 0;
if ($shallow_corner && $ephi > &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(120)) {
my $p = $e->prev;
while ($p != $e->twin) {
if ( $p->phi < &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(60)
|| $p->phi > &Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(120)) {
$p = $p->prev;
} else {
$shallow_corner = 0;
my $twinturn = ( ($edge_intersect
# both edges involved in the twinturn
# should have twinturn == true, not just the
# the first one going into the turn
|| ( $er2 > $offset[$j]
&& $er1 <= $offset[$j] )
&& ($j != 0
$shallow_corner # checking $shallow_corner might be superfluous
) ? 1 : 0;
push @{$intervals[$j]}, [] if ($er1 > $bracket_threshold ) && @{$intervals[$j]->[-1]};
push @{$intervals[$j]}, [] if ($j != 0 && $er1 && $er1 <= $offset[$j] && $er2 > $offset[$j]) && @{$intervals[$j]->[-1]};
# decide whether to keep this edge
if ($er_min <= $bracket_threshold
&& (!$shallow_corner || $twinturn)
) {
if (0) { # DEBUG - collect keeper edges for display later
push @dblines,
[[$e->vertex0->[0], $e->vertex0->[1]],
[$e->next->vertex0->[0], $e->next->vertex0->[1]]];
# make the view on the edge that represents the
# current offset, and any special circumstances related to
# thin sections or the upper radius bracket limit
push @{$intervals[$j]->[-1]}, Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView->new(
edge => $e,
offset => $offset[$j],
resolution => $resolution,
interpolate => ($er1 > $bracket_threshold || $er2 > $bracket_threshold)
? $bracket_threshold
: undef,
intersect => $edge_intersect,
twinturn => $twinturn
# set up next, prev, and twin references between EdgeViews
if (@{$intervals[$j]->[-1]} > 1) {
if (@{$intervals[$j]->[-1]} > 1 &&
$intervals[$j]->[-1]->[-1]->prev->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView') &&
$twinturn && $intervals[$j]->[-1]->[-1]->prev->edge
== $intervals[$j]->[-1]->[-1]->edge->twin) {
# handle loop end
if ($i > $last_loop_start
&& ($i == $#{$self->{edges}} || $en != $self->{edges}->[$i + 1])
) {
# A loop just ended.
# Does the last sequence of edges include the entire loop?
# If not, we may have two or more subsequences of the loop
# collected so far. The first of those subsequences may start
# with the first edge of the loop. If so, and if the last edge
# we processed was a keeper, we should merge that last sequence
# and the sequence holding the beginning of the loop.
# If the last edge we added wasn't cut short, and
# if we have at least two subsets of edges
# and the last and the first for this loop
# each have at least one edge ...
if ( @{$intervals[$j]} > 1
&& @{$intervals[$j]->[-1]}
&& !$intervals[$j]->[-1]->[-1]->intersect
&& @{$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]}) {
# see if the last edge we collected abuts the first
# edge in subset that comes at the start of the loop.
# It's not as simple as checking edge->next. We need
# to check all of the edges emanating out of the next
# vertex. So that's what the following does.
my $match = 0;
my $oe = $intervals[$j]->[-1]->[-1]->edge->twin->prev->twin;
while(!($match = $oe == $intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[0]->edge)
&& $oe != $intervals[$j]->[-1]->[-1]->edge->twin
) {
$oe = $oe->prev->twin;
# If it's a match, splice out the last subset and prepend
# it's edge list to the loop start subset
if ($match) {
my ($last_one) = splice(@{$intervals[$j]}, -1, 1);
unshift @{$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]},
# fix prev, next, twin references
if ($#{$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]} > $#$last_one) {
if ( $intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one]->edge->twin
== $intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one + 1]->edge) {
$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one]->twin($intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one + 1]);
$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one + 1]->twin($intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one]);
$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one + 1]->twinturn(1);
$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one]->next($intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one + 1]);
$intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one + 1]->prev($intervals[$j]->[$last_loop_starts[$j]]->[$#$last_one]);
push @{$intervals[$j]}, [];
$last_loop_starts[$j] = $#{$intervals[$j]};
} else {
push @{$intervals[$j]}, [] if ($er2 > $bracket_threshold) && @{$intervals[$j]->[-1]};
push @{$intervals[$j]}, [] if ($j != 0 && $er1 > $offset[$j] && $er2 && $er2 <= $offset[$j]) && @{$intervals[$j]->[-1]};
$last_loop_start = $i if ($i > $last_loop_start && $ep != $self->{edges}->[$i - 1]);
$DB::svg->appendLines({style=>"stroke:green;stroke-width:40000;"}, @dblines) if @dblines && $DB::svg;
foreach my $interval (@intervals) {
@$interval = grep @$_ > 0, @$interval;
# eliminate some troublesome two-edge but zero-length fragments
foreach my $interval (@intervals) {
for (my $pi = $#$interval; $pi > -1; $pi--) {
my $p = $interval->[$pi];
if (@$p == 2
&& $p->[0]->twinturn
&& $p->[1]->twinturn
&& abs($p->[0]->start_point->[0] - $p->[1]->end_point->[0]) < 2
&& abs($p->[0]->start_point->[1] - $p->[1]->end_point->[1]) < 2
) {
$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:yellow;stroke-width:40000;stroke-linecap:round;"}, [map $_->points, @$p]) if $DB::svg;
splice @$interval, $pi, 1;
# Merge contiguous sequences.
# Some sequences of edges will be in two fragments - the last part of the
# sequence will come first, and later the first part of the sequence is
# collected. So merge those subsequences where the later one's last
# edge has an edge->next reference to the earlier one's first edge.
foreach my $interval (@intervals) {
for (my $i = $#{$interval}; $i > -1; $i--) {
for (my $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
next if $i == $j;
if (@{$interval->[$i]} && @{$interval->[$j]} ) {
if ( ($interval->[$i]->[-1]->edge->next == $interval->[$j]->[0]->edge
|| $interval->[$i]->[-1]->edge->twin->prev == $interval->[$j]->[0]->edge->twin
|| $interval->[$i]->[-1]->edge->twin == $interval->[$j]->[0]->edge->twin->prev
&& $interval->[$i]->[-1]->intersect
) {
my $ind = $#{$interval->[$i]};
unshift @{$interval->[$j]}, @{ splice @{$interval}, $i, 1 };
$interval->[$j]->[$ind]->next($interval->[$j]->[$ind + 1]);
$interval->[$j]->[$ind + 1]->next($interval->[$j]->[$ind]);
elsif (( $interval->[$j]->[-1]->edge->next == $interval->[$i]->[0]->edge
|| $interval->[$j]->[-1]->edge->twin->prev == $interval->[$i]->[0]->edge->twin
|| $interval->[$j]->[-1]->edge->twin == $interval->[$i]->[0]->edge->twin->prev
&& $interval->[$j]->[-1]->intersect
) {
my $ind = $#{$interval->[$j]};
push @{$interval->[$j]}, @{ splice @{$interval}, $i, 1 };
$interval->[$j]->[$ind]->next($interval->[$j]->[$ind + 1]);
$interval->[$j]->[$ind + 1]->next($interval->[$j]->[$ind]);
# fix up prev & next refs
foreach my $interval (@intervals) {
foreach my $polyedge (@$interval) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#$polyedge; $i++) {
if ($polyedge->[$i + 1] != $polyedge->[$i]->next) {
$polyedge->[$i]->next($polyedge->[$i + 1]);
if ($polyedge->[$i + 1]->prev != $polyedge->[$i]) {
$polyedge->[$i + 1]->prev($polyedge->[$i]);
if (0) {
foreach my $interval (@intervals) {
map {[map {$_->points} @$_]} @$interval
) if $DB::svg;
{r=>200000, style=>"fill:red;"},
map {map {[@{$_}[0,1]]} ($_->[-1]->points)} @$interval
) if $DB::svg;
{r=>200000, style=>"fill:green;"},
map {map {[@{$_}[0,1]]} ($_->[0]->points)} @$interval
) if $DB::svg;
foreach my $interval (@intervals) {
@$interval = map Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeCollection->new($_), @$interval;
return @intervals;
# get_offset_fragments()
# Convert a set of lists of MedialAxis::EdgeViews
# (each set typically having the same offset value set for all the
# EdgeViews in it) to a set of lists of points representing Polygons
# or Polylines. Makes a distinction between "left" and "right"
# about the medial axis, and usually only generates point sequences
# from one side or the other, as requested.
sub get_offset_fragments {
my ($intervals, $keep_marked, $width) = @_;
my @interval_thin_paths;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$intervals; $i++) {
my @new_outer_frags = (Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeCollection->new);
foreach my $polyedge (@{$intervals->[$i]}) {
$_->visited(0) for @$polyedge;
@{$intervals->[$i]} = grep @$_ > 1, @{$intervals->[$i]};
# pre-process any loops
# this should handle cases where the part is so thin that it's
# completely thinwall, so that what we're dealing with is
# a medial axis edge loop instead of a clipped fragment edge sequence
# It looks like all we need to do is re-wind the list of edges so that
# the one corresponding to the polygon's widest point comes first.
# That's enough for later code to do the right thing without needing to
# know if it's a loop or fragment.
for (my $j = $#{$intervals->[$i]}; $j > -1; $j--) {
my $polyedge = $intervals->[$i]->[$j];
next if $polyedge->[-1]->edge->next != $polyedge->[0]->edge;
my $max_r_index = 0;
for (1 .. $#$polyedge) {
$max_r_index = $_ if $polyedge->[$max_r_index]->radius <= $polyedge->[$_]->radius;
if ($max_r_index > 0) {
$polyedge->[$max_r_index]->prev($polyedge->[$max_r_index - 1]);
$polyedge->[$max_r_index - 1]->next($polyedge->[$max_r_index]);
@$polyedge = (@{$polyedge}[$max_r_index .. $#$polyedge],
@{$polyedge}[0 .. $max_r_index - 1]
foreach my $polyedge (@{$intervals->[$i]}) {
#Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView::edges_svg($polyedge) if ($DB::svg && $DB::current_layer_id >= 20 && $DB::current_layer_id <= 24);
my @polyedge = @$polyedge;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:lightblue;opacity:1;stroke-width:40000;fill:none;"}, [map {$_->points} @polyedge]) if (@polyedge) && $DB::svg;
#Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView::edges_svg(\@polyedge) if ($DB::current_layer_id == 46);
# Initial pass sets up a rough left-right edge distinction
# for thin wall sections, that we will then refine.
if (@polyedge
&& first {!$_->visited} @polyedge
) {
foreach my $edge (@polyedge) {
if ($edge->visited != 2) {
# For thin wall sections, calls to points() for edges that have
# a radius smaller than the thin wall threshold will generally
# return no points, so we can discard those edges, reducing the
# left-right distinction task to dealing with just one level of
# branching.
#$DB::svg->appendRaw('<g>') if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:pink;opacity:1;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;"}, [map {$_->points} grep {$_->visited != 2 || $_->visited != 1} @polyedge]) if (grep {$_->visited != 2 || $_->visited != 1} @polyedge) && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:yellow;opacity:1;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;"}, [map {$_->points} grep {$_->visited==2} @polyedge]) if (grep {$_->visited==2} @polyedge) && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:pink;opacity:1;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;"}, [map {$_->points} grep {$_->visited==1} @polyedge]) if (grep {$_->visited==1} @polyedge) && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({style=>"",r=>20000}, map {[@{$_->start_point},$_->visited == 1 ? 'blue':'red']} @polyedge) if $DB::svg;
# maybe... if twin has same color, but is on a different edge sequence, it should really have a different color
# might happen with hole loops up against outer loops
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#polyedge; $i++) {
if (
$polyedge[$i]->twin->visited == $polyedge[$i]->visited
# && ? if twin not in this polyedge
) {
print "left-right distinction probably foiled by hole\n";
# yes this did happen sometimes
# ... but not seeing it now, after other improvements ...
# should it be fixed here or somehow avoided before this point?
#$polyedge[$i]->twin->visited($polyedge[$i]->visited == 1 ? 2 : 1);
# these two for()s do one level of branch visited flag fixup
# and one level should be all we need when handling just the
# edges with points when radius < offset
for (my $i = 1; $i < $#polyedge; $i++) {
if (
$polyedge[$i - 1]->visited == 2
&& $polyedge[$i]->visited == 1
&& $polyedge[$i + 1]->visited == 2
) {
for (my $i = 1; $i < $#polyedge; $i++) {
if (
$polyedge[$i - 1]->visited == 1
&& $polyedge[$i]->visited == 2
&& $polyedge[$i + 1]->visited == 1
) {
# For loops, do the same branch fixup across ends.
if ($polyedge[-1]->edge->next == $polyedge[0]->edge) {
if (
$polyedge[-2]->visited == 2
&& $polyedge[-1]->visited == 1
&& $polyedge[0]->visited == 2
) {
if (
$polyedge[-1]->visited == 2
&& $polyedge[0]->visited == 1
&& $polyedge[1]->visited == 2
) {
if (
$polyedge[-2]->visited == 1
&& $polyedge[-1]->visited == 2
&& $polyedge[0]->visited == 1
) {
if (
$polyedge[-1]->visited == 1
&& $polyedge[0]->visited == 2
&& $polyedge[1]->visited == 1
) {
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:white;opacity:0.5;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;"}, [map {$_->points} grep {$_->visited == 2} @polyedge]) if (grep {$_->visited == 2} @polyedge) && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:purple;opacity:0.5;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;"}, [map {$_->points} grep {$_->visited == 1} @polyedge]) if (grep {$_->visited == 1} @polyedge) && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({style=>"",r=>15000}, map {[@{$_->start_point},$_->visited == 1 ? 'green':'yellow']} @polyedge) if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendRaw('</g>') if $DB::svg;
# add the left or right edge to our collection
push(@new_outer_frags, Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeCollection->new) if @{$new_outer_frags[-1]};
foreach my $edge (@polyedge) {
if (!$keep_marked) {
push(@{$new_outer_frags[-1]}, $edge) if $edge->visited == 1;
push(@new_outer_frags, Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeCollection->new)
if ($edge->visited == 2 && @{$new_outer_frags[-1]});
} else {
push(@{$new_outer_frags[-1]}, $edge) if $edge->visited == 2;
push(@new_outer_frags, Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeCollection->new)
if ($edge->visited == 1 && @{$new_outer_frags[-1]});
@new_outer_frags = grep @$_, @new_outer_frags;
# $DB::svg->appendRaw("<g>");
# $DB::svg->appendPolylines({markerstart => 'url(#dirstart)', style=>'opacity:0.4;stroke-width:'.($width).';stroke:red;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, map {[$_->points]} grep @$_, @new_outer_frags) if $DB::svg;
# $DB::svg->appendRaw("</g>");
# $DB::svg->appendRaw("<g>");
# $DB::svg->appendPolylines({markerstart => 'url(#dirstart)', style=>'opacity:0.4;stroke-width:'.($width).';stroke:blue;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, map {[$_->points]} grep @$_, @new_outer_frags) if $DB::svg;
# $DB::svg->appendRaw("</g>");
my $thin_paths = [];
# junction trim
# There may be some medial axis fragment ends that overlap the middle of
# other fragements. Detect this and trim back those ends.
my $junc_trim_width = $width * 0.7; # less than 1 for a little overlap
# where the end of one thinwall butts
# against the side of another thinwall
# Mark all vertices but the ones at the ends of each fragment.
# Where a vertex occurs at the end of one fragment but also in the
# middle of another, it will end up marked, and that's what tells us
# that that fragment end needs to be trimmed back.
foreach my $frag (grep @$_ > 2, @new_outer_frags) {
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({markerstart => 'url(#dirstart)', style=>'opacity:1;stroke-width:'.($width*0.35).';stroke:purple;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, [$frag->points]) if $DB::svg;
# Set both vertex0 and vertex1 visited -
# even though setting vertex1 is usually redundant -
# because the sequence of EdgeViews might sometimes skip over some
# Edges in the original sequence, making vertex1 not the same as
# the next EdgeView's vertex0.
my $first_already = $frag->[0]->vertex0->visited;
my $last_already = $frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited;
for (1 .. $#$frag - 1) {
$frag->[$_]->vertex0->visited(1) ;
$frag->[$_]->vertex1->visited(1) ;
# Rarely, the end vertex is shared with the second-to-last edge,
# so it gets marked when it shouldn't. Restore visited value of 0
# if that's what happened.
$frag->[0]->vertex0->visited(0) if !$first_already && $frag->[0]->vertex0 == $frag->[1]->vertex0;
$frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited(0) if !$last_already && $frag->[-1]->vertex1 == $frag->[-2]->vertex1;
foreach my $frag (grep @$_, @new_outer_frags) {
# Ends of complete loops should survive - often loops
# won't be involved in any clipping or merging, and can
# later on be detected by the overlapping start and end,
# and be treated as normal Polygons.
my $is_loop = $frag->[-1]->edge->next == $frag->[0]->edge;
my $trim_front = $frag->[0]->vertex0->visited && !$is_loop;
my $trim_back = $frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited && !$is_loop;
# convert EdgeCollections to Polylines
# TODO: toward dynamic flow: the points should include original
# underlying edge radius as a third coordinate ( or a modified
# radius value that considers an EdgeView offset). But at the
# moment, the various points() functions only sometimes
# include that, and then some downstream code can't handle
# three-coordinate Slic3r::Points. (A 2D Circle class might
# be good to convey the path points with radius info that we
# need to modify flow continuously along the path.)
push @$thin_paths, Slic3r::Polyline->new(map [$_->[0], $_->[1]], $frag->points);
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({markerstart => 'url(#dirstar)', style=>'opacity:0.4;stroke-width:'.($width).';stroke:aqua;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, $thin_paths->[-1]) if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>11000*15, style=>'opacity:1;fill:aqua;'}, (map [$_->vertex0->[0],$_->vertex0->[1],($_->vertex0->visited?'red':'green')], @{$frag}),
# [$frag->[-1]->vertex1->[0],$frag->[-1]->vertex1->[1],($frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited?'red':'green')]
#) if $DB::svg;
if ($trim_front && @{$thin_paths->[-1]} > 1) {
my $circle = [@{$frag->[0]->vertex0->point}, $junc_trim_width];
my $count = @{$thin_paths->[-1]};
$thin_paths->[-1]->clip_end_with_circle(1, $circle);
#$DB::svg->appendCircles({style=>'stroke-width:'.($junc_trim_width/17).';stroke:'.($frag->[0]->vertex0->visited?'yellow':'orange').';fill:none;'}, $circle, [@{$circle}[0,1],$circle->[2]/17]) if $DB::svg;
my $f = $frag->[0]->vertex0->visited ? $frag->[0] : $frag->[0]->edge->prev;
for (0 .. ($count - @{$thin_paths->[-1]}) - 0) {$f->vertex0->visited(0);$f->vertex1->visited(0);$f=$f->next}
if ($frag->[0]->vertex0->visited) {
} else {
if ($trim_back && @{$thin_paths->[-1]} > 1) {
my $circle = [@{$frag->[-1]->vertex1->point}, $junc_trim_width];
my $count = @{$thin_paths->[-1]};
$thin_paths->[-1]->clip_end_with_circle(0, $circle);
#$DB::svg->appendCircles({style=>'stroke-width:'.($junc_trim_width/17).';stroke:'.($frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited?'blue':'aqua').';fill:none;'}, $circle, [@{$circle}[0,1],$circle->[2]/17]) if $DB::svg;
my $f = $frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited ? $frag->[-1] : $frag->[-1]->edge->next;
for (0 .. ($count - @{$thin_paths->[-1]}) - 0) {$f->vertex1->visited(0);$f->vertex0->visited(0);$f=$f->prev}
if ($frag->[-1]->vertex1->visited) {
} else {
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({markerstart => 'url(#dirstar)', style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($width).';stroke:aqua;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, $thin_paths->[-1]) if $DB::svg;
#reset visited to zero for vertices
foreach my $frag (grep @$_ > 2, @new_outer_frags) {
for (0 .. $#$frag) {
$frag->[$_]->vertex0->visited(0) ;
$frag->[$_]->vertex1->visited(0) ;
# cull any really short results
@$thin_paths = grep { @$_ > 2
|| (@$_ == 2 && &Slic3r::Geometry::distance_between_points($_->[0], $_->[1]) > &Slic3r::SCALED_RESOLUTION)
} @$thin_paths;
push @interval_thin_paths, $thin_paths;
# reset visited values to zero for edges
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$intervals; $i++) {
foreach my $polyedge (@{$intervals->[$i]}) {
$_->visited(0) for @$polyedge;
return \@interval_thin_paths;
sub combine_polyedge_fragments {
my ($frags, $match_dist) = @_;
for (my $i = $#$frags; $i > -1; $i--) {
my $this = $frags->[$i];
for (my $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
my $other = $frags->[$j];
if ($this->[0]->edge->prev == $other->[0]->edge->twin
$this->[0]->prev->edge == $other->[0]->edge->twin
$this->[0]->prev->edge == $other->[0]->twin->edge
) {
my @new_this = map {$_->twin} reverse @{splice @$frags, $i, 1};
unshift @{$other}, @new_this;
} elsif ($this->[-1]->edge == $other->[-1]->edge->next->twin
$this->[-1]->edge == $other->[-1]->next->edge->twin
$this->[-1]->edge == $other->[-1]->next->twin->edge
) {
my @new_this = map {$_->twin} reverse @{splice @$frags, $i, 1};
push @{$other}, @new_this;
} elsif ($this->[-1]->edge->next == $other->[0]->edge
$this->[-1]->next->edge == $other->[0]->edge
) {
my @new_this = @{splice @$frags, $i, 1};
unshift @{$other}, @new_this;
} elsif ($this->[0]->edge->prev == $other->[-1]->edge
$this->[0]->prev->edge == $other->[-1]->edge
) {
my @new_this = @{splice @$frags, $i, 1};
push @{$other}, @new_this;
sub merge_expolygon_and_medial_axis_fragments {
my ($expolygon, $offset_expolygons, $medial_axis_fragments, $distance, $direction) = @_;
my @ma = @$medial_axis_fragments;
my @all_expolygons = @$offset_expolygons;
my @loops_and_paths;
return $offset_expolygons if !@ma;
# Get expolygon that is the original minus the offset polygon(s).
# This is the zone where thin walls and points live.
my $diff = Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::diff_ex(
[map @$_, @all_expolygons]
#$DB::svg->appendPolygons({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.(0*$distance/12).';stroke:pink;fill:pink;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, @$diff) if $DB::svg;
my @ma_as_polylines = map Slic3r::Polyline->new($_),
# Filter the point coords to just have x and y - because somewhere
# downstream extra coords (probably radius here) cause far-out
# false points to be inserted between each legit point.
# (But eventually we will want to let any radius coords through here
# to do dynamic flow.)
map [map [@{$_}[0,1]], @$_],
grep @$_ > 1, @ma;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance/3).';stroke:brown;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, @ma_as_polylines) if $DB::svg;
return $offset_expolygons if !@ma_as_polylines;
# Get the medial axis fragments that are in the thin wall zone.
my @boost_trimmed;
if (@{$diff->[0]} > 1) {
@boost_trimmed = map @{Boost::Geometry::Utils::polygon_multi_linestring_intersection
($_, [@ma_as_polylines])
}, @$diff;
} else {
# no hole in the thin wall zone, so don't need to clip
@boost_trimmed = @ma_as_polylines;
bless $_, 'Slic3r::Polyline' for @boost_trimmed;
bless $_, 'Slic3r::Point' for map @$_, @boost_trimmed;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({markerstart => 'url(#dirstart)', style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance).';stroke:aqua;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, @boost_trimmed) if $DB::svg;
# Break ExPolygons into fragments where they intersect with the medial axis.
my @offset_clipped = map $_->clip_with_polylines(\@ma_as_polylines), map $_->contour, @all_expolygons;
my @offset_polygons = grep $_->isa('Slic3r::Polygon'), (@offset_clipped);
my @offset_polylines = grep !$_->isa('Slic3r::Polygon'), (@offset_clipped);
my @offset_holes_clipped = map $_->clip_with_polylines(\@ma_as_polylines), map $_->holes, @all_expolygons;
my @offset_holes_polygons = grep $_->isa('Slic3r::Polygon'), (@offset_holes_clipped);
my @offset_holes_polylines = grep !$_->isa('Slic3r::Polygon'), (@offset_holes_clipped);
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance/5).';stroke:pink;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, @offset_polylines) if $DB::svg;
# Trim one end of each polygon fragment for tool radius.
# This also has the effect of determining which way a medial axis
# fragment will "turn" as it meets the original polygon boundary.
foreach my $offset_polyline (@offset_polylines, @offset_holes_polylines) {
# Alternate "turn" direction each layer
#my $clip_front = $self->layer->id % 2;
my $clip_front = $direction;
my $circle = $clip_front > 0
? [$offset_polyline->[0]->[0], $offset_polyline->[0]->[1], $distance]
: [$offset_polyline->[-1]->[0], $offset_polyline->[-1]->[1], $distance];
$offset_polyline->clip_end_with_circle($clip_front, $circle);
# This is to get any medial axis fragments to always be added to
# the _end_ of a polyline derived from a Clipper offset loop, so we're
# always _going out_ into a thin point, not starting at the tip of a
# thin point. This helps a bit with thin points that are also overhangs,
# so the extrusion doesn't start where there's little or no support.
# Where this reverse happens, the path replacing the original contour
# will then be clockwise, which could be a problem downstream.
@{$offset_polyline} = reverse @{$offset_polyline} if !$clip_front;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance/6).';stroke:purple;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, @offset_polylines) if $DB::svg;
# Splice together medial axis fragments
# and polygon fragments into continuous paths.
my @all_frags = grep @$_ > 1, ( @offset_polylines, @offset_holes_polylines, @boost_trimmed);
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance/6).';stroke:blue;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, @all_frags) if $DB::svg;
Slic3r::Geometry::combine_polyline_fragments(\@all_frags, $distance/20);
my @ex_frags = map Slic3r::ExPolygon->new($_), @all_frags;
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance/8).';stroke:red;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, map $_->contour, @ex_frags) if $DB::svg;
# Hack Polylines into ExPolygons
# unless the medial axis derived fragment really is a complete loop
foreach (@ex_frags) {
if (Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($_->[0]->[-1], $_->[0]->[0])) {
pop @{$_->[0]};
} else { bless($_->[0], 'Slic3r::Polyline'); }
#$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>'opacity:0.8;stroke-width:'.($distance/8).';stroke:red;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;'}, map $_->contour, @ex_frags) if $DB::svg;
# Preserve polygons and holes that didn't get split up by the medial axis.
push @ex_frags, @{union_ex([@offset_polygons, @offset_holes_polygons])};
return \@ex_frags;
# EdgeCollection
# Collection of Edges or EdgeViews
# Edge sequences that are subsets of the complete edge collection of the
# half-edge graph, or sequences that omit some contiguous edges of the orignal
# graph, will likely need special handling when returning lists of points.
# We don't want to clutter Edge or EdgeView objects with logic regarding their
# position in arbitrary sequences. We'll put that sort of logic here.
package Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeCollection;
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $_[0] // [];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub start_point {
my $self = shift;
return @{$self} ? $self->[0]->start_point(@_) : ();
sub end_point {
my $self = shift;
return @{$self} ? $self->[-1]->end_point(@_) : ();
sub mid_points {
return () if !@{$_[0]};
my ($self, $resolution, $tool_diameter) = @_;
return grep $_, ($self->[0]->mid_points($resolution, $tool_diameter),
(map {($_->start_point($resolution, $tool_diameter),
$_->mid_points($resolution, $tool_diameter)
)} @{$self}[1..$#$self])
sub points {
my ($self, $resolution, $tool_diameter) = @_;
return grep $_, ($self->start_point($resolution, $tool_diameter),
$self->mid_points($resolution, $tool_diameter),
$self->end_point($resolution, $tool_diameter)
# Vertex
# A bit nicer interface to the half-edge graph vertices
package Slic3r::MedialAxis::Vertex;
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $_[0];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub point { [$_[0]->[0], $_[0]->[1]]; }
sub radius { $_[0]->[2]; }
sub circle { [$_[0]->[0], $_[0]->[1], $_[0]->[2]]; }
sub edge { $_[0]->[3]; }
sub visited { $_[0]->[4] = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $_[0]->[4]; }
# Edge
# A bit nicer interface to the half-edge graph edges
package Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge;
use strict;
use constant SOURCE_INDEX => 0;
use constant VERTEX0 => 1;
use constant TWIN => 2;
use constant NEXT => 3;
use constant PREV => 4;
use constant THETA => 5;
use constant PHI => 6;
use constant CURVED => 7;
use constant PRIMARY => 8;
use constant INTERNAL => 9;
use constant FOOT => 10;
use constant VISITED => 11;
use constant X => 0;
use constant Y => 1;
use constant RADIUS => 2;
use constant VEDGE => 3;
use constant VVISITED => 4;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $_[0];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# generate accessors for the edge data fields
eval('sub '.lc($_).' {return $_[0]->['.$_.'];} ')
sub vertex1 { $_[0]->next->vertex0 }
sub point0 { $_[0]->foot }
sub point1 { $_[0]->next->foot }
sub radius { $_[0]->vertex0->[RADIUS] }
sub curved { $_[0]->[CURVED] = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $_[0]->[CURVED] }
sub visited { $_[0]->[VISITED] = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $_[0]->[VISITED] }
sub edge { $_[0] }
sub start_point { $_[0]->point0 }
sub end_point { $_[0]->next->point0 }
sub mid_points { return () } # TODO - curve samples, or seg samples, to some resolution
sub rot_next { $_[0]->twin->next }
sub rot_prev { $_[0]->prev->twin }
# EdgeView
# Extends the medial axis half-edge graph Edge objects to enable
# offset edges or polygons and radius filters.
package Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView;
use strict;
use constant EDGE => 0;
use constant OFFSET => 1;
use constant RESOLUTION => 2;
use constant INTERPOLATE => 3;
use constant INTERSECT => 4;
use constant TWINTURN => 5;
use constant EVTWIN => 6;
use constant EVNEXT => 7;
use constant EVPREV => 8;
# generate accessors for most of the underlying edge data fields
eval('sub '.lc($_).' {return $_[0]->[0]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::'.$_.'];}')
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = [
map delete $args{$_}, qw(edge offset resolution interpolate intersect twinturn twin next prev)
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub edge { return $_[0]->[EDGE]; }
sub offset { return $_[0]->[OFFSET]; }
sub resolution { return $_[0]->[RESOLUTION]; }
sub intersect { return $_[0]->[INTERSECT]; }
sub interpolate { return $_[0]->[INTERPOLATE]; }
sub radius { return $_[0]->[EDGE]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::VERTEX0]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::RADIUS]; }
sub visited { my $self = shift; return $self->edge->visited(@_); }
sub twinturn { $_[0]->[TWINTURN] = $_[1] if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->[TWINTURN]; }
# Override next, prev, twin for Edges
# If the EdgeView doesn't already have a reference to
# another EdgeView for any of these, upgrade the underlying next/prev/twin
# Edge to an EdgeView, and save and return that.
sub next {
$_[0]->[EVNEXT] = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
return $_[0]->[EVNEXT]
? $_[0]->[EVNEXT]
: ($_[0]->[INTERSECT] && $_[0]->[TWINTURN]
? $_[0]->[EVNEXT] = Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView->new(
edge => $_[0]->[EDGE]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::TWIN],
offset => $_[0]->offset,
resolution => $_[0]->resolution,
prev => $_[0]
: $_[0]->[EVNEXT] = Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView->new(
edge => $_[0]->[EDGE]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::NEXT],
offset => $_[0]->offset,
resolution => $_[0]->resolution,
prev => $_[0]
sub prev {
$_[0]->[EVPREV] = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
return $_[0]->[EVPREV]
? $_[0]->[EVPREV]
: ($_[0]->[INTERSECT] && $_[0]->[TWINTURN]
? $_[0]->[EVPREV] = Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView->new(
edge => $_[0]->[EDGE]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::TWIN],
offset => $_[0]->offset,
resolution => $_[0]->resolution,
next => $_[0],
: $_[0]->[EVPREV] = Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView->new(
edge => $_[0]->[EDGE]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::PREV],
offset => $_[0]->offset,
resolution => $_[0]->resolution,
next => $_[0],
sub twin {
$_[0]->[EVTWIN] = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
return $_[0]->[EVTWIN]
? $_[0]->[EVTWIN]
: $_[0]->[EVTWIN] = Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView->new(
edge => $_[0]->[EDGE]->[&Slic3r::MedialAxis::Edge::TWIN],
offset => $_[0]->offset,
resolution => $_[0]->resolution,
twin => $_[0],
# point0, point_i and point1 return points on, or offset from,
# the original polygon.
# point0 is the location of the edge's foot on the polygon.
# point1 is the location of the next edge's foot on the polygon.
# The segment between those two points lies on one of the
# original polygon segments, or is offset and parallel to it.
sub point0 {
my ($self, $off, $raw) = @_;
$off //= $self->offset;
my $thetaphi = $self->theta + $self->phi;
if ( !$raw
&& $self->offset >= $self->radius
&& $self->offset >= $self->next->radius) {
return [$self->vertex0->[0], $self->vertex0->[1]];
# Normally positive offset is from the polygon inward.
# For now, if it's negative we'll offset from the medial axis edge outward.
# But this convention might change with the evolution of the Edge and
# EdgeView models.
my $radius = defined($off) && $off > 0 ? $self->radius - $off : -$off;
my $pointx = $radius * cos($thetaphi) + $self->vertex0->[0];
my $pointy = $radius * sin($thetaphi) + $self->vertex0->[1];
# watch for any cases of offset distance coming out with too much error
if (0) {
my $too_much_error; # e.g.: to watch for > 10% error, set to 0.1
my $calc_off = sqrt(($self->foot->[0] - $pointx)**2 + ($self->foot->[1] - $pointy)**2);
if ($self->offset && abs($self->offset - $calc_off)/$self->offset > $too_much_error) {
print "too much offset error: ",
($self->offset ? $self->offset : 'undef'),
" vs ",$calc_off,"\n";
return [$pointx, $pointy];
sub point1 {
my ($self, $off, $raw) = @_;
my $p;
$off //= $self->offset;
$p = $self->next->point0($off, $raw);
if ( $self->edge->next == $self->edge->twin
|| $self->next->edge == $self->twin->edge
) {
# (note we're checking underlying Edges, not EdgeViews)
# account for phi not being the same for consecutive edges
# in corners, where the medial axis touches the polygon,
# or where a similar "twinturn" happens
$p = _reflect($p, $self->vertex0, $self->vertex1);
return $p;
# point_i is an interpolated point between point0 and point1.
# $target is a target radius
# The idea is to find the point between point0 and point1 where the
# interpolated radius matches target. So this is only meant to work when
# $target is within the radius range of the edge.
# By default, this will return the interpolated point where the offset (from
# the polygon) segment intersects this medial axis edge (assuming it does).
# But other radius targets can be used for getting an interpolated point at, for
# example, some minimum or maximum radius threshold, if the edge stradles
# that threshold.
sub point_i {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
$target //= $self->offset;
my ($p1, $p2);
if ($target == $self->offset) {
$p1 = $self->vertex0;
$p2 = $self->vertex1;
} else {
$p1 = $self->point0($self->offset, 1);
$p2 = $self->point1($self->offset, 1);
my $r1 = $self->radius;
my $r2 = $self->next->radius;
my $factor = abs(($target - ($r1 < $r2 ? $r1 : $r2)) / ($r1 - $r2));
$factor = 1 - $factor if $r1 > $r2;
return [$p1->[0] + $factor * ($p2->[0] - $p1->[0]),
$p1->[1] + $factor * ($p2->[1] - $p1->[1]),
# vertex0, and vertex1 are the edge's start and end points,
# while vertex_i is an interpolated point between them
sub vertex0 { $_[0]->edge->vertex0 }
sub vertex1 { $_[0]->edge->next->vertex0 }
sub vertex_i {
my ($self, $factor) = @_;
my ($p1, $p2) = ($self->vertex0, $self->vertex1);
return [$p1->[0] + $factor * ($p2->[0] - $p1->[0]),
$p1->[1] + $factor * ($p2->[1] - $p1->[1])
# start_point(), end_point() and mid_points() for an EdgeView take into account
# radius, offset, interpolate and twinturn options.
# Use these three methods to get points expressing the intended
# "view" of an EdgeView.
sub start_point {
my $self = shift;
my $ret;
if (defined($self->interpolate) && $self->interpolate < $self->radius) {
$ret = $self->point_i($self->interpolate);
} elsif ($self->radius < $self->offset && $self->next->radius > $self->offset) {
# the medial axis edge-intersecting point
if ($self->twinturn) { $ret = $self->point_i; }
else { $ret = $self->vertex0; }
} elsif ($self->radius < $self->offset && $self->next->radius < $self->offset) {
$ret = $self->vertex0;
} else {
$ret = $self->point0;
return $ret;
sub end_point {
my $self = shift;
my $ret;
if (defined($self->interpolate) && $self->interpolate > $self->radius) {
$ret = $self->point_i($self->interpolate);
} elsif ($self->radius > $self->offset && $self->next->radius < $self->offset) {
# the medial axis edge-intersecting point
if ($self->twinturn) { $ret= $self->point_i;}
else { $ret = $self->vertex1; }
} elsif ($self->radius < $self->offset && $self->next->radius < $self->offset) {
$ret = $self->vertex1;
} else {
$ret = $self->point1;
return $ret;
sub mid_points {
my ($self, $resolution, $tool_diameter) = @_;
if (
!$self->twinturn &&
( ($self->radius > $self->offset && $self->next->radius < $self->offset)
|| ($self->radius < $self->offset && $self->next->radius > $self->offset)
) {
# the medial axis edge-intersecting point
return ($self->point_i);
} elsif (
0 &&
) {
# TODO: curve samples at given resolution
} else {
return ();
sub points {
my $self = shift;
return grep $_, (
# debug visual output
sub edge_svg {
my $self = shift;
return if !$DB::svg;
# the edges of the cell
[ [@{$self->vertex0}[0,1]],
($self->curved ? [@{$self->curved}, @{$self->vertex1}[0,1]]
: [ @{$self->vertex1}[0,1]]),
# the offset-from-polygon segment
[ grep $_, ( $self->start_point, $self->mid_points, $self->end_point )]
) if (grep $_, ( $self->start_point, $self->mid_points, $self->end_point )) > 1;
# the start point, any midpoints, and the end point of the offset segment
map [@{$_->[0]}[0,1],$_->[1]], grep $_->[0],
( [$self->start_point || undef, 'green' ],
(map [$_ || undef, 'yellow'], $self->mid_points),
[$self->end_point || undef, 'red' ] )
# debug visual output
sub edges_svg {
my $edges = shift;
return if !$DB::svg;
my @quads = map {
[ [@{$_->vertex0}[0,1]],
($_->curved ? [@{$_->curved}, @{$_->vertex1}[0,1]]
: [ @{$_->vertex1}[0,1]]),
} @$edges;
my @quads_curved = map {
[ [@{$_->vertex0}[0,1]],
($_->curved ? [@{$_->curved}, @{$_->vertex1}[0,1]]
: [ @{$_->vertex1}[0,1]]),
} grep $_->curved, @$edges;
my @theta_rays = map {
[ $_->vertex0, [$_->vertex0->[0] + 200000*cos($_->theta), $_->vertex0->[1] + 200000*sin($_->theta)]]
} @$edges;
my @phi_rays = map {
[ $_->vertex0, [$_->vertex0->[0] + 200000*cos($_->theta + $_->phi), $_->vertex0->[1] + 200000*sin($_->theta + $_->phi)]]
} @$edges;
my @offset_segs_whole = map {
[ grep $_, ( $_->point0($_->offset/6, 1), $_->point1($_->offset/6, 1) )]
} @$edges if $edges->[0]->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView');
my @offset_segs = map {
[ grep $_, ( $_->start_point, $_->mid_points, $_->end_point )]
} @$edges if $edges->[0]->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView');
my @offset_pts = map {
map [@{$_->[0]}[0,1],$_->[1]], grep $_->[0],
( [$_->start_point || undef, 'green' ],
(map [$_ || undef, 'yellow'], $_->mid_points),
[$_->end_point || undef, 'red' ] )
} @$edges if $edges->[0]->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView');
# the edges of the cell
# the curved edges of the cell
# the offset-from-polygon segment without any "interpolate" or "intersect" limits
grep @$_>1, @offset_segs_whole) if $edges->[0]->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView');
# the offset-from-polygon segment
grep @$_>1, @offset_segs) if $edges->[0]->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView');
# theta rays
$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:aqua;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;",markerend => 'url(#dirend)'},
# phi rays
$DB::svg->appendPolylines({style=>"stroke:purple;stroke-width:20000;fill:none;",markerend => 'url(#dirend)'},
# the start point, any midpoints, and the end point of the offset segment
@offset_pts) if $edges->[0]->isa('Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView');
sub _rotate_2d {
my ($p1, $theta, $origin) = @_;
return [( ($p1->[0] - $origin->[0]) * CORE::cos($theta)
- ($p1->[1] - $origin->[1]) * CORE::sin($theta)
) + $origin->[0],
( ($p1->[1] - $origin->[1]) * CORE::cos($theta)
+ ($p1->[0] - $origin->[0]) * CORE::sin($theta)
) + $origin->[1]
sub _reflect {
my ($p1, $p2, $p3) = @_;
my $dy = $p3->[1] - $p2->[1];
my $dx = $p3->[0] - $p2->[0];
if ($dy == 0 && $dx == 0) {
# warn "Can't reflect about a point\n";
return $p1;
my $theta = atan2($dy, $dx);
$p1 = _rotate_2d($p1, -$theta, $p2);
$p1->[1] -= $p2->[1];
$p1->[1] *= -1.0;
$p1->[1] += $p2->[1];
return _rotate_2d($p1, $theta, $p2);
# Straight skeleton variation on EdgeView
# Attempt to mimic "straight skeleton" offsets, which is closer to
# what we get from Clipper. (miter limit related details and the
# effects of -1, +0.5 offset cycle not accounted for though)
# The extra $tool_diameter parameter below
# can hopefully be avoided and removed. But it's not clear yet whether we'll
# want or need that to do some smart clipping of offset segments that end
# up hitting the medial axis.
package Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeViewSkel;
use strict;
use base 'Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView';
use List::Util qw(min);
sub start_point {
my ($self, $resolution, $tool_diameter) = @_;
if (!$self->curved
|| Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($self->edge->point0, $self->edge->point1)) {
return $self->SUPER::start_point($self);
} elsif ($self->curved && !Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($self->edge->point0, $self->edge->point1)) {
if ($self->offset > min($self->edge->twin->radius, $self->edge->twin->next->radius)) {
my $ev = Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeViewSkel->new(edge => $self->edge->twin, offset => $self->offset);
return $ev->mid_points($resolution, $tool_diameter);
} else {
return ();
sub end_point {
my ($self, $resolution, $tool_diameter) = @_;
if (!$self->curved
#|| !Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($self->edge->point0, $self->edge->point1)
) {
return $self->SUPER::end_point($self);
} else {
return ();
sub mid_points {
my ($self, $resolution, $tool_diameter) = @_;
if (!$self->curved &&
!$self->twinturn &&
( ($self->radius > $self->offset && $self->next->radius < $self->offset)
|| ($self->radius < $self->offset && $self->next->radius > $self->offset)
) {
# the medial axis edge-intersecting point
return ($self->point_i);
} elsif (
&& Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($self->edge->point0, $self->edge->point1)
) {
# the main straight skeleton related modifications are in here
my @ret;
my $p1 = $self->point0($self->offset,'raw');
my $e2 = $self->next;
# We want to skip over a sequence of consecutive curved edges that have
# the same "pivot point" on the polygon.
# There might also be straight edges in that sequence that have the
# same point0 and point1 (same as pivot point), because the other side
# of the MIC is tanget to a point too, and the MIC is just growing
# (with center tracing out a straight ma edge) as it passes through
# the two points.
while ($e2->next && Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($e2->edge->point1, $self->edge->point1)) {
$e2 = $e2->next;
$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>200000,style=>'fill:purple;'}, $e2->point0($self->offset,'raw')) if $DB::svg;
my $p2 = $e2->point0($self->offset,'raw');
my $a1 = atan2( $self->prev->point1($self->offset,'raw')->[1]
- $self->prev->point0($self->offset,'raw')->[1],
- $self->prev->point0($self->offset,'raw')->[0]
my $a2 = atan2( $e2->point0($self->offset,'raw')->[1]
- $e2->point1($self->offset,'raw')->[1],
- $e2->point1($self->offset,'raw')->[0]
my $r_min = min($e2->radius, $self->radius);
my $r_max = $r_min == $e2->radius ? $self->radius : $e2->radius;
my $line1 = [[@{$p1}[0, 1]],
[$p1->[0] + ($r_min) * CORE::cos($a1),
$p1->[1] + ($r_min) * CORE::sin($a1)]
my $line2 = [[@{$p2}[0, 1]],
[$p2->[0] + ($r_min) * CORE::cos($a2),
$p2->[1] + ($r_min) * CORE::sin($a2)]
my $intersect = Slic3r::Geometry::line_intersection($line1, $line2, 1);
#my $intersect = (Slic3r::Geometry::_line_intersection(map @$_, @$line1, @$line2))->[0];
my $hyp_end = undef;
if (!$intersect) {
my $hp1 = $self->point0($r_min, 'raw');
my $hp2 = $e2->point0($r_min, 'raw');
#my $hp2 = $self->twin->point1($r_min, 'raw');
#my $hp2 = $self->curved; # worked when there was only one curved edge involved
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>400000,style=>'fill:pink;'},$self->curved) if $DB::svg;
my $p3 = $self->twin->point1($self->offset, 'raw');
my $a3 = atan2( $self->twin->point0($self->offset,'raw')->[1]
- $self->twin->point1($self->offset,'raw')->[1],
- $self->twin->point1($self->offset,'raw')->[0]
my $hline1 = [[@{$hp1}[0, 1]],
[$hp1->[0] + $r_max * CORE::cos($a1),
$hp1->[1] + $r_max * CORE::sin($a1)]
my $hline2 = [[@{$hp2}[0, 1]],
[$hp2->[0] + $r_max * CORE::cos($a2),
$hp2->[1] + $r_max * CORE::sin($a2)]
$line1 = [[@{$p1}[0, 1]],
[$p1->[0] + $r_max * CORE::cos($a1),
$p1->[1] + $r_max * CORE::sin($a1)]
$line2 = [[@{$p3}[0, 1]],
[$p3->[0] + $r_max * CORE::cos($a3),
$p3->[1] + $r_max * CORE::sin($a3)]
$hyp_end = (Slic3r::Geometry::_line_intersection(map @$_, @$hline1, @$hline2));
$hyp_end = ref($hyp_end) ? $hyp_end->[0] : $self->curved;
#$hyp_end = $self->curved;
#$DB::svg->appendRaw('<g>') if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>200000,style=>'fill:red;'}, $intersect) if $intersect && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>400000,style=>'fill:pink;'},$self->edge->point0) if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendLines({style=>'stroke:pink;stroke-width:100000;'}, $line1, $line2) if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendLines({style=>'stroke:blue;stroke-width:100000;'},[[@{$self->vertex0}[0,1]], $hyp_end]) if $hyp_end && $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>200000,style=>'fill:yellow;'},$hyp_intersect) if $hyp_intersect && $DB::svg;
if ($hyp_end) {
my $hyp_intersect_1 = Slic3r::Geometry::line_intersection($line1, [[@{$self->vertex0}[0,1]], $hyp_end], 1);
my $hyp_intersect_2 = Slic3r::Geometry::line_intersection($line2, [[@{$self->vertex0}[0,1]], $hyp_end], 1);
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>200000,style=>'fill:blue;'},$self->vertex0, $e2->vertex0) if $DB::svg;
#$DB::svg->appendPoints({r=>200000,style=>'fill:orange;'},grep $_, ($hyp_intersect_1, $hyp_intersect_2)) if $DB::svg;
@ret = ($hyp_intersect_1, $hyp_intersect_2);
#$DB::svg->appendRaw('</g>') if $DB::svg;
@ret = $intersect ? ($intersect) : ();
return @ret;
} else {
return ();
# consider doing circular arcs variant, where instead of parabolic arcs around
# corners, you do circular arcs, resulting in parallel offsets that have the
# same spacing between the curved lines as they do for straight.
# Arcs would need to be clipped where they intersect medial axis edges.
#package Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeViewArc;
#use strict;
#use base 'Slic3r::MedialAxis::EdgeView';
# ...