Add parser grammar to template.php (not used by now)

vitalif 2012-05-18 20:58:23 +00:00 committed by Vitaliy Filippov
parent bde1b16e5c
commit 4fd3aa6926
1 changed files with 384 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class VMXTemplate
$w = $this->wrapper;
if (is_callable($w))
call_user_func_array($w, array(&$t));
return $t;
@ -1534,3 +1534,386 @@ $iset";
return $ts;
// Parse exception
class TemplateParseException extends Exception {}
/* Parser grammatic:
exp: ops_or | "NOT" exp
ops_or: ops_and | ops_and "||" ops_or | ops_and "OR" ops_or | ops_and "XOR" ops_or
ops_and: ops_eq | ops_eq "&&" ops_and | ops_eq "AND" ops_and
ops_eq: ops_cmp | ops_cmp "==" ops_cmp | ops_cmp "!=" ops_cmp
ops_cmp: ops_add | ops_add '<' ops_add | ops_add '>' ops_add | ops_add "<=" ops_add | ops_add ">=" ops_add
ops_add: ops_mul | ops_mul '+' ops_add | ops_mul '-' ops_add
ops_mul: exp_neg | exp_neg '*' ops_mul | exp_neg '/' ops_mul | exp_neg '%' ops_mul
exp_neg: exp_not | '-' exp_not
exp_not: nonbrace | '(' exp ')' | '!' exp_not | func nonbrace
nonbrace: '{' hash '}' | literal | varref | func '(' list ')'
func: name | varref varpart
list: exp | exp ',' list
hash: pair | pair ',' hash |
pair: exp "=>" exp
varref: name | varref varpart
varpart: '.' name | '[' exp ']'
// Lexical + syntactic analyzer + translator
// of template expressions into PHP code.
class TemplateExpressionParser
var $expression, $tokens, $ptr = 0;
var $compiletime_functions = array();
// ops_or: ops_and | ops_and "||" ops_or | ops_and "OR" ops_or | ops_and "XOR" ops_or
// ops_and: ops_eq | ops_eq "&&" ops_and | ops_eq "AND" ops_and
// ops_eq: ops_cmp | ops_cmp "==" ops_cmp | ops_cmp "!=" ops_cmp
// ops_cmp: ops_add | ops_add '<' ops_add | ops_add '>' ops_add | ops_add "<=" ops_add | ops_add ">=" ops_add
// ops_add: ops_mul | ops_mul '+' ops_add | ops_mul '-' ops_add
// ops_mul: exp_neg | exp_neg '*' ops_mul | exp_neg '/' ops_mul | exp_neg '%' ops_mul
static $ops = array(
'or' => array(array('||', '$or', '$xor'), 'and', true),
'and' => array(array('&&', '$and'), 'eq', true),
'eq' => array(array('==', '!='), 'cmp', false),
'cmp' => array(array('<', '>', '<=', '>='), 'add', false),
'add' => array(array('+', '-'), 'mul', true),
'mul' => array(array('*', '/', '%'), 'neg', true),
// Function aliases
static $functions = array(
'i' => 'int',
'intval' => 'int',
'lower' => 'lc',
'lowercase' => 'lc',
'upper' => 'uc',
'uppercase' => 'uc',
'addslashes' => 'quote',
'q' => 'quote',
'sq' => 'sql_quote',
're_quote' => 'requote',
'preg_quote' => 'requote',
'uri_escape' => 'urlencode',
'uriquote' => 'urlencode',
'substring' => 'substr',
'htmlspecialchars' => 'html',
's' => 'html',
'strip_tags' => 'strip',
't' => 'strip',
'h' => 'strip_unsafe',
'implode' => 'join',
'truncate' => 'strlimit',
'hash_keys' => 'keys',
'array_keys' => 'keys',
'array_slice' => 'subarray',
'hget' => 'get',
'aget' => 'get',
'var_dump' => 'dump',
'process' => 'parse',
'include' => 'parse',
'process_inline' => 'parse_inline',
'include_inline' => 'parse_inline',
// $p = new TemplateExpressionParser($expression);
// try { $e = $p->parse(); } catch (Exception $e) { ... }
function __construct($expression)
$this->expression = $expression;
// Tokenize, parse and return parsed code
// @throws TemplateParseException
function parse()
$this->tokens = $this->tokenize($expression);
$this->ptr = 0;
return $this->parse_exp();
// Performs lexical analysis of $this->expression
// and writes the result into $this->tokens
// Possible tokens: name 123.01 0x123 0123 "string" 'string'
// and || && == != < > <= >= + - * / % ( ) ! { } , => . [ ]
function tokenize($expression)
$twochar = array_flip(explode(' ', '|| && == != <= >= =>'));
$onechar = array_flip(explode(' ', '+ - * / % ! , . < > ( ) { } [ ]'));
$e = ltrim($expression);
$r = array();
while (strlen($e))
if (isset($twochar[$t = substr($e, 0, 2)]))
// 2-char operators
$r[] = $t;
$e = substr($e, 2);
elseif (isset($onechar[$t = $e{0}]))
// 1-char operators
$r[] = $t;
$e = substr($e, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#^[^a-z_][a-z0-9_]*#is', $e, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
// Identifier
$r[] = '$'.$m[0][0];
$e = substr($e, $m[0][1]);
elseif (preg_match('/^((\")(?:[^\"\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\'|0\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?|0x\d+)/is', $e, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
// String or numeric non-negative literal
$t = $m[1][0];
if ($m[2])
$t = str_replace('$', '\\$', $t);
$r[] = '#'.$t;
$e = substr($e, $m[0][1]);
// Unknown character
throw new TemplateParseException(
"Unexpected character '".$e{0}."' marked by >>>HERE<<< in ".
substr($expression, 0, -strlen($e)) . ' >>>HERE<<< ' . $e
$e = ltrim($e);
return $r;
// exp: ops_or | "NOT" exp
function parse_exp()
if (strtolower($this->tokens[$this->ptr]) == '$not')
return '(!'.$this->parse_exp().')';
return $this->parse_ops('or');
// Parse operator expression. See self::$ops
function parse_ops($name)
list($ops, $next, $repeat) = self::$ops[$name];
if (isset(self::$ops[$next]))
$next = array(array($this, 'parse_ops'), array($next));
$next = array(array($this, 'parse_'.$next), array());
$e = call_user_func_array($next[0], $next[1]);
$brace = false;
while (in_array(strtolower($this->tokens[$this->ptr]), $ops))
$e .= $this->tokens[$this->ptr++];
$e .= call_user_func_array($next[0], $next[1]);
$brace = true;
if (!$repeat)
return $brace ? "($e)" : $e;
// exp_neg: exp_not | '-' exp_not
function parse_neg()
$neg = false;
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '-')
$neg = true;
$e = $this->parse_not();
return $neg ? "-($e)" : $e;
// exp_not: nonbrace | '(' exp ')' | '!' exp_not | func nonbrace
// nonbrace: '{' hash '}' | literal | varref | func '(' list ')'
// func: name | varref varpart
function parse_not()
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '!')
$r = '(!'.$this->parse_not().')';
elseif ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '(')
$r = $this->parse_exp();
elseif ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '{')
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] != '}')
$r = 'array(' . $this->parse_hash() . ')';
elseif ($this->tokens[$this->ptr]{0} == '#')
// Literal
$r = substr($this->tokens[$this->ptr++], 1);
elseif ($this->tokens[$this->ptr]{0} == '$')
// Name -> varref or function call
$parts = $this->parse_varref();
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr]{0} == '$')
// Single argument function call without braces
$r = $this->call_ref($parts, $this->parse_nonbrace());
elseif ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '(')
// Function call with braces
$r = $this->call_ref($parts, $this->parse_list());
$r = $this->gen_varref($parts);
$this->unexpected(array('!', '(', '{', '#', '$'));
return $r;
// list: exp | exp ',' list
function parse_list()
$r = $this->parse_exp();
while ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == ',')
$r .= ', '.$this->parse_exp();
return $r;
// hash: pair | pair ',' hash |
// pair: exp "=>" exp
function parse_hash()
$r = '';
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '}')
return $r;
$k = $this->parse_exp();
$v = $this->parse_exp();
$r .= "$k => $v, ";
} while ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == ',');
return $r;
// varref: name | varref varpart
// varpart: '.' name | '[' exp ']'
// (always begins with name)
function parse_varref()
$r = $this->consume('$');
$a = array($r);
while ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '.' ||
$this->tokens[$this->ptr] == '[')
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr++] == '.')
$a[] = $this->consume('$');
$a[] = '['.$this->parse_exp().']';
return $r;
// Generate varref code from parse_varref output
function gen_varref($parts)
$r = '$this->tpldata[\''.$parts[0].'\']';
for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++)
if ($parts[$i]{0} == '[')
$r .= $parts[$i];
$r .= '[\''.$parts[$i].'\']';
return $r;
// Construct function call code from $parts (varref parts)
// and $args (compiled expressions for function arguments)
function call_ref($parts, $args)
$r = false;
if (count($parts) == 1)
$fn = $parts[0];
if (isset(self::$functions[$fn]))
$fn = 'function_'.self::$functions[$fn];
$r = $this->$fn($args);
elseif (method_exists($this, "function_$fn"))
$fn = "function_$fn";
$r = $this->$fn($args);
elseif (isset($this->compiletime_functions[$fn]))
$r = call_user_func($this->compiletime_functions[$fn], $this, $args);
throw new TemplateParseException("Unknown function: '$fn' in '{$this->expression}'");
if ($r === false)
$r = 'call_user_func_array('.$this->gen_varref($r).', $args)';
return $r;
// Assume $token is next in the stream and move pointer forward
// $token may be '$' (assume name), '#' (assume literal),
// or an exact value of one of others. For names and literals,
// a value is returned, and the token itself for others.
function consume($token)
if ($token == '$' || $token == '#')
if ($this->tokens[$this->ptr]{0} == $token)
return substr($this->tokens[$this->ptr++], 1);
$this->unexpected($token, 1);
elseif ($this->tokens[$this->ptr] != $token)
$this->unexpected($token, 1);
return $this->tokens[$this->ptr++];
// Raise "unexpected token" error
function unexpected($expected, $skip_frames = 0)
if (!is_array($expected))
$expected = array($expected);
foreach ($tokens as &$e)
if ($e == '#')
$e = 'literal';
elseif ($e == '$')
$e = 'identifier';
$tok = $this->tokens[$this->ptr];
if ($tok{0} == '#' || $tok{0} == '$')
$tok = substr($tok, 1);
$text = "Unexpected '$tok', expected one of ".implode(', ', $expected);
// TODO report parse traces
throw new TemplateParseException($text);