Begin rewriting VMX::Template in Perl

vitalif 2014-09-25 11:58:18 +00:00 committed by Vitaliy Filippov
parent 85635f9430
commit 8cbbf07679
2 changed files with 653 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -311,9 +311,7 @@ hash: pair/$
$$ = ''; $$ = '';
} }
. .
gthash: gtpair/p { gthash: gtpair/$
$$ = $p;
| gtpair/p ',' gthash/h { | gtpair/p ',' gthash/h {
$$ = $p . ', ' . $h; $$ = $p . ', ' . $h;
} }

template.yp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
# Контекстно-свободная Parse::Yapp-грамматика шаблонизатора
# Для корректной работы нужен патченый LIME со следующими изменениями:
# (*) Подменой лексемы 'lit' на 'str' в метаграмматике.
# Это нужно, чтобы можно было юзать строковые лексемы типа '<!--'.
# (*) Для корректной обработки ошибок нужно, чтобы метод eat() возвращал
# false при ошибке и true при успехе. Т.к. подразумевается, что лексический
# анализатор зависим от работы синтаксического, знает о его состоянии и
# соответственно выдаёт либо лексемы "внутри" блоков кода, либо литералы
# "вне" оных.
# Взять таковой можно здесь:
# {{ двойные скобки }} нужно исключительно чтобы маркеры начала и конца подстановки
# были уникальны в грамматике. Вместо них обычно используются { одинарные }, а
# выбор корректной лексемы - скобки или маркера - делает лексический анализатор.
# Но зато вместо { фигурных скобок } можно выбрать себе любые другие маркеры!
# Все выражения представляются массивом из двух значений: [ код выражения, флаг экранирования ]
# Флаг экранирования == true, если это выражение HTML-безопасно. При включённом auto_escape
# небезопасные выражения прогоняются через экранирование.
# Кстати:
# * Олдстайл BEGIN .. END ликвидирован
# * Возможно, нужно добавить в каком-то виде foreach ... as key => value
%start template
%token literal
%token name
%token '..'
%token '||'
%token 'OR'
%token 'XOR'
%token 'AND'
%token '&&'
%token '&'
%token '=='
%token '!='
%token '<'
%token '>'
%token '<='
%token '>='
%token '+'
%token '-'
%token '*'
%token '/'
%token '%'
%token '('
%token ')'
%token '!'
%token 'NOT'
%token '{'
%token '}'
%token ','
%token '=>'
%token '['
%token ']'
%token '<!--'
%token '-->'
%token '{{'
%token '}}'
%left '..'
%left '||' 'OR' 'XOR'
%left '&&' 'AND'
%nonassoc '==' '!=' '<' '>' '<=' '>='
%left '+' '-'
%left '&'
%left '*' '/' '%'
# Директивы
template: chunks {
$_[0]->{template}->{st}->{functions}->{main}->{body} = "sub fn_main() {\nmy \$stack = [];\nmy \$t = '';\n".$_[1]."\nreturn \$t;\n}\n";
chunks: {
| chunks chunk {
$_[1] . $_[2];
chunk: literal {
'$t .= ' . $_[1] . ";\n";
| '<!--' code_chunk '-->' {
| '{{' exp '}}' {
'$t .= ' . ($_[2][1] || !$_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape} ? $_[2][0] : $_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape}, [ $_[2] ])[0]) . ";\n";
| error {
code_chunk: c_if | c_set | c_fn | c_for | exp {
'$t .= ' . ($_[1][1] || !$_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape} ? $_[1][0] : $_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape}, [ $_[1] ])[0]) . ";\n";
c_if: 'IF' exp '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . "}\n";
| 'IF' exp '-->' chunks '<!--' 'ELSE' '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . "} else {\n" . $_[8] . "}\n";
| 'IF' exp '-->' chunks c_elseifs chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . $_[5] . $_[6] . "}\n";
| 'IF' exp '-->' chunks c_elseifs chunks '<!--' 'ELSE' '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . $_[5] . $_[6] . "} else {\n" . $_[10] . "}\n";
c_elseifs: '<!--' elseif exp '-->' {
"} elsif (" . $_[3][0] . ") {\n";
| c_elseifs chunks '<!--' elseif exp '-->' {
$_[1] . $_[2] . "} elsif (" . $_[5][0] . ") {\n";
c_set: 'SET' varref '=' exp {
$_[2][0] . ' = ' . $_[4][0] . ";\n";
| 'SET' varref '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"push \@\$stack, \$t;\n\$t = '';\n" . $_[4] . $_[2][0] . " = \$t;\n\$t = pop(\@\$stack);\n";
c_fn: fn name '(' arglist ')' '=' exp {
$_[0]->{template}->{st}->{functions}->{$_[2]} = {
'name' => $_[2],
'args' => $_[4],
'body' => 'sub fn_'.$_[2]." () {\nreturn ".$_[7].";\n}\n",
//'line' => $line, Ой, я чо - аргументы не юзаю?
//'pos' => $pos,
| fn name '(' arglist ')' '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
$_[0]->{template}->{st}->{functions}->{$_[2]} = {
'name' => $_[2],
'args' => $_[4],
'body' => 'sub fn_'.$_[2]." () {\nmy \$stack = [];\nmy \$t = '';\n".$_[7]."\nreturn \$t;\n}\n",
//'line' => $line,
//'pos' => $pos,
c_for: for varref '=' exp '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
my @varref = @{$_[2]};
my @exp = @_{$_[4]};
my $cs = $_[6];
my $varref_index = substr($varref[0], 0, -1) . ".'_index'}";
"push \@\$stack, ".$varref[0].", ".$varref_index.", 0;
foreach my \$item (array1($exp[0])) {
".$varref[0]." = \$item;
".$varref_index." = \$stack[count(\$stack)-1]++;
pop \@\$stack;
".$varref_index." = pop(\@\$stack);
".$varref[0]." = pop(\@\$stack);
fn: 'FUNCTION' | 'BLOCK' | 'MACRO' ;
for: 'FOR' | 'FOREACH' ;
elseif: 'ELSE' 'IF' | 'ELSIF' | 'ELSEIF' ;
# Выражения
exp: exp '..' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' . ' . $_[3][0] . ')', $_[1][1] && $_[3][1] ];
| exp '||' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' || ' . $_[3][0] . ')', $_[1][1] && $_[3][1] ];
| exp 'OR' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' || ' . $_[3][0] . ')', $_[1][1] && $_[3][1] ];
| exp 'XOR' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' XOR ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '&&' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' && ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp 'AND' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' && ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '==' exp {
[ '$self->eq(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '!=' exp {
[ '!$self->eq(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '<' exp {
[ '$self->lt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '>' exp {
[ '$self->gt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '<=' exp {
[ '!$self->gt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '>=' exp {
[ '!$self->lt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '+' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' + ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '-' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' - ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '&' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' & ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '*' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' * ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '/' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' / ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '%' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' % ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| p10
p10: p11
| '-' p11 {
[ '(-'.$_[2][0].')', 1 ];
p11: nonbrace
| '(' exp ')' varpath {
[ '('.$_[2][0].')'.$_[4], 0 ];
| '!' p11 {
[ '(!'.$_[2][0].')', 1 ];
| 'NOT' p11 {
[ '(!'.$_[2][0].')', 1 ];
nonbrace: '{' hash '}' {
[ "{ " . $_[2] . " }", 1 ];
| literal {
[ $1, 1 ];
| varref
| name '(' ')' {
$_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[1], []);
| name '(' list ')' {
$_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[1], $_[3]);
| name '(' gthash ')' {
[ "\$self->{parent}->call_block('".addcslashes($_[1], "'\\")."', { ".$_[3]." }, '".addcslashes($this->template->lexer->errorinfo(), "'\\")."')", 1 ];
| name nonbrace {
$_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[1], [ $_[3] ]);
| method '(' ')' {
[ $_[1].'()', 1 ];
| method '(' list ')' {
my $argv = [];
foreach my $a (@{$_[3]}) {
push @$argv, $a->[0];
[ $_[1].'('.join(', ', @$argv).')', 1 ];
method: varref '.' name {
list: exp {
[ $_[1] ];
| exp ',' list {
[ $_[1], @{$_[3]} ];
arglist: name {
[ $_[1] ];
| name ',' arglist {
[ $_[1], @{$_[3]} ];
| {
hash: pair
| pair ',' hash {
$_[1] . ', ' . $_[3];
| {
gthash: gtpair
| gtpair ',' gthash {
$_[1] . ', ' . $_[3];
pair: exp ',' exp {
$_[1][0] . ' => ' . $_[3][0];
| gtpair
gtpair: exp '=>' exp {
$_[1][0] . ' => ' . $_[3][0];
varref: name {
[ "\$self->{tpldata}{'".addcslashes($_[1], "\\\'")."'}", 0 ];
| varref varpart {
[ $_[1][0] . $_[2], 0 ];
varpart: '.' name {
"{'".addcslashes($_[1], "\\\'")."'}";
| '[' exp ']' {
($_[2][1] eq 'i' ? '['.$_[2][0].']' : "{".$_[2][0]."}");
varpath: {
| varpath varpart {
$_[1] . $_[2];
# Possible tokens consisting of special characters
my $chartokens = '+ - = * / % ! , . < > ( ) { } [ ] & .. || && == != <= >= =>';
# Reserved keywords
sub _Lexer
my ($parser) = shift;
if ($parser->YYEndOfInput)
my $input = <STDIN>;
return('', undef) unless $input;
my $lex = $parser->{__lexer} = {
options => {} ???,
# Current position in code
codelen => strlen($input),
pos => 0,
lineno => 0,
# Preprocessed keyword tokens
nchar => {},
lens => [],
keywords => { map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $keywords_str },
# Last directive start position, directive and substitution start/end counters
last_start => 0,
last_start_line => 0,
in_code => 0,
in_subst => 0,
force_literal => 0,
foreach (split(/ /, $chartokens))
$lex->{nchar}{strlen($_)}{$_} = 1;
# Add code fragment finishing tokens
$lex->{nchar}{strlen($lex->{options}->{end_code})}{$lex->{options}->{end_code}} = 1;
if ($this->options->end_subst)
$lex->{nchar}{strlen($lex->{options}->{end_subst})}{$lex->{options}->{end_subst}} = 1;
# Reverse-sort lengths
$lex->{lens} = [ sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{$lex->{nchar}} ];
my $lex = $parser->{__lexer};
for (${$parser->YYInput})
m/\G[ \t]*/gc;
m/\G([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)/gc and return('NUM',$1);
m/\G([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/gc and return('VAR',$1);
m/\G(.)/gcs and return($1,$1);
return('', undef);
class VMXTemplateLexer
function feed($parser)
$in = false;
while ($t = $this->read_token())
$success = $parser->eat($t[0], $t[1]);
if (!$success)
// Pass $in from last step so we skip to the beginning
// of directive even if it just ended and $this->in_* == 0
$this->skip_error(end($parser->parser->errors), $in);
$in = $this->in_code || $this->in_subst;
catch (parse_error $e)
function set_code($code)
$this->code = $code;
$this->codelen = strlen($this->code);
$this->pos = $this->lineno = 0;
function errorinfo()
$linestart = strrpos($this->code, "\n", $this->pos-$this->codelen-1) ?: -1;
$lineend = strpos($this->code, "\n", $this->pos) ?: $this->codelen;
$line = substr($this->code, $linestart+1, $this->pos-$linestart-1);
$line .= '^^^';
$line .= substr($this->code, $this->pos, $lineend-$this->pos);
return " in {$this->options->input_filename}, line ".($this->lineno+1).", byte {$this->pos}, marked by ^^^ in $line";
function warn($text)
* Skip a directive
function skip_error($e, $force = false)
if (substr($e, 0, 18) !== 'error not expected')
if ($this->in_code || $this->in_subst || $force)
$this->in_code = $this->in_subst = 0;
$this->pos = $this->last_start;
$this->lineno = $this->last_start_line;
$this->force_literal = 1;
* Read next token from the stream
* Returns array($token, $value) or false for EOF
sub _Lexer
if ($this->pos >= $this->codelen)
// End of code
return false;
if ($this->in_code <= 0 && $this->in_subst <= 0)
$code_pos = strpos($this->code, $this->options->begin_code, $this->pos+$this->force_literal);
$subst_pos = strpos($this->code, $this->options->begin_subst, $this->pos+$this->force_literal);
$this->force_literal = 0;
if ($code_pos === false && $subst_pos === false)
$r = array('literal', "'".addcslashes(substr($this->code, $this->pos), "'\\")."'");
$this->lineno += substr_count($r[1], "\n");
$this->pos = $this->codelen;
elseif ($subst_pos === false || $code_pos !== false && $subst_pos > $code_pos)
// Code starts closer
if ($code_pos > $this->pos)
// We didn't yet reach the code beginning
$str = substr($this->code, $this->pos, $code_pos-$this->pos);
if ($this->options->eat_code_line)
$str = preg_replace('/\n[ \t]*$/s', "\n", $str);
$r = array('literal', "'".addcslashes($str, "'\\")."'");
$this->lineno += substr_count($r[1], "\n");
$this->pos = $code_pos;
elseif ($code_pos !== false)
// We are at the code beginning ($this->pos == $code_pos)
$i = $this->pos+strlen($this->options->begin_code);
while ($i < $this->codelen && (($c = $this->code{$i}) == ' ' || $c == "\t"))
if ($i < $this->codelen && $this->code{$i} == '#')
// Strip comment
$i = strpos($this->code, $this->options->end_code, $i);
$this->pos = $i ? $i+strlen($this->options->end_code) : $this->codelen;
return $this->read_token();
$r = array('<!--', $this->options->begin_code);
$this->last_start = $this->pos;
$this->last_start_line = $this->lineno;
$this->pos += strlen($this->options->begin_code);
$this->in_code = 1;
// Substitution is closer
if ($subst_pos > $this->pos)
$r = array('literal', "'".addcslashes(substr($this->code, $this->pos, $subst_pos-$this->pos), "'\\")."'");
$this->lineno += substr_count($r[1], "\n");
$this->pos = $subst_pos;
$r = array('{{', $this->options->begin_subst);
$this->last_start = $this->pos;
$this->last_start_line = $this->lineno;
$this->in_subst = 1;
return $r;
while ($this->pos < $this->codelen)
// Skip whitespace
$t = $this->code{$this->pos};
if ($t == "\n")
elseif ($t != "\t" && $t != ' ')
if ($this->pos >= $this->codelen)
// End of code
return false;
if (preg_match('#[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*#Ais', $this->code, $m, 0, $this->pos))
$this->pos += strlen($m[0]);
if (isset($this->keywords[$l = strtoupper($m[0])]))
// Keyword
return array($l, $m[0]);
// Identifier
return array('name', $m[0]);
elseif (preg_match(
'|0\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?|0x\d+)/Ais', $this->code, $m, 0, $this->pos))
// String or numeric non-negative literal
$t = $m[1];
if (isset($m[2]))
$t = str_replace('$', '\\$', $t);
$this->pos += strlen($m[0]);
return array('literal', $t);
// Special characters
foreach ($this->lens as $l)
$a = $this->nchar[$l];
$t = substr($this->code, $this->pos, $l);
if (isset($a[$t]))
$this->pos += $l;
if ($this->in_code)
$this->in_code += ($t === $this->options->begin_code);
$this->in_code -= ($t === $this->options->end_code);
if (!$this->in_code)
if ($this->options->eat_code_line)
$p = $this->pos;
while ($p < $this->codelen && (($c = $this->code{$p}) == ' ' || $c == "\t" || $c == "\r"))
if ($p < $this->codelen && $this->code{$p} == "\n")
if ($p < $this->codelen && $this->code{$p} == "\r")
$this->pos = $p;
return array('-->', $t);
elseif ($this->in_subst)
$this->in_subst += ($t === $this->options->begin_subst);
$this->in_subst -= ($t === $this->options->end_subst);
if (!$this->in_subst)
return array('}}', $t);
return array($t, false);
// Unknown character
"Unexpected character '".$this->code{$this->pos}."'"
return array('error', false);