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13 Commits

6 changed files with 1985 additions and 1820 deletions

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@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
* Homepage:
* License: GNU GPLv3 or later
* Author: Vitaliy Filippov, 2006-2015
* Version: V3 (LALR), 2015-04-12
* Author: Vitaliy Filippov, 2006-2020
* Version: V3 (LALR), 2020-01-01
* The template engine is split into two parts:
* (1) This file - always used when running templates
* (2) template.parser.php - used only when compiling new templates
* (2) VMXTemplateCompiler.php - used only when compiling new templates
@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ if (!defined('TS_UNIX'))
class VMXTemplate
// Loaded template class names
public static $loadedClasses = [];
static $Mon, $mon, $Wday;
static $cache_type = NULL;
static $cache = array();
@ -230,16 +233,17 @@ class VMXTemplate
* parse_real variant that does not require $vars to be an lvalue
* and does not run filters on output
protected function parse_discard($fn, $inline, $func, $vars = NULL)
return $this->parse_real($fn, $inline, $func, $vars);
return $this->parse_real($fn, $inline, $func, $vars, false);
* "Real" parse function, handles all parse_*()
protected function parse_real($fn, $inline, $func, &$vars = NULL)
protected function parse_real($fn, $inline, $func, &$vars = NULL, $run_filters = true)
if (!$fn)
@ -325,7 +329,7 @@ class VMXTemplate
if ($this->options->filters)
if ($run_filters && $this->options->filters)
$filters = $this->options->filters;
if (is_callable($filters) || is_string($filters) && is_callable(array(__CLASS__, "filter_$filters")))
@ -348,6 +352,40 @@ class VMXTemplate
return $t;
* Translate template file line number from stack frame $frame (taken from debug_backtrace())
public function translateLine(&$frame)
if (isset(VMXTemplate::$loadedClasses[$frame['file']]))
$class = VMXTemplate::$loadedClasses[$frame['file']];
if (isset($class::$smap))
$l = $frame['line'];
$s = 0;
$e = count($class::$smap);
while ($e > $s+1)
if ($l < $class::$smap[($e+$s)>>1][0])
$e = ($e+$s)>>1;
$s = ($e+$s)>>1;
$frame['file'] = $class::$template_filename;
$frame['line'] = $class::$smap[$s][1];
if (!empty($frame['class']) && substr($frame['class'], 0, 9) == 'Template_')
$class = $frame['class'];
$frame['class'] = $class::$template_filename;
$frame['type'] = '->';
if (substr($frame['function'], 0, 3) == 'fn_')
$frame['function'] = substr($frame['function'], 3);
* Load file (with caching)
@ -424,12 +462,15 @@ class VMXTemplate
$func_ns = md5($fn);
if ($this->options->strip_space)
if (!$this->compiler)
$this->compiler = new VMXTemplateCompiler($this->options);
$compiled = $this->compiler->parse_all($code, $fn, $func_ns);
$compiled .= "VMXTemplate::\$loadedClasses['".addcslashes(realpath(dirname($file)).'/'.basename($file), '\\\'')."'] = 'Template_$func_ns';\n";
if (!file_put_contents($file, $compiled))
throw new VMXTemplateException("Failed writing $file");
@ -460,7 +501,7 @@ class VMXTemplate
// FIXME maybe do it better!
$fn = $this->function_search_path[$block][0][0];
return $this->parse_real($fn, NULL, $block, $args);
return $this->parse_real($fn, NULL, $block, $args, false);
throw new VMXTemplateException("Unknown block '$block'$errorinfo");
@ -471,7 +512,7 @@ class VMXTemplate
$fun = $this->function_search_path[$block][0];
$args = array_combine($fun[1], array_pad(array_slice($args, 0, count($fun[1])), count($fun[1]), NULL));
return $this->parse_real($fun[0], NULL, $block, $args);
return $this->parse_real($fun[0], NULL, $block, $args, false);
throw new VMXTemplateException("Unknown block or function '$block'$errorinfo");
@ -556,7 +597,14 @@ class VMXTemplate
static function exec_subst($str)
$args = func_get_args();
$str = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)\$(?:([1-9]\d*)|\{([1-9]\d*)\})/is', create_function('$m', 'return $args[$m[2]?$m[2]:$m[3]];'), $str);
$str = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) use($args)
return $args[$m[2] ? $m[2] : $m[3]];
return $str;
@ -584,11 +632,11 @@ class VMXTemplate
// For a hash, returns an array with pairs { key => 'key', value => 'value' }
static function exec_pairs($array)
static function exec_pairs($array, $kf = 'key', $vf = 'value')
$r = array();
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
$r[] = array('key' => $k, 'value' => $v);
$r[] = array($kf => $k, $vf => $v);
return $r;
@ -784,22 +832,18 @@ class VMXTemplateOptions
$this->$k = $v;
if ($this->strip_space && array_search('strip_space', $this->filters) === false)
$this->filters[] = 'strip_space';
if (!$this->begin_subst || !$this->end_subst)
$this->begin_subst = false;
$this->end_subst = false;
$this->no_code_subst = false;
$this->cache_dir = preg_replace('!/*$!s', '/', $this->cache_dir);
$this->cache_dir = preg_replace('!([^/])/*$!s', '\1/', $this->cache_dir);
if (!is_writable($this->cache_dir))
throw new VMXTemplateException('VMXTemplate: cache_dir='.$this->cache_dir.' is not writable');
$this->root = preg_replace('!/*$!s', '/', $this->root);
$this->root = preg_replace('!([^/])/*$!s', '\1/', $this->root);
function __destruct()

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
if [ "$LIME_DIR" = "" ]; then
php -d xdebug.max_nesting_level=200 $LIME_DIR/lime.php template.lime | tail -n +2 > template.class
LINES=`grep -n -h " \*\*\* DON'T EDIT THIS FILE! \*\*\*" template.parser.php | perl -pe 's/(\d+):.*/$1-2/e'`
LINES=`grep -n -h " \*\*\* DON'T EDIT THIS FILE! \*\*\*" VMXTemplateCompiler.php | perl -pe 's/(\d+):.*/$1-2/e'`
if [ "$LINES" != "" ]; then
head -n $LINES template.parser.php | cat - template.class >
head -n $LINES VMXTemplateCompiler.php | cat - template.class >
cat template.parser.php template.class >
cat VMXTemplateCompiler.php template.class >
mv template.parser.php
mv VMXTemplateCompiler.php

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
%token ">" "greater than operator '>'"
%token "<=" "less or equal operator '<='"
%token ">=" "greater or equal operator '>='"
%token "?" "ternary operator '? :'"
%token ":" "ternary operator '? :'"
%token "+" "plus operator '+'"
%token "-" "minus operator '-'"
%token "*" "multiply operator '*'"
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
%token "}}" "substitution end"
%left ".."
%nonassoc "?" ":"
%left "||" "OR" "XOR"
%left "&&" "AND"
%nonassoc "==" "!=" "<" ">" "<=" ">="
@ -81,80 +84,95 @@
# Директивы
template = chunks {
$this->template->st->AST = $1;
$this->template->st->functions['main']['body'] = "function fn_main() {\$stack = array();\n\$t = '';\n".$1."\nreturn \$t;\n}\n";
$$ = '';
chunks = {
$$ = [];
$$ = '';
| chunks chunk {
$$ = $1;
if ($2) {
$$[] = $2;
$$ = $1 . "# line ".$this->template->lexer->lineno."\n" . $2;
chunk = literal {
$$ = [ 'literal', $1 ];
$$ = ($1 != "''" && $1 != '""' ? '$t .= ' . $1 . ";\n" : '');
| "<!--" code_chunk/c "-->" {
$$ = $c;
| "{{" exp/e "}}" {
$$ = [ 'subst', $e ];
$$ = '$t .= ' . ($e[1] || !$this->template->options->auto_escape ? $e[0] : $this->template->compile_function($this->template->options->auto_escape, [ $e ])[0]) . ";\n";
| error/e {
$$ = false;
$$ = '';
code_chunk = c_if/$ | c_set/$ | c_fn/$ | c_for/$ | exp/e {
$$ = [ 'subst', $e ];
$$ = '$t .= ' . ($e[1] || !$this->template->options->auto_escape ? $e[0] : $this->template->compile_function($this->template->options->auto_escape, [ $e ])[0]) . ";\n";
c_if = "IF" exp/e "-->" chunks/if "<!--" "END" {
$$ = [ 'if', [ $e, $if ] ];
$$ = "if (" . $e[0] . ") {\n" . $if . "}\n";
| "IF" exp/e "-->" chunks/if "<!--" "ELSE" "-->" chunks/else "<!--" "END" {
$$ = [ 'if', [ $e, $if ], [ false, $else ] ];
$$ = "if (" . $e[0] . ") {\n" . $if . "} else {\n" . $else . "}\n";
| "IF" exp/e "-->" chunks/if c_elseifs/ei chunks/ec "<!--" "END" {
$$ = $ei;
$$[count($$)-1] = $ec;
$$ = array_merge([ 'if', [ $e, $if ] ], $ei);
$$ = "if (" . $e[0] . ") {\n" . $if . $ei . $ec . "}\n";
| "IF" exp/e "-->" chunks/if c_elseifs/ei chunks/ec "<!--" "ELSE" "-->" chunks/else "<!--" "END" {
$$ = $ei;
$$[count($$)-1] = $ec;
$$[] = [ false, $else ];
$$ = array_merge([ 'if', [ $e, $if ] ], $$);
$$ = "if (" . $e[0] . ") {\n" . $if . $ei . $ec . "} else {\n" . $else . "}\n";
c_elseifs = "<!--" elseif exp/e "-->" {
$$ = [ [ $e ] ];
$$ = "} elseif (" . $e[0] . ") {\n";
| c_elseifs/p chunks/cs "<!--" elseif exp/e "-->" {
$$ = $p;
$$[count($$)-1][] = $cs;
$$[] = [ $e ];
$$ = $p . $cs . "} elseif (" . $e[0] . ") {\n";
c_set = "SET" varref/v "=" exp/e {
$$ = [ 'set', $v, [ 'subst', $e ] ];
$$ = $v[0] . ' = ' . $e[0] . ";\n";
| "SET" varref/v "-->" chunks/cs "<!--" "END" {
$$ = [ 'set', $v, $cs ];
$$ = "\$stack[] = \$t;\n\$t = '';\n" . $cs . $v[0] . " = \$t;\n\$t = array_pop(\$stack);\n";
c_fn = fn name/name "(" arglist/args ")" "=" exp/exp {
$$ = [ 'function', $name, $args, [ 'subst', $exp ] ];
$this->template->st->functions[$name] = array(
'name' => $name,
'args' => $args,
'body' => 'function fn_'.$name." () {\nreturn ".$exp[0].";\n}\n",
//'line' => $line, Ой, я чо - аргументы не юзаю?
//'pos' => $pos,
$$ = '';
| fn name/name "(" arglist/args ")" "-->" chunks/cs "<!--" "END" {
$$ = [ 'function', $name, $args, $cs ];
$this->template->st->functions[$name] = array(
'name' => $name,
'args' => $args,
'body' => 'function fn_'.$name." () {\$stack = array();\n\$t = '';\n".$cs."\nreturn \$t;\n}\n",
//'line' => $line,
//'pos' => $pos,
$$ = '';
c_for = for varref/varref "=" exp/exp "-->" chunks/cs "<!--" "END" {
$$ = [ 'for', $varref, $exp, $cs ];
$varref_index = substr($varref[0], 0, -1) . ".'_index']";
$$ = "\$stack[] = ".$varref[0].";
\$stack[] = ".$varref_index.";
\$stack[] = 0;
foreach ((array)($exp[0]) as \$item) {
".$varref[0]." = \$item;
".$varref_index." = \$stack[count(\$stack)-1]++;
".$varref_index." = array_pop(\$stack);
".$varref[0]." = array_pop(\$stack);
fn = "FUNCTION" | "BLOCK" | "MACRO" .
@ -164,91 +182,98 @@ elseif = "ELSE" "IF" | "ELSIF" | "ELSEIF" .
# Выражения
exp: exp/a ".." exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '.', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' . ' . $b[0] . ')', $a[1] && $b[1] ];
| exp/a "||" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '||', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' ?: ' . $b[0] . ')', $a[1] && $b[1] ];
| exp/a "OR" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '||', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' ?: ' . $b[0] . ')', $a[1] && $b[1] ];
| exp/a "XOR" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', 'XOR', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' XOR ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "&&" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '&&', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' && ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "AND" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '&&', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' && ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "?" exp/b ":" exp/c {
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' ? ' . $b[0] . ' : ' . $c[0] . ')', $b[1] && $c[1] ];
| exp/a "==" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '==', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' == ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "!=" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '!=', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' != ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "<" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '<', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' < ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a ">" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '>', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' > ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "<=" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '<=', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' <= ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a ">=" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '>=', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' >= ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "+" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '+', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' + ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "-" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '-', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' - ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "&" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '&', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' & ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "*" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '*', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' * ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "/" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '/', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' / ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| exp/a "%" exp/b {
$$ = [ 'op', '%', $a, $b ];
$$ = [ '(' . $a[0] . ' % ' . $b[0] . ')', true ];
| p10/$
p10: p11/$
| '-' p11/a {
$$ = [ 'op', '-', $a ];
$$ = [ '(-'.$a[0].')', true ];
p11: nonbrace/$
p11: nonbrace
| '(' exp/e ')' varpath/p {
$$ = [ 'varpath', $e, $p ];
$$ = [ ($p !== '' ? 'self::noop('.$e[0].')'.$p : '('.$e[0].')'), false ];
| '!' p11/a {
$$ = [ 'op', '!', $a ];
$$ = [ '(!'.$a[0].')', true ];
| "NOT" p11/a {
$$ = [ 'op', '!', $a ];
$$ = [ '(!'.$a[0].')', true ];
nonbrace: '{' hash/$ '}'
| literal/$
nonbrace: '{' hash/h '}' {
$$ = [ 'array(' . $h . ')', true ];
| literal {
$$ = [ $1, true ];
| varref/$
| name/f '(' ')' {
$$ = [ 'call', $f, [] ];
$$ = $this->template->compile_function($f, []);
| name/f '(' list/args ')' {
$$ = [ 'call', $f, $args ];
$$ = $this->template->compile_function($f, $args);
| name/f '(' gthash/args ')' {
$$ = [ 'call_block', $f, $args, $this->template->lexer->errorpos() ];
$$ = [ "\$this->parent->call_block('".addcslashes($f, "'\\")."', array(".$args."), '".addcslashes($this->template->lexer->errorinfo(), "'\\")."')", true ];
| name/f nonbrace/arg {
$$ = [ 'call', $f, [ $arg ] ];
$$ = $this->template->compile_function($f, [ $arg ]);
list: exp/e {
@ -270,61 +295,57 @@ arglist: name/n {
$$ = [];
hash: pair/p {
$$ = [ 'hash', $p ];
hash: pair/$
| pair/p ',' hash/h {
array_splice($h, 1, 0, [ $p ]);
$$ = $h;
$$ = $p . ', ' . $h;
| {
$$ = [ 'hash' ];
$$ = '';
gthash: gtpair/p {
$$ = [ 'hash', $p ];
gthash: gtpair/$
| gtpair/p ',' gthash/h {
array_splice($h, 1, 0, [ $p ]);
$$ = $h;
$$ = $p . ', ' . $h;
pair: exp/k ',' exp/v {
$$ = [ $k, $v ];
$$ = $k[0] . ' => ' . $v[0];
| gtpair/$
gtpair: exp/k "=>" exp/v {
$$ = [ $k, $v ];
$$ = $k[0] . ' => ' . $v[0];
varref: name/n {
$$ = [ 'varref', $n ];
$$ = [ "\$this->tpldata['".addcslashes($n, "\\\'")."']", false ];
| varref/v varpart/p {
$v[] = $p;
$$ = $v;
$$ = [ $v[0] . $p, false ];
varpart: '.' namekw/n {
$$ = [ 'index', $n ];
$$ = "['".addcslashes($n, "\\\'")."']";
| '[' exp/e ']' {
$$ = [ 'index', $e ];
$$ = '['.$e[0].']';
| '.' namekw/n '(' ')' {
$$ = [ 'method', $n, [] ];
$$ = '->'.$n.'()';
| '.' namekw/n '(' list/l ')' {
$$ = [ 'method', $n, $l ];
$argv = [];
foreach ($l as $a) {
$argv[] = $a[0];
$$ = '->'.$n.'('.implode(', ', $argv).')';
varpath: {
$$ = [];
$$ = '';
| varpath/a varpart/p {
$a[] = $p;
$$ = $a;
$$ = $a . $p;
namekw: name

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
require 'template.php';
system('mkdir -p ./cache');
system('rm ./cache/tpl*.php');
$template = new VMXTemplate([
'cache_dir' => './cache',
'root' => '.',
'auto_escape' => 's',

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<!-- FOR o = options -->
<option value="{o.url}"<!-- IF o.selected --> selected="selected"<!-- END -->>{}</option>
<!-- END -->
<span>{v.end('x', 'y')['z'].begin()}</span>