regex -> index() -> recursive descent. # Needs another rewrite using a LALR parser generator, maybe LIME... # Homepage: # Author: Vitaliy Filippov, 2006-2013 # $Id$ class VMXTemplateState { // Old-style blocks var $blocks = array(); // Stack of code fragments for END checking // array(array($instruction, $subject)) // E.g. $instruction = FOR, $subject = varref var $in = array(); // Functions var $functions = array(); // Template filename var $input_filename = ''; // Stack of references to output strings var $output = array(); } if (!defined('TS_UNIX')) { // Global timestamp format constants define('TS_UNIX', 0); define('TS_DB', 1); define('TS_DB_DATE', 2); define('TS_MW', 3); define('TS_EXIF', 4); define('TS_ORACLE', 5); define('TS_ISO_8601', 6); define('TS_RFC822', 7); } class VMXTemplate { static $Mon, $mon, $Wday; static $cache_type = NULL; static $cache = array(); static $safe_tags = '

    • '; // Timestamp format constants const TS_UNIX = 0; const TS_DB = 1; const TS_DB_DATE = 2; const TS_MW = 3; const TS_EXIF = 4; const TS_ORACLE = 5; const TS_ISO_8601 = 6; const TS_RFC822 = 7; // Version of code classes, saved into static $version const CODE_VERSION = 3; // Data passed to the template var $tpldata = array(); // Parent 'VMXTemplate' object for compiled templates // parse_anything() functions are always called on $this->parent var $parent = NULL; // Failed-to-load filenames, saved to skip them during the request var $failed = array(); // Search path for template functions (filenames indexed by function name) var $function_search_path = array(); // Options object var $options; /** * Constructor * * @param array $options Options */ function __construct($options) { $this->options = new VMXTemplateOptions($options); } /** * Clear template data */ function clear() { $this->tpldata = array(); return true; } /** * Shortcut for $this->vars() */ function assign_vars($new = NULL, $value = NULL) { $this->vars($new, $value); } /** * Set template data value/values. * $obj->vars($key, $value); * or * $obj->vars(array(key => value, ...)); */ function vars($new = NULL, $value = NULL) { if (is_array($new)) { $this->tpldata = array_merge($this->tpldata, $new); } elseif ($new && $value !== NULL) { $this->tpldata[$new] = $value; } } /*** Cache support - XCache/APC/eAccelerator ***/ static function cache_check_type() { if (is_null(self::$cache_type)) { if (function_exists('xcache_get')) self::$cache_type = 'x'; elseif (function_exists('apc_store')) self::$cache_type = 'a'; elseif (function_exists('eaccelerator_get')) self::$cache_type = 'e'; else self::$cache_type = ''; } } static function cache_get($key) { self::cache_check_type(); if (!array_key_exists($key, self::$cache)) { if (self::$cache_type == 'x') self::$cache[$key] = xcache_get($key); elseif (self::$cache_type == 'a') self::$cache[$key] = apc_fetch($key); elseif (self::$cache_type == 'e') self::$cache[$key] = eaccelerator_get($key); } return self::$cache[$key]; } static function cache_del($key) { self::cache_check_type(); unset(self::$cache[$key]); if (self::$cache_type == 'x') xcache_unset($key); elseif (self::$cache_type == 'a') apc_delete($key); elseif (self::$cache_type == 'e') eaccelerator_rm($key); } static function cache_set($key, $value) { self::cache_check_type(); self::$cache[$key] = $value; if (self::$cache_type == 'x') xcache_set($key, $value); elseif (self::$cache_type == 'a') apc_store($key, $value); elseif (self::$cache_type == 'e') eaccelerator_put($key, $value); } /*** Parse functions ***/ /** * Normal (main) parse function. * Use it to run the template. * * @param string $filename Template filename * @param array $vars Optional data, will override $this->tpldata */ function parse($filename, $vars = NULL) { return $this->parse_real($filename, NULL, 'main', $vars); } /** * Call template block (= macro/function) * * @param string $filename Template filename * @param string $function Function name * @param array $vars Optional data */ function exec_from($filename, $function, $vars = NULL) { return $this->parse_real($filename, NULL, $function, $vars); } /** * Should not be used without great need. * Run template passed as argument. */ function parse_inline($code, $vars = NULL) { return $this->parse_real(NULL, $code, 'main', $vars); } /** * Should not be used without great need. * Execute a function from the code passed as argument. */ function exec_from_inline($code, $function, $vars = NULL) { return $this->parse_real(NULL, $code, $function, $vars); } /** * parse_real variant that does not require $vars to be an lvalue */ protected function parse_discard($fn, $inline, $func, $vars = NULL) { return $this->parse_real($fn, $inline, $func, $vars); } /** * "Real" parse function, handles all parse_*() */ protected function parse_real($fn, $inline, $func, &$vars = NULL) { if (!$fn) { if (!strlen($inline)) return ''; $class = 'Template_X'.md5($inline); if (!($file = $this->compile($inline, ''))) return NULL; include $file; } else { if (substr($fn, 0, 1) != '/') $fn = $this->options->root.$fn; /* Don't reload already loaded classes - optimal for multiple parse() calls. But if we would like to reload templates during ONE request some day... */ $class = 'Template_'.md5($fn); if (!class_exists($class)) { if (isset($this->failed[$fn])) { // Fail recorded, don't retry until next request return NULL; } if (!($text = $this->loadfile($fn))) { $e = error_get_last(); $this->options->error("couldn't load template file '$fn': ".$e['message'], true); $this->failed[$fn] = true; return NULL; } if (!($file = $this->compile($text, $fn))) { $this->failed[$fn] = true; return NULL; } $r = include($file); if ($r !== 1) { $this->options->error("error including compiled template for '$fn'", true); $this->failed[$fn] = true; return NULL; } if (!class_exists($class) || !isset($class::$version) || $class::$version < self::CODE_VERSION) { // Cache file from some older version - reset it $this->options->error("Please, clear template cache path after upgrading VMX::Template", true); $this->failed[$fn] = true; return NULL; } foreach ($class::$functions as $loaded_function) { // FIXME Do it better // Remember functions during file loading $this->function_search_path[$loaded_function][] = $fn; } } } $func = "fn_$func"; $tpl = new $class($this); if ($vars) { $tpl->tpldata = &$vars; } $old = error_reporting(); if ($old & E_NOTICE) { error_reporting($old & ~E_NOTICE); } $t = $tpl->$func(); if ($old & E_NOTICE) { error_reporting($old); } if ($this->options->filters) { $filters = $this->options->filters; if (is_callable($filters) || is_string($filters) && is_callable(array(__CLASS__, "filter_$filters"))) { $filters = array($filters); } foreach ($filters as $w) { if (is_string($w) && is_callable(array(__CLASS__, "filter_$w"))) { $w = array(__CLASS__, "filter_$w"); } elseif (!is_callable($w)) { continue; } call_user_func_array($w, array(&$t)); } } return $t; } /** * Load file (with caching) * * @param string $fn Filename */ function loadfile($fn) { $load = false; if (!($text = self::cache_get("U$fn")) || $this->options->reload) { $mtime = @stat($fn); $mtime = $mtime[9]; if (!$text) { $load = true; } else { $ctime = self::cache_get("T$fn"); if ($ctime < $mtime) { $load = true; } } } // Reload if file changed if ($load) { if ($fp = @fopen($fn, "rb")) { fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END); $t = ftell($fp); fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_SET); $text = fread($fp, $t); fclose($fp); } else { return NULL; } // Different keys may expire separately, but that's not a problem here self::cache_set("T$fn", $mtime); self::cache_set("U$fn", $text); } return $text; } /** * Compile code into a file and return its filename. * This file, evaluated, will create the "Template_XXX" class * * $file = $this->compile($code, $fn); * require $file; */ function compile($code, $fn, $reload = false) { $md5 = md5($code); $file = $this->options->cache_dir . 'tpl' . $md5 . '.php'; if (file_exists($file) && !$reload) { return $file; } if (!$fn) { // Mock filename for inline code $func_ns = 'X' . $md5; $c = debug_backtrace(); $c = $c[2]; $fn = '(inline template at '.$c['file'].':'.$c['line'].')'; } else { $func_ns = md5($fn); } $parser = new VMXTemplateParser($this->options); $compiled = $parser->parse_all($code, $fn, $func_ns); if (!file_put_contents($file, $compiled)) { throw new VMXTemplateException("Failed writing $file"); } return $file; } /** * Call template block / "function" from the template where it was defined */ function call_block($block, $args, $errorinfo) { if (isset($this->function_search_path[$block])) { // FIXME maybe do it better! $fn = $this->function_search_path[$block][0]; return $this->parse_real($fn, NULL, $block, $args); } throw new VMXTemplateException("$errorinfo Unknown block '$block'"); } /*** Built-in filters ***/ /** * Strips space from the beginning and ending of each line */ static function filter_strip_space(&$text) { $text = preg_replace('/^[ \t\v]+/m', '', $text); $text = preg_replace('/[ \t\v]+$/m', '', $text); } /*** Function implementations ***/ static function array1($a) { if (is_null($a)) return array(); if (is_array($a) && !self::is_assoc($a)) return $a; return array($a); } // Guess if the array is associative based on the first key (for performance) static function is_assoc($a) { reset($a); return $a && !is_int(key($a)); } // Merge all scalar and list arguments into one list static function merge_to_array() { $args = func_get_args(); $aa = (array) array_shift($args); if (self::is_assoc($aa)) $aa = array($aa); foreach ($args as $a) { if (is_array($a) && !self::is_assoc($a)) foreach ($a as $v) $aa[] = $v; else $aa[] = $a; } return $aa; } // Returns count of elements for arrays and 0 for others static function array_count($a) { if (is_array($a)) return count($a); return 0; } // Perlish OR operator - returns first true value static function perlish_or() { $a = func_get_args(); $last = array_pop($a); foreach ($a as $v) if ($v) return $v; return $last; } // Call a function function exec_call($f, $sub, $args) { if (is_callable($sub)) return call_user_func_array($sub, $args); $this->parent->options->error("Unknown function: '$f'"); return NULL; } // Variable dump static function exec_dump($var) { ob_start(); var_dump($var); $var = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $var; } // Extract values from an array by modulus of their indexes // exec_subarray_divmod([], 2) // exec_subarray_divmod([], 2, 1) static function exec_subarray_divmod($array, $div, $mod) { if (!$div || !is_array($array)) return $array; if (!$mod) $mod = 0; $i = 0; $r = array(); foreach ($array as $k => $v) if (($i % $div) == $mod) $r[$k] = $v; return $r; } // Executes subst() static function exec_subst($str) { $args = func_get_args(); $str = preg_replace_callback('/(? 'key', value => 'value' } static function exec_pairs($array) { $r = array(); foreach ($array as $k => $v) $r[] = array('key' => $k, 'value' => $v); return $r; } // Limit string length, cut it on space boundary and add '...' if length is over static function strlimit($str, $maxlen, $dots = '...') { if (!$maxlen || $maxlen < 1 || strlen($str) <= $maxlen) return $str; $str = substr($str, 0, $maxlen); $p = strrpos($str, ' '); if (!$p || ($pt = strrpos($str, "\t")) > $p) $p = $pt; if ($p) $str = substr($str, 0, $p); return $str . $dots; } // UTF-8 (mb_internal_encoding() really) variant of strlimit() static function mb_strlimit($str, $maxlen, $dots = '...') { if (!$maxlen || $maxlen < 1 || mb_strlen($str) <= $maxlen) return $str; $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $maxlen); $p = mb_strrpos($str, ' '); if (!$p || ($pt = mb_strrpos($str, "\t")) > $p) $p = $pt; if ($p) $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $p); return $str . $dots; } // UTF-8 lcfirst() static function mb_lcfirst($str) { return mb_strtolower(mb_substr($str, 0, 1)) . mb_substr($str, 0, 1); } // UTF-8 ucfirst() static function mb_ucfirst($str) { return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($str, 0, 1)) . mb_substr($str, 0, 1); } // Select one of 3 plural forms for russian language static function plural_ru($count, $one, $few, $many) { $sto = $count % 100; if ($sto >= 10 && $sto <= 20) return $many; switch ($count % 10) { case 1: return $one; case 2: case 3: case 4: return $few; } return $many; } // Limited-edition timestamp parser static function timestamp($ts = 0, $format = 0) { if (!self::$Mon) { self::$Mon = explode(' ', 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'); self::$mon = array_reverse(explode(' ', 'jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec')); self::$Wday = explode(' ', 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'); } if (!strcmp(intval($ts), $ts)) { // TS_UNIX or Epoch if (!$ts) $ts = time(); } elseif (preg_match('/^\D*(\d{4,})\D*(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})\D*(?:(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})\D*([\+\- ]\d{2}\D*)?)?$/s', $ts, $m)) { // TS_DB, TS_DB_DATE, TS_MW, TS_EXIF, TS_ISO_8601 $ts = mktime(0+$m[4], 0+$m[5], 0+$m[6], $m[2], $m[3], $m[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*(\d\d?)-(...)-(\d\d(?:\d\d)?)\s*(\d\d)\.(\d\d)\.(\d\d)/s', $ts, $m)) { // TS_ORACLE $ts = mktime($m[4], $m[5], $m[6], $mon[strtolower($m[2])]+1, intval($m[1]), $m[3] < 100 ? $m[3]+1900 : $m[3]); } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*..., (\d\d?) (...) (\d{4,}) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\s*([\+\- ]\d\d)\s*$/s', $ts, $m)) { // TS_RFC822 $ts = mktime($m[4], $m[5], $m[6], $mon[strtolower($m[2])]+1, intval($m[1]), $m[3]); } else { // Bogus value, return NULL return NULL; } if (!$format) { // TS_UNIX return $ts; } elseif ($format == self::TS_MW) { return strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $ts); } elseif ($format == self::TS_DB) { return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $ts); } elseif ($format == self::TS_DB_DATE) { return strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $ts); } elseif ($format == self::TS_ISO_8601) { return strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", $ts); } elseif ($format == self::TS_EXIF) { return strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", $ts); } elseif ($format == self::TS_RFC822) { $l = localtime($ts); return strftime($Wday[$l[6]].", %d ".$Mon[$l[4]]." %Y %H:%M:%S %z", $ts); } elseif ($format == self::TS_ORACLE) { $l = localtime($ts); return strftime("%d-".$Mon[$l[4]]."-%Y %H.%M.%S %p", $ts); } return $ts; } } /** * Template exception classes */ class VMXTemplateException extends Exception {} class VMXTemplateParseException extends VMXTemplateException {} /** * Options class */ class VMXTemplateOptions { var $begin_code = ''; // instruction end var $begin_subst = '{'; // substitution start (optional) var $end_subst = '}'; // substitution end (optional) var $no_code_subst = false; // do not substitute expressions in instructions var $eat_code_line = true; // remove the "extra" lines which contain instructions only var $root = '.'; // directory with templates var $cache_dir = false; // compiled templates cache directory var $reload = 1; // 0 means to not check for new versions of cached templates var $filters = array(); // filter to run on output of every template var $use_utf8 = true; // use UTF-8 for all string operations on template variables var $raise_error = false; // die() on fatal template errors var $log_error = false; // send errors to standard error output var $print_error = false; // print fatal template errors var $strict_end = false; // require block name in ending instructions for FOR, BEGIN, SET and FUNCTION var $strip_space = false; // strip spaces from beginning and end of each line var $compiletime_functions = array(); // custom compile-time functions (code generators) // Logged errors (not an option) var $errors; function __construct($options = array()) { $this->set($options); $this->errors = array(); } function set($options) { foreach ($options as $k => $v) { if (isset($this->$k)) { $this->$k = $v; } } if ($this->strip_space) { $this->filters[] = 'strip_space'; } if (!$this->begin_subst || !$this->end_subst) { $this->begin_subst = false; $this->end_subst = false; $this->no_code_subst = false; } $this->cache_dir = preg_replace('!/*$!s', '/', $this->cache_dir); if (!is_writable($this->cache_dir)) { throw new VMXTemplateException('VMXTemplate: cache_dir='.$this->cache_dir.' is not writable'); } $this->root = preg_replace('!/*$!s', '/', $this->root); } function __destruct() { if ($this->print_error && $this->errors && PHP_SAPI != 'cli') { print '
      '. 'VMXTemplate errors:
      • '. implode('
      • ', array_map('html_pbr', $this->errors)). '
      '; $fp = fopen("php://stderr", 'a'); fprintf($fp, "VMXTemplate errors:\n".implode("\n", $this->errors)); fclose($fp); } } /** * Log an error or a warning */ function error($e, $fatal = false) { $this->errors[] = $e; if ($this->raise_error && $fatal) die("VMXTemplate error: $e"); if ($this->log_error) error_log("VMXTemplate error: $e"); elseif ($this->print_error && PHP_SAPI == 'cli') print("VMXTemplate error: $e\n"); } } /** * Parser of templates and expressions into PHP code. * * Includes: * - Lexical analyzer (~regexp) * - O(n) recursive descent syntactic analyzer and translator * I.e. no backtracking, but performance maybe is worse than with LALR. */ class VMXTemplateParser { // Options, state var $options, $st; // Code (string) and current position inside it var $code, $codelen, $pos, $lineno; // Extracted tokens (array), their source positions and current token number var $tokens, $tokpos, $tokline, $ptr; // Possible tokens consisting of special characters static $chartokens = '# + - = * / % ! , . < > ( ) { } [ ] | .. || && == != <= >= =>'; // ops_and: ops_eq | ops_eq "&&" ops_and | ops_eq "AND" ops_and // ops_eq: ops_cmp | ops_cmp "==" ops_cmp | ops_cmp "!=" ops_cmp // ops_cmp: ops_add | ops_add '<' ops_add | ops_add '>' ops_add | ops_add "<=" ops_add | ops_add ">=" ops_add // ops_add: ops_mul | ops_mul '+' ops_add | ops_mul '-' ops_add // ops_mul: exp_neg | exp_neg '*' ops_mul | exp_neg '/' ops_mul | exp_neg '%' ops_mul static $ops = array( 'or' => array(array('||', '$or', '$xor'), 'and', true), 'and' => array(array('&&', '$and'), 'eq', true), 'eq' => array(array('==', '!='), 'cmp', false), 'cmp' => array(array('<', '>', '<=', '>='), 'add', false), 'add' => array(array('+', '-'), 'mul', true), 'mul' => array(array('*', '/', '%'), 'neg', true), ); // Function aliases static $functions = array( 'i' => 'int', 'intval' => 'int', 'lower' => 'lc', 'lowercase' => 'lc', 'upper' => 'uc', 'uppercase' => 'uc', 'addslashes' => 'quote', 'q' => 'quote', 'sq' => 'sql_quote', 're_quote' => 'requote', 'preg_quote' => 'requote', 'uri_escape' => 'urlencode', 'uriquote' => 'urlencode', 'substring' => 'substr', 'htmlspecialchars' => 'html', 's' => 'html', 'strip_tags' => 'strip', 't' => 'strip', 'h' => 'strip_unsafe', 'implode' => 'join', 'truncate' => 'strlimit', 'hash_keys' => 'keys', 'array_keys' => 'keys', 'array_slice' => 'subarray', 'hget' => 'get', 'aget' => 'get', 'var_dump' => 'dump', 'process' => 'parse', 'include' => 'parse', 'process_inline' => 'parse_inline', 'include_inline' => 'parse_inline', ); /** * USAGE: * $p = new VMXTemplateParser($options); * try { $e = $p->parse_all($code); } catch (Exception $e) { ... } */ function __construct(VMXTemplateOptions $options) { $this->options = $options; $this->nchar = array(); foreach (explode(' ', self::$chartokens) as $t) { $this->nchar[strlen($t)][$t] = true; } // Add code fragment finishing tokens $this->nchar[strlen($this->options->end_code)][$this->options->end_code] = true; if ($this->options->end_subst) { $this->nchar[strlen($this->options->end_subst)][$this->options->end_subst] = true; } // Reverse-sort lengths $this->lens = array_keys($this->nchar); rsort($this->lens); } /*** Lexical analysis ***/ function clear_tokens() { $this->tokens = array(); $this->tokpos = array(); $this->tokline = array(); $this->ptr = 0; } function set_code($code) { $this->code = $code; $this->pos = $this->lineno = 0; $this->codelen = strlen($this->code); $this->clear_tokens(); } /** * Get (current+$num) token from buffer or read it from the source */ function tok($num = 0) { while (($this->ptr+$num >= count($this->tokens)) && $this->read_token()) { // Read tokens } if ($this->ptr+$num >= count($this->tokens)) { return false; } return $this->tokens[$this->ptr+$num]; } /** * Get current token position */ function tokpos($num = 0) { if (!$this->tok($num)) { return false; } return array($this->tokpos[$this->ptr+$num], $this->tokline[$this->ptr+$num]); } function errorinfo() { $l = strlen($this->code); $linestart = strrpos($this->code, "\n", $this->pos-$l-1) ?: -1; $lineend = strpos($this->code, "\n", $this->pos) ?: $l; $line = substr($this->code, $linestart+1, $this->pos-$linestart-1); $line .= '^^^'; $line .= substr($this->code, $this->pos, $lineend-$this->pos); $in = ''; $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); foreach ($trace as $frame) { if ($frame['function'] == 'parse_all') { break; } elseif (substr($frame['function'], 0, 6) == 'parse_') { $in = strtoupper(substr($frame['function'], 6)).", "; break; } } return "in $in{$this->st->input_filename}, line ".($this->lineno+1).", byte {$this->pos}, marked by ^^^ in $line"; } function warn($text) { $this->options->error($text); } function raise($msg) { throw new VMXTemplateParseException( $msg.' '.$this->errorinfo() ); } /** * Read next token from the stream and append it to $this->tokens,tokpos,tokline * Returns true if a token was read, and false if EOF occurred */ function read_token() { while ($this->pos < $this->codelen) { // Skip whitespace $t = $this->code{$this->pos}; if ($t == "\n") $this->lineno++; elseif ($t != "\t" && $t != ' ') break; $this->pos++; } if ($this->pos >= $this->codelen) { // End of code return false; } if (preg_match('#[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*#Ais', $this->code, $m, 0, $this->pos)) { // Identifier $this->tokpos[] = $this->pos; $this->tokline[] = $this->lineno; $this->tokens[] = '$'.$m[0]; $this->pos += strlen($m[0]); } elseif (preg_match( '/((\")(?:[^\"\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\''. '|0\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?|0x\d+)/Ais', $this->code, $m, 0, $this->pos)) { // String or numeric non-negative literal $t = $m[1]; if (isset($m[2])) $t = str_replace('$', '\\$', $t); $this->tokpos[] = $this->pos; $this->tokline[] = $this->lineno; $this->tokens[] = '#'.$t; $this->pos += strlen($m[0]); } else { // Special characters foreach ($this->lens as $l) { $a = $this->nchar[$l]; $t = substr($this->code, $this->pos, $l); if (isset($a[$t])) { $this->tokpos[] = $this->pos; $this->tokline[] = $this->lineno; $this->tokens[] = $t; $this->pos += $l; return true; } } // Unknown character $this->raise( "Unexpected character '".$this->code{$this->pos}."'" ); } return true; } /** * Assume $token is next in the stream (case-insensitive) * and move pointer forward. * * $token may be '$' (assume name), '#' (assume literal), * or an exact value of one of others. For names and literals, * a value is returned, and the token itself for others. */ function consume($token) { $t = $this->tok(); if ($t === false) $this->unexpected($token, 1); elseif ($token == '$' || $token == '#') { if ($t{0} == $token) { $this->ptr++; return substr($t, 1); } else $this->unexpected($token, 1); } elseif (!in_array(strtolower($t), (array)$token)) $this->unexpected($token, 1); $this->ptr++; return $t; } /** * Assume next token is "EOD" (end-of-directive) * Used in "stateful" directives to prevent changing state on incorrect parse */ function assume_eod() { if ($this->tok() != $this->eod) { $this->unexpected($this->eod, 1); } } /** * Raise "unexpected token" error */ function unexpected($expected, $skip_frames = 0) { $expected = (array)$expected; foreach ($expected as &$e) { if ($e == '#') $e = 'literal'; elseif ($e == '$') $e = 'identifier'; } $tok = $this->tok(); if ($tok === false) $tok = ''; else { if ($tok{0} == '#' || $tok{0} == '$') $tok = substr($tok, 1); $tok = "'$tok'"; } $text = "Unexpected $tok, expected "; if (count($expected) > 1) $text .= "one of '"; $text .= implode("', '", $expected)."'"; $this->raise($text); } /*** Syntactic analysis ***/ // Tokenize, parse and return parsed code // @throws VMXTemplateParseException function parse() { $this->clear_tokens(); $r = $this->parse_exp(); if ($this->ptr < count($this->tokens)) $this->unexpected(""); return $r; } /** * Parse all code and return compiled template * * @param $code full template code * @param $filename input filename for error reporting * @param $func_ns suffix for class name (Template_SUFFIX) */ function parse_all($code, $filename, $func_ns) { $blocks = array( array( 'begin' => $this->options->begin_code, 'end' => $this->options->end_code, 'handler' => 'parse_code', 'eat' => $this->options->eat_code_line ), ); if ($this->options->begin_subst) { $blocks[] = array( 'begin' => $this->options->begin_subst, 'end' => $this->options->end_subst, 'handler' => 'parse_subst', 'eat' => false, ); } // Set code $this->set_code($code); // Create new state object $this->st = new VMXTemplateState(); $this->st->input_filename = $filename; $this->st->functions['main'] = array( 'name' => 'main', 'args' => array(), 'body' => '', ); $this->st->output = array(&$this->st->functions['main']['body']); // $text_pos = Position up to which all text was already printed // $pos = Instruction start position // $this->pos = Instruction end position $text_pos = 0; $lineno = 0; while ($this->pos < $this->codelen) { // Find nearest code fragment or substitution $min = -1; foreach ($blocks as $i => &$b) { $b['pos'] = strpos($this->code, $b['begin'], $this->pos); if ($b['pos'] !== false && ($min < 0 || $b['pos'] < $blocks[$min]['pos'])) { $min = $i; } } // Save outputRef before trying to run a handler because // if we don't the last text portion from function body will be added to MAIN $outputRef = &$this->st->output[count($this->st->output)-1]; $r = ''; if ($min >= 0) { // Set source position and line number $lineno = $this->lineno; $pos = $blocks[$min]['pos']; if ($pos > $this->pos) { $this->lineno += substr_count($this->code, "\n", $this->pos, $pos-$this->pos); } $this->pos = $pos + strlen($blocks[$min]['begin']); if ($blocks[$min]['eat']) { // TODO configurable eat, like in TT [%+ [%- // Eat line beginning (when there are only spaces) $p = $pos; while ($p > 0 && ctype_space($c = $this->code{$p-1}) && $c != "\n") { $p--; } if ($p == 0 || $c == "\n") { $pos = $p; } } // Reset token buffer $this->clear_tokens(); $this->eod = $blocks[$min]['end']; $handler = $blocks[$min]['handler']; try { // Try to parse from here, skip invalid parts if ($this->tok() == '#') { // Comment! $this->pos = strpos($this->code, $this->eod, $this->pos); if ($this->pos === false) { throw new VMXTemplateParseException($this->eod . ' not found'); } $this->pos += strlen($this->eod); } else { $r = $this->$handler(); $this->consume($this->eod); // Add newline count from code fragment $this->lineno += substr_count($this->code, "\n", $pos, $this->pos-$pos); } } catch (VMXTemplateParseException $e) { $this->warn($e->getMessage()); // Only skip 1 starting character and try again $this->pos = $blocks[$min]['pos']+1; $this->lineno = $lineno; continue; } if ($blocks[$min]['eat']) { // Eat line end (when there are only spaces) $p = $this->pos; while ($p < $this->codelen && ctype_space($c = $this->code{$p}) && $c != "\n") { $p++; } if ($c == "\n") { $this->lineno++; } if ($p == $this->codelen || $c == "\n") { if ($p < $this->codelen) { $p++; } $this->pos = $p; } } } else { // No more code fragments and substitutions :-( $pos = $this->pos = $this->codelen; } if ($pos > $text_pos) { // Append text fragment $text = substr($this->code, $text_pos, $pos-$text_pos); $text = addcslashes($text, '\\\''); $outputRef .= "\$t.='$text';\n"; } $text_pos = $this->pos; if ($r !== '') { // Append compiled fragment $outputRef .= $r."\n"; } } // Generate code for functions $code = ''; foreach ($this->st->functions as $f) { $code .= "function fn_".$f['name']." () {\n"; $code .= "\$stack = array();\n\$t = '';\n"; $code .= $f['body']; $code .= "return \$t;\n}\n"; } // Assemble the class code $functions = var_export(array_keys($this->st->functions), true); $rfn = addcslashes($this->st->input_filename, '\\\''); $code = "st->input_filename} class Template_$func_ns extends VMXTemplate { static \$template_filename = '$rfn'; static \$version = ".VMXTemplate::CODE_VERSION."; static \$functions = $functions; function __construct(\$t) { \$this->tpldata = &\$t->tpldata; \$this->parent = &\$t; } $code } "; return $code; } // Substitution function parse_subst() { $e = $this->parse_exp(); return "\$t.=$e;"; } // code: "IF" exp | "ELSE" | elseif exp | "END" | // "SET" varref | "SET" varref '=' exp | // fn name | fn name '=' exp | // for varref '=' exp | for varref | // "BEGIN" name bparam | "END" name | exp // fn: "FUNCTION" | "BLOCK" | "MACRO" // for: "FOR" | "FOREACH" // elseif: "ELSE" "IF" | "ELSIF" | "ELSEIF" function parse_code() { $t = strtolower($this->tok()); if ($t == '$if') { $this->ptr++; $e = $this->parse_exp(); $this->assume_eod(); $this->st->in[] = array('if'); return "if ($e) {"; } elseif ($t == '$else') { $this->ptr++; if (strtolower($this->tok()) == '$if') { // Go to elseif $t = '$elseif'; } else return "} else {"; } // We can go to $elseif from $else, so start if() chain again if ($t == '$elseif' || $t == '$elsif') { $this->ptr++; return "} elseif (".$this->parse_exp().") {"; } elseif ($t == '$for' || $t == '$foreach') { // Foreach-style loop // FOR[EACH] varref = array // (default array = varref itself) $this->ptr++; $parts = $this->parse_varref(); $exp = false; if ($this->tok() == '=') { $this->ptr++; $exp = $this->parse_exp(); } $this->assume_eod(); $this->st->in[] = array('for', $parts, $exp); return $this->gen_foreach($parts, $exp); } elseif ($t == '$begin') { // Old-style loop $this->ptr++; return $this->parse_begin(); } elseif ($t == '$end') { // End directive $this->ptr++; return $this->parse_end(); } elseif ($t == '$set') { if ($this->tok(1) == '(') { // This is the set() function, parse it as an expression return $this->parse_exp(); } // SET directive $this->ptr++; $def = $this->parse_varref(); if ($this->tok() == '=') { // SET varref = exp $this->ptr++; $e = $this->parse_exp(); return $this->gen_varref($def) . ' = ' . $e . ';'; } $this->assume_eod(); $this->st->in[] = array('set', $def); return "\$stack[] = \$t;\n\$t = '';"; } elseif ($t == '$function' || $t == '$block' || $t == '$macro') { // Function declaration $this->ptr++; return $this->parse_function(); } // Expression $t = $this->parse_exp(); if ($this->options->no_code_subst) { // Substitute only $subst_begin..$subst_end return "$t;"; } return "\$t.=$t;"; } // Parse an old-style loop // BEGIN block [AT e] [BY e] [TO e] function parse_begin() { $bname = $this->consume('$'); $at = $by = $to = false; while (true) { $tok = strtolower($this->tok()); $this->ptr++; if ($at === false && $tok == '$at') $at = $this->parse_exp(); elseif ($by === false && $tok == '$by') $by = $this->parse_exp(); elseif ($to === false && $tok == '$to') $to = $this->parse_exp(); else { $this->ptr--; break; } } $this->assume_eod(); $this->st->blocks[] = $bname; $parts = $this->st->blocks; $this->st->in[] = array('begin', array($bname), $t); $exp = $this->gen_varref($parts); if ($at || $to) { $exp = "array_slice($e, "; $exp .= $at ? $at : 0; if ($to) $exp .= ", $to"; $exp .= ")"; } if ($by) $exp = "self::exec_subarray_divmod($exp, $by)"; return $this->gen_foreach($parts, $exp); } // Parse END directive - may correspond to one of: // FOREACH, BEGIN, IF, SET or FUNCTION // Optionally with varref specifying what block should end here. function parse_end() { $end_subj = false; if (substr($this->tok(), 0, 1) == '$') { $end_subj = $this->parse_varref(); } $this->assume_eod(); if (!count($this->st->in)) { $this->raise("END without begin directive"); } $in = array_pop($this->st->in); $w = $in[0]; $begin_subj = isset($in[1]) ? $in[1] : false; if ($begin_subj) { $b = implode('.', $begin_subj); if ($end_subj ? $b != ($e = implode('.', $end_subj)) : $this->options->strict_end) { $w = strtoupper($w); $this->raise( $b ? "END $e after $w $b" : "END subject not specified (after $w $b) in strict mode" ); } } if ($w == 'set') { return $this->gen_varref($in[1])." = \$t;\n\$t = array_pop(\$stack);"; } elseif ($w == 'function') { array_pop($this->st->output); return ''; } elseif ($w == 'begin' || $w == 'for') { if ($w == 'begin') array_pop($st->blocks); list($varref, $varref_index) = $this->varref_and_index($in[1]); return "} array_pop(\$stack); $varref_index = array_pop(\$stack); $varref = array_pop(\$stack);"; } return "}"; } // Function definition (with named arguments) // Such functions are always called as fn(name => value, ...) // FUNCTION/BLOCK/MACRO name (arglist) [ = expression] function parse_function() { list($pos, $line) = $this->tokpos(); $name = $this->consume('$'); $args = array(); if ($this->tok() == '(') { $this->ptr++; while ($this->tok() != ')') { $args[] = $this->consume('$'); if ($this->tok() == ',') $this->ptr++; } } $code = false; if ($this->tok() == '=') { $code = $this->parse_exp(); } $this->assume_eod(); if (isset($this->st->functions[$name])) { $this->raise( "Attempt to redeclare function $name, previously defined on line ". ($this->st->functions[$name]['line']+1)." (byte ". ($this->st->functions[$name]['pos']).")" ); } $this->st->functions[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'args' => $args, 'pos' => $pos, 'line' => $line, 'body' => '', ); $this->st->in[] = array('function', array($name)); $this->st->output[] = &$this->st->functions[$name]['body']; } // Make and return loop varref and loop index varref function varref_and_index($parts) { $varref = $this->gen_varref($parts); $varref_index = substr($varref, 0, -1) . ".'_index']"; return array($varref, $varref_index); } // Generate foreach() code (FOR $parts = $exp) function gen_foreach($parts, $exp) { list($varref, $varref_index) = $this->varref_and_index($parts); if (!$exp) $exp = $varref; // FIXME We'll have a problem in Perl version here (arrays vs hashes) return "\$stack[] = $varref; \$stack[] = $varref_index; \$stack[] = 0; foreach (self::array1($exp) as \$item) { $varref = \$item; $varref_index = \$stack[count(\$stack)-1]++;"; } // (concatenation) // exp: ops_or | ops_or ".." exp function parse_exp() { if (strtolower($this->tok()) == '$not') { $this->ptr++; return '(!'.$this->parse_exp().')'; } $e = array($this->parse_or()); while ($this->tok() == '..') { $this->ptr++; $e[] = $this->parse_or(); } $e = "(" . implode(") . (", $e) . ")"; return $e; } // ops_or: ops_and | ops_and "||" ops_or | ops_and "OR" ops_or | ops_and "XOR" ops_or function parse_or() { $ops = array('||', '$or', '$xor'); $e = array($this->parse_ops('and')); $xor = false; while (in_array($t = strtolower($this->tok()), $ops)) { $this->ptr++; if ($t == '$xor') $xor = true; $e[] = $t == '$xor' ? 'XOR' : '||'; $e[] = $this->parse_ops('and'); } if (count($e) == 1) return $e[0]; if ($xor) return "(".implode(' ', $e).")"; // Expressions without XOR are executed as the "perlish OR" $args = array(); for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < count($e); $i += 2) $args[$j++] = $e[$i]; return "self::perlish_or(".implode(",", $args).")"; } // Parse operator expression. See self::$ops function parse_ops($name) { list($ops, $next, $repeat) = self::$ops[$name]; if (isset(self::$ops[$next])) $next = array(array($this, 'parse_ops'), array($next)); else $next = array(array($this, 'parse_'.$next), array()); $e = call_user_func_array($next[0], $next[1]); $brace = false; while (in_array($t = strtolower($this->tok()), $ops)) { $this->ptr++; $e .= ' '; $e .= $t{0} == '$' ? substr($t, 1) : $t; $e .= ' '; $e .= call_user_func_array($next[0], $next[1]); $brace = true; if (!$repeat) break; } return $brace ? "($e)" : $e; } // exp_neg: exp_not | '-' exp_not function parse_neg() { $neg = false; if ($this->tok() == '-') { $neg = true; $this->ptr++; } $e = $this->parse_not(); return $neg ? "-($e)" : $e; } // exp_not: nonbrace | '(' exp ')' varpath | '!' exp_not | "NOT" exp_not function parse_not() { $t = $this->tok(); if ($t == '!') { $this->ptr++; $r = '(!'.$this->parse_not().')'; } elseif ($t == '(') { $this->ptr++; $r = $this->parse_exp(); $this->consume(')'); // FIXME parse_varpath here } else { $r = $this->parse_nonbrace(); } return $r; } // nonbrace: '{' hash '}' | literal | varref | func '(' list ')' | func '(' gthash ')' | func nonbrace // func: name | varref varpart function parse_nonbrace() { $t = $this->tok(); if ($t == '{') { $this->ptr++; if ($this->tok() != '}') { $r = 'array(' . $this->parse_hash() . ')'; $this->consume('}'); } } elseif ($t{0} == '#') { // Literal $r = substr($t, 1); $this->ptr++; } elseif ($t{0} == '$') { // Name => varref or function call // No support for obj.method().other_method() call syntax // as PHP itself is nervous for it $parts = $this->parse_varref(); $t = $this->tok(); if ($t{0} == '$' || $t{0} == '#' || $t == '{') { // Name, literal, { -> Single argument function call without braces $r = $this->call_ref($parts, 'list', array($this->parse_nonbrace())); } elseif ($t == '(') { // ( -> function call with braces $this->ptr++; list($type, $args) = $this->parse_list_or_gthash(); $r = $this->call_ref($parts, $type, $args); $this->consume(')'); } else { // Nothing after the varref $r = $this->gen_varref($parts); } } else $this->unexpected(array('{', '#', '$')); return $r; } // list_or_gthash: list | gthash // list: exp | exp ',' list // gthash: gtpair | gtpair ',' gthash | // gtpair: exp '=>' exp function parse_list_or_gthash() { $beg = $this->ptr; try { $r = $this->parse_exp(); } catch(VMXTemplateParseException $e) { $this->ptr = $beg; return array('list', array()); } $t = $this->tok(); if ($t == '=>') { // hash separated with '=>', string output $this->ptr++; $type = 'hash'; $r .= ' => '; $r .= $this->parse_exp(); $r .= ', '; while ($this->tok() == ',') { $this->ptr++; $r .= $this->parse_exp(); $r .= ' => '; $this->consume('=>'); $r .= $this->parse_exp(); $r .= ', '; } $r = "array($r)"; } else { // list separated with ',', array output $type = 'list'; $r = array($r); while ($this->tok() == ',') { $this->ptr++; $r[] = $this->parse_exp(); } } return array($type, $r); } // list: exp | exp ',' list function parse_list() { $r = $this->parse_exp(); while ($this->tok() == ',') { $this->ptr++; $r .= ', '.$this->parse_exp(); } return $r; } // hash: pair | pair ',' hash | // pair: exp ',' exp | exp '=>' exp function parse_hash() { $r = ''; $this->ptr--; do { $this->ptr++; if ($this->tok() == '}') return $r; $k = $this->parse_exp(); $this->consume(array(',', '=>')); $v = $this->parse_exp(); $r .= "$k => $v, "; } while ($this->tok() == ','); return $r; } // varref: name | varref varpart // varpart: '.' name | '[' exp ']' // varpath: | varpath varpart // (always begins with name) function parse_varref() { $r = $this->consume('$'); $a = array($r); $t = $this->tok(); while ($t == '.' || $t == '[') { $this->ptr++; if ($t == '.') { $a[] = $this->consume('$'); } else { $a[] = '['.$this->parse_exp().']'; $this->consume(']'); } $t = $this->tok(); } return $a; } // Generate varref code from parse_varref output function gen_varref($parts) { $r = '$this->tpldata[\''.addcslashes($parts[0], '\\\'').'\']'; for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++) { if ($parts[$i]{0} == '[') $r .= $parts[$i]; else $r .= '[\''.addcslashes($parts[$i], '\\\'').'\']'; } return $r; } // Construct function call code from $parts (varref parts) // and $args (compiled expressions for function arguments) // $args = array('list', ) or array('hash', , , ...) function call_ref($parts, $type, $args) { $r = false; if ($type == 'hash') { if (count($parts) > 1) { $this->raise("Object method calls with hash arguments are impossible"); } $r = "\$this->parent->call_block($parts[0], $args, \"".addslashes($this->errorinfo())."\")"; } if (count($parts) == 1) { $fn = strtolower($parts[0]); if (isset(self::$functions[$fn])) { // Builtin function call using alias $fn = 'function_'.self::$functions[$fn]; $r = call_user_func_array(array($this, $fn), $args); } elseif (method_exists($this, "function_$fn")) { // Builtin function call using name $fn = "function_$fn"; $r = call_user_func_array(array($this, $fn), $args); } elseif (isset($this->options->compiletime_functions[$fn])) { // Custom compile-time function call $r = call_user_func($this->options->compiletime_functions[$fn], $this, $args); } else { $this->raise("Unknown function: '$fn'"); } } else { // Object method call $fn = array_pop($parts); $r = $this->gen_varref($parts).'->'; if ($fn{0} == '[') $r .= '{'.substr($fn, 1, -1).'}'; elseif (preg_match('/\W/s', $fn)) $r .= '{\''.addcslashes($fn, '\\\'').'\'}'; else $r .= $fn; $r .= '('.implode(', ', $args).')'; } return $r; } /*** Functions ***/ /** Utilities for function parsing **/ // Code for operator-like function static function fmop($op, $args) { return "((" . join(") $op (", $args) . "))"; } /** Числа, логические операции **/ /* логические операции */ function function_or() { $a = func_get_args(); return "self::perlish_or(".join(",", $a).")"; } function function_and() { $a = func_get_args(); return self::fmop('&&', $a); } function function_not($e) { return "!($e)"; } /* арифметические операции */ function function_add() { $a = func_get_args(); return self::fmop('+', $a); } function function_sub() { $a = func_get_args(); return self::fmop('-', $a); } function function_mul() { $a = func_get_args(); return self::fmop('*', $a); } function function_div() { $a = func_get_args(); return self::fmop('/', $a); } function function_mod($a,$b) { return "(($a) % ($b))"; } /* логарифм */ function function_log($e) { return "log($e)"; } /* чётный, нечётный */ function function_even($e) { return "!(($e) & 1)"; } function function_odd($e) { return "(($e) & 1)"; } /* приведение к целому числу */ function function_int($e) { return "intval($e)"; } /* сравнения: == != > < >= <= (аргументов как строк если оба строки, иначе как чисел) */ function function_eq($a,$b) { return "(($a) == ($b))"; } function function_ne($a,$b) { return "(($a) != ($b))"; } function function_gt($a,$b) { return "(($a) > ($b))"; } function function_lt($a,$b) { return "(($a) < ($b))"; } function function_ge($a,$b) { return "(($a) >= ($b))"; } function function_le($a,$b) { return "(($a) <= ($b))"; } /* сравнения: == != > < >= <= (аргументов как строк) */ function function_seq($a,$b) { return "((\"$a\") == (\"$b\"))"; } function function_sne($a,$b) { return "((\"$a\") != (\"$b\"))"; } function function_sgt($a,$b) { return "((\"$a\") > (\"$b\"))"; } function function_slt($a,$b) { return "((\"$a\") < (\"$b\"))"; } function function_sge($a,$b) { return "((\"$a\") >= (\"$b\"))"; } function function_sle($a,$b) { return "((\"$a\") <= (\"$b\"))"; } /* сравнения: == != > < >= <= (аргументов как чисел) */ function function_neq($a,$b) { return "((0+$a) == ($b))"; } function function_nne($a,$b) { return "((0+$a) != ($b))"; } function function_ngt($a,$b) { return "((0+$a) > ($b))"; } function function_nlt($a,$b) { return "((0+$a) < ($b))"; } function function_nge($a,$b) { return "((0+$a) >= ($b))"; } function function_nle($a,$b) { return "((0+$a) <= ($b))"; } /* тернарный оператор $1 ? $2 : $3 */ function function_yesno($a,$b,$c) { return "(($a) ? ($b) : ($c))"; } /** Строки **/ /* нижний регистр */ function function_lc($e) { return ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "mb_" : "") . "strtolower($e)"; } /* верхний регистр */ function function_uc($e) { return ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "mb_" : "") . "strtoupper($e)"; } /* нижний регистр первого символа */ function function_lcfirst($e) { return ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "self::mb_" : "") . "lcfirst($e)"; } /* верхний регистр первого символа */ function function_ucfirst($e) { return ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "self::mb_" : "") . "ucfirst($e)"; } /* экранирование кавычек */ function function_quote($e) { return "str_replace(array(\"\\n\",\"\\r\"),array(\"\\\\n\",\"\\\\r\"),addslashes($e))"; } /* экранирование кавычек в SQL- или CSV- стиле (кавычка " превращается в двойную кавычку "") */ function function_sql_quote($e) { return "str_replace('\"','\"\"',$e)"; } /* экранирование символов, специальных для регулярного выражения */ function function_requote($e) { return "preg_quote($e)"; } /* экранирование в стиле URL */ function function_urlencode($e) { return "urlencode($e)"; } /* замены - по регулярке и по подстроке */ function function_replace($re, $sub, $v) { return "preg_replace('#'.str_replace('#','\\\\#',$re).'#s', $sub, $v)"; } function function_str_replace($s, $sub, $v) { return "str_replace($s, $sub, $v)"; } /* длина строки */ function function_strlen($s) { return ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "mb_" : "") . "strlen($s)"; } /* подстрока */ function function_substr($s, $start, $length = NULL) { return ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "mb_" : "") . "substr($s, $start" . ($length !== NULL ? ", $length" : "") . ")"; } /* убиение пробелов в начале и конце */ function function_trim($s) { return "trim($s)"; } /* разбиение строки по регулярному выражению */ function function_split($re, $v, $limit = -1) { return "preg_split('#'.str_replace('#','\\\\#',$re).'#s', $v, $limit)"; } /* преобразование символов <>&'" в HTML-сущности < > & ' " */ function function_html($e) { return "htmlspecialchars($e,ENT_QUOTES)"; } /* удаление всех или заданных тегов */ function function_strip($e, $t='') { return "strip_tags($e".($t?",$t":"").")"; } /* удаление "небезопасных" HTML-тегов */ function function_strip_unsafe($e) { return "strip_tags($e, self::\$safe_tags)"; } /* заменить \n на
      */ function function_nl2br($s) { return "nl2br($s)"; } /* конкатенация строк */ function function_concat() { $a = func_get_args(); return self::fmop('.', $a); } /* объединение всех скаляров и всех элементов аргументов-массивов */ function function_join() { $a = func_get_args(); $sep = array_shift($a); return "call_user_func('implode', $sep, self::merge_to_array(".implode(', ', $a)."))"; } /* подставляет на места $1, $2 и т.п. в строке аргументы */ function function_subst() { $a = func_get_args(); return "call_user_func_array('VMXTemplate::exec_subst', self::merge_to_array(".implode(', ', $a)."))"; } /* sprintf */ function function_sprintf() { $a = func_get_args(); return "call_user_func_array('sprintf', self::merge_to_array(".implode(', ', $a)."))"; } /* strftime */ function function_strftime($fmt, $date) { return "strftime($fmt, self::timestamp($date))"; } /* ограничение длины строки $maxlen символами на границе пробелов и добавление '...', если что. */ /* strlimit(string, length, dots = '...') */ function function_strlimit($a) { $a = func_get_args(); return "self::" . ($this->options->use_utf8 ? "mb_" : "") . "strlimit(".join(",", $a).")"; } /* выбор правильной формы множественного числа для русского языка */ function function_plural_ru($one, $few, $many) { return "self::plural_ru($one, $few, $many)"; } /** Массивы и хеши **/ /* создание хеша */ function function_hash() { $a = func_get_args(); if (count($a) == 1) return "self::exec_hash(".$a[0].")"; $s = "array("; $i = 0; $d = ''; foreach ($a as $v) { $s .= $d; $s .= $v; $i++; if ($i & 1) $d = '=>'; else $d = ','; } $s .= ")"; return $s; } /* ключи хеша или массива */ function function_keys($a) { return "array_keys(is_array($a) ? $a : array())"; } /* значения хеша или массива */ function function_values($a) { return "array_values(is_array($a) ? $a : array())"; } /* сортировка массива/массивов */ function function_sort() { $a = func_get_args(); return "call_user_func('VMXTemplate::exec_sort', self::merge_to_array(".implode(', ', $a)."))"; } /* пары id => ключ, name => значение для ассоциативного массива */ function function_pairs($a) { return "self::exec_pairs(is_array($a) ? $a : array())"; } /* создание массива */ function function_array() { $a = func_get_args(); return "array(" . join(",", $a) . ")"; } /* диапазон от $1 до $2 */ function function_range($a, $b) { return "range($a,$b)"; } /* проверка, массив это или нет? */ function function_is_array($a) { return "is_array($a)"; } /* число элементов в массиве */ function function_count($e) { return "self::array_count($e)"; } /* подмассив по номерам элементов */ function function_subarray() { $a = func_get_args(); return "array_slice(" . join(",", $a) . ")"; } /* подмассив по кратности номеров элементов */ function function_subarray_divmod() { $a = func_get_args(); return "self::exec_subarray_divmod(" . join(",", $a) . ")"; } /* 0) получить "корневую" переменную по неконстантному ключу 1) получить элемент хеша/массива по неконстантному ключу (например get(iteration.array, rand(5))) по-моему, это лучше, чем Template Toolkit'овский ад - hash.key.${another.hash.key}.зюка.хрюка и т.п. 2) получить элемент выражения-массива - ибо в PHP не работает (...expression...)['key'], к примеру не работает range(1,10)[0] но у нас-то можно написать get(range(1,10), 0), поэтому мы должны это поддерживать хотя это и не будет lvalue */ function function_get($a, $k=NULL) { if ($k === NULL) return "\$this->tpldata[$a]"; /* проверяем синтаксис выражения */ if (@eval('return true; '.$a.'[0];')) return $a."[$k]"; return "self::exec_get($a, $k)"; } /* присваивание (только lvalue) */ function function_set($l, $r) { return "($l = $r)"; } /* объединение массивов */ function function_array_merge() { $a = func_get_args(); return "array_merge(" . join(",", $a) . ")"; } /* shift, unshift, pop, push */ function function_shift($a) { return "array_shift($a)"; } function function_pop($a) { return "array_pop($a)"; } function function_unshift($a, $v) { return "array_unshift($a, $v)"; } function function_push($a, $v) { return "array_push($a, $v)"; } /** Прочее **/ /* игнорирование результата (а-ля js) */ function function_void($a) { return "self::void($a)"; } function void($a) { return ''; } /* дамп переменной */ function function_dump($var) { return "self::exec_dump($var)"; } /* JSON-кодирование */ function function_json($v) { return "json_encode($v, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)"; } /* Аргументы для функций включения аргументы ::= hash(ключ => значение, ...) | ключ => значение, ... */ function auto_hash($args) { if (!($n = count($args))) $args = NULL; elseif ($n == 1) $args = ", ".$args[0]; else $args = ", ".call_user_func_array(array($this, 'function_hash'), $args); return $args; } /* включение другого файла: parse('файл'[, аргументы]) */ function function_parse() { $args = func_get_args(); $file = array_shift($args); $args = $this->auto_hash($args); return "\$this->parent->parse_discard($file, NULL, 'main'$args)"; } /* включение блока из текущего файла: exec('блок'[, аргументы]) */ function function_exec() { $args = func_get_args(); $block = array_shift($args); $args = $this->auto_hash($args); return "\$this->parent->parse_discard(self::\$template_filename, NULL, $block$args)"; } /* включение блока из другого файла: exec_from('файл', 'блок'[, аргументы]) */ function function_exec_from() { $args = func_get_args(); $file = array_shift($args); $block = array_shift($args); $args = $this->auto_hash($args); return "\$this->parent->parse_discard($file, NULL, $block$args)"; } /* parse не из файла, хотя и не рекомендуется */ function function_parse_inline() { $args = func_get_args(); $code = array_shift($args); $args = $this->auto_hash($args); return "\$this->parent->parse_discard(NULL, $code, 'main'$args)"; } /* сильно не рекомендуется, но возможно: включение блока не из файла: exec_from_inline('код', 'блок'[, аргументы]) */ function function_exec_from_inline() { $args = func_get_args(); $code = array_shift($args); $block = array_shift($args); $args = $this->auto_hash($args); return "\$this->parent->parse_discard(NULL, $code, $block$args)"; } /* вызов функции объекта по вычисляемому имени: call(object, "method", arg1, arg2, ...) или call_array(object, "method", array(arg1, arg2, ...)) */ function function_call() { $a = func_get_args(); $o = array_shift($a); $m = array_shift($a); return "call_user_func_array(array($o, $m), array(".implode(", ", $a)."))"; } function function_call_array($o, $m, $a = NULL) { return "call_user_func_array(array($o, $m), ".($a ? $a : "array()").")"; } /* map() */ function function_map($f) { if (!method_exists($this, "function_$f")) { $this->raise("Unknown function specified for map(): $f"); return NULL; } $f = "function_$f"; $f = $this->$f('$arg'); $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); return "call_user_func('array_map', create_function('$arg', $f), self::merge_to_array(".implode(", ", $args)."))"; } }