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# Simple, powerful, fast and convenient template engine.
# This is the Perl version of VMXTemplate. There is also a PHP one.
# "Ох уж эти перлисты... что ни пишут - всё Template Toolkit получается!"
# "Oh, those perlists... they could write anything, and a result is another Template Toolkit"
# Rewritten 3 times: regex -> index() -> recursive descent -> Parse::Yapp LALR(1)
# Homepage: http://yourcmc.ru/wiki/VMX::Template
# License: GNU GPLv3 or later
# Author: Vitaliy Filippov, 2006-2014
# Version: V3 (LALR), 2014-10-14
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package VMXTemplate;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use POSIX;
use VMXTemplate::Utils;
use VMXTemplate::Options;
use VMXTemplate::Parser;
# Version of code classes, saved into compiled files
use constant CODE_VERSION => 4;
sub new
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my ($options) = @_;
my $self = bless {
options => VMXTemplate::Options->new($options),
tpldata => {},
compiler => undef,
# current function search scope
function_search_path => undef,
loaded_templates => undef,
# memory cache
mtimes => {}, # change timestamps
ltimes => {}, # load timestamps
compiled_code => {}, # compiled code cache
}, $class;
return $self;
# Clear variables
# $obj->clear()
sub clear
my $self;
$self->{tpldata} = {};
return 1;
# Clear memory cache
sub clear_memory_cache
my $self = shift;
%{$self->{compiled_code}} = ();
%{$self->{mtimes}} = ();
%{$self->{ltimes}} = ();
return $self;
# Get/set template data hashref
sub vars
my $self = shift;
my ($vars) = @_;
my $t = $self->{tpldata};
$self->{tpldata} = $vars if $vars;
return $t;
# Run template
# $page = $obj->parse($filename);
# $page = $obj->parse($filename, $tpldata);
sub parse
my ($self, $fn, $vars) = @_;
return $self->parse_real($fn, undef, undef, $vars);
# Call named block/function from a template
sub exec_from
my ($self, $filename, $function, $vars) = @_;
return $self->parse_real($filename, undef, $function, $vars);
# Parse string as a template and run it
# Not recommended, but possible
sub parse_inline
my ($self, $code, $vars) = @_;
return $self->parse_real(undef, $_[1], undef, $vars);
# Call function from a string parsed as a template
# Highly not recommended, but still possible
sub exec_from_inline
my ($self, $code, $function, $vars) = @_;
return $self->parse_real(undef, $code, $function, $vars);
# Real parse handler
# $page = $obj->parse_real(filename, inline code, function, vars)
# <inline code> means use a string instead of file. Not recommended, but possible.
sub parse_real
my $self = shift;
my ($filename, $text, $function, $vars) = @_;
# Init function search path for outermost call
my $is_outer = !$self->{function_search_path};
$self->{function_search_path} ||= {};
$self->{loaded_templates} ||= {};
if ($is_outer)
$self->{options}->{errors} = [];
my ($code, $key) = $self->compile($text, $filename);
if (!$self->{loaded_templates}->{$key})
# populate function_search_path
for (keys %$code)
$self->{function_search_path}->{$_} = [ $filename, $key ] if !/^:/s;
my $str = $self->_run($code, 0, $function, $filename, $vars);
if ($is_outer)
# we can't just print errors to STDOUT in Perl, so return them all with the outer output
if ($self->{options}->{print_error} && @{$self->{options}->{errors}})
substr($str, 0, 0, $self->{options}->get_errors . "\n");
$self->{function_search_path} = undef;
$self->{loaded_templates} = undef;
return $str;
# Run a function from template object
sub _run
my $self = shift;
my ($code, $is_outer, $function, $filename, $vars) = @_;
$function ||= ':main';
my $str = $code->{$function};
if (!defined $str)
$self->{options}->error("template function '$function' not found in '".($filename || 'inline template')."'");
return $is_outer ? $self->{options}->get_errors : '';
# a template function is just a constant if not a coderef
elsif (ref $str eq 'CODE')
local $self->{tpldata} = $vars if $vars;
$str = eval { &$str($self) };
if ($@)
$self->{options}->error("error running function '$function' from '".($filename || 'inline template')."': $@");
return $is_outer ? $self->{options}->get_errors : '';
for my $f (@{$self->{options}->{filters}})
$f = $self->can("filter_$f") if !ref $f;
$f->($str) if $f;
return $str;
# Call block from current include scope (for internal use in templates)
sub _call_block
my ($self, $block, $args, $errorinfo) = @_;
if (my $entry = $self->{function_search_path}->{$block})
my $code = $self->{compiled_code}->{$entry->[1]};
die "BUG: cache is empty in call_block()" if !$code;
return $self->_run($code, 0, $block, $entry->[0], $args);
$self->{options}->error("Unknown block '$block'$errorinfo");
# Compile code and cache it on disk
# ($sub, $cache_key) = $self->compile($code, $filename);
# print &$sub($self);
sub compile
my $self = shift;
my ($code, $fn, $force_reload) = @_;
Encode::_utf8_off($code); # for md5_hex
my $key = $fn ? 'F'.$fn : 'C'.md5_hex($code);
$force_reload = 1 if !$self->{compiled_code}->{$key};
# Load code
my $mtime;
if ($fn)
$fn = $self->{options}->{root}.$fn if $fn !~ m!^/!so;
if (!$force_reload && $self->{reload} && $self->{ltimes}->{$fn}+$self->{reload} < time)
$mtime = [ stat $fn ] -> [ 9 ];
$force_reload = 1 if $mtime > $self->{mtimes}->{$fn};
if (!$force_reload)
return ($self->{compiled_code}->{$key}, $key);
if ($fn)
# reload if file has changed
my $fd;
if (open $fd, "<", $fn)
local $/ = undef;
$code = <$fd>;
close $fd;
$self->{options}->error("couldn't load template file '$fn': $!");
return ();
# inline code
if (!$fn)
my (undef, $f, $l) = caller(1);
$fn = "(inline template at $f:$l)";
# try disk cache
my $h;
if ($self->{options}->{cache_dir})
$h = $self->{options}->{cache_dir}.md5_hex($code).'.pl';
if (-e $h && !$force_reload)
my $r = $self->{compiled_code}->{$key} = do $h;
if ($@)
$self->{options}->error("error compiling '$fn': [ $@ ] in FILE: $h");
unlink $h;
elsif (ref $r eq 'CODE' ||
!$r->{':version'} || $r->{version} < CODE_VERSION)
# we got cache from older version, force recompile
return $r;
Encode::_utf8_on($code) if $self->{options}->{use_utf8};
# call Compiler
$self->{options}->{input_filename} = $fn;
$self->{compiler} ||= VMXTemplate::Parser->new($self->{options});
$code = $self->{compiler}->compile($code);
# write compiled code to file
if ($h)
my $fd;
if (open $fd, ">$h")
no warnings 'utf8';
print $fd $code;
close $fd;
$self->warning("error caching '$fn': $! while opening $h");
# load code
$self->{compiled_code}->{$key} = eval $code;
if ($@)
$self->{options}->error("error compiling '$fn': [$@] in CODE:\n$code");
return ();
if ($fn)
# remember modification and load time
$self->{mtimes}->{$fn} = $mtime;
$self->{ltimes}->{$fn} = time;
return ($self->{compiled_code}->{$key}, $key);
# built-in strip_space filter
sub filter_strip_space
$_[0] =~ s/^[ \t]+//gm;
$_[0] =~ s/[ \t]+$//gm;
$_[0] =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gs;
=head1 VMXTemplate template engine
This is a simple, but powerful, fast and convenient template engine.
You're looking at the Perl implementation; there is also PHP one.
Both are based on LALR(1) parsers.
Full documentation is at http://yourcmc.ru/wiki/VMX::Template
=head1 Usage
use VMXTemplate;
# Keep $template object alive for caching
# DO NOT recreate it on every request!
my $template = VMXTemplate->new({
root => 'templates/',
cache_dir => 'cache/',
auto_escape => 's',
print $template->parse('site.tpl', {
# any data passed to template...
=head1 Example
<!-- SET title = "Statistics" -->
<!-- SET headscripts -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="{DOMAIN}/tpldata/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- END -->
<!-- INCLUDE "admin_header.tpl" -->
<!-- IF NOT srcid -->
<p>Welcome to my simple OLAP. Select data source:</p>
<form action="?" method="GET">
<select style="width:100px" name="datasource">
<!-- FOR s = sources -->
<option value="{s s.id}">{s s.name}: {yesno(s.size > 1024, s.size/1024 .. ' Kb' : s.size .. 'bytes')}</option>
<!-- END -->
<input type="submit" value="Continue" />
<!-- ELSEIF srcid == "test" || sources[srcid].mode == 'test' -->
<p>Test mode.</p>
<!-- END -->
<!-- INCLUDE "admin_footer.tpl" -->
=head1 Template syntax
=head2 Markers
=item "<!--" and "-->": directive start/end
=item "{" and "}": substitution start/end
=head2 Expressions
Expressions consist of variables, operators, function and method calls.
=item hash.key, hash['key']
=item array[index]
=item object.method(arg1, arg2, ...)
=item function(arg1, arg2, ...)
=item function single_arg
For example, INCLUDE "other_template.tpl" is a single argument function call.
=item block_name('arg' => 'value', 'arg2' => 'value2', ...)
=head2 Operators
=item a .. b
String concatenation (.. is like Lua).
=item a || b, a OR b
Logical OR, Perl- or JS-like: returns first true value.
=item a XOR b, a && b, a AND b, !a, NOT a
Logical XOR, AND, NOT.
=item a == b, a != b, a < b, a > b, a <= b, a >= b
Comparison operators. Numeric comparisons are used if, and only if
VMXTemplate can easily tell that one of a and b is ALWAYS numeric,
for example if it is a numeric constant or a result of int() function.
=item a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, a%b
Arithmetic operators.
=item { 'key' => 'value', ... }
Creates a hashref.
=head2 Directives
=item <!--# Comment -->
=item <!-- FOR item = array --> ...code... <!-- END -->
Loop. {item_index} is the loop counter inside 'FOR item =' loop.
=item <!-- IF expression --> ...code...
=item <!-- ELSEIF expression --> ...code...
=item <!-- ELSE --> ...code...
=item <!-- END -->
=item <!-- SET var = expression -->
=item <!-- SET var --> ...code... <!-- END -->
=item <!-- BLOCK name(arg1, arg2, ...) = expression -->
=item <!-- BLOCK name(arg1, arg2, ...) --> ...code... <!-- END -->
=head1 Functions
=head2 Numeric and logical
=head2 String
=head2 Arrays and hashes
=head2 Misc
=head2 Template inclusion