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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

# Контекстно-свободная Parse::Yapp-грамматика шаблонизатора
# {{ двойные скобки }} нужно исключительно чтобы маркеры начала и конца подстановки
# были уникальны в грамматике. Вместо них обычно используются { одинарные }, а
# выбор корректной лексемы - скобки или маркера - делает лексический анализатор.
# Но зато вместо { фигурных скобок } можно выбрать себе любые другие маркеры!
# Все выражения представляются массивом из двух значений: [ код выражения, флаг экранирования ]
# Флаг экранирования == true, если это выражение HTML-безопасно. При включённом auto_escape
# небезопасные выражения прогоняются через экранирование.
# Кстати:
# * Олдстайл BEGIN .. END ликвидирован
# * Возможно, нужно добавить в каком-то виде foreach ... as key => value
# P.S: Комментарии типа "#{" и "#}" служат, чтобы тупой Parse::Yapp понимал парные скобки
%start template
%token literal
%token name
%token '..'
%token '||'
%token 'OR'
%token 'XOR'
%token 'AND'
%token '&&'
%token '&'
%token '=='
%token '!='
%token '<'
%token '>'
%token '<='
%token '>='
%token '+'
%token '-'
%token '*'
%token '/'
%token '%'
%token '('
%token ')'
%token '!'
%token 'NOT'
%token '{'
%token '}'
%token ','
%token '=>'
%token '['
%token ']'
%token '<!--'
%token '-->'
%token '{{'
%token '}}'
%left '..'
%left '||' 'OR' 'XOR'
%left '&&' 'AND'
%nonassoc '==' '!=' '<' '>' '<=' '>='
%left '+' '-'
%left '&'
%left '*' '/' '%'
# Директивы
template: chunks {
$_[0]->{template}->{st}->{functions}->{main}->{body} = "sub fn_main() {\nmy \$stack = [];\nmy \$t = '';\n".$_[1]."\nreturn \$t;\n}\n";
chunks: {
| chunks chunk {
$_[1] . $_[2];
chunk: literal {
'$t .= ' . $_[1] . ";\n";
| '<!--' code_chunk '-->' {
| '{{' exp '}}' {
'$t .= ' . ($_[2][1] || !$_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape} ? $_[2][0] : $_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape}, [ $_[2] ])->[0]) . ";\n";
| error {
code_chunk: c_if | c_set | c_fn | c_for | exp {
'$t .= ' . ($_[1][1] || !$_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape} ? $_[1][0] : $_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[0]->{template}->{options}->{auto_escape}, [ $_[1] ])->[0]) . ";\n";
c_if: 'IF' exp '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . "}\n";
| 'IF' exp '-->' chunks '<!--' 'ELSE' '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . "} else {\n" . $_[8] . "}\n";
| 'IF' exp '-->' chunks c_elseifs chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . $_[5] . $_[6] . "}\n";
| 'IF' exp '-->' chunks c_elseifs chunks '<!--' 'ELSE' '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"if (" . $_[2][0] . ") {\n" . $_[4] . $_[5] . $_[6] . "} else {\n" . $_[10] . "}\n";
c_elseifs: '<!--' elseif exp '-->' {
"} elsif (" . $_[3][0] . ") {\n";
| c_elseifs chunks '<!--' elseif exp '-->' {
$_[1] . $_[2] . "} elsif (" . $_[5][0] . ") {\n";
c_set: 'SET' varref '=' exp {
$_[2][0] . ' = ' . $_[4][0] . ";\n";
| 'SET' varref '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
"push \@\$stack, \$t;\n\$t = '';\n" . $_[4] . $_[2][0] . " = \$t;\n\$t = pop(\@\$stack);\n";
c_fn: fn name '(' arglist ')' '=' exp {
$_[0]->{template}->{st}->{functions}->{$_[2]} = {
'name' => $_[2],
'args' => $_[4],
'body' => 'sub fn_'.$_[2]." () {\nreturn ".$_[7].";\n}\n",
#'line' => $line, Ой, я чо - аргументы не юзаю?
#'pos' => $pos,
| fn name '(' arglist ')' '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
$_[0]->{template}->{st}->{functions}->{$_[2]} = {
'name' => $_[2],
'args' => $_[4],
'body' => 'sub fn_'.$_[2]." () {\nmy \$stack = [];\nmy \$t = '';\n".$_[7]."\nreturn \$t;\n}\n",
#'line' => $line,
#'pos' => $pos,
c_for: for varref '=' exp '-->' chunks '<!--' 'END' {
my @varref = @{$_[2]};
my @exp = @_{$_[4]};
my $cs = $_[6];
my $varref_index = substr($varref[0], 0, -1) . ".'_index'}";
"push \@\$stack, ".$varref[0].", ".$varref_index.", 0;
foreach my \$item (array1($exp[0])) {
".$varref[0]." = \$item;
".$varref_index." = \$stack[count(\$stack)-1]++;
pop \@\$stack;
".$varref_index." = pop(\@\$stack);
".$varref[0]." = pop(\@\$stack);
fn: 'FUNCTION' | 'BLOCK' | 'MACRO' ;
for: 'FOR' | 'FOREACH' ;
elseif: 'ELSE' 'IF' | 'ELSIF' | 'ELSEIF' ;
# Выражения
exp: exp '..' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' . ' . $_[3][0] . ')', $_[1][1] && $_[3][1] ];
| exp '||' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' || ' . $_[3][0] . ')', $_[1][1] && $_[3][1] ];
| exp 'OR' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' || ' . $_[3][0] . ')', $_[1][1] && $_[3][1] ];
| exp 'XOR' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' XOR ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '&&' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' && ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp 'AND' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' && ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '==' exp {
[ '$self->eq(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '!=' exp {
[ '!$self->eq(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '<' exp {
[ '$self->lt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '>' exp {
[ '$self->gt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '<=' exp {
[ '!$self->gt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '>=' exp {
[ '!$self->lt(' . $_[1][0] . ', ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '+' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' + ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '-' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' - ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '&' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' & ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '*' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' * ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '/' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' / ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| exp '%' exp {
[ '(' . $_[1][0] . ' % ' . $_[3][0] . ')', 1 ];
| p10
p10: p11
| '-' p11 {
[ '(-'.$_[2][0].')', 1 ];
p11: nonbrace
| '(' exp ')' varpath {
[ '('.$_[2][0].')'.$_[4], 0 ];
| '!' p11 {
[ '(!'.$_[2][0].')', 1 ];
| 'NOT' p11 {
[ '(!'.$_[2][0].')', 1 ];
nonbrace: '{' hash '}' {
[ "{ " . $_[2] . " }", 1 ];
| literal {
[ $1, 1 ];
| varref
| name '(' ')' {
$_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[1], []);
| name '(' list ')' {
$_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[1], $_[3]);
| name '(' gthash ')' {
[ "\$self->{parent}->call_block('".addcslashes($_[1], "'\\")."', { ".$_[3]." }, '".addcslashes($_[0]->{__lexer}->errorinfo(), "'\\")."')", 1 ];
| name nonbrace {
$_[0]->{template}->compile_function($_[1], [ $_[3] ]);
| method '(' ')' {
[ $_[1].'()', 1 ];
| method '(' list ')' {
my $argv = [];
foreach my $a (@{$_[3]}) {
push @$argv, $a->[0];
[ $_[1].'('.join(', ', @$argv).')', 1 ];
method: varref '.' name {
list: exp {
[ $_[1] ];
| exp ',' list {
[ $_[1], @{$_[3]} ];
arglist: name {
[ $_[1] ];
| name ',' arglist {
[ $_[1], @{$_[3]} ];
| {
hash: pair
| pair ',' hash {
$_[1] . ', ' . $_[3];
| {
gthash: gtpair
| gtpair ',' gthash {
$_[1] . ', ' . $_[3];
pair: exp ',' exp {
$_[1][0] . ' => ' . $_[3][0];
| gtpair
gtpair: exp '=>' exp {
$_[1][0] . ' => ' . $_[3][0];
varref: name {
[ "\$self->{tpldata}{'".addcslashes($_[1], "\\\'")."'}", 0 ];
| varref varpart {
[ $_[1][0] . $_[2], 0 ];
varpart: '.' name {
"{'".addcslashes($_[1], "\\\'")."'}";
| '[' exp ']' {
($_[2][1] eq 'i' ? '['.$_[2][0].']' : "{".$_[2][0]."}");
varpath: {
| varpath varpart {
$_[1] . $_[2];
# Possible tokens consisting of special characters
my $chartokens = '+ - = * / % ! , . < > ( ) { } [ ] & .. || && == != <= >= =>';
# Reserved keywords
sub _Lexer
my ($parser) = shift;
return $parser->{__lexer}->read_token;
sub _error
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{__lexer}->warn('Unexpected ' . $self->YYCurtok . ($self->YYCurval ? ' ' . $self->YYCurval : ''));
sub compile
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$self->{__lexer} ||= new VMXTemplate::Lexer($self, $self->{__options});
$self->YYParse(yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_error);
package VMXTemplate::Lexer;
sub new
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my ($options) = @_;
my $self = bless {
options => $options,
# Input
code => '',
eaten => '',
lineno => 0,
# Preprocessed keyword tokens
nchar => {},
lens => [],
keywords => { map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $keywords_str },
# Last directive start position, directive and substitution start/end counters
last_start => 0,
last_start_line => 0,
in_code => 0,
in_subst => 0,
}, $class;
foreach (split(/ /, $chartokens))
$self->{nchar}{length($_)}{$_} = 1;
# Add code fragment finishing tokens
$self->{nchar}{length($self->{options}->{end_code})}{$self->{options}->{end_code}} = 1;
if ($self->{options}->{end_subst})
$self->{nchar}{length($self->{options}->{end_subst})}{$self->{options}->{end_subst}} = 1;
# Reverse-sort lengths
$self->{lens} = [ sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{$self->{nchar}} ];
return $self;
sub set_code
my $self = shift;
my ($code) = @_;
$self->{code} = $code;
$self->{eaten} = '';
$self->{lineno} = $self->{in_code} = $self->{in_subst} = 0;
$self->{last_start} = $self->{last_start_line} = 0;
sub eat
my $self = shift;
my ($len) = @_;
my $str = substr($self->{code}, 0, $len, '');
$self->{eaten} .= $str;
$self->{lineno} += ($str =~ tr/\n/\n/);
return $str;
sub skip_error
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{code} = substr($self->{eaten}, $self->{last_start}+1, length($self->{eaten}), '') . $self->{code};
$self->{lineno} = $self->{last_start_line};
$self->{in_code} = $self->{in_subst} = 0;
sub read_token
my $self = shift;
if (!length $self->{code})
# End of code
if ($self->{in_code} <= 0 && $self->{in_subst} <= 0)
my $r;
my $code_pos = index($self->{code}, $self->{options}->{begin_code});
my $subst_pos = index($self->{code}, $self->{options}->{begin_subst});
if ($code_pos == -1 && $subst_pos == -1)
# No more directives
$r = [ 'literal', "'".addcslashes($self->eat(length $self->{code}), "'\\")."'" ];
elsif ($subst_pos == -1 || $code_pos >= 0 && $subst_pos > $code_pos)
# Code starts closer
if ($code_pos > 0)
# We didn't yet reach the code beginning
my $str = $self->eat($code_pos);
if ($self->{options}->{eat_code_line})
$str =~ s/\n[ \t]*$/\n/s;
$r = [ 'literal', "'".addcslashes($str, "'\\")."'" ];
# We are at the code beginning
my $i = length $self->{options}->{begin_code};
if ($self->{code} =~ /^.{$i}([ \t]+)/s)
$i += length $1;
if ($i < length($self->{code}) && substr($self->{code}, $i, 1) eq '#')
# Strip comment and retry
$i = index($self->{code}, $self->{options}->{end_code}, $i);
$i = $i >= 0 ? $i+length($self->{options}->{end_code}) : length $self->{code};
return $self->read_token();
$r = [ '<!--', $self->{options}->{begin_code} ];
$self->{last_start} = length $self->{eaten};
$self->{last_start_line} = $self->{lineno};
$self->eat(length $self->{options}->{begin_code});
$self->{in_code} = 1;
# Substitution is closer
if ($subst_pos > 0)
$r = [ 'literal', "'".addcslashes($self->eat($subst_pos), "'\\")."'" ];
$r = [ '{{', $self->{options}->{begin_subst} ];
$self->{last_start} = length $self->{eaten};
$self->{last_start_line} = $self->{lineno};
$self->eat(length $self->{options}->{begin_subst});
$self->{in_subst} = 1;
return @$r;
# Skip whitespace
if ($self->{code} =~ /^(\s+)/)
$self->eat(length $1);
if (!length $self->{code})
# End of code
if ($self->{code} =~ /^([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)/is)
my $l = $1;
$self->eat(length $l);
if (exists $self->{keywords}->{uc $l})
# Keyword
return (uc $l, $l);
# Identifier
return ('name', $l);
elsif ($self->{code} =~ /^(
(\")(?:[^\"\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\" |
\'(?:[^\'\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\' |
0\d+ | \d+(\.\d+)? | 0x\d+)/xis)
# String or numeric non-negative literal
my $t = $1;
$self->eat(length $t);
if ($2)
$t =~ s/\$/\\\$/gso;
return ('literal', $t);
# Special characters
foreach my $l (@{$self->{lens}})
my $a = $self->{nchar}->{$l};
my $t = substr($self->{code}, 0, $l);
if (exists $a->{$t})
if ($self->{in_code})
$self->{in_code}++ if $t eq $self->{options}->{begin_code};
$self->{in_code}-- if $t eq $self->{options}->{end_code};
if (!$self->{in_code})
if ($self->{options}->{eat_code_line} &&
$self->{code} =~ /^([ \t\r]+\n\r?)/so)
$self->eat(length $1);
return ('-->', $t);
elsif ($self->{in_subst})
$self->{in_subst}++ if $t eq $self->{options}->{begin_subst};
$self->{in_subst}-- if $t eq $self->{options}->{end_subst};
if (!$self->{in_subst})
return ('}}', $t);
return ($t, undef);
# Unknown character
$self->warn("Unexpected character '".substr($self->{code}, 0, 1)."'");
return ('error', undef);
sub errorinfo
my $self = shift;
my $linestart = rindex($self->{eaten}, "\n");
my $lineend = index($self->{code}, "\n");
$lineend = length($self->{code}) if $lineend < 0;
my $line = substr($self->{eaten}, $linestart+1) . '^^^' . substr($self->{code}, 0, $lineend);
my $charpos;
use bytes;
$charpos = length $self->{eaten};
return ' in '.$self->{options}->{input_filename}.', line '.($self->{lineno}+1).
', character '.$charpos.', marked by ^^^ in '.$line;
sub warn
my $self = shift;
my ($text) = @_;
package VMXTemplate::Utils;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
timestamp plural_ru strlimit strip_tags addcslashes
use constant {
TS_UNIX => 0,
TS_DB => 1,
TS_DB_DATE => 2,
TS_MW => 3,
TS_EXIF => 4,
TS_ISO_8601 => 6,
TS_RFC822 => 7,
my @Mon = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my %mon = qw(jan 0 feb 1 mar 2 apr 3 may 4 jun 5 jul 6 aug 7 sep 8 oct 9 nov 10 dec 11);
my @Wday = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
our $safe_tags = 'div|blockquote|span|a|b|i|u|p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|strike|strong|small|big|blink|center|ol|pre|sub|sup|font|br|table|tr|td|th|tbody|tfoot|thead|tt|ul|li|em|img|marquee|cite';
# ограниченная распознавалка дат
sub timestamp
my ($ts, $format) = @_;
require POSIX;
if (int($ts) eq $ts)
# TS_UNIX or Epoch
$ts = time if !$ts;
elsif ($ts =~ /^\D*(\d{4,}?)\D*(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})\D*(?:(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})\D*(\d{2})\D*([\+\- ]\d{2}\D*)?)?$/so)
$ts = POSIX::mktime($6||0, $5||0, $4||0, $3, $2-1, $1-1900);
elsif ($ts =~ /^\s*(\d\d?)-(...)-(\d\d(?:\d\d)?)\s*(\d\d)\.(\d\d)\.(\d\d)/so)
$ts = POSIX::mktime($6, $5, $4, int($1), $mon{lc $2}, $3 < 100 ? $3 : $3-1900);
elsif ($ts =~ /^\s*..., (\d\d?) (...) (\d{4,}) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\s*([\+\- ]\d\d)\s*$/so)
# TS_RFC822
$ts = POSIX::mktime($6, $5, $4, int($1), $mon{lc $2}, $3-1900);
# Bogus value, return undef
return undef;
if (!$format)
return $ts;
elsif ($format == TS_MW)
return POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime($ts));
elsif ($format == TS_DB)
return POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts));
elsif ($format == TS_DB_DATE)
return POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime($ts));
elsif ($format == TS_ISO_8601)
return POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", localtime($ts));
elsif ($format == TS_EXIF)
return POSIX::strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts));
elsif ($format == TS_RFC822)
my @l = localtime($ts);
return POSIX::strftime($Wday[$l[6]].", %d ".$Mon[$l[4]]." %Y %H:%M:%S %z", @l);
elsif ($format == TS_ORACLE)
my @l = localtime($ts);
return POSIX::strftime("%d-".$Mon[$l[4]]."-%Y %H.%M.%S %p", @l);
return $ts;
# Select one of 3 plural forms for russian language
sub plural_ru
my ($count, $one, $few, $many) = @_;
my $sto = $count % 100;
if ($sto >= 10 && $sto <= 20)
return $many;
my $r = $count % 10;
if ($r == 1)
return $one;
elsif ($r >= 2 && $r <= 4)
return $few;
return $many;
# Limit string to $maxlen
sub strlimit
my ($str, $maxlen, $dots) = @_;
if (!$maxlen || $maxlen < 1 || length($str) <= $maxlen)
return $str;
$str = substr($str, 0, $maxlen);
my $p = rindex($str, ' ');
if ($p < 0 || (my $pt = rindex($str, "\t")) > $p)
$p = $pt;
if ($p > 0)
$str = substr($str, 0, $p);
return $str . (defined $dots ? $dots : '...');
# Replace (some) tags with whitespace
sub strip_tags
my ($str, $allowed) = @_;
my $allowed = $allowed ? '(?!/?('.$allowed.'))' : '';
$str =~ s/(<$allowed\/?[a-z][a-z0-9-]*(\s+[^<>]*)?>\s*)+/ /gis;
return $str;
# Add '\' before specified chars
sub addcslashes
my ($str, $escape) = @_;
$str =~ s/([$escape])/\\$1/gs;
return $str;