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2017-12-28 00:22:33 +03:00
# Incoming mail handler for Bugzilla
# License: Dual-license GPL 3.0+ or MPL 1.1+
# Contributor(s): Vitaliy Filippov <vitalif@mail.ru>, Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org>
package Bugzilla::InMail;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Email::Address;
use Email::Reply qw(reply);
use Email::MIME;
use Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper;
use HTML::Strip;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
use Encode;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Attachment;
use Bugzilla::Bug;
use Bugzilla::Hook;
use Bugzilla::BugMail;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Mailer;
use Bugzilla::Token;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Util;
# Constants #
# This is the USENET standard line for beginning a signature block
# in a message. RFC-compliant mailers use this.
use constant SIGNATURE_DELIMITER => '-- ';
sub process_inmail
my ($mail_text) = @_;
my $input_email = Email::MIME->new($mail_text);
my $status = eval
my $mail_fields = parse_mail($input_email);
if (!$mail_fields)
return 0;
Bugzilla::Hook::process('email_in_after_parse', { fields => $mail_fields });
my $attachments = delete $mail_fields->{attachments};
select_user($mail_fields->{reporter}, $mail_fields->{_reporter_name});
my ($bug, $comment);
if ($mail_fields->{bug_id})
$bug = Bugzilla::Bug::create_or_update($mail_fields);
$comment = $bug->comments->[-1] if trim($mail_fields->{comment});
($bug, $comment) = post_bug($mail_fields);
handle_attachments($bug, $attachments, $comment);
return 1;
if ($@)
# Report error to the sender of original message
my $msg = $@;
if (ref $msg eq 'Bugzilla::Error')
$msg = $msg->{message};
if ($input_email)
my $from = Bugzilla->params->{mailfrom};
my $reply = reply(to => $input_email, from => $from, top_post => 1, body => "$msg\n");
return -1;
return $status;
sub select_user
my ($reporter, $reporter_name) = @_;
my $username = $reporter;
# If emailsuffix is in use, we have to remove it from the email address.
if (my $suffix = Bugzilla->params->{emailsuffix})
$username =~ s/\Q$suffix\E$//i;
# First try to select user with name $username
my $user = Bugzilla::User->new({ name => $username });
# Then try to find alias $username for some user
unless ($user)
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
($user) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM emailin_aliases WHERE address=?", undef, trim($reporter));
$user = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $user }) if $user;
# Then check if autoregistration is enabled
unless ($user)
unless (Bugzilla->params->{emailin_autoregister})
ThrowUserError('invalid_username', { name => $username });
# Then try to autoregister unknown user
$user = Bugzilla::User->create({
login_name => $username,
realname => $reporter_name,
cryptpassword => 'a3#',
disabledtext => '',
if (!$user->is_enabled)
ThrowUserError('account_disabled', { disabled_reason => $user->disabledtext });
sub parse_mail
my ($input_email) = @_;
my %fields;
Bugzilla::Hook::process('email_in_before_parse', { mail => $input_email, fields => \%fields });
# RFC 3834 - Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail
# Automatic responses SHOULD NOT be issued in response to any
# message which contains an Auto-Submitted header field (see below),
# where that field has any value other than "no".
# F*cking MS Exchange sometimes does not append Auto-Submitted header
# to delivery status reports, so also check content-type.
my $autosubmitted;
if (lc($input_email->header('Auto-Submitted') || 'no') ne 'no' ||
($input_email->header('X-Auto-Response-Suppress') || '') =~ /all/iso ||
($input_email->header('Content-Type') || '') =~ /delivery-status/iso)
return undef;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Fetch field => value from emailin_fields table
my ($toemail) = Email::Address->parse($input_email->header('To'));
%fields = (%fields, map { @$_ } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
"SELECT field, value FROM emailin_fields WHERE address=?",
undef, $toemail) || [] });
my $summary = $input_email->header('Subject');
if ($summary =~ /\[\s*Bug\s*(\d+)\s*\](.*)/i)
$fields{bug_id} = $1;
$summary = trim($2);
$fields{_subject} = $summary;
# Add CC's from email Cc: header
$fields{newcc} = $input_email->header('Cc');
$fields{newcc} = $fields{newcc} && (join ', ', map { [ Email::Address->parse($_) ] -> [0] }
split /\s*,\s*/, $fields{newcc}) || undef;
my ($body, $attachments) = get_body_and_attachments($input_email);
if (@$attachments)
$fields{attachments} = $attachments;
$body = remove_leading_blank_lines($body);
Bugzilla::Hook::process("emailin-filter_body", { body => \$body });
my @body_lines = split(/\r?\n/s, $body);
my $fields_by_name = { map { (lc($_->description) => $_->name, lc($_->name) => $_->name) } Bugzilla->get_fields({ obsolete => 0 }) };
# If there are fields specified.
if ($body =~ /^\s*@/s)
my $current_field;
while (my $line = shift @body_lines)
# If the sig is starting, we want to keep this in the
# @body_lines so that we don't keep the sig as part of the
# comment down below.
unshift(@body_lines, $line);
# Otherwise, we stop parsing fields on the first blank line.
$line = trim($line);
last if !$line;
if ($line =~ /^\@\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/)
$current_field = $fields_by_name->{lc($1)} || lc($1);
$fields{$current_field} = $2;
$fields{$current_field} .= " $line";
%fields = %{ Bugzilla::Bug::map_fields(\%fields) };
my ($reporter) = Email::Address->parse($input_email->header('From'));
$fields{reporter} = $reporter->address;
my $r;
if ($r = $reporter->phrase)
$r .= ' ' . $reporter->comment if $reporter->comment;
$r = $reporter->address;
$fields{_reporter_name} = $r;
# The summary line only affects us if we're doing a post_bug.
# We have to check it down here because there might have been
# a bug_id specified in the body of the email.
if (!$fields{bug_id} && !$fields{short_desc})
$fields{short_desc} = $summary;
my $comment = '';
# Get the description, except the signature.
foreach my $line (@body_lines)
last if $line eq SIGNATURE_DELIMITER;
$comment .= "$line\n";
$fields{comment} = $comment;
return \%fields;
sub post_bug
my ($fields) = @_;
my $bug;
my ($retval, $non_conclusive_fields) =
assigned_to => { type => 'single' },
qa_contact => { type => 'single' },
cc => { type => 'multi' }
}, $fields, MATCH_SKIP_CONFIRM);
if ($retval != USER_MATCH_SUCCESS)
ThrowUserError('user_match_too_many', { fields => $non_conclusive_fields });
$bug = Bugzilla::Bug::create_or_update($fields);
if (my $err = $@)
my $format = "\n\nIncoming mail format for entering bugs:\n\n\@field = value\n\@field = value\n...\n\n<Bug description...>\n";
if (blessed $err && $err->{message})
$err->{message} .= $format;
$err .= $format;
die $err;
if ($bug)
return ($bug, $bug->comments->[0]);
return undef;
sub handle_attachments
my ($bug, $attachments, $comment) = @_;
return if !$attachments;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my ($update_comment, $update_bug);
foreach my $attachment (@$attachments)
my $data = delete $attachment->{payload};
$attachment->{content_type} ||= 'application/octet-stream';
my $obj = Bugzilla::Attachment->create({
bug => $bug,
description => $attachment->{filename},
filename => $attachment->{filename},
mimetype => $attachment->{content_type},
data => $data,
# If we added a comment, and our comment does not already have a type,
# and this is our first attachment, then we make the comment an
# "attachment created" comment.
if ($comment and !$comment->type and !$update_comment)
$comment->set_type(CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED, $obj->id);
$update_comment = 1;
$bug->add_comment('', { type => CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED, extra_data => $obj->id });
$update_bug = 1;
# We only update the comments and bugs at the end of the transaction,
# because doing so modifies bugs_fulltext, which is a non-transactional
# table.
$bug->update() if $update_bug;
$comment->update() if $update_comment;
# Helper Subroutines #
sub get_body_and_attachments
my ($email) = @_;
my $ct = $email->content_type || 'text/plain';
my $body;
my $attachments = [];
if ($ct =~ /^multipart\/(alternative|signed)/i)
$body = get_text_alternative($email);
my $stripper = new Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper($email, force_filename => 1);
my $message = $stripper->message;
$body = get_text_alternative($message);
$attachments = [$stripper->attachments];
return ($body, $attachments);
sub rm_line_feeds
my ($t) = @_;
$t =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /giso;
return $t;
sub get_text_alternative
my ($email) = @_;
my @parts = $email->parts;
my $body;
foreach my $part (@parts)
my $ct = $part->content_type || 'text/plain';
my $charset = 'iso-8859-1';
# The charset may be quoted.
if ($ct =~ /charset="?([^;"]+)/)
$charset = $1;
if (!$ct || $ct =~ /^text\/plain/i)
$body = $part->body;
elsif ($ct =~ /^text\/html/i)
$body = $part->body;
$body =~ s/<table[^<>]*class=[\"\']?difft[^<>]*>.*?<\/table\s*>//giso;
$body =~ s/(<a[^<>]*>.*?<\/a\s*>)/rm_line_feeds($1)/gieso;
Bugzilla::Hook::process("emailin-filter_html", { body => \$body });
$body = HTML::Strip->new->parse($body);
if (defined $body)
if (Bugzilla->params->{utf8} && !utf8::is_utf8($body))
$body = Encode::decode($charset, $body);
if (!defined $body)
# Note that this only happens if the email does not contain any
# text/plain parts. If the email has an empty text/plain part,
# you're fine, and this message does NOT get thrown.
return $body;
sub remove_leading_blank_lines
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/^(\s*\n)+//s;
return $text;
# Use UTF-8 in Email::Reply to correctly quote the body
my $crlf = "\x0d\x0a";
my $CRLF = $crlf;
undef *Email::Reply::_quote_body;
*Email::Reply::_quote_body = sub
my ($self, $part) = @_;
return if length $self->{quoted};
return map $self->_quote_body($_), $part->parts if $part->parts > 1;
return if $part->content_type && $part->content_type !~ m[\btext/plain\b];
my $body = $part->body;
$body = ($self->_strip_sig($body) || $body)
if !$self->{keep_sig} && $body =~ /$crlf--\s*$crlf/o;
my ($end) = $body =~ /($crlf)/;
$end ||= $CRLF;
$body =~ s/[\r\n\s]+$//;
$body = $self->_quote_orig_body($body);
$body = "$self->{attrib}$end$body$end";
$self->{crlf} = $end;
$self->{quoted} = $body;