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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Print SCRUM-like cards for bugs
# License: Dual-license GPL 3.0+ or MPL 1.1+
# Author: Vitaliy Filippov <vitalif@mail.ru>
use strict;
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim html_quote);
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Bugzilla::Error;
my $user = Bugzilla->login;
my $args = Bugzilla->input_params;
my $vars = {};
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Default $Layout settings
my $l = {
cols => int($args->{t_cols} || 0) > 0 ? int($args->{t_cols} || 0) : undef,
rows => int($args->{t_rows} || 0) > 0 ? int($args->{t_rows} || 0) : undef,
fs => 12,
pw => 20,
ph => 27.7,
cw => undef,
ch => undef,
cmt => 0.3,
cmr => 0.1,
cmb => 0.1,
cml => 0.1,
$l->{cardtext} = <<'EOF';
<table class="card" cellspacing="5">
<td class="dot"><a href="show_bug.cgi?id={bug_id}">{bug_id}</a></td>
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
<td class="sevpri">{substr(bug_severity, 0, 3)}&nbsp;{substr(priority, 0, 3)}</td>
<td class="dot">{substr(target_milestone, 0, 5)}</td>
<tr><td colspan="3" class="spc"></td></tr>
<td colspan="3" class="desc"><div>{short_desc}</div></td>
<tr><td colspan="3" class="spc"></td></tr>
<td colspan="3" style="font-size: 130%">
<input type="text" class="est"
value="{_estimate}" />
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Parse layout settings from the request
for (qw(pw ph cw ch cmt cmr cmb cml fs))
$l->{$_} = $1 if defined $args->{"t_$_"} && $args->{"t_$_"} =~ /^([\d\.]+)$/ && $1 >= 0;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Parse layout settings from text
if ($args->{load_settings})
my $ls = load_settings($args->{settings_text});
for (keys %$ls)
$l->{$_} = $ls->{$_} if $ls->{$_} ne '';
$vars->{load_settings} = 1;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Calculate card size from wanted count, or count from wanted size
if ($l->{cols} && $l->{rows})
$l->{ncw} = sprintf("%.2f", ($l->{pw} / $l->{cols}) - $l->{cml} - $l->{cmr});
$l->{nch} = sprintf("%.2f", ($l->{ph} / $l->{rows}) - $l->{cmt} - $l->{cmb});
$l->{cw} = $l->{ncw} if !$l->{cw} || $l->{ncw} < $l->{cw};
$l->{ch} = $l->{nch} if !$l->{ch} || $l->{nch} < $l->{ch};
delete $l->{ncw};
delete $l->{nch};
if (!$l->{cw} || !$l->{ch})
$l->{cw} = 6;
$l->{ch} = 5;
$l->{cols} = int($l->{pw} / ($l->{cw} + $l->{cml} + $l->{cmr}));
$l->{rows} = int($l->{ph} / ($l->{ch} + $l->{cmt} + $l->{cmb}));
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Load bugs
my $bugs = [];
my $est = {};
if ($args->{id})
push @$bugs, ($args->{id} =~ /(\d+)/gs);
my $bug_objects = { map { $_->bug_id => $_ } @{ Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list([ grep { $_ } @$bugs ]) } };
for (@$bugs)
$_ = $bug_objects->{$_} if $_;
for (@$bugs)
2014-03-27 17:01:21 +04:00
if ($_)
if (!$user->can_see_bug($_))
2014-03-27 17:01:21 +04:00
$_ = { bug_id => $_->bug_id, error => 'AccessDenied' };
push @{$est->{$_->bug_id}}, 0+$_->estimated_time;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Load time estimates from the request
my $k;
for my $id (keys %$est)
for (0..$#{$est->{$id}})
$k = "e$id-$_";
$est->{$id}->[$_] = $args->{$k} if exists $args->{$k};
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Fill the sheet with empty cells
if (scalar @$bugs > 1)
if (@$bugs % ($l->{cols} * $l->{rows}))
push @$bugs, (undef) x ($l->{cols}*$l->{rows} - (@$bugs % ($l->{cols} * $l->{rows})));
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Make tables and rows
my $pages = [];
my ($p, $r, $c) = (0, 0, 0);
my $repeated = {};
for (@$bugs)
if ($_ && !$_->{error})
$_->{_repeated} = $repeated->{$_->{bug_id}} || '';
$_->{_estimate} = $est->{$_->{bug_id}}->[$_->{_repeated} || 0];
$_->{_repeated} = '-' . $_->{_repeated} if $_->{_repeated};
$_ = { bug => $_, html => process_card($_, $l->{cardtext}) };
$pages->[$p]->{rows}->[$r]->{bugs}->[$c] = $_;
if ($c >= $l->{cols})
$c = 0;
if ($r >= $l->{rows})
$r = 0;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# Output variables
$vars->{pages} = $pages;
$vars->{t} = $l;
$vars->{idlist} = join ',', map { $_ && $_->{bug} && $_->{bug}->id ? $_->{bug}->id : "" } @$bugs;
$vars->{idlist_js} = join ',', map { $_ && $_->{bug} && $_->{bug}->id ? $_->{bug}->id : "''" } @$bugs;
$vars->{estimates} = $est;
$vars->{cardtext} = $l->{cardtext};
$vars->{settings_text} =
cardmargin=$l->{cmt} $l->{cmr} $l->{cmb} $l->{cml}
Bugzilla->template->process('scrum/cards.html.tmpl', $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError(Bugzilla->template->error());
sub load_settings
my ($text) = @_;
my $l = {};
my @text = split /\n/, $text;
my %keys = (
paper => [ qw(pw ph) ],
cardsize => [ qw(cw ch) ],
cards => [ qw(cols rows) ],
fontsize => [ qw(fs) ],
cardmargin => [ qw(cmt cmr cmb cml) ],
for (my $i = 0; $i < @text; $i++)
if ($text[$i] =~ /^\s*([a-z_]+)\s*=\s*(<<([a-z_]+)|.*)/iso)
my ($n, $v) = ($1, $2);
if ($3)
# heredoc
my $eof = $3;
$v = '';
$v .= $text[$i++]."\n" while $i < @text && $text[$i] !~ /^\s*$eof\s*/so;
$v =~ s/\s*$//gso;
if ($n eq 'template')
$l->{cardtext} = $v;
elsif ($keys{$n})
@$l{@{$keys{$n}}} = $v =~ /([\-\d\.]+)/gso;
return $l;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
# The following is a mini template engine -
# we use it because TT is insecure and inconvenient
sub replace
my ($s, $re, $repl) = @_;
2014-05-20 15:23:45 +04:00
$re = qr/$re/s;
# Escape \ @ $ % /, but allow $n replacements ($1 $2 $3 ...)
$repl =~ s!([\\\@\%/]|\$(?\!\d))!\\$1!gso;
2014-05-20 15:23:45 +04:00
eval("\$s =~ s/\$re/$repl/gs");
return $s;
sub substr { CORE::substr($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) }
sub uc { CORE::uc($_[0]) }
sub lc { CORE::lc($_[0]) }
sub expression
my ($bug, $e, $byref) = @_;
my $v;
if ($e =~ s/^\s*(substr|uc|lc|replace)\s*\(//iso)
my $f = $1;
my @a;
my $a;
while (defined($a = expression($bug, $e, 1)))
push @a, $a;
$e =~ s/^[,\s]*//so;
$e =~ s/^\s*\)//so;
no strict 'refs';
$v = &$f(@a);
elsif ($e =~ s/^\s*("([^\"\\]+|\\\\|\\\")*"|'([^\'\\]+|\\\\|\\\')*'|-?[\d\.]+)//iso)
my $x = $1;
if ($x =~ s/^[\"\'](.*)[\"\']$/$1/so)
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
$x =~ s/\\(.)/$1/gso;
$v = $x;
elsif ($e =~ s/^\s*([a-z_]+)//iso)
my $n = $1;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
my $f = Bugzilla->get_field($n);
if ($f && $f->is_select)
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
$v = $bug->get_object($n);
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
my ($realname) = $n =~ s/_realname//so;
$v = $bug->can($n) ? $bug->$n : $bug->{$n};
if (ref $v eq 'Bugzilla::User')
$v = $realname ? $v->name : $v->login;
2014-04-10 17:25:17 +04:00
$v = join(", ", map { blessed($_) ? $_->name : $_ } (ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ? @$v : $v));
return undef;
$_[1] = $e if $byref;
return $v;
sub process_card
my ($bug, $tpl) = @_;
$tpl =~ s/\{((?:[^}\"\']+|"(?:[^\"\\]+|\\\\|\\\")*"|'(?:[^\'\\]+|\\\\|\\\')*')+)\}/html_quote(expression($bug, $1))/geiso;
return $tpl;