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# Script for testing Bugzilla Search engine and comparing query results
use utf8;
use strict;
no warnings 'utf8';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Encode;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
my ($a) = abs_path($0) =~ /^(.*)$/;
chdir dirname($a);
use lib qw(..);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::CGI;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Search;
my $SLOW_QUERY = 2;
my $IN = 'queries.txt';
my $RES = '';
my $LOG = '';
my $OLDRES = '';
for my $i (0..$#ARGV)
local $_ = $ARGV[$i];
if ($_ eq '-h' || $_ eq '--help')
print STDERR
"Script for testing Bugzilla Search engine and comparing query results
USAGE: perl $0 [-i queries.txt] [-r result.txt] [-l log.txt] [-o old-results-to-compare.txt]
Input 'queries.txt' file contains tested queries, one per a line, in the following format:
| userid | name | query string
When run with '-o' option, this script compares query results and performance
to the ones written into 'old-results-to-compare.txt' from previous run.
Example usage:
1) Connect to Bugzilla database, run 'SELECT * FROM namedqueries' and save results into a file
2) Get a 'reference' Bugzilla version into different folder with same localconfig
3) Run: 'perl queries-unit.pl -l log-ref.txt -r res-ref.txt' inside the reference Bugzilla
4) Run: 'perl queries-unit.pl -l log-new.txt -r res-new.txt -o <path_to_ref_bugzilla>/t/res-ref.txt'
elsif ($_ eq '-i') { $IN = $ARGV[++$i]; }
elsif ($_ eq '-r') { $RES = $ARGV[++$i]; }
elsif ($_ eq '-l') { $LOG = $ARGV[++$i]; }
elsif ($_ eq '-o') { $OLDRES = $ARGV[++$i]; }
if (!$RES)
$RES = $IN;
$RES =~ s/\./-result\./so;
# Read queries
my $queries = [];
open FD, '<', $IN or die "Cannot open '$IN'";
while (<FD>)
if (/^[^\|]*\|\s*(\d+)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(\S+)/s)
push @$queries, {
userid => $1,
name => $2,
query => $3,
close FD;
my $logfd;
if ($LOG)
open $logfd, '>', $LOG or die "Cannot open log '$LOG'";
my $old;
if ($OLDRES)
# Read old results
$old = do $OLDRES;
die $@ if $@;
$SIG{INT} = \&finish;
$| = 1;
my $results = {};
my (@lq, $maxl);
my $l;
my $bad;
my $i = 0;
for my $q (@$queries)
my $key = $q->{userid}.':'.$q->{name};
my $user = Bugzilla->request_cache->{user} = Bugzilla::User->new({ id => $q->{userid} });
print("Invalid user $q->{userid}!\n"), next unless $user;
next if $user->disabledtext;
my $s = "Testing $q->{userid}'s $q->{name}... ";
$l = length $s;
# $maxl is streaming maximum over last 10 lengths
$maxl = $lq[1] || $l;
pop(@lq), pop(@lq) while @lq && $lq[$#lq] < $l;
shift(@lq), shift(@lq) if $lq[0] <= $i-10;
push @lq, $i, $l;
print $s;
print $logfd $s if $logfd;
# Generate query
my $t_start = gettimeofday();
my $params = Bugzilla::CGI->new($q->{query});
my $search = Bugzilla::Search->new(
params => $params,
fields => [ 'bug_id' ],
user => $user,
order => make_order($params->param('order')),
my $sql = $search->getSQL();
$q->{sql} = $sql;
my $result;
# Execute query
eval { $result = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sql) };
if ($@)
$q->{error} = $@;
$s = "Query error: $@\n";
print $s;
print $logfd $s if $logfd;
my $t_query = gettimeofday();
# Save results
$q->{result} = join(',', @$result);
$q->{time} = $t_query-$t_start;
$s = sprintf("%.2f sec, ", $q->{time}).@$result." bugs\n";
# Check results
$bad = 0;
if ($q->{time} > $SLOW_QUERY)
$s = "SLOW $s";
$bad = 'SLOW';
if ($old && $old->{$key})
if ($old->{$key}->{result} ne $q->{result})
if (join(',', sort split ',', $old->{$key}->{result}) ne
join(',', sort split ',', $q->{result}))
$bad = 'INVALID';
$s = "[!] INVALID [!] $s";
$s = "[!] INVALID ORDER [!] $s";
elsif ($q->{time} > $old->{$key}->{time}/0.8)
$bad = 'WORSE';
$s = sprintf("WORSE(by %.2f sec) ", $q->{time} - $old->{$key}->{time}).$s;
elsif ($old->{$key}->{time} > 0.1 && $q->{time}/$old->{$key}->{time} < 0.8)
$s = sprintf("BETTER(by %.2f sec) ", $old->{$key}->{time} - $q->{time}).$s;
$s = (' ' x ($maxl-$l)).$s;
if ($bad)
my $sql = $q->{sql};
$sql =~ s/^/ /gmo;
$s .= "$sql\n";
$s .= "$bad | $q->{userid} | $q->{name} | $q->{query}\n";
print $s;
print $logfd $s if $logfd;
$results->{$key} = $q;
sub dumper_simple
my ($h, $l) = @_;
$l ||= 0;
if (ref $h && $h =~ /ARRAY/)
my $s = "[\n";
for (@$h)
$s .= (' ' x ($l+1)).dumper_simple($_, $l+1).",\n";
$h = $s.(' ' x $l).']';
elsif (ref $h && $h =~ /HASH/)
my $s = "{\n";
for my $k (keys %$h)
$k =~ s/([\'\\])/\\$1/gso;
$s .= (' ' x ($l+1))."'$k' => ".dumper_simple($h->{$k}, $l+1).",\n";
$h = $s.(' ' x $l).'}';
$h = "$h";
$h =~ s/([\'\\])/\\$1/gso;
$h = "'$h'";
return $h;
sub finish
close $logfd if $logfd;
print "Terminating and saving results into '$RES'\n";
open FD, '>', $RES or die "Cannot write into '$RES'";
print FD dumper_simple($results);
close FD;
sub make_order
my ($order) = @_;
my $old_orders = {
'' => 'bug_status,priority,assigned_to,bug_id', # Default
'bug number' => 'bug_id',
'importance' => 'priority,bug_severity,bug_id',
'assignee' => 'assigned_to,bug_status,priority,bug_id',
'last changed' => 'delta_ts,bug_status,priority,assigned_to,bug_id',
$order = '' if $order =~ /reuse same/is;
$order = $old_orders->{lc $order} || $order || $old_orders->{''};
$order .= ',bug_id' if $order !~ /bug_id/;
$order = [ split /\s*,\s*/, $order ];
for (@$order)
my ($c, $d) = split_order_term($_);
$c = translate_old_column($c);
$_ = $c.' '.$d;
return $order;