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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# Contributor(s): Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net>
# Byron Jones <byron@glob.com.au>
# testserver.pl is invoked with the baseurl of the Bugzilla installation
# as its only argument. It attempts to troubleshoot as many installation
# issues as possible.
use strict;
use lib qw(. lib);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Socket;
my $datadir = bz_locations()->{'datadir'};
eval "require LWP; require LWP::UserAgent;";
my $lwp = $@ ? 0 : 1;
if ((@ARGV != 1) || ($ARGV[0] !~ /^https?:/))
print "Usage: $0 <URL to this Bugzilla installation>\n";
print "e.g.: $0 http://www.mycompany.com/bugzilla\n";
# Try to determine the GID used by the web server.
my @pscmds = ('ps -eo comm,gid', 'ps -acxo command,gid', 'ps -acxo command,rgid');
my $sgid = 0;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
foreach my $pscmd (@pscmds)
open PH, "$pscmd 2>/dev/null |";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
while (my $line = <PH>)
if ($line =~ /^(?:\S*\/)?(?:httpd|apache)2?\s+(\d+)$/)
$sgid = $1 if $1 > $sgid;
# Determine the numeric GID of $webservergroup
my $webgroupnum = 0;
my $webservergroup = Bugzilla->localconfig->{webservergroup};
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($webservergroup =~ /^(\d+)$/)
$webgroupnum = $1;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
eval { $webgroupnum = (getgrnam $webservergroup) || 0; };
# Check $webservergroup against the server's GID
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($sgid > 0)
if ($webservergroup eq "")
"WARNING \$webservergroup is set to an empty string.
That is a very insecure practice. Please refer to the
Bugzilla documentation.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
elsif ($webgroupnum == $sgid || Bugzilla->localconfig->{use_suexec})
print "TEST-OK Webserver is running under group id in \$webservergroup.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
"TEST-WARNING Webserver is running under group id not matching \$webservergroup.
This if the tests below fail, this is probably the problem.
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
Please refer to the web server configuration section of the Bugzilla guide.
If you are using virtual hosts or suexec, this warning may not apply.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
elsif (!ON_WINDOWS)
"TEST-WARNING Failed to find the GID for the 'httpd' process, unable
to validate webservergroup.\n";
# Try to fetch a static file (padlock.png)
$ARGV[0] =~ s/\/$//;
my $url = $ARGV[0] . "/images/padlock.png";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if (fetch($url))
print "TEST-OK Got padlock picture.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
"TEST-FAILED Fetch of images/padlock.png failed
Your web server could not fetch $url.
Check your web server configuration and try again.\n";
# Try to execute a cgi script
my $response = fetch($ARGV[0] . "/testagent.cgi");
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($response =~ /^OK (.*)$/)
print "TEST-OK Webserver is executing CGIs via $1.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
elsif ($response =~ /^#!/)
"TEST-FAILED Webserver is fetching rather than executing CGI files.
Check the AddHandler statement in your httpd.conf file.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
print "TEST-FAILED Webserver is not executing CGI files.\n";
# Make sure that the web server is honoring .htaccess files
my $localconfig = bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
$localconfig =~ s~^\./~~;
$url = $ARGV[0] . "/$localconfig";
$response = fetch($url);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($response)
"TEST-FAILED Webserver is permitting fetch of $url.
This is a serious security problem.
Check your web server configuration.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
print "TEST-OK Webserver is preventing fetch of $url.\n";
# Test chart generation
eval 'use GD';
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($@ eq '')
undef $/;
# Ensure major versions of GD and libgd match
# Windows's GD module include libgd.dll, guaranteed to match
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
my $gdlib = `gdlib-config --version 2>&1` || "";
$gdlib =~ s/\n$//;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if (!$gdlib)
print "TEST-WARNING Failed to run gdlib-config; can't compare " .
"GD versions.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
my $gd = $GD::VERSION;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
my $verstring = "GD version $gd, libgd version $gdlib";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
$gdlib =~ s/^([^\.]+)\..*/$1/;
$gd =~ s/^([^\.]+)\..*/$1/;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($gdlib == $gd)
print "TEST-OK $verstring; Major versions match.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
print "TEST-FAILED $verstring; Major versions do not match.\n";
# Test GD
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
my $image = new GD::Image(100, 100);
my $black = $image->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0);
my $white = $image->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255);
my $red = $image->colorAllocate(255, 0, 0);
my $blue = $image->colorAllocate(0, 0, 255);
$image->rectangle(0, 0, 99, 99, $black);
$image->arc(50, 50, 95, 75, 0, 360, $blue);
$image->fill(50, 50, $red);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($image->can('png'))
create_file("$datadir/testgd-local.png", $image->png);
check_image("$datadir/testgd-local.png", 'GD');
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
print "TEST-FAILED GD doesn't support PNG generation.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($@ ne '')
print "TEST-FAILED GD returned: $@\n";
# Test Chart
eval 'use Chart::Lines';
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($@)
print "TEST-FAILED Chart::Lines is not installed.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
my $chart = Chart::Lines->new(400, 400);
$chart->add_pt('foo', 30, 25);
$chart->add_pt('bar', 16, 32);
check_image("$datadir/testchart-local.png", "Chart");
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($@ ne '')
print "TEST-FAILED Chart returned: $@\n";
eval 'use Template::Plugin::GD::Image';
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($@)
print "TEST-FAILED Template::Plugin::GD is not installed.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
print "TEST-OK Template::Plugin::GD is installed.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
sub fetch
my $url = shift;
my $rtn;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($lwp)
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
$rtn = ($res->is_success ? $res->content : undef);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
elsif ($url =~ /^https:/i)
die("You need LWP installed to use https with testserver.pl");
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
my($host, $port, $file) = ('', 80, '');
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($url =~ m#^http://([^:]+):(\d+)(/.*)#i)
($host, $port, $file) = ($1, $2, $3);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
elsif ($url =~ m#^http://([^/]+)(/.*)#i)
($host, $file) = ($1, $2);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
die("Cannot parse url");
my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
my $sin = sockaddr_in($port, inet_aton($host));
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if (connect(SOCK, $sin))
binmode SOCK;
select((select(SOCK), $| = 1)[0]);
# get content
print SOCK "GET $file HTTP/1.0\015\012host: $host:$port\015\012\015\012";
my $header = '';
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
while (defined(my $line = <SOCK>))
last if $line eq "\015\012";
$header .= $line;
my $content = '';
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
while (defined(my $line = <SOCK>))
$content .= $line;
my ($status) = $header =~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+ (\d+)#;
$rtn = (($status =~ /^2\d\d/) ? $content : undef);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
sub check_image
my ($local_file, $library) = @_;
my $filedata = read_file($local_file);
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
if ($filedata =~ /^\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A/)
print "TEST-OK $library library generated a good PNG image.\n";
unlink $local_file;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
print "TEST-WARNING $library library did not generate a good PNG.\n";
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
sub create_file
my ($filename, $content) = @_;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
open(FH, ">$filename") or die "Failed to create $filename: $!\n";
binmode FH;
print FH $content;
close FH;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
sub read_file
my ($filename) = @_;
2014-11-01 02:41:20 +03:00
open(FH, $filename) or die "Failed to open $filename: $!\n";
binmode FH;
my $content = <FH>;
close FH;
return $content;