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# Text difference engine
# License: Dual-license GPL 3.0+ or MPL 1.1+
# Contributor(s): Vladimir Koptev <vladimir.koptev@gmail.com>, Vitaliy Filippov <vitalif@mail.ru>
package Bugzilla::Diff;
use utf8;
use strict;
use File::Temp;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Encode;
use base qw(Exporter);
@Bugzilla::Diff::EXPORT = qw(
use constant MIN_LENGTH => 8;
use constant MAX_LENGTH => 80;
use constant MAX_LINES => 3;
use constant TYPE_ADD => '+';
use constant TYPE_REM => '-';
use constant TYPE_UNI => 'u';
use constant TYPE_EMP => 'e';
use constant TYPE_SKP => 's';
use constant SKIP_STRING => '...';
use constant SKIP_LENGTH => length(SKIP_STRING);
use constant VIEW_TAGS => {
'<add>' => '<b style="background: #CCC; color: #090;">',
'</add>' => '</b>',
'<rem>' => '<b style="background: #CCC; color: #F00;">',
'</rem>' => '</b>'
use constant VIEW_PLAIN_TAGS => {
'<add>' => "\n+",
'</add>' => "\n",
'<rem>' => "\n-",
'</rem>' => "\n"
sub new
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $object = {};
my ($old, $new, $a) = @_;
bless($object, $class) if $object;
$object->{old} = $old;
$object->{new} = $new;
return $object;
# returns diff data formatted as a hash
sub get_hash
my ($self, $force) = @_;
$force = 0 unless $force;
if ($force || !$self->{context})
$self->{diff} = $self->diff($self->{old}, $self->{new});
$self->{context}->{length} = scalar @{$self->{context}->{removed}};
return $self->{context};
# returns diff formatted as two-column HTML pairs
sub get_table
my ($self, $force, $column) = @_;
$force = 0 unless $force;
my $diff = $self->get_hash($force);
my $result = [];
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{context}->{length}; $i++)
# old and new texts - [type, value]
my ($old, $new) = ($self->{context}->{removed}->[$i], $self->{context}->{added}->[$i]);
my ($oval, $nval) = ($old->{value}, $new->{value});
for my $key (keys VIEW_TAGS)
my $val = VIEW_TAGS->{$key};
$oval =~ s/$key/$val/g;
$nval =~ s/$key/$val/g;
$oval =~ s/\n/<br\/>/g;
$nval =~ s/\n/<br\/>/g;
push @$result, '<td style="vertical-align: top' .
($old->{type} eq TYPE_REM ? '; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: red' : '').'">' .
$oval . '</td><td style="vertical-align: top' .
($new->{type} eq TYPE_ADD ? '; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #0a0' : '').'">' .
$nval . '</td>';
return $result;
# get only removed (with context)
sub get_removed
my ($self, $force) = @_;
return $self->get_part(1, $force);
# get only added (with context)
sub get_added
my ($self, $force) = @_;
return $self->get_part(0, $force);
# get only specified part (with context): first param - bool is_removed
sub get_part
my ($self, $removed, $force) = @_;
$force = 0 unless $force;
$removed = 0 unless $removed;
$removed = $removed ? 'removed' : 'added';
my $diff = $self->get_hash($force);
my $result = '';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{context}->{length}; $i++)
my $line = $self->{context}->{$removed}->[$i];
my $lval = $line->{value};
for my $key (keys VIEW_PLAIN_TAGS)
my $val = VIEW_PLAIN_TAGS->{$key};
$lval =~ s/$key/$val/g;
$result .= "\n" . ($line->{type} eq TYPE_ADD ? TYPE_ADD : ($line->{type} eq TYPE_REM ? TYPE_REM : ' ')) . $lval;
return $result;
# make diff
sub diff
my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;
my $old_file = File::Temp->new;
my $new_file = File::Temp->new;
s/(.)/$1\n/gso for $old, $new;
print $old_file $old;
print $new_file $new;
my $diff = `diff -u -U 2147483647 $old_file $new_file`;
my @diff = split "\n", $diff, -1;
splice @diff, 0, 2;
my $result = [[], []];
my ($old, $new) = @$result;
my ($prev_action, $chunk, $nl);
push @diff, '^'; # EOF character for if ($prev_action ne $action)
for my $line (@diff)
my $action = substr $line, 0, 1, '';
$action = TYPE_UNI if $action eq ' ';
if ($prev_action ne $action)
if (defined $prev_action)
# save previous chunk
if ($prev_action eq TYPE_UNI || $prev_action eq TYPE_REM)
if (@$new < @$old)
push @$new, [ TYPE_UNI, '' ];
push @$old, [ $prev_action, $chunk ];
if ($prev_action eq TYPE_UNI || $prev_action eq TYPE_ADD)
push @$new, [ $prev_action, $chunk ];
if (@$old < @$new)
push @$old, [ TYPE_UNI, '' ];
# start new chunk
$prev_action = $action;
$chunk = '';
if ($line eq '')
# newline character = 2 empty lines
if ($nl)
$line = "\n";
$nl = 0;
$nl = 1;
$nl = 0;
$chunk .= $line;
if (@$new < @$old)
push @$new, [ TYPE_UNI, '' ];
return $result;
# Make common (for removed and added parts) context
sub make_context
my ($self) = @_;
my $len = scalar @{$self->{diff}->[0]};
my ($removed, $added) = ([], []);
$self->{context} = { removed => $removed, added => $added };
for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
# old and new texts - [type, value]
my ($old, $new) = ($self->{diff}->[0]->[$i], $self->{diff}->[1]->[$i]);
# if unchanged (context)
if ($old->[0] eq TYPE_UNI && $new->[0] eq TYPE_UNI)
# compare lengths and push equal parts of context according to lengths
my ($rl, $al) = (length($old->[1]), length($new->[1]));
if ($rl < $al)
push $removed, { value => $old->[1], type => TYPE_UNI };
push $removed, { value => '', type => TYPE_EMP };
push $added, { value => substr($new->[1], 0, $rl), type => TYPE_UNI };
push $added, { value => substr($new->[1], $rl), type => TYPE_UNI };
elsif ($rl > $al)
push $added, { value => $new->[1], type => TYPE_UNI };
push $added, { value => '', type => TYPE_EMP };
push $removed, { value => substr($old->[1], 0, $al), type => TYPE_UNI };
push $removed, { value => substr($old->[1], $al), type => TYPE_UNI };
push $removed, { value => $old->[1], type => TYPE_UNI };
push $added, { value => $new->[1], type => TYPE_UNI };
# if removed
elsif ($old->[0] eq TYPE_REM && $new->[0] eq TYPE_UNI)
push $removed, { value => $old->[1], type => TYPE_REM };
push $added, { value => '', type => TYPE_EMP };
# if added
elsif ($old->[0] eq TYPE_UNI && $new->[0] eq TYPE_ADD)
push $removed, { value => '', type => TYPE_EMP };
push $added, { value => $new->[1], type => TYPE_ADD };
# if changed
elsif ($old->[0] eq TYPE_REM && $new->[0] eq TYPE_ADD)
push $removed, { value => $old->[1], type => TYPE_REM };
push $added, { value => $new->[1], type => TYPE_ADD };
die __PACKAGE__.' BUG at diff part '.$i.'/'.$len.': ' . $old->[0] . ' vs ' . $new->[0];
# recalc length
$self->{context}->{length} = scalar @$removed;
# apply min length of "u" restriction
sub apply_min_restriction
my ($self) = @_;
# link to contexts
my ($removed, $added) = ($self->{context}->{removed}, $self->{context}->{added});
# for each line
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{context}->{length}; $i++)
my ($old, $new) = ($removed->[$i], $added->[$i]);
# if length is less than MIN_LENGTH mark "u" as rem/add
if ((length($old->{value}) <= MIN_LENGTH) && ($old->{type} eq TYPE_UNI))
$old->{type} = TYPE_REM;
$new->{type} = TYPE_ADD;
# glue close rem/add
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{context}->{length} - 1; $i++)
# hell condition:
# (--) && (++ || +e || e+ || ee) || (-- || -e || e- || ee) && (++)
my $a = $removed->[$i]->{type} eq TYPE_REM;
my $a1 = $removed->[$i]->{type} eq TYPE_EMP;
my $b = $removed->[$i+1]->{type} eq TYPE_REM;
my $b1 = $removed->[$i+1]->{type} eq TYPE_EMP;
my $c = $added->[$i]->{type} eq TYPE_ADD;
my $c1 = $added->[$i]->{type} eq TYPE_EMP;
my $d = $added->[$i+1]->{type} eq TYPE_ADD;
my $d1 = $added->[$i+1]->{type} eq TYPE_EMP;
if (
$a && $b && ($c && $d || $c && $d1 || $c1 && $d || $c1 && $d1) ||
$c && $d && ($a && $b || $a && $b1 || $a1 && $b || $a1 && $b1)
# glue them
$removed->[$i]->{value} .= $removed->[$i+1]->{value};
$removed->[$i]->{type} = TYPE_REM;
$added->[$i]->{value} .= $added->[$i+1]->{value};
$added->[$i]->{type} = TYPE_ADD;
splice $removed, $i+1, 1;
splice $added, $i+1, 1;
$self->{context}->{length} = scalar @$removed;
# Make context shorter
sub cut_context
my ($self) = @_;
# first restrict length
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{context}->{length}; $i++)
$self->{context}->{length} = scalar @{$self->{context}->{removed}};
# then restrict line count
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{context}->{length}; $i++)
$self->{context}->{length} = scalar @{$self->{context}->{removed}};
# restrict max length of "u"
sub apply_length_restriction
my ($self, $i) = @_;
for my $what (('removed', 'added'))
my $array = $self->{context}->{$what};
my $line = $array->[$i];
# only if type of line is "u"
if ($line->{type} eq TYPE_UNI)
my $l = length($line->{value});
# length of first item is greater than MAX_LENGTH
if (($l > MAX_LENGTH) && ($i == 0))
# cut it to MAX_LENGTH and insert before "skip" line
$array->[0]->{value} = SKIP_STRING . substr($line->{value}, -(MAX_LENGTH + SKIP_LENGTH));
# length of last item is greater than MAX_LENGTH
elsif (($l > MAX_LENGTH) && ($i == $self->{context}->{length} - 1))
# cut it to MAX_LENGTH and insert after "skip" line
$array->[$i]->{value} = substr($line->{value}, 0, MAX_LENGTH - SKIP_LENGTH) . SKIP_STRING;
# length of i-th item is greater than 2*MAX_LENGTH (per MAX_LENGTH for prev and next lines)
elsif ($l > 2*MAX_LENGTH && ($i > 0) && ($i < $self->{context}->{length} - 1))
# cut it to (MAX_LENGTH, "skip", MAX_LENGTH)
splice $array, $i+1, 0, { type => TYPE_SKP, value => SKIP_STRING };
splice $array, $i+2, 0, { type => TYPE_UNI, value => SKIP_STRING . substr($line->{value}, -(MAX_LENGTH + SKIP_LENGTH)) };
$array->[$i]->{value} = substr($line->{value}, 0, MAX_LENGTH - SKIP_LENGTH) . SKIP_STRING;
# restrict max lines count of "u"
sub apply_line_restriction
my ($self, $i) = @_;
for my $what (('removed', 'added'))
my $array = $self->{context}->{$what};
my $line = $array->[$i];
# only if type of line is "u"
if ($line->{type} eq TYPE_UNI)
my $n = ($line->{value} =~ tr/\n/\n/);
# lines count of first item is greater than MAX_LINES
if (($n > MAX_LINES) && ($i == 0))
# cut it to MAX_LINES lines and insert before "skip" line
my $offset = $self->rindex_i($line->{value}, "\n", MAX_LINES) + 1;
splice $array, $i, 0, { type => TYPE_SKP, value => SKIP_STRING };
$array->[$i+1]->{value} = substr($line->{value}, $offset);
# lines count of last item is greater than MAX_LINES
elsif (($n > MAX_LINES) && ($i == $self->{context}->{length} - 1))
# cut it to MAX_LINES lines and insert after "skip" line
my $offset = $self->index_i($line->{value}, "\n", MAX_LINES) + 1;
$array->[$i]->{value} = substr($line->{value}, 0, $offset);
push $array, { type => TYPE_SKP, value => SKIP_STRING };
# other cases
# apply line restriction for i-th item
$self->apply_line_restriction_i($i, $what);
# apply max lines restriction count to i-th item
sub apply_line_restriction_i
my ($self, $i, $what) = @_;
my $array = $self->{context}->{$what};
my $line = $array->[$i];
my $n = ($line->{value} =~ tr/\n/\n/);
# if before there is "skip" and current contains more than MAX_LINES lines
if (($array->[$i-1]->{type} eq TYPE_SKP) && ($n > MAX_LINES))
# just cut it
my $offset = $self->rindex_i($line->{value}, "\n", MAX_LINES) + 1;
$array->[$i]->{value} = substr($line->{value}, $offset);
# if after there is "skip" and current contains more than MAX_LINES lines
elsif (($array->[$i+1]->{type} eq TYPE_SKP) && ($n > MAX_LINES))
# just cut it
my $offset = $self->index_i($line->{value}, "\n", MAX_LINES) + 1;
$array->[$i]->{value} = substr($line->{value}, 0, $offset);
# if around there is no "skip" and current contains more than 2*MAX_LINES (per MAX_LINES for prev and next lines) lines
elsif ($n > 2*MAX_LINES)
# cut it to (MAX_LINES, "skip", MAX_LINES)
my $begin = substr($line->{value}, 0, $self->index_i($line->{value}, "\n", MAX_LINES) + 1);
my $end = substr($line->{value}, $self->rindex_i($line->{value}, "\n", MAX_LINES) + 1);
splice $array, $i+1, 0, { type => TYPE_SKP, value => SKIP_STRING };
splice $array, $i+2, 0, { type => TYPE_UNI, value => $end };
$array->[$i]->{value} = $begin;
# helper: index n-th needle in search
sub index_i
my ($self, $search, $needle, $n) = @_;
my $offset = 0;
for(my $j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)
$offset = index($search, $needle, $offset) + 1;
return $offset - 1;
# helper: rindex n-th needle in search
sub rindex_i
my ($self, $search, $needle, $n) = @_;
my $offset = length($search);
for(my $j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)
$offset = rindex($search, $needle, $offset) - 1;
return $offset + 1;
# Glue adjacent chunks if they span a line.
sub glue_context
my ($self) = @_;
my ($or, $oa) = @{$self->{context}}{qw(removed added)};
for (@$or)
$_->{value} = '<rem>' . $_->{value} . '</rem>' if $_->{type} eq TYPE_REM;
for (@$oa)
$_->{value} = '<add>' . $_->{value} . '</add>' if $_->{type} eq TYPE_ADD;
my $len = scalar @$or;
for (my $i = 1; $i < $len; $i++)
if (($or->[$i-1]->{type} ne TYPE_SKP && $or->[$i]->{type} ne TYPE_SKP) &&
($or->[$i-1]->{value} !~ /\n$/s || $oa->[$i-1]->{value} !~ /\n$/s))
for ($or, $oa)
$_->[$i-1]->{value} .= $_->[$i]->{value};
# Don't care about (i-1 == EMP && i == UNI) - it doesn't make sense after glue_context
$_->[$i-1]->{type} = $_->[$i]->{type} if $_->[$i]->{type} eq TYPE_REM || $_->[$i]->{type} eq TYPE_ADD;
splice @$_, $i, 1;
$self->{context}->{length} = scalar @{$self->{context}->{removed}};