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# #
# Radius Client module for Perl 5 #
# #
# Written by Carl Declerck <carl@miskatonic.inbe.net>, (c)1997 #
# All Rights Reserved. See the Perl Artistic License for copying & usage #
# policy. #
# #
# Modified by Olexander Kapitanenko <kapitan@portaone.com>, #
# Andrew Zhilenko <andrew@portaone.com>, 2002-2007. #
# #
# See the file 'Changes' in the distrution archive. #
# #
# $Id: Radius.pm,v 1.17 2007/02/20 06:15:04 andrew Exp $
package Authen::Radius;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Digest::MD5;
use Data::Dumper;
use Data::HexDump;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
$VERSION = '0.13';
my (%dict_id, %dict_name, %dict_val, %dict_vendor_id, %dict_vendor_name );
my ($request_id) = $$ & 0xff; # probably better than starting from 0
my ($radius_error) = 'ENONE';
my $debug = 0;
# we'll need to predefine these attr types so we can do simple password
# verification without having to load a dictionary
$dict_id{'not defined'}{1}{'type'} = 'string'; # set 'username' attr type to string
$dict_id{'not defined'}{2}{'type'} = 'string'; # set 'password' attr type to string
$dict_id{'not defined'}{4}{'type'} = 'ipaddr'; # set 'NAS-IP-Address' attr type to string
use constant ACCESS_REQUEST => 1;
use constant ACCESS_ACCEPT => 2;
use constant ACCESS_REJECT => 3;
use constant ACCOUNTING_REQUEST => 4;
use constant ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE => 5;
use constant ACCOUNTING_STATUS => 6;
use constant DISCONNECT_REQUEST => 40;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %h = @_;
my ($host, $port, $service);
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
$debug = $h{Debug};
return $self->set_error('ENOHOST') unless $h{'Host'};
($host, $port) = split(/:/, $h{'Host'});
$service = $h{'Service'} ? $h{'Service'} : 'radius';
$port = getservbyname($service, 'udp') unless $port;
unless ($port) {
my %services = ( radius => 1645, radacct => 1646,
'radius-acct' => 1813 );
if (exists($services{$service})) {
$port = $services{$service};
} else {
return $self->set_error('EBADSERV');
$self->{'timeout'} = $h{'TimeOut'} ? $h{'TimeOut'} : 5;
$self->{'secret'} = $h{'Secret'};
print STDERR "Using Radius server $host:$port\n" if $debug;
$self->{'sock'} = new IO::Socket::INET(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'udp',
TimeOut => $self->{'timeout'}
) or return $self->set_error('ESOCKETFAIL');
sub send_packet {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
my ($data);
my $length = 20 + length($self->{'attributes'});
$self->{'authenticator'} = "\0" x 16;
$self->{'authenticator'} =
$self->calc_authenticator($type, $request_id, $length)
} else {
$self->gen_authenticator unless defined $self->{'authenticator'};
$data = pack('C C n', $type, $request_id, $length)
. $self->{'authenticator'} . $self->{'attributes'};
$request_id = ($request_id + 1) & 0xff;
if ($debug) {
print STDERR "Sending request:\n";
print STDERR HexDump($data);
$self->{'sock'}->send ($data) || $self->set_error('ESENDFAIL');
sub recv_packet {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($data, $type, $id, $length, $auth, $sh);
$sh = new IO::Select($self->{'sock'}) or return $self->set_error('ESELECTFAIL');
$sh->can_read($self->{'timeout'}) or return $self->set_error('ETIMEOUT');
$self->{'sock'}->recv ($data, 65536) or return $self->set_error('ERECVFAIL');
if ($debug) {
print STDERR "Received response:\n";
print STDERR HexDump($data);
($type, $id, $length, $auth, $self->{'attributes'}) = unpack('C C n a16 a*', $data);
return $self->set_error('EBADAUTH') if $auth ne $self->calc_authenticator($type, $id, $length);
sub check_pwd {
my ($self, $name, $pwd, $nas) = @_;
$self->add_attributes (
{ Name => 1, Value => $name, Type => 'string' },
{ Name => 2, Value => $pwd, Type => 'string' },
{ Name => 4, Value => $nas || '', Type => 'ipaddr' }
my $rcv = $self->recv_packet();
return (defined($rcv) and $rcv == ACCESS_ACCEPT);
sub clear_attributes {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $self->{'attributes'};
sub get_attributes {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($vendor, $vendor_id, $id, $length, $value, $type, $rawvalue, @a);
my ($attrs) = $self->{'attributes'};
my $vendor_specific = $dict_name{'Vendor-Specific'}{'id'};
while (length($attrs)) {
($id, $length, $attrs) = unpack('C C a*', $attrs);
($rawvalue, $attrs) = unpack('a' . ($length - 2) . ' a*', $attrs);
if ( defined($vendor_specific) and $id == $vendor_specific ) {
($vendor_id, $id, $length, $rawvalue) = unpack('N C C a*', $rawvalue);
$vendor = defined $dict_vendor_id{$vendor_id}{'name'} ? $dict_vendor_id{$vendor_id}{'name'} : $vendor_id;
} else {
$vendor = 'not defined';
$type = $dict_id{$vendor}{$id}{'type'} || '';
if ($type eq "string") {
if ($id == 2 && $vendor eq 'not defined' ) {
$value = '<encrypted>';
} else {
$value = $rawvalue;
} elsif ($type eq "integer") {
$value = unpack('N', $rawvalue);
$value = $dict_val{$id}{$value}{'name'} if defined $dict_val{$id}{$value}{'name'};
} elsif ($type eq "ipaddr") {
$value = inet_ntoa($rawvalue);
} elsif ($type eq "avpair") {
$value = $rawvalue;
$value =~ s/^.*=//;
} elsif ($type eq 'sublist') {
# never got a chance to test it, since it seems that Digest attributes only come from clients
my ($subid, $subvalue, $sublength, @values);
$value = ''; my $subrawvalue = $rawvalue;
while (length($subrawvalue)) {
($subid, $sublength, $subrawvalue) = unpack('C C a*', $subrawvalue);
($subvalue, $subrawvalue) = unpack('a' . ($sublength - 2) . ' a*', $subrawvalue);
my $subname = $dict_val{$id}->{$subid}->{'name'};
push @values, "$subname = \"$subvalue\"";
$value = join("; ", @values);
push (@a, { 'Name' => defined $dict_id{$vendor}{$id}{'name'} ? $dict_id{$vendor}{$id}{'name'} : $id,
'Code' => $id,
'Value' => $value,
'RawValue' => $rawvalue,
'Vendor' => $vendor }
return @a;
sub add_attributes {
my ($self, @a) = @_;
my ($a, $vendor, $id, $type, $value);
for $a (@a) {
$id = defined $dict_name{$a->{'Name'}}{'id'} ? $dict_name{$a->{'Name'}}{'id'} : int($a->{'Name'});
$type = defined $a->{'Type'} ? $a->{'Type'} : $dict_name{$a->{'Name'}}{'type'};
$vendor = defined $a->{'Vendor'} ? ( defined $dict_vendor_name{ $a->{'Vendor'} }{'id'} ? $dict_vendor_name{ $a->{'Vendor'} }{'id'} : int($a->{'Vendor'}) ) : ( defined $dict_name{$a->{'Name'}}{'vendor'} ? $dict_vendor_name{ $dict_name{$a->{'Name'}}{'vendor'} }{'id'} : 'not defined' );
if ($type eq "string") {
$value = $a->{'Value'};
if ($id == 2 && $vendor eq 'not defined' ) {
$value = $self->encrypt_pwd($value);
$value = substr($value, 0, 253);
} elsif ($type eq "integer") {
my $enc_value;
if ( defined $dict_val{$id}{$a->{'Value'}}{'id'} ) {
$enc_value = $dict_val{$id}{$a->{'Value'}}{'id'};
} else {
$enc_value = int($a->{'Value'});
$value = pack('N', $enc_value);
} elsif ($type eq "ipaddr") {
$value = inet_aton($a->{'Value'});
} elsif ($type eq "avpair") {
$value = $a->{'Name'}.'='.$a->{'Value'};
$value = substr($value, 0, 253);
} elsif ($type eq 'sublist') {
# Digest attributes look like:
# Digest-Attributes = 'Method = "REGISTER"'
my $digest = $a->{'Value'};
my @pairs;
if (ref($digest)) {
next unless ref($digest) eq 'HASH';
foreach my $key (keys %{$digest}) {
push @pairs, [ $key => $digest->{$key} ];
} else {
# string
foreach my $z (split(/\"\; /, $digest)) {
my ($subname, $subvalue) = split(/\s+=\s+\"/, $z, 2);
$subvalue =~ s/\"$//;
push @pairs, [ $subname => $subvalue ];
$value = '';
foreach my $da (@pairs) {
my ($subname, $subvalue) = @{$da};
my $subid = $dict_val{$id}->{$subname}->{'id'};
next unless defined($subid);
$value .= pack('C C', $subid, length($subvalue) + 2) . $subvalue;
} else {
print STDERR "Adding attribute $a->{Name} ($id) with value '$a->{Value}'\n" if $debug;
if ( $vendor eq 'not defined' ) {
$self->{'attributes'} .= pack('C C', $id, length($value) + 2) . $value;
} else {
$value = pack('N C C', $vendor, $id, length($value) + 2) . $value;
$self->{'attributes'} .= pack('C C', $dict_name{'Vendor-Specific'}{'id'}, length($value) + 2) . $value;
return 1;
sub calc_authenticator {
my ($self, $type, $id, $length) = @_;
my ($hdr, $ct);
$hdr = pack('C C n', $type, $id, $length);
$ct = Digest::MD5->new;
$ct->add ($hdr, $self->{'authenticator'}, $self->{'attributes'}, $self->{'secret'});
sub gen_authenticator {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($ct);
$ct = Digest::MD5->new;
# the following could be improved a lot
$ct->add (sprintf("%08x%04x", time, $$), $self->{'attributes'} || '');
$self->{'authenticator'} = $ct->digest();
sub encrypt_pwd {
my ($self, $pwd) = @_;
my ($i, $ct, @pwdp, @encrypted);
$ct = Digest::MD5->new();
my $non_16 = length($pwd) % 16;
$pwd .= "\0" x (16 - $non_16) if $non_16;
@pwdp = unpack('a16' x (length($pwd) / 16), $pwd);
for $i (0..$#pwdp) {
my $authent = $i == 0 ? $self->{'authenticator'} : $encrypted[$i - 1];
$ct->add($self->{'secret'}, $authent);
$encrypted[$i] = $pwdp[$i] ^ $ct->digest();
return join('',@encrypted);
use vars qw(%included_files);
sub load_dictionary {
my ($file) = @_;
my ($fh, $cmd, $name, $id, $type, $vendor);
unless ($file) {
$file = "/etc/raddb/dictionary";
# prevent infinite loop in the include files
return undef if exists($included_files{$file});
$included_files{$file} = 1;
$fh = new FileHandle($file) or die "Can't open dictionary '$file' ($!)\n";
print STDERR "Loading dictionary $file\n" if $debug;
while (<$fh>) {
($cmd, $name, $id, $type, $vendor) = split(/\s+/);
next if (!$cmd || $cmd =~ /^#/);
if (lc($cmd) eq 'attribute') {
if( !$vendor ) {
$dict_id{'not defined'}{$id}{'name'} = $name;
$dict_id{'not defined'}{$id}{'type'} = $type;
} else {
$dict_id{$vendor}{$id}{'name'} = $name;
$dict_id{$vendor}{$id}{'type'} = $type;
$dict_name{$name}{'id'} = $id;
$dict_name{$name}{'type'} = $type;
$dict_name{$name}{'vendor'} = $vendor if $vendor;
} elsif (lc($cmd) eq 'value') {
next unless exists($dict_name{$name});
$dict_val{$dict_name{$name}->{'id'}}->{$type}->{'name'} = $id;
$dict_val{$dict_name{$name}->{'id'}}->{$id}->{'id'} = $type;
} elsif (lc($cmd) eq 'vendor') {
$dict_vendor_name{$name}{'id'} = $id;
$dict_vendor_id{$id}{'name'} = $name;
} elsif (lc($cmd) eq '$include') {
my @path = split("/", $file);
pop @path; # remove the filename at the end
my $path = ( $name =~ /^\// ) ? $name : join("/", @path, $name);
load_dictionary('', $path);
sub set_error {
my ($self, $error) = @_;
$radius_error = $self->{'error'} = defined $error ? $error : 'ENONE';
sub get_error {
my ($self) = @_;
sub strerror {
my ($self, $error) = @_;
my %errors = (
'ENONE', 'none',
'ESELECTFAIL', 'select creation failed',
'ETIMEOUT', 'timed out waiting for packet',
'ESOCKETFAIL', 'socket creation failed',
'ENOHOST', 'no host specified',
'EBADAUTH', 'bad response authenticator',
'ESENDFAIL', 'send failed',
'ERECVFAIL', 'receive failed',
'EBADSERV', 'unrecognized service'
return $errors{$radius_error} unless ref($self);
$errors{defined $error ? $error : $self->{'error'}};
=head1 NAME
Authen::Radius - provide simple Radius client facilities
use Authen::Radius;
$r = new Authen::Radius(Host => 'myserver', Secret => 'mysecret');
print "auth result=", $r->check_pwd('myname', 'mypwd'), "\n";
$r = new Authen::Radius(Host => 'myserver', Secret => 'mysecret');
$r->add_attributes (
{ Name => 'User-Name', Value => 'myname' },
{ Name => 'Password', Value => 'mypwd' },
# RFC 2865 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2865.txt calls this attribute
# User-Password. Check your local RADIUS dictionary to find
# out which name is used on your system
# { Name => 'User-Password', Value => 'mypwd' },
{ Name => 'h323-return-code', Value => '0' }, # Cisco AV pair
{ Name => 'Digest-Attributes', Value => { Method => 'REGISTER' } }
$r->send_packet(ACCESS_REQUEST) and $type = $r->recv_packet();
print "server response type = $type\n";
for $a ($r->get_attributes()) {
print "attr: name=$a->{'Name'} value=$a->{'Value'}\n";
The C<Authen::Radius> module provides a simple class that allows you to
send/receive Radius requests/responses to/from a Radius server.
=over 4
=item new ( Host => HOST, Secret => SECRET [, TimeOut => TIMEOUT] [,Service => SERVICE] [, Debug => Bool])
Creates & returns a blessed reference to a Radius object, or undef on
failure. Error status may be retrieved with C<Authen::Radius::get_error>
(errorcode) or C<Authen::Radius::strerror> (verbose error string).
The default C<Service> is C<radius>, the alternative is C<radius-acct>.
If you do not specify port in the C<Host> as a C<hostname:port>, then port
specified in your F</etc/services> will be used. If there is nothing
there, and you did not specify port either then default is 1645 for
C<radius> and 1813 for C<radius-acct>.
Optional parameter C<Debug> with a Perl "true" value turns on debugging
(verbose mode).
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item load_dictionary ( [ DICTIONARY ] )
Loads the definitions in the specified Radius dictionary file (standard
Livingston radiusd format). Tries to load 'C</etc/raddb/dictionary>' when no
argument is specified, or dies. NOTE: you need to load valid dictionary
if you plan to send Radius requests with other attributes than just
Checks with the Radius server if the specified C<PASSWORD> is valid for user
C<USERNAME>. Unless C<NASIPADDRESS> is soecified, will
be placed in the NAS-IP-Address attribute.
This method is actually a wrapper for subsequent calls to
C<clear_attributes>, C<add_attributes>, C<send_packet> and C<recv_packet>. It
returns 1 if the C<PASSWORD> is correct, or undef otherwise.
=item add_attributes ( { Name => NAME, Value => VALUE [, Type => TYPE] [, Vendor => VENDOR] }, ... )
Adds any number of Radius attributes to the current Radius object. Attributes
are specified as a list of anon hashes. They may be C<Name>d with their
dictionary name (provided a dictionary has been loaded first), or with
their raw Radius attribute-type values. The C<Type> pair should be specified
when adding attributes that are not in the dictionary (or when no dictionary
was loaded). Values for C<TYPE> can be 'C<string>', 'C<integer>', 'C<ipaddr>' or 'C<avpair>'.
=item get_attributes
Returns a list of references to anon hashes with the following key/value
pairs : { Name => NAME, Code => RAWTYPE, Value => VALUE, RawValue =>
RAWVALUE, Vendor => VENDOR }. Each hash represents an attribute in the current object. The
C<Name> and C<Value> pairs will contain values as translated by the
dictionary (if one was loaded). The C<Code> and C<RawValue> pairs always
contain the raw attribute type & value as received from the server.
=item clear_attributes
Clears all attributes for the current object.
=item send_packet ( REQUEST_TYPE )
Packs up a Radius packet based on the current secret & attributes and
sends it to the server with a Request type of C<REQUEST_TYPE>. Exported
Returns the number of bytes sent, or undef on failure.
=item recv_packet
Receives a Radius reply packet. Returns the Radius Reply type (see possible
values for C<REQUEST_TYPE> in method C<send_packet>) or undef on failure. Note
that failure may be due to a failed recv() or a bad Radius response
authenticator. Use C<get_error> to find out.
=item get_error
Returns the last C<ERRORCODE> for the current object. Errorcodes are one-word
strings always beginning with an 'C<E>'.
=item strerror ( [ ERRORCODE ] )
Returns a verbose error string for the last error for the current object, or
for the specified C<ERRORCODE>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Carl Declerck <carl@miskatonic.inbe.net> - original design
Alexander Kapitanenko <kapitan@portaone.com> and Andrew Zhilenko <andrew@portaone.com> - later modifications.
Andrew Zhilenko <andrew@portaone.com> is a current module's maintaner at CPAN.