
261 lines
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function updateCommentPrivacy(checkbox, id) {
var comment_elem = document.getElementById('comment_text_'+id).parentNode;
if (checkbox.checked) {
if (!comment_elem.className.match('bz_private')) {
comment_elem.className = comment_elem.className.concat(' bz_private');
else {
comment_elem.className =
comment_elem.className.replace(/(\s*|^)bz_private(\s*|$)/, '$2');
/* The functions below expand and collapse comments */
function toggle_comment_display(link, comment_id) {
var comment = document.getElementById('comment_text_' + comment_id);
var re = new RegExp(/\bcollapsed\b/);
if (comment.className.match(re))
expand_comment(link, comment);
collapse_comment(link, comment);
function toggle_all_comments(action, num_comments) {
// If for some given ID the comment doesn't exist, this doesn't mean
// there are no more comments, but that the comment is private and
// the user is not allowed to view it.
for (var id = 0; id < num_comments; id++) {
var comment = document.getElementById('comment_text_' + id);
if (!comment)
var link = document.getElementById('comment_link_' + id);
if (action == 'collapse')
collapse_comment(link, comment);
expand_comment(link, comment);
function collapse_comment(link, comment) {
link.innerHTML = "[+]";
link.title = "Expand the comment.";
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(comment, 'collapsed');
function expand_comment(link, comment) {
link.innerHTML = "[-]";
link.title = "Collapse the comment";
YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(comment, 'collapsed');
/* This way, we are sure that browsers which do not support JS
* won't display this link */
function addCollapseLink(count) {
var e = document.getElementById('comment_act_'+count);
if (!e)
e.innerHTML +=
' <a href="#" class="bz_collapse_comment"' +
' id="comment_link_' + count +
'" onclick="toggle_comment_display(this, ' + count +
'); return false;" title="Collapse the comment.">[-]<\/a> ';
/* Outputs a link to call replyToComment(); used to reduce HTML output */
function addReplyLink(id, real_id) {
var e = document.getElementById('comment_act_'+id);
if (!e)
var s = '[';
if (user_settings.quote_replies != 'off')
s += '<a href="#add_comment" onclick="replyToComment(' +
id + ',' + real_id + '); return false;">reply<' + '/a>';
s += ', clone to <a href="enter_bug.cgi?cloned_bug_id='+bug_info.id+'&amp;cloned_comment='+id+'">other</a>';
s += '/<a href="enter_bug.cgi?cloned_bug_id='+bug_info.id+'&amp;product='+encodeURI(bug_info.product)+'&amp;cloned_comment='+id+'">same</a>';
/* CustIS Bug 69514 */
if (bug_info.extprod)
s += '/<a href="enter_bug.cgi?cloned_bug_id='+bug_info.id+'&amp;product='+encodeURI(bug_info.extprod)+'&amp;cloned_comment='+id+'">ext</a>';
else if (bug_info.intprod)
s += '/<a href="enter_bug.cgi?cloned_bug_id='+bug_info.id+'&amp;product='+encodeURI(bug_info.intprod)+'&amp;cloned_comment='+id+'">int</a>';
s += ' product]';
e.innerHTML += s;
function addActionLinks(indexes)
for (var i in indexes)
addReplyLink(indexes[i][0], indexes[i][1]);
/* Adds the reply text to the `comment' textarea */
function replyToComment(id, real_id)
var prefix = "(In reply to comment #" + id + ")\n";
var replytext = "";
if (user_settings.quote_replies == 'quoted_reply')
/* pre id="comment_name_N" */
var text_elem = document.getElementById('comment_text_'+id);
var text = getText(text_elem);
/* make sure we split on all newlines -- IE or Moz use \r and \n
* respectively.
text = text.split(/\r|\n/);
var prev_ist = false, ist = false;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++)
/* CustIS Bug 55876 - ASCII pseudographic tables */
ist = text[i].match('^(┌|│|└).*(┐|│|┘)$') ? true : false;
if (!ist)
replytext += "> ";
replytext += text[i];
replytext += "\n";
else if (!prev_ist)
replytext += "> (table cut off)\n";
prev_ist = ist;
replytext = prefix + replytext + "\n";
else if (user_settings.quote_replies == 'simple_reply')
replytext = prefix;
if (user_settings.is_insider && document.getElementById('isprivate_' + real_id).checked)
document.getElementById('newcommentprivacy').checked = 'checked';
var textarea = document.getElementById('comment_textarea');
textarea.value += replytext;
function adjustRemainingTime()
// subtracts time spent from remaining time
var new_time;
var wt = bzParseTime(document.changeform.work_time.value);
if (wt === null || wt === undefined || wt != wt)
document.changeform.work_time.style.backgroundColor = '#FFC0C0';
document.changeform.remaining_time.style.backgroundColor = '#FFC0C0';
wt = 0;
document.changeform.work_time.style.backgroundColor = null;
document.changeform.remaining_time.style.backgroundColor = null;
if (notimetracking)
document.changeform.work_time.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = wt != 0 ? '#FFC0C0' : null;
// prevent negative values if work_time > fRemainingTime
new_time = Math.max(fRemainingTime - wt, 0.0);
// get upto 2 decimal places
document.changeform.remaining_time.value =
Math.round(new_time * 100)/100;
function updateRemainingTime() {
// if the remaining time is changed manually, update fRemainingTime
fRemainingTime = bzParseTime(document.changeform.remaining_time.value);
function changeform_onsubmit()
var wt = bzParseTime(document.changeform.work_time.value);
var awt = wt;
if (wt != wt)
awt = 0;
else if (user_settings.wants_worktime_reminder &&
(wt === null || wt === undefined || wt != wt ||
notimetracking && wt != 0 || !notimetracking && wt == 0))
awt = prompt("Please, verify working time:", !wt || wt != wt ? "0" : wt);
if (awt === null || awt === undefined || (""+awt).length <= 0)
return false;
document.changeform.work_time.value = awt;
return true;
// This function clears a row from multi-attachment upload form
function att_file_clear(e)
e = document.getElementById(e);
var ci = e.id.substr(5);
e.parentNode.innerHTML = e.parentNode.innerHTML;
document.getElementById('del_'+ci).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('description_'+ci).value = '';
document.getElementById('contenttypeselection_'+ci).selectedIndex = 0;
// This function handles change events of upload inputs on multi-attachment upload form
function att_file_onchange(e)
var ci = e.id.substr(5);
document.getElementById('del_'+ci).style.display = e.value ? '' : 'none';
if (e.value)
// Fill description from file name if it wasn't changed by user
var e1 = document.getElementById('description_'+ci);
if (!e1._changed)
var p = e.value;
var slash = p.lastIndexOf('/');
var backslash = p.lastIndexOf('\\');
var fname;
if (slash == -1 && backslash == -1)
fname = p;
else if (slash > backslash)
fname = p.substr(slash+1);
fname = p.substr(backslash+1);
e1.value = fname;
// Add a new empty field if there are no empty fields
var i = 0;
var f;
while (f = document.getElementById('data_'+i))
if (!f.value)
i = -1;
if (i > 0)
// Copy innerHTML of fileX
// IE does not like setting innerHTML of regular elements, so create
// a div with table and then copy its row
var tmp = document.createElement('div');
tmp.innerHTML =
'<table id="file'+i+'table"><tbody><tr id="file'+i+'">'+
document.getElementById('fileX').innerHTML.replace(/_XXX/g, '_'+i)+
// div.table.tbody.tr