Bug 66350 - Немного отрефакторил report.cgi, перевёл на GROUP BY вместо вычисления суммы ручками

git-svn-id: svn://svn.office.custis.ru/3rdparty/bugzilla.org/trunk@900 6955db30-a419-402b-8a0d-67ecbb4d7f56
vfilippov 2010-08-03 16:08:58 +00:00
parent 9ae2e855f3
commit 66d33dc1a9
1 changed files with 84 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -61,11 +61,45 @@ if ($action eq "menu") {
my $col_field = $cgi->param('x_axis_field') || '';
my $row_field = $cgi->param('y_axis_field') || '';
my $tbl_field = $cgi->param('z_axis_field') || '';
# FIXME Список полей должен быть в одном месте (а он сейчас ещё в search/search-report-select)
# Valid bug fields that can be reported on.
my @columns = qw(
# Single-select fields (custom or not) are also accepted as valid.
my @single_selects = Bugzilla->get_fields({ type => FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT,
obsolete => 0 });
push(@columns, map { $_->name } @single_selects);
my %valid_columns = map { $_ => 1 } @columns;
if (!($col_field || $row_field || $tbl_field)) {
my $field = {};
for (qw(x y z))
my $f = $cgi->param($_.'_axis_field') || '';
if ($f)
if ($valid_columns{$f})
$field->{$_} = $f;
ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => $_, val => $f});
if (!keys %$field) {
@ -88,10 +122,10 @@ if (defined($height)) {
# horizontal 1D tables convert to the correct dimension when you ask to
# display them as some sort of chart.
if (defined $cgi->param('format') && $cgi->param('format') eq "table") {
if ($col_field && !$row_field) {
if ($field->{x} && !$field->{y}) {
# 1D *tables* should be displayed vertically (with a row_field only)
$row_field = $col_field;
$col_field = '';
$field->{y} = $field->{x};
delete $field->{x};
else {
@ -99,69 +133,45 @@ else {
ThrowCodeError('feature_disabled', { feature => 'graphical_reports' });
if ($row_field && !$col_field) {
if ($field->{y} && !$field->{x}) {
# 1D *charts* should be displayed horizontally (with an col_field only)
$col_field = $row_field;
$row_field = '';
$field->{x} = $field->{y};
delete $field->{y};
# Список полей должен быть в одном месте (а он сейчас ещё в search/search-report-select)
# Valid bug fields that can be reported on.
my @columns = qw(
# Single-select fields (custom or not) are also accepted as valid.
my @single_selects = Bugzilla->get_fields({ type => FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT,
obsolete => 0 });
push(@columns, map { $_->name } @single_selects);
my %valid_columns = map { $_ => 1 } @columns;
my $measures = {
etime => "bugs.estimated_time AS measure",
rtime => "bugs.remaining_time AS measure",
wtime => "(SELECT SUM(lwt.work_time) FROM longdescs lwt WHERE lwt.bug_id=bugs.bug_id) AS measure",
count => "1 AS measure",
etime => "bugs.estimated_time",
rtime => "bugs.remaining_time",
wtime => "(SELECT SUM(lwt.work_time) FROM longdescs lwt WHERE lwt.bug_id=bugs.bug_id)",
count => "1",
my $measure = $cgi->param('measure');
$measure = 'count' unless $measures->{$measure};
$vars->{measure} = $measure;
# Validate the values in the axis fields or throw an error.
|| ($valid_columns{$row_field} && trick_taint($row_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "x", val => $row_field});
|| ($valid_columns{$col_field} && trick_taint($col_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "y", val => $col_field});
|| ($valid_columns{$tbl_field} && trick_taint($tbl_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "z", val => $tbl_field});
my @axis_fields = ($row_field || EMPTY_COLUMN,
$col_field || EMPTY_COLUMN,
$tbl_field || EMPTY_COLUMN,
my @group_by = values %$field;
my @axis_fields = (@group_by, $measures->{$measure}.' measure');
# Clone the params, so that Bugzilla::Search can modify them
my $params = new Bugzilla::CGI($cgi);
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@axis_fields,
'params' => $params);
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search(
'fields' => \@axis_fields,
'params' => $params,
my $query = $search->getSQL();
$query =
($field->{x} || "''")." x, ".
($field->{y} || "''")." y, ".
($field->{z} || "''")." z, ".
"SUM(measure) r FROM ($query) _report_table GROUP BY ".join(", ", @group_by);
my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query);
my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, {Slice=>{}});
# We have a hash of hashes for the data itself, and a hash to hold the
# row/col/table names.
@ -173,47 +183,31 @@ my %names;
# We detect a numerical field, and sort appropriately, if all the values are
# numeric.
my $col_isnumeric = 1;
my $row_isnumeric = 1;
my $tbl_isnumeric = 1;
my %isnumeric;
foreach my $result (@$results) {
my ($row, $col, $tbl, $bc) = @$result;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper \%data, \@col_names, \@row_names, \@tbl_names;
# handle empty dimension member names
$row = ' ' if ($row eq '');
$col = ' ' if ($col eq '');
$tbl = ' ' if ($tbl eq '');
$row = "" if ($row eq EMPTY_COLUMN);
$col = "" if ($col eq EMPTY_COLUMN);
$tbl = "" if ($tbl eq EMPTY_COLUMN);
# account for the fact that names may start with '_' or '.'. Change this
# so the template doesn't hide hash elements with those keys
$row =~ s/^([._])/ $1/;
$col =~ s/^([._])/ $1/;
$tbl =~ s/^([._])/ $1/;
$data{$tbl}{$col}{$row} += $bc;
$names{col}{$col} += $bc;
$names{row}{$row} += $bc;
$names{tbl}{$tbl} += $bc;
$col_isnumeric &&= ($col =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/o);
$row_isnumeric &&= ($row =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/o);
$tbl_isnumeric &&= ($tbl =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/o);
foreach my $group (@$results)
for (qw(x y z))
$isnumeric{$_} &&= ($group->{$_} =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/o);
$names{$_}{$group->{$_}} = 1;
$data{$group->{z}}{$group->{x}}{$group->{y}} = $group->{r};
my @col_names = @{get_names($names{"col"}, $col_isnumeric, $col_field)};
my @row_names = @{get_names($names{"row"}, $row_isnumeric, $row_field)};
my @tbl_names = @{get_names($names{"tbl"}, $tbl_isnumeric, $tbl_field)};
my @tbl_names = @{get_names($names{z}, $isnumeric{z}, $field->{z})};
my @col_names = @{get_names($names{x}, $isnumeric{x}, $field->{x})};
my @row_names = @{get_names($names{y}, $isnumeric{y}, $field->{y})};
# The GD::Graph package requires a particular format of data, so once we've
# gathered everything into the hashes and made sure we know the size of the
# data, we reformat it into an array of arrays of arrays of data.
push(@tbl_names, "-total-") if (scalar(@tbl_names) > 1);
my @image_data;
foreach my $tbl (@tbl_names) {
my @tbl_data;
@ -238,9 +232,9 @@ foreach my $tbl (@tbl_names) {
unshift(@image_data, \@tbl_data);
$vars->{'col_field'} = $col_field;
$vars->{'row_field'} = $row_field;
$vars->{'tbl_field'} = $tbl_field;
$vars->{'tbl_field'} = $field->{z};
$vars->{'col_field'} = $field->{x};
$vars->{'row_field'} = $field->{y};
$vars->{'time'} = localtime(time());
$vars->{'col_names'} = \@col_names;
@ -281,9 +275,9 @@ if ($action eq "wrap") {
# We need to keep track of the defined restrictions on each of the
# axes, because buglistbase, below, throws them away. Without this, we
# get buglistlinks wrong if there is a restriction on an axis field.
$vars->{'col_vals'} = join("&", $buffer =~ /[&?]($col_field=[^&]+)/g);
$vars->{'row_vals'} = join("&", $buffer =~ /[&?]($row_field=[^&]+)/g);
$vars->{'tbl_vals'} = join("&", $buffer =~ /[&?]($tbl_field=[^&]+)/g);
$vars->{'col_vals'} = join("&", $buffer =~ /[&?]($field->{y}=[^&]+)/g);
$vars->{'row_vals'} = join("&", $buffer =~ /[&?]($field->{x}=[^&]+)/g);
$vars->{'tbl_vals'} = join("&", $buffer =~ /[&?]($field->{z}=[^&]+)/g);
# We need a number of different variants of the base URL for different
# URLs in the HTML.
@ -292,7 +286,7 @@ if ($action eq "wrap") {
measure), @axis_fields
$vars->{imagebase} = $cgi->canonicalise_query(
$tbl_field, qw(action ctype format width height),
$field->{z}, qw(action ctype format width height),
$vars->{switchbase} = $cgi->canonicalise_query(
qw(query_format action ctype format width height measure)