Escape commas in multi-select activity log, detect changes for multi-selects during mid-air collisions

Vitaliy Filippov 2014-08-13 20:35:58 +04:00
parent 5f999b339f
commit cc41c14ddb
3 changed files with 92 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -1401,8 +1401,8 @@ sub save_multiselects
if (@$removed || @$added)
$changes->{$name} = [
join(', ', map { $old{$_}->name } @$removed),
join(', ', map { $new{$_}->name } @$added)
join_escaped(', ', ',', map { $old{$_}->name } @$removed),
join_escaped(', ', ',', map { $new{$_}->name } @$added),
Bugzilla->dbh->do("DELETE FROM ".$field->value_type->REL_TABLE." WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $self->id);
if (@{$self->$name})
@ -2771,22 +2771,22 @@ sub set_comment_worktimeonly
sub modify_keywords
my ($self, $keywords, $descriptions, $action) = @_;
$keywords = [ split /[\s,]*,[\s,]*/, $keywords ] if !ref $keywords;
if ($action eq 'delete')
my $old_kw = $self->keywords_obj;
my $kw = { map { lc($_->name) => $_ } @$old_kw };
delete $kw->{lc $_} for split /[\s,]*,[\s,]*/, $keywords;
delete $kw->{lc $_} for @$keywords;
$self->set('keywords', { keyword_objects => [ values %$kw ] });
if ($action eq 'add')
$keywords .= ', '.$self->get_string('keywords');
push @$keywords, map { $_->name } $self->get_object('keywords');
$self->set('keywords', {
keywords => $keywords,
keywords => join(', ', @$keywords),
descriptions => http_decode_query($descriptions),

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ use base qw(Exporter);
stem_text intersect union
get_text disable_utf8 bz_encode_json
xml_element xml_element_quote xml_dump_simple xml_simple
Dumper http_build_query http_decode_query
Dumper http_build_query http_decode_query join_escaped split_escaped
use Bugzilla::Constants;
@ -1014,6 +1014,26 @@ sub xml_simple_char
$frame->{char} .= $text;
sub join_escaped
my ($str, $re, @array) = @_;
s/($re|\\)/\\$1/gs for @array;
return join $str, @array;
sub split_escaped
my ($re, $s, $limit) = @_;
my @r;
while ($s =~ s/^(.*(?:^|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*)$re//gs)
push @r, $1;
push @r, $s if length $s;
s/\\(.)/$1/gso for @r;
return @r;

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@ -144,40 +144,80 @@ if ($ARGS->{delta_ts})
($vars->{operations}) = Bugzilla::Bug::GetBugActivity($first_bug->id, undef, $ARGS->{delta_ts});
# CustIS Bug 56327 - Change only fields the user wanted to change
## Change only fields the user wanted to change (Originally CustIS Bug 56327)
# Merge all changes into a single hash
my $add_rm = {};
for my $op (@{$vars->{operations}})
for (@{$op->{changes}})
for my $chg (@{$op->{changes}})
# FIXME similar detection is needed for other multi-selects
if ($_->{fieldname} eq 'dependson' || $_->{fieldname} eq 'blocked')
if ($chg->{fieldname} eq 'dependson' || $chg->{fieldname} eq 'blocked' ||
Bugzilla->get_field($chg->{fieldname})->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT)
# Calculate old value from current value and activity log
my $cur = $_->{fieldname};
$cur = { map { $_ => 1 } @{ $first_bug->$cur() } };
my $new = join ', ', keys %$cur;
delete $cur->{$_} for split /[\s,]*,[\s,]*/, $_->{added};
$cur->{$_} = 1 for split /[\s,]*,[\s,]*/, $_->{removed};
# Compare the old value with submitted one
my $equal = 1;
for (split /[\s,]*,[\s,]*/, $ARGS->{$_->{fieldname}})
my @rm = split_escaped(',\s*', $chg->{removed});
my @add = split_escaped(',\s*', $chg->{added});
my $h = ($add_rm->{$chg->{fieldname}} ||= [ {}, {} ]);
for (@rm)
if (!$cur->{$_})
$equal = 0;
delete $cur->{$_};
delete $h->[1]->{$_} or $h->[0]->{$_} = 1;
for (@add)
delete $h->[0]->{$_} or $h->[1]->{$_} = 1;
$equal = 0 if %$cur;
# If equal to old value -> change to the new value
$ARGS->{$_->{fieldname}} = $new if $equal;
elsif ($ARGS->{$_->{fieldname}} eq $_->{removed})
elsif (!defined $add_rm->{$chg->{fieldname}})
# If equal to old value -> change to the new value
$ARGS->{$_->{fieldname}} = $_->{added};
$add_rm->{$chg->{fieldname}} = [ $chg->{removed}, $chg->{added} ];
$add_rm->{$chg->{fieldname}}->[1] = $chg->{added};
for my $field (keys %$add_rm)
my ($removed, $added) = @{$add_rm->{$field}};
# FIXME Also detect bug_group changes?
if ($field eq 'dependson' || $field eq 'blocked' ||
Bugzilla->get_field($field)->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT)
# Restore old value by rolling back the activity
my %new;
if ($field eq 'dependson' || $field eq 'blocked')
%new = (map { $_ => 1 } @{ $first_bug->$field() });
%new = (map { $_->name => 1 } @{ $first_bug->get_object($field) });
my %old = %new;
delete $old{$_} for keys %$added;
$old{$_} = 1 for keys %$removed;
# Compare old value with the submitted one
my $equal = 1;
$ARGS->{$field} = '' if !defined $ARGS->{$field};
for (ref $ARGS->{$field} ? @{$ARGS->{$field}} : split /[\s,]*,[\s,]*/, $ARGS->{$field})
if (!$old{$_})
$equal = 0;
delete $old{$_};
$equal = 0 if %old;
# If equal to old value -> change to the new value
$ARGS->{$field} = [ keys %new ] if $equal;
elsif ($ARGS->{$field} eq $removed)
# If equal to old value -> change to the new value
$ARGS->{$field} = $added;