# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # Contributor(s): Tiago R. Mello # Frédéric Buclin use strict; package Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Group; use Bugzilla::Version; use Bugzilla::Milestone; use Bugzilla::Field; use Bugzilla::Status; use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements; use Bugzilla::Mailer; use Bugzilla::Series; use Bugzilla::FlagType::UserList; use Bugzilla::Hook; # Currently, we only implement enough of the Bugzilla::Field::Choice # interface to control the visibility of other fields. use base qw(Bugzilla::Field::Choice); use constant DEFAULT_CLASSIFICATION_ID => 1; ############################### #### Initialization #### ############################### use constant DB_TABLE => 'products'; use constant FIELD_NAME => 'product'; # Reset these back to the Bugzilla::Object defaults, instead of the # Bugzilla::Field::Choice defaults. use constant NAME_FIELD => 'name'; use constant LIST_ORDER => 'name'; use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw( id name wiki_url notimetracking extproduct classification_id description isactive votesperuser maxvotesperbug votestoconfirm defaultmilestone allows_unconfirmed ); use constant REQUIRED_CREATE_FIELDS => qw( name description version ); use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw( name wiki_url notimetracking extproduct description defaultmilestone isactive votesperuser maxvotesperbug votestoconfirm allows_unconfirmed ); use constant VALIDATORS => { allows_unconfirmed => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean, classification => \&_check_classification, name => \&_check_name, description => \&_check_description, version => \&_check_version, defaultmilestone => \&_check_default_milestone, isactive => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean, votesperuser => \&_check_votes_per_user, maxvotesperbug => \&_check_votes_per_bug, votestoconfirm => \&_check_votes_to_confirm, create_series => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean, notimetracking => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean, extproduct => \&_check_extproduct, }; use constant EXCLUDE_CONTROLLED_FIELDS => ('component', 'target_milestone', 'version'); ############################### #### Constructors ##### ############################### sub create { my $class = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); $class->check_required_create_fields(@_); my $params = $class->run_create_validators(@_); # Some fields do not exist in the DB as is. if (defined $params->{classification}) { $params->{classification_id} = delete $params->{classification}; } my $version = delete $params->{version}; my $create_series = delete $params->{create_series}; my $product = $class->insert_create_data($params); Bugzilla->user->clear_product_cache(); # Add the new version and milestone into the DB as valid values. Bugzilla::Version->create({ name => $version, product => $product, }); Bugzilla::Milestone->create({ name => $product->default_milestone, product => $product, }); # Fill visibility values $product->set_visibility_values([ $product->classification_id ]); # Create groups and series for the new product, if requested. $product->_create_bug_group() if Bugzilla->params->{'makeproductgroups'}; $product->_create_series() if $create_series; Bugzilla::Hook::process('product_end_of_create', { product => $product }); Bugzilla->get_field(FIELD_NAME)->touch; $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); return $product; } # This is considerably faster than calling new_from_list three times # for each product in the list, particularly with hundreds or thousands # of products. sub preload { my ($products) = @_; my %prods = map { $_->id => $_ } @$products; my @prod_ids = keys %prods; return unless @prod_ids; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; foreach my $field (qw(component version milestone)) { my $classname = "Bugzilla::" . ucfirst($field); my $objects = $classname->match({ product_id => \@prod_ids }); # Now populate the products with this set of objects. foreach my $obj (@$objects) { my $product_id = $obj->product_id; $prods{$product_id}->{"${field}s"} ||= []; push(@{$prods{$product_id}->{"${field}s"}}, $obj); } } } sub update { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # Don't update the DB if something goes wrong below -> transaction. $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); # Bugzilla::Field::Choice is not a threat as we don't have 'value' field # Yet do not call its update() for the future my ($changes, $old_self) = Bugzilla::Object::update($self, @_); # We also have to fix votes. my @msgs; # Will store emails to send to voters. if ($changes->{maxvotesperbug} || $changes->{votesperuser} || $changes->{votestoconfirm}) { # We cannot |use| these modules, due to dependency loops. require Bugzilla::Bug; import Bugzilla::Bug qw(RemoveVotes CheckIfVotedConfirmed); require Bugzilla::User; import Bugzilla::User qw(user_id_to_login); # 1. too many votes for a single user on a single bug. my @toomanyvotes_list = (); if ($self->max_votes_per_bug < $self->votes_per_user) { my $votes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.who, votes.bug_id FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ? AND votes.vote_count > ?', undef, ($self->id, $self->max_votes_per_bug)); foreach my $vote (@$votes) { my ($who, $id) = (@$vote); # If some votes are removed, RemoveVotes() returns a list # of messages to send to voters. push(@msgs, RemoveVotes($id, $who, 'votes_too_many_per_bug')); my $name = user_id_to_login($who); push(@toomanyvotes_list, {id => $id, name => $name}); } } $changes->{'too_many_votes'} = \@toomanyvotes_list; # 2. too many total votes for a single user. # This part doesn't work in the general case because RemoveVotes # doesn't enforce votesperuser (except per-bug when it's less # than maxvotesperbug). See Bugzilla::Bug::RemoveVotes(). my $votes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.who, votes.vote_count FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ?', undef, $self->id); my %counts; foreach my $vote (@$votes) { my ($who, $count) = @$vote; if (!defined $counts{$who}) { $counts{$who} = $count; } else { $counts{$who} += $count; } } my @toomanytotalvotes_list = (); foreach my $who (keys(%counts)) { if ($counts{$who} > $self->votes_per_user) { my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.bug_id FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ? AND votes.who = ?', undef, ($self->id, $who)); foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids) { # RemoveVotes() returns a list of messages to send # in case some voters had too many votes. push(@msgs, RemoveVotes($bug_id, $who, 'votes_too_many_per_user')); my $name = user_id_to_login($who); push(@toomanytotalvotes_list, {id => $bug_id, name => $name}); } } } $changes->{'too_many_total_votes'} = \@toomanytotalvotes_list; # 3. enough votes to confirm my $bug_list = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ? AND bug_status = ? AND votes >= ?', undef, ($self->id, 'UNCONFIRMED', $self->votes_to_confirm)); my @updated_bugs = (); foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_list) { my $confirmed = CheckIfVotedConfirmed($bug_id); push (@updated_bugs, $bug_id) if $confirmed; } $changes->{'confirmed_bugs'} = \@updated_bugs; } # Also update group settings. if ($self->{check_group_controls}) { require Bugzilla::Bug; import Bugzilla::Bug qw(LogActivityEntry); my $old_settings = $old_self->group_controls; my $new_settings = $self->group_controls; my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()'); foreach my $gid (keys %$new_settings) { my $old_setting = $old_settings->{$gid} || {}; my $new_setting = $new_settings->{$gid}; # If all new settings are 0 for a given group, we delete the entry # from group_control_map, so we have to track it here. my $all_zero = 1; my @fields; my @values; foreach my $field ('entry', 'membercontrol', 'othercontrol', 'canedit', 'editcomponents', 'editbugs', 'canconfirm') { my $old_value = $old_setting->{$field}; my $new_value = $new_setting->{$field}; $all_zero = 0 if $new_value; next if (defined $old_value && $old_value == $new_value); push(@fields, $field); # The value has already been validated. detaint_natural($new_value); push(@values, $new_value); } # Is there anything to update? next unless scalar @fields; if ($all_zero) { $dbh->do('DELETE FROM group_control_map WHERE product_id = ? AND group_id = ?', undef, $self->id, $gid); } else { if (exists $old_setting->{group}) { # There is already an entry in the DB. my $set_fields = join(', ', map {"$_ = ?"} @fields); $dbh->do("UPDATE group_control_map SET $set_fields WHERE product_id = ? AND group_id = ?", undef, (@values, $self->id, $gid)); } else { # No entry yet. my $fields = join(', ', @fields); # +2 because of the product and group IDs. my $qmarks = join(',', ('?') x (scalar @fields + 2)); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO group_control_map (product_id, group_id, $fields) VALUES ($qmarks)", undef, ($self->id, $gid, @values)); } } # If the group is mandatory, restrict all bugs to it. if ($new_setting->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY) { my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bugs.bug_id FROM bugs LEFT JOIN bug_group_map ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND group_id = ? WHERE product_id = ? AND bug_group_map.bug_id IS NULL', undef, $gid, $self->id); if (scalar @$bug_ids) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO bug_group_map (bug_id, group_id) VALUES (?, ?)'); foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids) { $sth->execute($bug_id, $gid); # Add this change to the bug history. LogActivityEntry($bug_id, 'bug_group', '', $new_setting->{group}->name, Bugzilla->user->id, $timestamp); } push(@{$changes->{'group_controls'}->{'now_mandatory'}}, {name => $new_setting->{group}->name, bug_count => scalar @$bug_ids}); } } # If the group can no longer be used to restrict bugs, remove them. elsif ($new_setting->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPNA) { my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bugs.bug_id FROM bugs INNER JOIN bug_group_map ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id WHERE product_id = ? AND group_id = ?', undef, $self->id, $gid); if (scalar @$bug_ids) { $dbh->do('DELETE FROM bug_group_map WHERE group_id = ? AND ' . $dbh->sql_in('bug_id', $bug_ids), undef, $gid); # Add this change to the bug history. foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids) { LogActivityEntry($bug_id, 'bug_group', $old_setting->{group}->name, '', Bugzilla->user->id, $timestamp); } push(@{$changes->{'group_controls'}->{'now_na'}}, {name => $old_setting->{group}->name, bug_count => scalar @$bug_ids}); } } } } # Fill visibility values $self->set_visibility_values([ $self->classification_id ]); $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); # Changes have been committed. delete $self->{check_group_controls}; Bugzilla->user->clear_product_cache(); # Now that changes have been committed, we can send emails to voters. foreach my $msg (@msgs) { MessageToMTA($msg); } # And send out emails about changed bugs require Bugzilla::BugMail; foreach my $bug_id (@{ $changes->{'confirmed_bugs'} || [] }) { $changes->{'confirmed_bugs_sent_bugmail'}->{$bug_id} = Bugzilla::BugMail::send_results({ mailrecipients => { changer => Bugzilla->user->login }, bug_id => $bug_id, type => "votes", }); } Bugzilla->get_field(FIELD_NAME)->touch; return $changes; } sub remove_from_db { my ($self, $params) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); $self->_check_if_controller(); if ($self->bug_count) { if (Bugzilla->params->{'allowbugdeletion'}) { require Bugzilla::Bug; foreach my $bug_id (@{$self->bug_ids}) { # Note that we allow the user to delete bugs he can't see, # which is okay, because he's deleting the whole Product. my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id); $bug->remove_from_db(); } } else { ThrowUserError('product_has_bugs', { nb => $self->bug_count }); } } if ($params->{delete_series}) { my $series_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT series_id FROM series INNER JOIN series_categories ON series_categories.id = series.category WHERE series_categories.name = ?', undef, $self->name); if (scalar @$series_ids) { $dbh->do('DELETE FROM series WHERE ' . $dbh->sql_in('series_id', $series_ids)); } # If no subcategory uses this product name, completely purge it. my $in_use = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT 1 FROM series INNER JOIN series_categories ON series_categories.id = series.subcategory WHERE series_categories.name = ? ' . $dbh->sql_limit(1), undef, $self->name); if (!$in_use) { $dbh->do('DELETE FROM series_categories WHERE name = ?', undef, $self->name); } } # Remove visibility values $self->set_visibility_values(undef); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM products WHERE id = ?", undef, $self->id); Bugzilla->get_field(FIELD_NAME)->touch; $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); # We have to delete these internal variables, else we get # the old lists of products and classifications again. delete $user->{selectable_products}; delete $user->{selectable_classifications}; } ############################### #### Validators #### ############################### sub _check_extproduct { my ($invocant, $product) = @_; $product = $product ? Bugzilla::Product->check({ id => $product }) : undef; return $product ? $product->id : undef; } sub _check_classification { my ($invocant, $classification_name) = @_; my $classification_id = 1; if (Bugzilla->params->{'useclassification'}) { my $classification = Bugzilla::Classification->check($classification_name); $classification_id = $classification->id; } return $classification_id; } sub _check_name { my ($invocant, $name) = @_; $name = trim($name); $name || ThrowUserError('product_blank_name'); if (length($name) > MAX_PRODUCT_SIZE) { ThrowUserError('product_name_too_long', {'name' => $name}); } my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({name => $name}); if ($product && (!ref $invocant || $product->id != $invocant->id)) { # Check for exact case sensitive match: if ($product->name eq $name) { ThrowUserError('product_name_already_in_use', {'product' => $product->name}); } else { ThrowUserError('product_name_diff_in_case', {'product' => $name, 'existing_product' => $product->name}); } } return $name; } sub _check_description { my ($invocant, $description) = @_; $description = trim($description); $description || ThrowUserError('product_must_have_description'); return $description; } sub _check_version { my ($invocant, $version) = @_; $version = trim($version); $version || ThrowUserError('product_must_have_version'); # We will check the version length when Bugzilla::Version->create will do it. return $version; } sub _check_default_milestone { my ($invocant, $milestone) = @_; # Do nothing if target milestones are not in use. unless (Bugzilla->params->{'usetargetmilestone'}) { return (ref $invocant) ? $invocant->default_milestone : '---'; } $milestone = trim($milestone); if (ref $invocant) { # The default milestone must be one of the existing milestones. my $mil_obj = new Bugzilla::Milestone({name => $milestone, product => $invocant}); $mil_obj || ThrowUserError('product_must_define_defaultmilestone', {product => $invocant->name, milestone => $milestone}); } else { $milestone ||= '---'; } return $milestone; } sub _check_milestone_url { my ($invocant, $url) = @_; # Do nothing if target milestones are not in use. unless (Bugzilla->params->{'usetargetmilestone'}) { return (ref $invocant) ? $invocant->milestone_url : ''; } $url = trim($url || ''); return $url; } sub _check_votes_per_user { return _check_votes(@_, 0); } sub _check_votes_per_bug { return _check_votes(@_, 10000); } sub _check_votes_to_confirm { return _check_votes(@_, 0); } # This subroutine is only used internally by other _check_votes_* validators. sub _check_votes { my ($invocant, $votes, $field, $default) = @_; detaint_natural($votes); # On product creation, if the number of votes is not a valid integer, # we silently fall back to the given default value. # If the product already exists and the change is illegal, we complain. if (!defined $votes) { if (ref $invocant) { ThrowUserError('product_illegal_votes', {field => $field, votes => $_[1]}); } else { $votes = $default; } } return $votes; } ##################################### # Implement Bugzilla::Field::Choice # ##################################### sub field { Bugzilla->get_field('product') } use constant is_default => 0; ############################### #### Methods #### ############################### sub _create_bug_group { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $group_name = $self->name; while (new Bugzilla::Group({name => $group_name})) { $group_name .= '_'; } my $group_description = get_text('bug_group_description', {product => $self}); my $group = Bugzilla::Group->create({name => $group_name, description => $group_description, isbuggroup => 1}); # Associate the new group and new product. $dbh->do('INSERT INTO group_control_map (group_id, product_id, membercontrol, othercontrol) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', undef, ($group->id, $self->id, CONTROLMAPDEFAULT, CONTROLMAPNA)); } sub _create_series { my $self = shift; my @series; # We do every status, every resolution, and an "opened" one as well. foreach my $bug_status (@{get_legal_field_values('bug_status')}) { push(@series, [$bug_status, "bug_status=" . url_quote($bug_status)]); } foreach my $resolution (@{get_legal_field_values('resolution')}) { next if !$resolution; push(@series, [$resolution, "resolution=" . url_quote($resolution)]); } my @openedstatuses = BUG_STATE_OPEN; my $query = join("&", map { "bug_status=" . url_quote($_) } @openedstatuses); push(@series, [get_text('series_all_open'), $query]); foreach my $sdata (@series) { my $series = new Bugzilla::Series(undef, $self->name, get_text('series_subcategory'), $sdata->[0], Bugzilla->user->id, 1, $sdata->[1] . "&product=" . url_quote($self->name), 1); $series->writeToDatabase(); } } sub set_name { $_[0]->set('name', $_[1]); } sub set_wiki_url { $_[0]->set('wiki_url', $_[1]); } sub set_notimetracking { $_[0]->set('notimetracking', $_[1]); } sub set_description { $_[0]->set('description', $_[1]); } sub set_default_milestone { $_[0]->set('defaultmilestone', $_[1]); } sub set_is_active { $_[0]->set('isactive', $_[1]); } sub set_votes_per_user { $_[0]->set('votesperuser', $_[1]); } sub set_votes_per_bug { $_[0]->set('maxvotesperbug', $_[1]); } sub set_votes_to_confirm { $_[0]->set('votestoconfirm', $_[1]); } sub set_allows_unconfirmed { $_[0]->set('allows_unconfirmed', $_[1]); } sub set_extproduct { my ($self, $product) = @_; $product = Bugzilla::Product->check({ id => $product }) if $product && !ref $product; $self->set('extproduct', $product ? $product->id : undef); } sub set_group_controls { my ($self, $group, $settings) = @_; $group->is_active_bug_group || ThrowUserError('product_illegal_group', {group => $group}); scalar(keys %$settings) || ThrowCodeError('product_empty_group_controls', {group => $group}); # We store current settings for this group. my $gs = $self->group_controls->{$group->id}; # If there is no entry for this group yet, create a default hash. unless (defined $gs) { $gs = { entry => 0, membercontrol => CONTROLMAPNA, othercontrol => CONTROLMAPNA, canedit => 0, editcomponents => 0, editbugs => 0, canconfirm => 0, group => $group }; } # Both settings must be defined, or none of them can be updated. if (defined $settings->{membercontrol} && defined $settings->{othercontrol}) { # Legality of control combination is a function of # membercontrol\othercontrol # NA SH DE MA # NA + - - - # SH + + + + # DE + - + + # MA - - - + foreach my $field ('membercontrol', 'othercontrol') { my ($is_legal) = grep { $settings->{$field} == $_ } (CONTROLMAPNA, CONTROLMAPSHOWN, CONTROLMAPDEFAULT, CONTROLMAPMANDATORY); defined $is_legal || ThrowCodeError('product_illegal_group_control', { field => $field, value => $settings->{$field} }); } unless ($settings->{membercontrol} == $settings->{othercontrol} || $settings->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPSHOWN || ($settings->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPDEFAULT && $settings->{othercontrol} != CONTROLMAPSHOWN)) { ThrowUserError('illegal_group_control_combination', {groupname => $group->name}); } $gs->{membercontrol} = $settings->{membercontrol}; $gs->{othercontrol} = $settings->{othercontrol}; } foreach my $field ('entry', 'canedit', 'editcomponents', 'editbugs', 'canconfirm') { next unless defined $settings->{$field}; $gs->{$field} = $settings->{$field} ? 1 : 0; } $self->{group_controls}->{$group->id} = $gs; $self->{check_group_controls} = 1; } sub active_components { my $self = shift; if (!defined $self->{active_components}) { my $ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{ SELECT id FROM components WHERE product_id = ? AND is_active = 1 ORDER BY name}, undef, $self->id); require Bugzilla::Component; $self->{active_components} = Bugzilla::Component->new_from_list($ids); } return $self->{active_components}; } sub components { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!defined $self->{components}) { my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{ SELECT id FROM components WHERE product_id = ? ORDER BY name}, undef, $self->id); require Bugzilla::Component; $self->{components} = Bugzilla::Component->new_from_list($ids); } return $self->{components}; } sub group_controls { my ($self, $full_data) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # By default, we don't return groups which are not listed in # group_control_map. If $full_data is true, then we also # return groups whose settings could be set for the product. my $where_or_and = 'WHERE'; my $and_or_where = 'AND'; if ($full_data) { $where_or_and = 'AND'; $and_or_where = 'WHERE'; } # If $full_data is true, we collect all the data in all cases, # even if the cache is already populated. # $full_data is never used except in the very special case where # all configurable bug groups are displayed to administrators, # so we don't care about collecting all the data again in this case. if (!defined $self->{group_controls} || $full_data) { # Include name to the list, to allow us sorting data more easily. my $query = qq{SELECT id, name, entry, membercontrol, othercontrol, canedit, editcomponents, editbugs, canconfirm FROM groups LEFT JOIN group_control_map ON id = group_id $where_or_and product_id = ? $and_or_where isbuggroup = 1}; $self->{group_controls} = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query, 'id', undef, $self->id); # For each group ID listed above, create and store its group object. my @gids = keys %{$self->{group_controls}}; my $groups = Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list(\@gids); $self->{group_controls}->{$_->id}->{group} = $_ foreach @$groups; } # We never cache bug counts, for the same reason as above. if ($full_data) { my $counts = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT group_id, COUNT(bugs.bug_id) AS bug_count FROM bug_group_map INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ? ' . $dbh->sql_group_by('group_id'), {'Slice' => {}}, $self->id); foreach my $data (@$counts) { $self->{group_controls}->{$data->{group_id}}->{bug_count} = $data->{bug_count}; } } return $self->{group_controls}; } sub groups_mandatory_for { my ($self, $user) = @_; my $groups = $user->groups_as_string; my $mandatory = CONTROLMAPMANDATORY; # For membercontrol we don't check group_id IN, because if membercontrol # is Mandatory, the group is Mandatory for everybody, regardless of their # group membership. my $ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref( "SELECT group_id FROM group_control_map WHERE product_id = ? AND (membercontrol = $mandatory OR (othercontrol = $mandatory AND group_id NOT IN ($groups)))", undef, $self->id); return Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list($ids); } sub groups_valid { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{groups_valid} if defined $self->{groups_valid}; # Note that we don't check OtherControl below, because there is no # valid NA/* combination. my $ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref( "SELECT DISTINCT group_id FROM group_control_map AS gcm INNER JOIN groups ON gcm.group_id = groups.id WHERE product_id = ? AND isbuggroup = 1 AND membercontrol != " . CONTROLMAPNA, undef, $self->id); $self->{groups_valid} = Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list($ids); return $self->{groups_valid}; } sub versions { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!defined $self->{versions}) { my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{ SELECT id FROM versions WHERE product_id = ?}, undef, $self->id); $self->{versions} = Bugzilla::Version->new_from_list($ids); } return $self->{versions}; } sub milestones { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!defined $self->{milestones}) { my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{ SELECT id FROM milestones WHERE product_id = ?}, undef, $self->id); $self->{milestones} = Bugzilla::Milestone->new_from_list($ids); } return $self->{milestones}; } sub bug_count { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!defined $self->{'bug_count'}) { $self->{'bug_count'} = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq{ SELECT COUNT(bug_id) FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ?}, undef, $self->id); } return $self->{'bug_count'}; } sub bug_ids { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!defined $self->{'bug_ids'}) { $self->{'bug_ids'} = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ?}, undef, $self->id); } return $self->{'bug_ids'}; } sub user_has_access { my ($self, $user) = @_; return Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array( 'SELECT CASE WHEN group_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM products LEFT JOIN group_control_map ON group_control_map.product_id = products.id AND group_control_map.entry != 0 AND group_id NOT IN (' . $user->groups_as_string . ') WHERE products.id = ? ' . Bugzilla->dbh->sql_limit(1), undef, $self->id); } sub flag_types { my $self = shift; if (!defined $self->{flag_types}) { $self->{flag_types} = {}; foreach my $type ('bug', 'attachment') { my %flagtypes; foreach my $component (@{$self->active_components}) { foreach my $flagtype (@{$component->flag_types->{$type}}) { if (!$flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}}) { $flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}} = $flagtype; } else { # Merge custom user lists my $cl = new Bugzilla::FlagType::UserList; $cl->merge($flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}}->{custom_list}); $cl->merge($flagtype->{custom_list}); $flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}}->{custom_list} = $cl; } } } $self->{flag_types}->{$type} = [ sort { $a->{'sortkey'} <=> $b->{'sortkey'} || $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } values %flagtypes ]; } } return $self->{'flag_types'}; } ############################### #### Accessors ###### ############################### sub allows_unconfirmed { return $_[0]->{'allows_unconfirmed'}; } sub description { return $_[0]->{'description'}; } sub is_active { return $_[0]->{'isactive'}; } sub votes_per_user { return $_[0]->{'votesperuser'}; } sub max_votes_per_bug { return $_[0]->{'maxvotesperbug'}; } sub votes_to_confirm { return $_[0]->{'votestoconfirm'}; } sub default_milestone { return $_[0]->{'defaultmilestone'}; } sub classification_id { return $_[0]->{'classification_id'}; } sub wiki_url { return $_[0]->{'wiki_url'}; } sub notimetracking { return $_[0]->{'notimetracking'}; } sub extproduct { return $_[0]->{'extproduct'}; } ############################### #### Subroutines ###### ############################### sub extproduct_obj { my $self = shift; if (!exists $self->{extproduct_obj}) { $self->{extproduct_obj} = $self->{extproduct} ? $self->new($self->{extproduct}) : undef; } return $self->{extproduct_obj}; } sub enterable_extproduct_name { my $self = shift; if (!exists $self->{extproduct_name}) { my $n = $self->{extproduct} ? $self->extproduct_obj->name : ''; $n = '' if $n ne '' && !Bugzilla->user->can_enter_product($n); $self->{extproduct_name} = $n; } return $self->{extproduct_name}; } sub enterable_intproduct_name { my $self = shift; if (!exists $self->{intproduct_name}) { my $n = $self->{extproduct} ? [] : $self->match({ extproduct => $self->id }); $n = @$n ? $n->[0]->name : ''; $n = '' if $n ne '' && !Bugzilla->user->can_enter_product($n); $self->{intproduct_name} = $n; } return $self->{intproduct_name}; } # CustIS Bug 38616 - CC list restriction sub cc_restrict_group { my $self = shift; my ($ccg) = $self->description =~ /\[[CС]{2}:\s*([^\]]+)\s*\]/iso; return $ccg; } sub restrict_cc { my $self = shift; my ($cclist, $field) = @_; my $id = $field eq 'id'; my $login = $field eq 'login' || $field eq 'login_name'; my $group = $self->cc_restrict_group || return undef; my @cclist = @$cclist; if ($login) { @cclist = map { Bugzilla::User::login_to_id($_) } @cclist; } if ($id || $login) { @cclist = @{ Bugzilla::User->new_from_list(\@cclist) }; } my (@ok, @remove); for (@cclist) { $_->in_group($group) ? push(@ok, $_) : push(@remove, $_); } if ($login) { @$cclist = map { $_->login } @ok; } elsif ($id) { @$cclist = map { $_->id } @ok; } else { @$cclist = @ok; } return @remove ? \@remove : undef; } sub check_product { my ($product_name) = @_; unless ($product_name) { ThrowUserError('product_not_specified'); } my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({name => $product_name}); unless ($product) { ThrowUserError('product_doesnt_exist', {'product' => $product_name}); } return $product; } sub check { my ($class, $params) = @_; $params = { name => $params } if !ref $params; $params->{_error} = 'product_access_denied'; my $product = $class->SUPER::check($params); if (!Bugzilla->user->can_see_product($product)) { ThrowUserError('product_access_denied', $params); } return $product; } # Product is a special case: it has access controls applied. # So return all products visible to current user. sub get_all { @{ Bugzilla->user->get_selectable_products } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Product - Bugzilla product class. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::Product; my $product = new Bugzilla::Product(1); my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({ name => 'AcmeProduct' }); my @components = @{ $product->components() }; my @active_components = @{ $product->active_components() }; my $groups_controls = $product->group_controls(); my @milestones = $product->milestones(); my @versions = $product->versions(); my $bugcount = $product->bug_count(); my $bug_ids = $product->bug_ids(); my $has_access = $product->user_has_access($user); my $flag_types = $product->flag_types(); my $id = $product->id; my $name = $product->name; my $description = $product->description; my $isactive = $product->is_active; my $votesperuser = $product->votes_per_user; my $maxvotesperbug = $product->max_votes_per_bug; my $votestoconfirm = $product->votes_to_confirm; my $wiki_url = $product->wiki_url; my $notimetracking = $product->notimetracking; my $defaultmilestone = $product->default_milestone; my $classificationid = $product->classification_id; my $allows_unconfirmed = $product->allows_unconfirmed; =head1 DESCRIPTION Product.pm represents a product object. It is an implementation of L, and thus provides all methods that L provides. The methods that are specific to C are listed below. =head1 METHODS =over =item C Description: Returns an array of component objects belonging to the product. Params: none. Returns: An array of Bugzilla::Component object. =item C Description: Returns a hash (group id as key) with all product group controls. Params: $full_data (optional, false by default) - when true, the number of bugs per group applicable to the product is also returned. Moreover, bug groups which have no special settings for the product are also returned. Returns: A hash with group id as key and hash containing a Bugzilla::Group object and the properties of group relative to the product. =item C =over =item B Tells you what groups are mandatory for bugs in this product. =item B C<$user> - The user who you want to check. =item B An arrayref of C objects. =back =item C =over =item B Returns an arrayref of L objects, representing groups that bugs could validly be restricted to within this product. Used mostly by L to assure that you're adding valid groups to a bug. B: This doesn't check whether or not the current user can add/remove bugs to/from these groups. It just tells you that bugs I these groups, in this product. =item B (none) =item B An arrayref of L objects. =back =item C Description: Returns all valid versions for that product. Params: none. Returns: An array of Bugzilla::Version objects. =item C Description: Returns all valid milestones for that product. Params: none. Returns: An array of Bugzilla::Milestone objects. =item C Description: Returns the total of bugs that belong to the product. Params: none. Returns: Integer with the number of bugs. =item C Description: Returns the IDs of bugs that belong to the product. Params: none. Returns: An array of integer. =item C Description: Tells you whether or not the user is allowed to enter bugs into this product, based on the C group control. To see whether or not a user can actually enter a bug into a product, use C<$user->can_enter_product>. Params: C<$user> - A Bugzilla::User object. Returns C<1> If this user's groups allow him C access to this Product, C<0> otherwise. =item C Description: Returns flag types available for at least one of its components. Params: none. Returns: Two references to an array of flagtype objects. =back =head1 SUBROUTINES =over =item C When passed an arrayref of C objects, preloads their L, L, and L, which is much faster than calling those accessors on every item in the array individually. This function is not exported, so must be called like C. =item C Description: Checks if the product name was passed in and if is a valid product. Params: $product_name - String with a product name. Returns: Bugzilla::Product object. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut