#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Email LDAP alias getter for email_in.pl mail handler # Config file /etc/ldap/bugzilla-getusers.conf must be in the form of: # { # LDAPserver => "office.custis.ru", # LDAPport => 636, # LDAPbinddn => "cn=ldapuser,ou=bots,ou=custis,dc=office,dc=custis,dc=ru", # LDAPbindpass => "", # LDAPBaseDN => "dc=office,dc=custis,dc=ru", # } use Cwd qw(abs_path); use File::Basename qw(dirname); BEGIN { my ($a) = abs_path($0) =~ /^(.*)$/iso; chdir dirname($a); } use utf8; use strict; use POSIX; use Net::LDAPS; use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::User; BEGIN { setlocale(LC_ALL, "ru_RU.UTF-8") }; my $configfile = "/etc/ldap/bugzilla-get-aliases.conf"; my $verbose = 0; while ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/so) { my $key = shift @ARGV; if ($key eq '-v' || $key eq '--verbose') { $verbose++; } elsif ($key eq '--help') { print <dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO emailin_aliases SET address=?, userid=?, fromldap=1, isprimary=?"); print "Clearing aliases having fromldap=1\n" if $verbose; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM emailin_aliases WHERE fromldap=1"); my %a = (); my @bind = map { @$_ } @$users; my $sql = "SELECT login_name, userid FROM profiles WHERE disabledtext='' AND login_name IN (" . join(",", ("?") x scalar @bind) . ")"; my %uids = map { @$_ } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, undef, @bind) }; foreach (@$users) { my $uid = [ map { $uids{$_} } @$_ ]; my ($realid, $reallogin); foreach my $i (0..$#$uid) { # user with minimal ID if ($uid->[$i] && (!$realid || $realid > $uid->[$i])) { $realid = $uid->[$i]; $reallogin = $_->[$i]; } } if ($realid) { # found user my $i = 0; for (@$_) { print "Adding alias $_ for user $realid ($reallogin)\n" if $verbose; $sth->execute($_, $realid, !($i++)) unless $a{$_}++; } } } exit; sub get_domain_users { my $LDAPconn = Net::LDAPS->new($config->{LDAPserver}, port => $config->{LDAPport}, version => 3, cafile => '/usr/share/ssl/certs/office.pem', capath => '/usr/share/ssl/certs/' ); my $mesg = $LDAPconn->bind($config->{LDAPbinddn}, password => $config->{LDAPbindpass}); $mesg = $LDAPconn->search( base => $config->{LDAPBaseDN}, filter => '(&(&(proxyaddresses=*)(!(msExchHideFromAddressLists=TRUE))(objectclass=user)))', attrs => "*", ); my $user_entry; my $mail; my @smtp; my $users = []; my $entries = $mesg->count; for my $i (0..$entries-1) { $user_entry = $mesg->shift_entry; $mail = $user_entry->get_value("mail"); @smtp = $user_entry->get_value("proxyAddresses"); if ($mail) { $mail = [ $mail ]; foreach my $y (@smtp) { if ($y =~ m/smtp/i) { $y =~ s/^smtp://i; push @$mail, $y; } } push @$users, $mail; } } return $users; }