# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander package Bugzilla::Install; # Functions in this this package can assume that the database # has been set up, params are available, localconfig is # available, and any module can be used. # # If you want to write an installation function that can't # make those assumptions, then it should go into one of the # packages under the Bugzilla::Install namespace. use strict; use Bugzilla::Component; use Bugzilla::Config qw(:admin); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Group; use Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::User::Setting; use Bugzilla::Util qw(get_text); use Bugzilla::Version; sub SETTINGS { return { # 2005-03-03 travis@sedsystems.ca -- Bug 41972 display_quips => { options => ["on", "off"], default => "on" }, # 2005-03-10 travis@sedsystems.ca -- Bug 199048 comment_sort_order => { options => ["oldest_to_newest", "newest_to_oldest", "newest_to_oldest_desc_first"], default => "oldest_to_newest" }, # 2005-05-12 bugzilla@glob.com.au -- Bug 63536 post_bug_submit_action => { options => ["next_bug", "same_bug", "nothing"], default => "same_bug" }, # 2005-06-29 wurblzap@gmail.com -- Bug 257767 csv_colsepchar => { options => [',',';'], default => ',' }, # 2005-10-26 wurblzap@gmail.com -- Bug 291459 zoom_textareas => { options => ["on", "off"], default => "on" }, # 2005-10-21 LpSolit@gmail.com -- Bug 313020 per_bug_queries => { options => ['on', 'off'], default => 'off' }, # 2006-05-01 olav@bkor.dhs.org -- Bug 7710 state_addselfcc => { options => ['always', 'never', 'cc_unless_role'], default => 'cc_unless_role' }, # 2006-08-04 wurblzap@gmail.com -- Bug 322693 skin => { subclass => 'Skin', default => 'Dusk' }, # 2006-12-10 LpSolit@gmail.com -- Bug 297186 lang => { subclass => 'Lang', default => ${Bugzilla->languages}[0] }, # 2007-07-02 altlist@gmail.com -- Bug 225731 quote_replies => { options => ['quoted_reply', 'simple_reply', 'off'], default => "quoted_reply" }, # 2008-08-27 LpSolit@gmail.com -- Bug 182238 timezone => { subclass => 'Timezone', default => 'local' }, # 2008-12-22 vfilippov@custis.ru -- Custis Bug 17481 remind_me_about_worktime => { options => ['on', 'off'], default => 'on' }, remind_me_about_flags => { options => ['on', 'off'], default => 'on' }, remind_me_about_worktime_newbug => { options => ['on', 'off'], default => 'off' }, # 2009-10-21 vfilippov@custis.ru -- Custis Bug 53697 saved_searches_position => { options => ['footer', 'header', 'both'], default => 'footer' }, # 2010-01-11 vfilippov@custis.ru -- Custis Bug 58771 email_weekly_worktime => { options => ['on', 'off'], default => 'on' }, } }; # Initial system groups. # 'admin' group will be added to all these groups as member by default. use constant SYSTEM_GROUPS => ( { name => 'admin', description => 'Administrators' }, { name => 'tweakparams', description => 'Can change Parameters' }, { name => 'editusers', description => 'Can edit or disable users' }, { name => 'creategroups', description => 'Can create and destroy groups' }, { name => 'editclassifications', description => 'Can create, destroy, and edit classifications' }, { name => 'editcomponents', description => 'Can create, destroy, and edit components' }, { name => 'editkeywords', description => 'Can create, destroy, and edit keywords' }, { name => 'editbugs', description => 'Can edit all bug fields', userregexp => '.*' }, { name => 'canconfirm', description => 'Can confirm a bug or mark it a duplicate' }, { name => 'bz_canusewhineatothers', description => 'Can configure whine reports for other users', }, { name => 'bz_canusewhines', description => 'User can configure whine reports for self', include => [ 'bz_canusewhiteatothers' ], }, { name => 'bz_sudoers', description => 'Can perform actions as other users' }, { name => 'bz_sudo_protect', description => 'Can not be impersonated by other users', include => [ 'bz_sudoers' ], }, { name => 'bz_editcheckers', description => 'Can edit Bugzilla Correctness Checkers', }, { name => 'editfields', description => 'Can edit Bugzilla field parameters', }, { name => 'editvalues', description => 'Can edit Bugzilla field values', }, { name => 'importxls', description => 'Can use Excel Import feature', include => [ 'editbugs' ], }, { name => 'worktimeadmin', description => 'Can use extended Fix Worktime form', }, { name => 'editflagtypes', description => 'Can edit flag types', }, { name => 'admin_index', description => 'Can enter Administration area', include => [ qw(tweakparams editusers editclassifications editcomponents creategroups editfields editflagtypes editkeywords bz_canusewhines bz_editcheckers) ], }, ); use constant GROUP_INCLUSIONS => ( bz_canusewhines => [ 'bz_canusewhineatothers' ], bz_sudo_protect => [ 'bz_sudoers' ], ); use constant DEFAULT_CLASSIFICATION => { name => 'Unclassified', description => 'Not assigned to any classification' }; use constant DEFAULT_PRODUCT => { name => 'TestProduct', description => 'This is a test product.' . ' This ought to be blown away and replaced with real stuff in a' . ' finished installation of bugzilla.', version => Bugzilla::Version::DEFAULT_VERSION, classification => 'Unclassified', }; use constant DEFAULT_COMPONENT => { name => 'TestComponent', description => 'This is a test component in the test product database.' . ' This ought to be blown away and replaced with real stuff in' . ' a finished installation of Bugzilla.' }; sub update_settings { my %settings = %{SETTINGS()}; foreach my $setting (keys %settings) { add_setting($setting, $settings{$setting}->{options}, $settings{$setting}->{default}, $settings{$setting}->{subclass}); } } sub update_system_groups { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; foreach my $definition (SYSTEM_GROUPS) { my $exists = new Bugzilla::Group({ name => $definition->{name} }); $definition->{isbuggroup} = 0; my $include = delete $definition->{include}; if (!$exists) { Bugzilla::Group->create($definition); if ($include && @$include) { $dbh->do( 'INSERT INTO group_group_map (member_id, grantor_id, grant_type)'. ' SELECT g.id, ai.id, 0 FROM groups ai, groups g WHERE ai.name=?'. ' AND g.name IN (\''.join("','", @$include).'\')', undef, $definition->{name} ); } } } } sub create_default_classification { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # Make the default Classification if it doesn't already exist. if (!$dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT 1 FROM classifications')) { print get_text('install_default_classification', { name => DEFAULT_CLASSIFICATION->{name} }) . "\n"; Bugzilla::Classification->create(DEFAULT_CLASSIFICATION); } } # This function should be called only after creating the admin user. sub create_default_product { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # And same for the default product/component. if (!$dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT 1 FROM products')) { print get_text('install_default_product', { name => DEFAULT_PRODUCT->{name} }) . "\n"; my $product = Bugzilla::Product->create(DEFAULT_PRODUCT); # Get the user who will be the owner of the Component. # We pick the admin with the lowest id, which is probably the # admin checksetup.pl just created. my $admin_group = new Bugzilla::Group({name => 'admin'}); my ($admin_id) = $dbh->selectrow_array( 'SELECT user_id FROM user_group_map WHERE group_id = ?'. ' ORDER BY user_id ' . $dbh->sql_limit(1), undef, $admin_group->id ); my $admin = Bugzilla::User->new($admin_id); Bugzilla::Component->create({ %{ DEFAULT_COMPONENT() }, product => $product, initialowner => $admin->login, }); } } sub create_admin { my ($params) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $template = Bugzilla->template; my $admin_group = new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'admin' }); my $admin_inheritors = Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($admin_group->id); my $admin_group_ids = join(',', @$admin_inheritors); my ($admin_count) = $dbh->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_group_map WHERE group_id IN ($admin_group_ids)"); return if $admin_count; my %answer = %{Bugzilla->installation_answers}; my $login = $answer{'ADMIN_EMAIL'}; my $password = $answer{'ADMIN_PASSWORD'}; my $full_name = $answer{'ADMIN_REALNAME'}; if (!$login || !$password || !$full_name) { print "\n" . get_text('install_admin_setup') . "\n\n"; } while (!$login) { print get_text('install_admin_get_email') . ' '; $login = ; chomp $login; eval { Bugzilla::User->check_login_name_for_creation($login); }; if ($@) { print $@ . "\n"; undef $login; } } while (!defined $full_name) { print get_text('install_admin_get_name') . ' '; $full_name = ; chomp($full_name); } if (!$password) { $password = _prompt_for_password( get_text('install_admin_get_password')); } my $admin = Bugzilla::User->create({ login_name => $login, realname => $full_name, cryptpassword => $password }); make_admin($admin); } sub make_admin { my ($user) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $user = ref($user) ? $user : new Bugzilla::User(login_to_id($user, THROW_ERROR)); my $admin_group = new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'admin' }); # Admins get explicit membership and bless capability for the admin group $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = 'admin'"); my $group_insert = $dbh->prepare( 'INSERT INTO user_group_map (user_id, group_id, isbless, grant_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'); # These are run in an eval so that we can ignore the error of somebody # already being granted these things. eval { $group_insert->execute($user->id, $admin_group->id, 0, GRANT_DIRECT); }; eval { $group_insert->execute($user->id, $admin_group->id, 1, GRANT_DIRECT); }; # Admins should also have editusers directly, even though they'll usually # inherit it. People could have changed their inheritance structure. my $editusers = new Bugzilla::Group({ name => 'editusers' }); eval { $group_insert->execute($user->id, $editusers->id, 0, GRANT_DIRECT); }; # If there is no maintainer set, make this user the maintainer. if (!Bugzilla->params->{'maintainer'}) { SetParam('maintainer', $user->email); write_params(); } print "\n", get_text('install_admin_created', { user => $user }), "\n"; } sub _prompt_for_password { my $prompt = shift; my $password; while (!$password) { # trap a few interrupts so we can fix the echo if we get aborted. local $SIG{HUP} = \&_password_prompt_exit; local $SIG{INT} = \&_password_prompt_exit; local $SIG{QUIT} = \&_password_prompt_exit; local $SIG{TERM} = \&_password_prompt_exit; system("stty","-echo") unless ON_WINDOWS; # disable input echoing print $prompt, ' '; $password = ; chomp $password; print "\n", get_text('install_confirm_password'), ' '; my $pass2 = ; chomp $pass2; eval { validate_password($password, $pass2); }; if ($@) { print "\n$@\n"; undef $password; } system("stty","echo") unless ON_WINDOWS; } return $password; } # This is just in case we get interrupted while getting a password. sub _password_prompt_exit { # re-enable input echoing system("stty","echo") unless ON_WINDOWS; exit 1; } sub reset_password { my $login = shift; my $user = Bugzilla::User->check($login); my $prompt = "\n" . get_text('install_reset_password', { user => $user }); my $password = _prompt_for_password($prompt); $user->set_password($password); $user->update(); print "\n", get_text('install_reset_password_done'), "\n"; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Install - Functions and variables having to do with installation. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::Install; Bugzilla::Install::update_settings(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used primarily by L during installation. This module contains functions that deal with general installation issues after the database is completely set up and configured. =head1 CONSTANTS =over =item C Contains information about Settings, used by L. =back =head1 SUBROUTINES =over =item C Description: Adds and updates Settings for users. Params: none Returns: nothing. =item C Creates the default "Unclassified" L if it doesn't already exist =item C Description: Creates the default product and component if they don't exist. Params: none Returns: nothing =back