#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Testopia System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Greg Hendricks. # Portions created by Greg Hendricks are Copyright (C) 2006 # Novell. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Greg Hendricks use strict; use lib qw(. lib); use Bugzilla::Constants; use lib (bz_locations()->{extensionsdir} . '/testopia/lib'); use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::User; use Testopia::Util; use Testopia::Constants; use Testopia::Report; use Testopia::TestRun; use Testopia::Search; use JSON; my $vars = {}; my $template = Bugzilla->template; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $type = $cgi->param('type') || ''; $vars->{'qname'} = $cgi->param('qname'); if ($type eq 'completion'){ print $cgi->header; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @r = $cgi->param('run_ids'); my @p = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); my ($runs, $run_ids) = get_runs(\@p, \@r); my @runs = @$runs; my @run_ids = @$run_ids; my $bugs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(" SELECT DISTINCT tcb.bug_id FROM test_case_bugs AS tcb INNER JOIN test_case_runs AS tcr ON tcr.case_run_id = tcb.case_run_id INNER JOIN bugs on tcb.bug_id = bugs.bug_id INNER JOIN test_case_run_status AS tcrs ON tcr.case_run_status_id = tcrs.case_run_status_id WHERE tcr.run_id in (" . join (',',@run_ids) . ") AND tcr.iscurrent = 1", {"Slice" =>{}}); my $total = $runs[0]->case_run_count(undef, \@runs); my $passed = $runs[0]->case_run_count(PASSED, \@runs); my $failed = $runs[0]->case_run_count(FAILED, \@runs); my $blocked = $runs[0]->case_run_count(BLOCKED, \@runs); my $completed = $passed + $failed + $blocked; my $unfinished = $total - $completed; $vars->{'total'} = $total; $vars->{'completed'} = $completed; $vars->{'uncompleted'} = $unfinished; $vars->{'passed'} = $passed; $vars->{'failed'} = $failed; $vars->{'blocked'} = $blocked; $vars->{'percent_completed'} = calculate_percent($total, $completed); $vars->{'percent_passed'} = calculate_percent($completed, $passed); $vars->{'percent_failed'} = calculate_percent($completed, $failed); $vars->{'percent_blocked'} = calculate_percent($completed, $blocked); $vars->{'percent_idle'} = calculate_percent($total, $unfinished); $vars->{'runs'} = join(',',@run_ids); $vars->{'plans'} = join(',',@p); $vars->{'bugs'} = join(',',@$bugs); $vars->{'bug_count'} = scalar @$bugs; $vars->{'run_count'} = scalar @run_ids; $template->process("testopia/reports/completion.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'status'){ print $cgi->header; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @r = $cgi->param('run_ids'); my @p = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); my ($runs, $run_ids) = get_runs(\@p, \@r); my @runs = @$runs; my @run_ids = @$run_ids; $vars->{'total'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(undef, \@runs); $vars->{'passed'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(PASSED, \@runs); $vars->{'failed'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(FAILED, \@runs); $vars->{'blocked'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(BLOCKED, \@runs); $vars->{'idle'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(IDLE, \@runs); $vars->{'running'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(RUNNING, \@runs); $vars->{'paused'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(PAUSED, \@runs); $vars->{'error'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count(ERROR, \@runs); $vars->{'runs'} = join(',',@run_ids); $vars->{'plans'} = join(',',@p); $vars->{'run_count'} = scalar @run_ids; $template->process("testopia/reports/status.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'execution'){ print $cgi->header; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @run_ids = $cgi->param('run_ids'); my @plan_ids = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); my @runs; foreach my $g (@plan_ids){ foreach my $id (split(',', $g)){ my $obj = Testopia::TestPlan->new($id); push @runs, @{$obj->test_runs} if $obj && $obj->canview; } } foreach my $g (@run_ids){ foreach my $id (split(',', $g)){ my $obj = Testopia::TestRun->new($id); push @runs, $obj if $obj && $obj->canview; } } unless (scalar @runs){ print "No runs found"; exit; } @run_ids = (); foreach my $r (@runs){ push @run_ids, $r->id; } my $chfieldfrom = trim(lc($cgi->param('chfieldfrom'))) || ''; my $chfieldto = trim(lc($cgi->param('chfieldto'))) || ''; my $tester; if ($cgi->param('tester')){ $tester = login_to_id(trim($cgi->param('tester')), 'THROW_ERROR'); } trick_taint($chfieldfrom); trick_taint($chfieldto); my $sql_chfrom = Testopia::Search::SqlifyDate($chfieldfrom); my $sql_chto = Testopia::Search::SqlifyDate($chfieldto); my $total = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_date($sql_chfrom, $sql_chto, undef, $tester, \@runs); my $passed = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_date($sql_chfrom, $sql_chto, PASSED, $tester, \@runs); my $failed = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_date($sql_chfrom, $sql_chto, FAILED, $tester, \@runs); my $blocked = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_date($sql_chfrom, $sql_chto, BLOCKED, $tester, \@runs); $vars->{'total'} = $total; $vars->{'passed'} = $passed; $vars->{'failed'} = $failed; $vars->{'blocked'} = $blocked; $vars->{'closed_from'} = $chfieldfrom; $vars->{'closed_to'} = $chfieldto; $vars->{'closed_from_converted'} = $sql_chfrom; $vars->{'closed_to_converted'} = $sql_chto; $vars->{'runs'} = \@run_ids; $vars->{'plans'} = \@plan_ids; $template->process("testopia/reports/execution.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'bar'){ $vars->{'total'} = $cgi->param('t'); # $vars->{'data'} = [ # ["Total", "Completed", "Passed", "Failed", "Blocked"], # [ $cgi->param('t'), $cgi->param('c'), $cgi->param('p'), $cgi->param('f'), $cgi->param('b') ], # ]; $vars->{'colors'} = (['#B8A0D2', '#56e871', '#ed3f58','#e17a56']); $vars->{'legend'} = ["Complete", "PASSED", "FAILED", "BLOCKED"]; $vars->{'data'} = [ ["CASES"], [$cgi->param('c')], [$cgi->param('p')], [$cgi->param('f')], [$cgi->param('b')], ]; print $cgi->header; $template->process("testopia/reports/completion.png.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'bug'){ print $cgi->header; my @run_ids = $cgi->param('run_ids'); my @plan_ids = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); my @runs; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; foreach my $g (@plan_ids){ foreach my $id (split(',', $g)){ my $obj = Testopia::TestPlan->new($id); push @runs, @{$obj->test_runs} if $obj && $obj->canview; } } foreach my $g (@run_ids){ foreach my $id (split(',', $g)){ my $obj = Testopia::TestRun->new($id); push @runs, $obj if $obj && $obj->canview; } } unless (scalar @runs){ print "No runs found"; exit; } my @ids; foreach my $r (@runs){ push @ids, $r->id; } my $ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(" SELECT DISTINCT tcb.bug_id, bugs.bug_status, bugs.bug_severity, tcr.run_id, tcr.case_id, tcrs.name AS case_status FROM test_case_bugs AS tcb INNER JOIN test_case_runs AS tcr ON tcr.case_run_id = tcb.case_run_id INNER JOIN bugs on tcb.bug_id = bugs.bug_id INNER JOIN test_case_run_status AS tcrs ON tcr.case_run_status_id = tcrs.case_run_status_id WHERE tcr.run_id in (" . join (',',@ids) . ") AND tcr.iscurrent = 1", {"Slice" =>{}}); my $json = new JSON; print "{Result:"; print $json->encode($ref); print "}"; exit; } elsif ($type eq 'bug_grid'){ $vars->{'runs'} = $cgi->param('run_ids'); $vars->{'plans'} = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); $vars->{'stripheader'} = 1 if $cgi->param('noheader'); $vars->{'uid'} = rand(10000); print $cgi->header; $template->process("testopia/reports/bug-count.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'priority'){ print $cgi->header; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @r = $cgi->param('run_ids'); my @plans = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); my ($runs, $run_ids) = get_runs(\@plans, \@r); my @runs = @$runs; my @run_ids = @$run_ids; my $priorities; foreach my $p (@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id, value FROM priority")}){ $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'total'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], undef, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'passed'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], PASSED, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'failed'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], FAILED, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'blocked'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], BLOCKED, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'idle'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], IDLE, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'running'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], RUNNING, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'paused'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], PAUSED, \@runs); $priorities->{$p->[1]}->{'error'} = $runs[0]->case_run_count_by_priority($p->[0], ERROR, \@runs); } $vars->{'priorities'} = $priorities; $vars->{'runs'} = join(',',@run_ids); $vars->{'plans'} = join(',',@plans); $vars->{'run_count'} = scalar @run_ids; $template->process("testopia/reports/priority-breakdown.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'worst'){ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @r = $cgi->param('run_ids'); my @plans = $cgi->param('plan_ids'); my ($runs, $run_ids) = get_runs(\@plans, \@r); my @runs = @$runs; my @run_ids = @$run_ids; my $json = new JSON; my $query = "SELECT COUNT(case_id) AS top, case_id FROM test_case_runs WHERE run_id IN (". join(',', @$run_ids) .") AND case_run_status_id = ? GROUP BY case_id ORDER BY top DESC LIMIT ?"; my $ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, {'Slice' =>{}}, (FAILED, 10)); foreach my $row (@$ref){ $row->{top} = int($row->{top}); } $vars->{'stripheader'} = 1 if $cgi->param('noheader'); $vars->{'uid'} = int(rand(10000)); $vars->{'data'} = $json->encode($ref); $vars->{'runs'} = join(',',@run_ids); $vars->{'plans'} = join(',',@plans); print $cgi->header; $template->process("testopia/reports/bar.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($type eq 'changed'){ my $query = "SELECT case_run_id, case_run_status_id, close_date, from test_case_runs t INNER JOIN test_runs on test_runs.run_id = t.run_id WHERE test_runs.plan_id = ? ORDER BY case_id, close_date DESC"; } $cgi->param('current_tab', 'run'); $cgi->param('viewall', 1); my $report = Testopia::Report->new('run', 'tr_list_runs.cgi', $cgi); $vars->{'report'} = $report; ### From Bugzilla report.cgi by Gervase Markham my $formatparam = $cgi->param('format'); my $report_action = $cgi->param('report_action'); if ($report_action eq "data") { # So which template are we using? If action is "wrap", we will be using # no format (it gets passed through to be the format of the actual data), # and either report.csv.tmpl (CSV), or report.html.tmpl (everything else). # report.html.tmpl produces an HTML framework for either tables of HTML # data, or images generated by calling report.cgi again with action as # "plot". $formatparam =~ s/[^a-zA-Z\-]//g; trick_taint($formatparam); $vars->{'format'} = $formatparam; $formatparam = ''; } elsif ($report_action eq "plot") { # If action is "plot", we will be using a format as normal (pie, bar etc.) # and a ctype as normal (currently only png.) $vars->{'cumulate'} = $cgi->param('cumulate') ? 1 : 0; $vars->{'x_labels_vertical'} = $cgi->param('x_labels_vertical') ? 1 : 0; $vars->{'data'} = $report->{'image_data'}; } else { ThrowCodeError("unknown_action", {action => $cgi->param('report_action')}); } my $format = $template->get_format("testopia/reports/report", $formatparam, scalar($cgi->param('ctype'))); my @time = localtime(time()); my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900+$time[5],$time[4]+1,$time[3]; my $filename = "report-" . $date . ".$format->{extension}"; my $disp = "inline"; # We set CSV files to be downloaded, as they are designed for importing # into other programs. if ( $format->{'extension'} eq "csv" || $format->{'extension'} eq "xml" ){ $disp = "attachment"; } print $cgi->header(-type => $format->{'ctype'}, -content_disposition => "$disp; filename=$filename"); $vars->{'time'} = $date; $template->process("$format->{'template'}", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit;