/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is the Bugzilla Testopia System. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Greg Hendricks. * Portions created by Greg Hendricks are Copyright (C) 2006 * Novell. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Greg Hendricks * Ryan Hamilton * Daniel Parker */ CaseRunPanel = function(params, run){ var cgrid = new CaseRunGrid(params, run); var filter = new CaseRunFilter(); var cr = new CaseRun(); this.cgrid = cgrid; this.store = cgrid.store; this.params = params; this.caserun = cr; CaseRunPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, { layout: 'border', title: 'Test Cases', id: 'caserun-panel', border: false, bodyBorder: false, items: [filter, cgrid, cr] }); cr.disable(); this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); }; Ext.extend(CaseRunPanel, Ext.Panel, { onActivate: function(event){ this.store.load(); } }); CaseRunFilter = function (){ this.form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('caserun_filter_form', {}); var searchform = this.form; CaseRunFilter.superclass.constructor.call(this, { title: 'Search for Test Results', id: 'caserun_search', region: 'north', border: false, bodyBorder: false, layout: 'fit', split: true, frame: true, collapsible: true, height: 'auto', autoScroll: true, contentEl: 'caserun-filter-div', buttons: [ new Ext.form.TextField({ id: 'caserun_save_filter_txt', validateOnBlur: false, allowBlank: false }), { text: 'Save Filter', handler: function(){ if (! Ext.getCmp('caserun_save_filter_txt').isValid()){ Ext.Msg.show({ title:'Invalid Entry', msg: 'Please enter a name for this filter', buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.WARNING }); return false; } var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm',{}); var params = searchform.getValues(); params.action = 'save_filter'; params.query_name = Ext.getCmp('caserun_save_filter_txt').getValue(); testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_process_run.cgi', params: params, success: function(){ Ext.getCmp('run_east_panel').activate('run_filter_grid'); Ext.getCmp('run_filter_grid').store.reload(); TestopiaUtil.notify.msg('Filter Saved', 'Added filter {0}', params.query_name); }, failure: testopiaError }); } }, // new Ext.Toolbar.Fill(), { text: 'Reset', handler: function(){ document.getElementById('caserun_filter_form').reset(); var ds = Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').store; var run_id = ds.baseParams.run_id; var ctype = ds.baseParams.ctype; ds.baseParams = {}; ds.baseParams.run_id = run_id; ds.baseParams.ctype = ctype; ds.baseParams.limit = Ext.getCmp('caserun_pager').pageSize; ds.load({ callback: function(){ Ext.getCmp('caserun_filtered_txt').hide(); if (Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getCount() < 1){ Ext.getCmp('caserun-panel').caserun.disable(); } } }); } },{ text: 'Filter', handler: function(){ var ds = Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').store; ds.baseParams = searchform.getValues(); ds.baseParams.limit = Ext.getCmp('caserun_pager').pageSize; ds.baseParams.distinct = 1; ds.load({ callback: function(){ Ext.getCmp('caserun_filtered_txt').show(); if (Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getCount() < 1){ Ext.getCmp('caserun-panel').caserun.disable(); } } }); } }] }); }; Ext.extend(CaseRunFilter, Ext.Panel); CaseRunListGrid = function(params, cfg){ var tutil = new TestopiaUtil(); this.params = params; this.store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({ url: 'tr_list_caseruns.cgi', baseParams: params, reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ totalProperty: 'totalResultsAvailable', root: 'Result', id: 'caserun_id', fields: [ {name: "caserun_id", mapping:"case_run_id"}, {name: "case_id", mapping:"case_id"}, {name: "run_id", mapping: "run_id"}, {name: "build", mapping:"build_name"}, {name: "environment", mapping:"env_name"}, {name: "assignee", mapping:"assignee_name"}, {name: "testedby", mapping:"testedby"}, {name: "status", mapping:"status"}, {name: "category", mapping:"category"}, {name: "priority", mapping:"priority"}, {name: "close_date", mapping:"close_date"}, {name: "bug_count", mapping:"bug_count"}, {name: "case_summary", mapping:"case_summary"}, {name: "component", mapping:"component"}, {name: "bug_list", mapping:"bug_list"} ]}), remoteSort: true, sortInfo: {field: 'run_id', direction: "ASC"}, groupField: 'run_id' }); var ds = this.store; ds.paramNames.sort = "order"; ds.on('beforeload',function(store, o){ store.baseParams.ctype = 'json'; }); this.summary_sort = function(){ this.store.sortInfo.field = 'summary'; this.store.sortInfo.direction == 'DESC' ? this.store.sortInfo.direction = 'ASC' : this.store.sortInfo.direction = 'DESC'; this.getView().mainHd.select('td').removeClass(this.getView().sortClasses); this.store.load(); }; this.bbar = new TestopiaPager('caserun', this.store); this.columns = [ {header: "Case", width: 50, dataIndex: 'case_id', sortable: true,groupRenderer: function(v){return v;}, renderer: tutil.caseLink}, {header: "Run", width: 50, dataIndex: 'run_id', sortable: true, groupRenderer: function(v){return v;}, renderer: tutil.runLink }, {header: "Build", width: 50, dataIndex: 'build', sortable: true, id: 'caserun_list_build_col'}, {header: "Environment", width: 50, dataIndex: 'environment', sortable: true}, {header: "Assignee", width: 150, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'assignee'}, {header: "Tested By", width: 150, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'testedby'}, {header: "Status", width: 30, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'status', groupRenderer: function(v){return v;}, renderer: tutil.statusIcon}, {header: "Closed", width: 60, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'close_date'}, {header: "Priority", width: 60, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'priority'}, {header: "Category", width: 100, sortable: true,dataIndex: 'category'}, {header: "Component", width: 100, sortable: true,dataIndex: 'component'}, { header: "Bugs In This Build and Environment", width: 100, dataIndex: "bug_list", sortable: false, hideable: true, renderer: function(v){ var bugs = v.bugs; var rets = ''; for (var i=0; i< bugs.length; i++){ if (typeof bugs[i] != 'function'){ rets = rets + '' + bugs[i].bug_id + ', '; } } return rets; } } ]; this.view = new Ext.grid.GroupingView({ forceFit: true, groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "Items" : "Item"]})', enableRowBody:true, getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){ p.body = '

Summary: '+record.data.case_summary+'

'; return 'x-grid3-row-expanded'; } }); this.tbar = [new Ext.Toolbar.Fill(), { xtype: 'button', id: 'save_caserun_list_btn', icon: 'testopia/img/save.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Save this search', handler: function(b,e){ saveSearch('caserun', Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'caserun_list_grid').store.baseParams); } },{ xtype: 'button', id: 'link_case_list_btn', icon: 'testopia/img/link.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Create a link to this list', handler: function(b,e){ linkPopup(Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'caserun_list_grid').store.baseParams); } }]; CaseRunListGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this,{ id: cfg.id || 'caserun_list_grid', title: 'Case Run History', loadMask: {msg:'Loading Test Cases...'}, layout: 'fit', region: 'center', stripeRows: true, autoExpandColumn: "caserun_list_build_col", autoScroll: true, sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: false }), viewConfig: { forceFit:true } }); Ext.apply(this,cfg); this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); }; Ext.extend(CaseRunListGrid, Ext.grid.GridPanel, { deleteList: function(){ var grid = this; Ext.Msg.show({ title:'Confirm Delete?', msg: CASERUN_DELETE_WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, animEl: 'caserun-delete-btn', icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes'){ var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm'); testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_caseruns.cgi', params: {caserun_ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'caserun_id'), action:'delete', single: true, ctype: 'json'}, success: function(data){ Ext.Msg.show({ msg: "Test cases removed", buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO }); grid.store.reload(); }, failure: function(f,a){ testopiaError(f,a); grid.store.reload(); } }); } } }); }, onActivate: function(event){ if (!this.store.getCount()){ this.store.load(); } } }); CaseRunGrid = function(params, run){ params.limit = Ext.state.Manager.get('TESTOPIA_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE', 25); var t = new TestopiaUtil(); this.params = params; this.run = run; var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm',{}); var selected; this.summary_sort = function(){ this.store.sortInfo.field = 'summary'; this.store.sortInfo.direction == 'DESC' ? this.store.sortInfo.direction = 'ASC' : this.store.sortInfo.direction = 'DESC'; this.getView().mainHd.select('td').removeClass(this.getView().sortClasses); this.store.load(); }; envRenderer = function(v,md,r,ri,ci,s){ var f = this.getColumnModel().getCellEditor(ci,ri).field; record = f.store.getById(v); if (record) { return '' + record.data[f.displayField] +''; } else { return '' + v +''; } }; this.store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({ url: 'tr_list_caseruns.cgi', baseParams: params, reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ totalProperty: 'totalResultsAvailable', root: 'Result', id: 'caserun_id', fields: [ {name: "caserun_id", mapping:"case_run_id"}, {name: "sortkey", mapping:"sortkey"}, {name: "case_id", mapping:"case_id"}, {name: "run_id", mapping: "run_id"}, {name: "build", mapping:"build_name"}, {name: "environment", mapping:"env_name"}, {name: "env_id", mapping:"env_id"}, {name: "assignee", mapping:"assignee_name"}, {name: "testedby", mapping:"testedby"}, {name: "status", mapping:"status"}, {name: "requirement", mapping:"requirement"}, {name: "category", mapping:"category"}, {name: "priority", mapping:"priority"}, {name: "close_date", mapping:"close_date"}, {name: "bug_count", mapping:"bug_count"}, {name: "case_summary", mapping:"case_summary"}, {name: "type", mapping:"type"}, {name: "id", mapping:"id"}, {name: "component", mapping:"component"}, {name: "bug_list", mapping:"bug_list"} ]}), remoteSort: true, sortInfo: {field: 'sortkey', direction: "ASC"}, groupField: 'run_id' }); var ds = this.store; ds.paramNames.sort = "order"; ds.on('beforeload',function(store, o){ store.baseParams.ctype = 'json'; }); var buildCombo = new BuildCombo({ id: 'tb_build', width: 100, fieldLabel: 'Build', hiddenName: 'build', mode: 'remote', forceSelection: false, allowBlank: false, typeAhead: true, disabled: true, params: {product_id: run.plan.product_id, activeonly: 1} }); var envCombo = new EnvironmentCombo({ id: 'tb_environment', width: 100, fieldLabel: 'Environment', hiddenName: 'environment', mode: 'remote', forceSelection: false, allowBlank: false, typeAhead: true, disabled: true, params: {product_id: run.plan.product_id, isactive: 1} }); buildCombo.on('select',function(c,r,i){ params = { build_id: r.get('id'), ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id') }; TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', params, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); }); envCombo.on('select',function(c,r,i){ params = { env_id: r.get('environment_id'), ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id') }; TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', params, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); }); this.object_type = 'environment'; this.columns = [ {header: "Case", width: 50, dataIndex: 'case_id', sortable: true, renderer: t.caseLink}, {header: "Run", width: 50, dataIndex: 'run_id', sortable: true, renderer: t.runLink, hidden:true}, {header: "Index", width: 50, dataIndex: 'sortkey', sortable: true, editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor( new Ext.form.NumberField() )}, {header: "Build", width: 50, dataIndex: 'build', sortable: true, editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor( new BuildCombo({params: {product_id: run.plan.product_id, activeonly: 1}}) ),renderer: TestopiaComboRenderer.createDelegate(this)}, {header: "Environment", width: 50, dataIndex: 'environment', sortable: true, editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor( new EnvironmentCombo({params: {product_id: run.plan.product_id, isactive: 1}}) ),renderer: envRenderer.createDelegate(this)}, {header: "Assignee", width: 150, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'assignee', editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor( new UserLookup({id: 'caserun_assignee'}) ),renderer: TestopiaComboRenderer.createDelegate(this)}, {header: "Tested By", width: 150, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'testedby', hidden: true}, {header: "Closed", width: 90, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'close_date'}, {header: "Status", width: 30, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'status', align: 'center', renderer: t.statusIcon}, {header: "Priority", width: 60, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'priority', editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor( new PriorityCombo({id: 'caserun_priority'}) ),renderer: TestopiaComboRenderer.createDelegate(this)}, {header: "Category", width: 100, sortable: true,dataIndex: 'category', editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor( new CaseCategoryCombo({id: 'caserun_category', params: {product_id: run.plan.product_id}}) ),renderer: TestopiaComboRenderer.createDelegate(this)}, {header: "Requirement", width: 150, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'requirement', hidden: true}, {header: "Component", width: 100, sortable: true,dataIndex: 'component'}, { header: "Bugs In This Build and Environment", width: 100, dataIndex: "bug_list", sortable: false, hideable: true, renderer: function(v){ var bugs = v.bugs; var rets = ''; for (var i=0; i< bugs.length; i++){ if (typeof bugs[i] != 'function'){ rets = rets + '' + bugs[i].bug_id + ', '; } } return rets; } } ]; this.form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm', {}); this.bbar = new TestopiaPager('caserun', this.store); this.tbar = new Ext.Toolbar({ id: 'caserun_grid_tb', items: [ new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/IDLE.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as IDLE (Not Run)', disabled: true, handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 1, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/PASSED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as PASSED', disabled: true, handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 2, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id'), update_bug: Ext.getCmp('update_bugs').getValue()}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/FAILED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as FAILED', disabled: true, handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 3, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id'), update_bug: Ext.getCmp('update_bugs').getValue()}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/RUNNING.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as RUNNING', disabled: true, handler: function(){ var reassign = 0; var isowner = 1; var sel = Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelections(); for (var i=0; i < sel.length; i++){ if (sel[i].get('assignee') != user_login){ isowner = 0; break; } } if (isowner == 0){ Ext.Msg.show({ title: "Reassign Test Case?", msg: 'Setting this test case to Running will lock it so that only the assignee can update it. Would you like to make yourself the assignee?', buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes'){ reassign = 1; } TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 4, reassign: reassign, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }); } else { TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 4, reassign: reassign, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/PAUSED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as PAUSED', disabled: true, handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 5, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/BLOCKED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as BLOCKED', disabled: true, handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 6, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/ERROR.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as ERROR', disabled: true, handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 7, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.menu.TextItem('Update Bugs: '), new Ext.form.Checkbox({ id: 'update_bugs', disabled: true, tooltip: 'Update Status of Attached Bugs.


' }), new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer(),new Ext.Toolbar.Separator(),new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer(), buildCombo,new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer(), envCombo,new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer(),new Ext.Toolbar.Separator(),new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer(), new Ext.Toolbar.Fill(), { xtype: 'button', id: 'add_case_to_run_btn', tooltip: "Add cases to this run", icon: 'testopia/img/add.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: function(){ t.addCaseToRunPopup(run); } },{ xtype: 'button', id: 'new_case_to_run_btn', tooltip: "Create a new case and add it to this run", icon: 'testopia/img/new.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: function(){ t.newCaseForm(run.plan_id, run.product_id, run.run_id); } },{ xtype: 'button', template: button_16x_tmpl, id: 'caserun_grid_edit_btn', icon: 'testopia/img/edit.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Edit Selected Test Case', handler: function(){ editFirstSelection(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } },{ xtype: 'button', template: button_16x_tmpl, id: 'caserun_grid_delete_btn', icon: 'testopia/img/delete.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Remove Selected Test Cases from This Run', handler: this.deleteList.createDelegate(this) }, new RunProgress({ id: 'run_progress', text: '0%', width: 100 })] }); CaseRunGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, { region: 'center', id: 'caserun_grid', border: false, bodyBorder: false, height: '400', stripeRows: true, split: true, enableDragDrop: true, loadMask: {msg:'Loading Test Cases...'}, autoExpandColumn: "case_summary", autoScroll: true, sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: false, listeners: {'rowdeselect': function (sm,n,r){ if (sm.getCount() < 1){ Ext.getCmp('case_details_panel').disable(); Ext.getCmp('tb_build').disable(); Ext.getCmp('tb_environment').disable(); Ext.getCmp('update_bugs').disable(); var items = this.grid.getTopToolbar().items.items; for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++){ if ((items[i].id == 'add_case_to_run_btn' || items[i].id == 'run_progress')){ if (Ext.getCmp('run_status_cycle').text == 'RUNNING'){ items[i].enable(); } } else{ items[i].disable(); } } } },'rowselect': function (sm,n,r){ Ext.getCmp('case_details_panel').enable(); if (Ext.getCmp('run_status_cycle').text == 'RUNNING'){ Ext.getCmp('summary_tb').enable(); Ext.getCmp('tb_build').enable(); Ext.getCmp('tb_environment').enable(); Ext.getCmp('update_bugs').enable(); var items = sm.grid.getTopToolbar().items.items; for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++){ items[i].enable(); } } if (n == selected){ return; } var sel = []; for (i=0; i 1){ return; } Ext.getCmp('case_bugs_panel').tcid = r.get('case_id'); Ext.getCmp('case_comps_panel').tcid = r.get('case_id'); Ext.getCmp('attachments_panel').object = r.data; Ext.getCmp('case_details_panel').caserun_id = r.get('caserun_id'); Ext.getCmp('casetagsgrid').obj_id = r.get('case_id'); var tab = Ext.getCmp('caserun_center_region').getActiveTab(); Ext.getCmp(tab.id).fireEvent('activate'); if (Ext.getCmp('case_bugs_panel')){ Ext.getCmp('case_bugs_panel').case_id = r.get('case_id'); } if (Ext.getCmp('case_bugs_panel')){ Ext.getCmp('case_bugs_panel').case_id = r.get('case_id'); } Ext.getCmp('case_details_panel').store.load({ params: { caserun_id: r.get('caserun_id'), action: 'gettext' } }); selected = n; }} }), viewConfig: { forceFit:true, enableRowBody:true, getRowClass : function(record, rowIndex, p, ds){ p.body = '

Summary: '+record.data.case_summary+'

'; return 'x-grid3-row-expanded'; } } }); this.on('rowcontextmenu', this.onContextClick, this); this.on('afteredit', this.onGridEdit, this); this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); }; Ext.extend(CaseRunGrid, Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, { onContextClick: function(grid, index, e){ grid.selindex = index; if(!this.menu){ // create context menu on first right click this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id:'caserun-ctx-menu', items: [ { text: 'Change', icon: 'testopia/img/edit.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', menu: { items: [{ text: 'Build', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Edit Build', id: 'status-win', plain: true, shadow: false, width: 320, height: 150, layout: 'form', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [new BuildCombo({ params: {product_id: grid.run.plan.product_id, activeonly: 1}, fieldLabel: 'Build', id: 'multi_build' }), new Ext.form.Checkbox({ fieldLabel: 'Apply to all cases in this run', id: 'build_applyall' })], buttons: [{ text:'Submit', handler: function(){ params = { run_id: grid.run.run_id, applyall: Ext.getCmp('build_applyall').getValue(), build_id: Ext.getCmp('multi_build').getValue(), ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'caserun_id') }; TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', params, grid); win.close(); } },{ text: 'Close', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(this); } },{ text: 'Environment', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Edit Environment', id: 'status-win', plain: true, shadow: false, width: 320, height: 150, layout: 'form', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [new EnvironmentCombo({ params: {product_id: grid.run.plan.product_id, isactive: 1}, fieldLabel: 'Environment', id: 'multi_env' }), new Ext.form.Checkbox({ fieldLabel: 'Apply to all cases in this run', id: 'env_applyall' })], buttons: [{ text:'Submit', handler: function(){ params = { run_id: grid.run.run_id, applyall: Ext.getCmp('env_applyall').getValue(), env_id: Ext.getCmp('multi_env').getValue(), ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'caserun_id') }; TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', params, grid); win.close(); } },{ text: 'Close', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(this); } },{ text: 'Priority', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Edit Priority', id: 'priority-win', plain: true, shadow: false, width: 320, height: 150, layout: 'form', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [new PriorityCombo({ fieldLabel: 'Priority', id: 'multi_priority' })], buttons: [{ text:'Submit', handler: function(){ params = { run_id: grid.run.run_id, priority: Ext.getCmp('multi_priority').getValue(), ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'case_id') }; TestopiaUpdateMultiple('case', params, grid); win.close(); } },{ text: 'Close', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(this); } },{ text: 'Category', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Edit Category', id: 'status-win', plain: true, shadow: false, width: 300, height: 150, items: [new CaseCategoryCombo({ fieldLabel: 'Category', params: {product_id: run.product_id} })], buttons: [{ text:'Submit', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('case', {category: Ext.getCmp('case_category_combo').getValue(), ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'case_id')}, grid); win.close(); } },{ text: 'Close', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(this); } },{ text: 'Assignee', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Edit Assignee', id: 'status-win', plain: true, shadow: false, width: 320, height: 150, layout: 'form', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [new UserLookup({ fieldLabel: 'Assignee', id: 'multi_assignee' }), new Ext.form.Checkbox({ fieldLabel: 'Apply to all cases in this run', id: 'assignee_applyall' })], buttons: [{ text:'Submit', handler: function(){ params = { run_id: grid.run.run_id, applyall: Ext.getCmp('assignee_applyall').getValue(), assignee: Ext.getCmp('multi_assignee').getValue(), ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'caserun_id') }; TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', params, grid); win.close(); } },{ text: 'Close', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(this); } }] } },{ text: 'Remove Selected Cases', icon: 'testopia/img/delete.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: this.deleteList.createDelegate(this) },{ text: 'Add or Remove Tags', handler: function(){ TagsUpdate('case', grid); } },{ text: 'New Test Run', id:'addRun', handler: function(){ window.location="tr_new_run.cgi?plan_id=" + run.plan_id; } },{ text: 'Clone Run with Selected Cases', handler: function(){ RunClonePopup(grid.run.product_id,grid.run.run_id, getSelectedObjects(grid,'case_id')); } },{ text: 'Copy or Link Selected Test Cases to Plan(s)... ', handler: function(){ var r = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); caseClonePopup(grid.run.product_id, getSelectedObjects(grid,'case_id')); } },{ text: 'Add Selected Test Cases to Run... ', handler: function(){ Ext.Msg.prompt('Add to runs', '', function(btn, text){ if (btn == 'ok'){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('case', {addruns: text, ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'case_id')}, grid); } }); } },{ text: 'Refresh List', icon: 'testopia/img/refresh.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: function(){ grid.store.reload(); } },{ text: 'View Test Case in a New Window', handler: function(){ window.open('tr_show_case.cgi?case_id=' + grid.store.getAt(grid.selindex).get('case_id')); } },{ text: 'List These Test Cases in a New Window', handler: function(){ var params = Ext.getCmp('caserun_search').form.getValues(); if (params) { window.open('tr_list_cases.cgi?' + jsonToSearch(params, '', ['current_tab']) + '&isactive=1'); } else { window.open('tr_list_cases.cgi?run_id=' + grid.store.getAt(grid.selindex).get('run_id')); } } }] }); } e.stopEvent(); if (grid.getSelectionModel().getCount() < 1){ grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(index); } this.menu.showAt(e.getXY()); }, onGridEdit: function(gevent){ var myparams = {caserun_id: gevent.record.get('caserun_id')}; var ds = this.store; switch(gevent.field){ case 'sortkey': myparams.action = 'update_sortkey'; myparams.sortkey = gevent.value; break; case 'build': myparams.action = 'update_build'; myparams.build_id = gevent.value; break; case 'environment': myparams.action = 'update_environment'; myparams.caserun_env = gevent.value; break; case 'assignee': myparams.action = 'update_assignee'; myparams.assignee = gevent.value; break; case 'priority': myparams.action = 'update_priority'; myparams.priority = gevent.value; break; case 'category': myparams.action = 'update_scategory'; myparams.category = gevent.value; break; } this.form.submit({ url:"tr_caserun.cgi", params: myparams, success: function(f,a){ if (a.result.caserun){ var switched = gevent.grid.store.reader.readRecords({Result:[a.result.caserun]}).records[0]; gevent.grid.store.insert(gevent.row, switched); ds.commitChanges(); gevent.grid.store.remove(gevent.record); gevent.grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(gevent.row); } else{ ds.commitChanges(); } }, failure: function(f,a){ testopiaError(f,a); ds.rejectChanges(); } }); }, deleteList: function(){ var grid = this; if (grid.getSelectionModel().getCount() < 1){ return; } Ext.Msg.show({ title:'Confirm Delete?', msg: CASERUN_DELETE_WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, animEl: 'caserun-delete-btn', icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes'){ var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm'); testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_caseruns.cgi', params: {caserun_ids: getSelectedObjects(grid,'caserun_id'), action:'delete', ctype: 'json'}, success: function(data){ Ext.Msg.show({ msg: "Test cases removed", buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO }); grid.store.reload(); }, failure: function(f,a){ testopiaError(f,a); grid.store.reload(); } }); } } }); }, onActivate: function(event){ if (!this.store.getCount()){ this.store.load(); } } }); CaseRun = function(){ var t = new TestopiaUtil(); this.caserun_id; this.store = new Ext.data.Store({ url: 'tr_caserun.cgi', baseParams: {action: 'gettext'}, reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({ record: 'casetext', id: 'case_id' },[ {name: 'action', mapping: 'action'}, {name: 'results', mapping: 'effect'}, {name: 'setup', mapping: 'setup'}, {name: 'breakdown', mapping: 'breakdown'}, {name: 'case_id', mapping: 'case_id'}, {name: 'summary', mapping: 'summary'}, {name: 'notes', mapping: 'notes'} ]) }); var store = this.store; store.on('load', function(s,r){ Ext.getCmp('action_editor').setValue(r[0].get('action')); Ext.getCmp('effect_editor').setValue(r[0].get('results')); Ext.getCmp('setup_editor').setValue(r[0].get('setup')); Ext.getCmp('breakdown_editor').setValue(r[0].get('breakdown')); Ext.getCmp('summary_tb').items.items[7].td.innerHTML = '' +'Case ' + r[0].get('case_id') + ' - ' + r[0].get('summary'); }); appendNote = function(){ var form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm',{}); form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_caseruns.cgi', params: {action: 'update', note: Ext.getCmp('caserun_append_note_fld').getValue(), ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, success: function(){ Ext.getCmp('caserun_append_note_fld').reset(); store.reload(); }, failure: testopiaError }); }; processText = function(){ var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm',{}); var params = {}; params.tcsetup = Ext.getCmp('setup_editor').getValue(); params.tcbreakdown = Ext.getCmp('breakdown_editor').getValue(); params.tcaction = Ext.getCmp('action_editor').getValue(); params.tceffect = Ext.getCmp('effect_editor').getValue(); params.case_id = Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('case_id'); params.action = 'update_doc'; testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_process_case.cgi', params: params, success: function(){ TestopiaUtil.notify.msg('Test case updated', 'Test Case {0} was updated successfully', 'Document'); }, failure: testopiaError }); } var summary_tb = new Ext.Toolbar({ id: 'summary_tb', disabled: true, items: [new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/IDLE.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as IDLE (Not Run)', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 1, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/PASSED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as PASSED', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 2, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id'), update_bug: Ext.getCmp('update_bugs').getValue()}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/FAILED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as FAILED', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 3, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id'), update_bug: Ext.getCmp('update_bugs').getValue()}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/RUNNING.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as RUNNING', handler: function(){ var reassign = 0; var isowner = 1; var sel = Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelections(); for (var i=0; i < sel.length; i++){ if (sel[i].get('assignee') != user_login){ isowner = 0; break; } } if (isowner == 0){ Ext.Msg.show({ title: "Reassign Test Case?", msg: 'Setting this test case to Running will lock it so that only the assignee can update it. Would you like to make yourself the assignee?', buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes'){ reassign = 1; } TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 4, reassign: reassign, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }); } else { TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 4, reassign: reassign, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/PAUSED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as PAUSED', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 5, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/BLOCKED.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as BLOCKED', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 6, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Button({ template:imgButtonTpl, text: 'testopia/img/ERROR.gif', tooltip: 'Mark as ERROR', handler: function(){ TestopiaUpdateMultiple('caserun', { status_id: 7, ids: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'),'caserun_id')}, Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')); } }),new Ext.Toolbar.TextItem('')] }); CaseRun.superclass.constructor.call(this,{ id: 'case_details_panel', layout: 'fit', region: 'south', split: true, border: false, style: 'padding-bottom: 10px', bodyBorder: false, collapsible: true, height: 340, items:[{ xtype: 'tabpanel', bodyBorder: false, activeTab: 0, id: 'caserun_center_region', title:'Details', tbar: summary_tb, items: [{ layout: 'column', title: 'Action / Expected Results', id: 'action_panel', items: [{ columnWidth:0.5, layout:'fit', items:{ title: 'Action', height: Ext.state.Manager.get('bigtext_height', 230), id: 'cr_action_panel', bodyBorder: false, border: false, layout: 'fit', autoScroll: true, items:[{ id: 'action_editor', xtype:'htmleditor' }] } },{ columnWidth:0.5, layout:'fit', items:{ title: 'Expected Results', height: Ext.state.Manager.get('bigtext_height', 230), id: 'cr_results_panel', bodyBorder: false, border: false, autoScroll: true, layout: 'fit', items:[{ id: 'effect_editor', xtype:'htmleditor' }] } }], buttons: [{ text: 'Update Action/Results', handler: processText.createDelegate(this) }] },{ layout: 'column', title: 'Set Up / Break Down', items: [{ columnWidth:0.5, layout:'fit', items:{ title: 'Setup', height: Ext.state.Manager.get('bigtext_height', 230), id: 'cr_setup_panel', bodyBorder: false, autoScroll: true, border: false, layout: 'fit', items:[{ id: 'setup_editor', xtype:'htmleditor' }] } },{ columnWidth:0.5, layout:'fit', items:{ title: 'Breakdown', height: Ext.state.Manager.get('bigtext_height', 230), id: 'cr_breakdown_panel', bodyBorder: false, autoScroll: true, border: false, layout: 'fit', items:[{ id: 'breakdown_editor', xtype:'htmleditor' }] } }], buttons: [{ text: 'Update Setup/Breakdown', handler: processText.createDelegate(this) }] },{ title:'Notes', id: 'caserun_notes_panel', border:false, bodyBorder: false, autoScroll: true, layout: 'fit', items: [{ xtype: 'dataview', bodyBorder: false, store: store, itemSelector: 'div.breakdowndiv', loadingText: 'Loading...', tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '', '
', '
', '
' ) }], bbar:[{ xtype: 'textfield', id: 'caserun_append_note_fld', width: 1000 }], buttons:[{ xtype: 'button', text: 'Append Note', handler: appendNote.createDelegate(this) }] }, new CaseRunHistory(), new AttachGrid({id: 0, type: 'caserun'}), new CaseBugsGrid(), new CaseComponentsGrid(), new TestopiaObjectTags('case', 0)] }] }); }; Ext.extend(CaseRun, Ext.Panel, this); CaseRunHistory = function(){ var t = new TestopiaUtil(); this.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: 'tr_caserun.cgi', baseParams: {action: 'gethistory'}, root: 'records', fields: [ {name: 'caserun_id', mapping: 'case_run_id'}, {name: 'build', mapping: 'build_name'}, {name: 'environment', mapping: 'env_name'}, {name: 'status', mapping: 'status_name'}, {name: 'testedby', mapping: 'testedby'}, {name: 'closed', mapping: 'close_date'}, {name: 'isactive', mapping: 'isactive'}, {name: "bug_list", mapping:"bug_list"} ] }); this.columns = [ {header: "Build", width: 150, dataIndex: 'build', sortable: true}, {header: "Environment", width: 150, dataIndex: 'environment', sortable: true}, {header: "Status", width: 50, dataIndex: 'status', sortable: true, renderer: t.statusIcon}, {header: "Tested By", width: 200, dataIndex: 'testedby', sortable: true }, {header: "Closed", width: 150, dataIndex: 'closed', sortable: true}, { header: "Bugs In This Build and Environment", width: 100, dataIndex: "bug_list", sortable: false, hideable: true, renderer: function(v){ if (!v){ return; } var bugs = v.bugs; var rets = ''; for (var i=0; i< bugs.length; i++){ if (typeof bugs[i] != 'function'){ rets = rets + '' + bugs[i].bug_id + ', '; } } return rets; } } ]; CaseRunHistory.superclass.constructor.call(this,{ border: false, title: 'History', id: 'caserun_history_panel', bodyBorder: false, loadMask: {msg:'Loading Test Cases...'}, autoScroll: true, sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: true }) }); this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); }; Ext.extend(CaseRunHistory, Ext.grid.GridPanel, { onActivate: function(event){ this.store.load({ params: { action: 'gethistory', caserun_id: Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('caserun_id') } }); } }); CaseBugsGrid = function(id){ var tutil = new TestopiaUtil(); var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm',{}); function bug_link(id){ return '' + id +''; } var tcid; if (id){ tcid = id; } this.tcid = tcid; this.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: 'tr_process_case.cgi', root: 'bugs', baseParams: {action: 'getbugs'}, fields: [ {name: 'run_id', mapping: 'run_id'}, {name: 'build', mapping: 'build'}, {name: 'env', mapping: 'env'}, {name: 'summary', mapping: 'summary'}, {name: 'case_run_id', mapping: 'case_run_id'}, {name: 'bug_id', mapping: 'bug_id'}, {name: 'status', mapping: 'status'}, {name: 'resolution', mapping: 'resolution'}, {name: 'assignee', mapping: 'assignee'}, {name: 'severity', mapping: 'severity'}, {name: 'priority', mapping: 'priority'} ] }); addbug = function(){ tcid = this.tcid; var ids; var type = 'case'; if (Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')){ type = 'caserun'; ids = getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'), 'caserun_id'); } else { ids = tcid; } testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_cases.cgi', params: {action: 'update_bugs', bug_action: 'attach', bugs: Ext.getCmp('attachbug').getValue(), type: type, ids: ids}, success: function(){ ds.load({ params: {case_id: tcid} }); Ext.getCmp('attachbug').reset(); }, failure: testopiaError }); }; removebug = function(){ tcid = this.tcid; var type = 'case'; if (Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')){ type = 'caserun'; ids = getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'), 'caserun_id'); } else { ids = tcid; } testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_cases.cgi', params: {action: 'update_bugs', bugs: getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('case_bugs_panel'), 'bug_id'), type: type, ids: ids}, success: function(){ ds.load({ params: { case_id: tcid } }); }, failure: testopiaError }); }; newbug = function(){ var bug_panel = new Ext.Panel({ id: 'new_bug_panel' }); var caserun_id; if (Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid') && Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getCount()){ caserun_id = Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('caserun_id'); } var store = new Ext.data.Store({ url: 'tr_process_case.cgi', baseParams: {action: 'case_to_bug', case_id: this.tcid, caserun_id: caserun_id }, reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({ record: 'newbug', id: 'case_id' },[ {name: 'product', mapping: 'product'}, {name: 'version', mapping: 'version'}, {name: 'component', mapping: 'component'}, {name: 'comment', mapping: 'comment'}, {name: 'case_id', mapping: 'case_id'}, {name: 'assigned_to', mapping: 'assigned_to'}, {name: 'qa_contact', mapping: 'qa_contact'}, {name: 'short_desc', mapping: 'short_desc'} ]) }); store.load(); store.on('load',function(){ var url = 'enter_bug.cgi?'; for (var i=0; i