/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is the Bugzilla Testopia System. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Greg Hendricks. * Portions created by Greg Hendricks are Copyright (C) 2006 * Novell. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Greg Hendricks * Ryan Hamilton * Daniel Parker */ Testopia.TestRun.Grid = function(params, cfg){ params.limit = Ext.state.Manager.get('TESTOPIA_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE', 25); params.current_tab = 'run'; this.params = params; this.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: 'tr_list_runs.cgi', listeners: { 'exception': Testopia.Util.loadError }, baseParams: params, totalProperty: 'totalResultsAvailable', root: 'Result', id: 'run_id', fields: [{ name: "run_id", mapping: "run_id" }, { name: "plan_id", mapping: "plan_id" }, { name: "summary", mapping: "summary" }, { name: "manager", mapping: "manager_name" }, { name: "start_date", mapping: "start_date" }, { name: "stop_date", mapping: "stop_date" }, { name: "build", mapping: "build.name" }, { name: "environment", mapping: "environment.name" }, { name: "status", mapping: "status" }, { name: "case_count", mapping: "case_count" }, { name: "run_product_version", mapping: "product_version" }, { name: "product_id", mapping: "product_id" }, { name: "passed_pct", mapping: "passed_pct" }, { name: "failed_pct", mapping: "failed_pct" }, { name: "blocked_pct", mapping: "blocked_pct" }, { name: "complete_pct", mapping: "complete_pct" }, { name: "plan_version", mapping: "plan_version" }, { name: "bug_list", mapping: "bug_list" }], remoteSort: true }); var ds = this.store; ds.paramNames.sort = "order"; ds.on('beforeload', function(store, o){ store.baseParams.ctype = 'json'; }); var bcombo = new Testopia.Build.Combo({ hiddenName: 'build', id: 'run_grid_build', mode: 'remote', params: { product_id: params.product_id, activeonly: 1 }, listeners: { 'startedit': function(){ var pid = Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('product_id'); if (bcombo.store.baseParams.product_id != pid) { bcombo.store.baseParams.product_id = pid; bcombo.store.load(); } } } }); var ecombo = new Testopia.Environment.Combo({ hiddenName: 'environment', id: 'run_grid_env', mode: 'remote', params: { product_id: params.product_id, isactive: 1 }, listeners: { 'startedit': function(){ var pid = Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('product_id'); if (ecombo.store.baseParams.product_id != pid) { ecombo.store.baseParams.product_id = pid; ecombo.store.load(); } } } }); var vcombo = new Testopia.Product.VersionCombo({ hiddenName: 'run_product_version', id: 'run_grid_version', mode: 'remote', params: { product_id: params.product_id }, listeners: { 'startedit': function(){ var pid = Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('product_id'); if (vcombo.store.baseParams.product_id != pid) { vcombo.store.baseParams.product_id = pid; vcombo.store.load(); } } } }); this.columns = [{ header: "Run ID", width: 30, dataIndex: "run_id", id: "run_id", sortable: true, renderer: Testopia.Util.makeLink.createDelegate(this,['run'],true), hideable: false }, { header: "Summary", width: 220, dataIndex: "summary", id: "run_name", sortable: true, editor: { xtype: 'textfield', allowBlank: false } }, { header: "Manager Name", width: 150, dataIndex: "manager", id: "manager_name_col", sortable: true, hidden: true, editor: new Testopia.User.Lookup({ hiddenName: 'manager' }), renderer: Testopia.Util.ComboRenderer.createDelegate(this) }, { header: "Start Date", width: 110, dataIndex: "start_date", sortable: true, hidden: true }, { header: "Stop Date", width: 110, dataIndex: "stop_date", sortable: true, hidden: true }, { header: "Build", width: 110, dataIndex: "build", id: "build_col", sortable: true, editor: bcombo, renderer: Testopia.Util.ComboRenderer.createDelegate(this) }, { header: "Enviroment", width: 110, dataIndex: "environment", id: "environment", sortable: true, editor: ecombo, renderer: Testopia.Util.ComboRenderer.createDelegate(this) }, { header: "Status", width: 50, dataIndex: "status", id: "status", sortable: true }, { header: "Case Count", width: 30, dataIndex: "case_count", sortable: false, hidden: true }, { header: "Product Version", width: 150, dataIndex: "product_version", id: "product_version", sortable: true, hidden: true, editor: vcombo, renderer: Testopia.Util.ComboRenderer.createDelegate(this) }, { header: "Plan ID", width: 30, dataIndex: "plan_id", sortable: true, hidden: true, renderer: Testopia.Util.makeLink.createDelegate(this,['plan'],true) }, { header: "Complete", width: 110, dataIndex: "complete_pct", sortable: false, hideable: true, renderer: function(v, m, r){ var val = ''; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
' + v + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
' + v + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; val = val + '
'; return val; } }]; this.form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm', {}); this.bbar = new Testopia.Util.PagingBar('run', this.store); Testopia.TestRun.Grid.superclass.constructor.call(this, { title: 'Test Runs', id: cfg.id || 'run_grid', loadMask: { msg: 'Loading Test Runs...' }, autoExpandColumn: "run_summary", autoScroll: true, stripeRows: true, plugins: [new Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor({ id:'run_row_editor', saveText: 'Update' })], sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: false, listeners: { 'rowselect': function(sm, i, r){ Ext.getCmp('new_case_to_run_button').enable(); Ext.getCmp('delete_run_list_btn').enable(); Ext.getCmp('edit_run_list_btn').enable(); }, 'rowdeselect': function(sm, i, r){ if (sm.getCount() < 1) { Ext.getCmp('new_case_to_run_button').disable(); Ext.getCmp('delete_run_list_btn').disable(); Ext.getCmp('edit_run_list_btn').disable(); } } } }), viewConfig: { forceFit: true }, tbar: [{ xtype: 'button', text: 'Add Test Cases to Selected Runs', id: 'new_case_to_run_button', disabled: true, handler: function(){ var run = Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected(); Testopia.TestRun.AddCasePopup(run); } }, new Ext.Toolbar.Fill(), { xtype: 'button', id: 'save_run_list_btn', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/save.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Save this search', handler: function(b, e){ Testopia.Search.save('run', Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid').store.baseParams); } }, { xtype: 'button', id: 'link_run_list_btn', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/link.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Create a link to this list', handler: function(b, e){ Testopia.Search.LinkPopup(Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid').store.baseParams); } }, { xtype: 'button', id: 'edit_run_list_btn', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/edit.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', disabled: true, tooltip: 'Edit Selected Test Run', handler: function(){ Testopia.Util.editFirstSelection(Ext.getCmp(cfg.id || 'run_grid')); } }, { xtype: 'button', id: 'add_run_list_btn', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/new.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', tooltip: 'Create a New Test Run', handler: function(){ try { if (plan) { Testopia.TestRun.NewRunPopup(plan); } } catch (err) { window.location = 'tr_new_run.cgi'; } } }, { xtype: 'button', id: 'delete_run_list_btn', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/delete.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', disabled: true, tooltip: 'Delete Selected Test Runs', handler: this.deleteList.createDelegate(this) }] }); Ext.apply(this, cfg); this.on('rowcontextmenu', this.onContextClick, this); this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); Ext.getCmp('run_row_editor').on('afteredit', this.onGridEdit, this); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.TestRun.Grid, Ext.grid.GridPanel, { onContextClick: function(grid, index, e){ grid.selindex = index; if (!this.menu) { // create context menu on first right click this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id: 'run-ctx-menu', enableScrolling: false, items: [{ text: "Reports", menu: { enableScrolling: false, items: [{ text: 'New Run Status Report', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('dashboardpanel'); var newPortlet = new Ext.ux.Portlet({ title: 'Status Report', closable: true, autoScroll: true, tools: PortalTools }); newPortlet.url = 'tr_run_reports.cgi?type=status&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id'); Testopia.Search.dashboard_urls.push(newPortlet.url); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').add(newPortlet); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').doLayout(); newPortlet.load({ url: newPortlet.url }); } }, { text: 'New Run Completion Report', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('dashboardpanel'); var newPortlet = new Ext.ux.Portlet({ title: 'Completion Report', closable: true, autoScroll: true, tools: PortalTools }); newPortlet.url = 'tr_run_reports.cgi?type=completion&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id'); Testopia.Search.dashboard_urls.push(newPortlet.url); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').add(newPortlet); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').doLayout(); newPortlet.load({ url: newPortlet.url }); } }, { text: 'New Run Execution Report', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Select a date range', id: 'run_execution_win', layout: 'fit', split: true, plain: true, shadow: false, width: 350, height: 150, items: [new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: '40', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [{ xtype: 'datefield', id: 'execution_start_date', fieldLabel: 'Start Date', name: 'chfieldfrom' }, { xtype: 'datefield', fieldLabel: 'Stop Date', id: 'execution_stop_date', emptyText: 'Now', name: 'chfieldto' }, new Testopia.User.Lookup({ id: 'exec_tester', fieldLabel: 'Tester (optional)' })] })], buttons: [{ text: 'Submit', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('dashboardpanel'); var newPortlet = new Ext.ux.Portlet({ title: 'Execution Report', closable: true, autoScroll: true, tools: PortalTools }); newPortlet.url = 'tr_run_reports.cgi?type=execution&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id') + '&chfieldfrom=' + Ext.getCmp('execution_start_date').getValue() + '&chfieldto=' + Ext.getCmp('execution_stop_date').getValue() + '&tester=' + Ext.getCmp('exec_tester').getValue(); Testopia.Search.dashboard_urls.push(newPortlet.url); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').add(newPortlet); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').doLayout(); newPortlet.load({ url: newPortlet.url }); win.close(); } }, { text: 'Cancel', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(); } }, { text: 'New Priority Breakdown Report', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('dashboardpanel'); var newPortlet = new Ext.ux.Portlet({ title: 'Status Report', closable: true, autoScroll: true, tools: PortalTools }); newPortlet.url = 'tr_run_reports.cgi?type=priority&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id'); Testopia.Search.dashboard_urls.push(newPortlet.url); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').add(newPortlet); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').doLayout(); newPortlet.load({ url: newPortlet.url }); } }, { text: 'New Run Bug Report', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('dashboardpanel'); var newPortlet = new Ext.ux.Portlet({ title: 'Bug Report', closable: true, autoScroll: true, tools: PortalTools }); newPortlet.url = 'tr_run_reports.cgi?type=bug_grid&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id') + '&noheader=1'; Testopia.Search.dashboard_urls.push(newPortlet.url); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').add(newPortlet); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').doLayout(); newPortlet.load({ scripts: true, url: newPortlet.url }); } }, { text: 'Worst Offender Report', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('dashboardpanel'); var newPortlet = new Ext.ux.Portlet({ title: 'Worst Offender Report', closable: true, autoScroll: true, tools: PortalTools }); newPortlet.url = 'tr_run_reports.cgi?type=worst&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id') + '&noheader=1'; Testopia.Search.dashboard_urls.push(newPortlet.url); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').add(newPortlet); Ext.getCmp('dashboard_leftcol').doLayout(); newPortlet.load({ scripts: true, url: newPortlet.url }); } }, { text: 'Case Roll-up Report', handler: function(){ window.open('tr_list_caseruns.cgi?report_type=rollup&run_ids=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id')); } }] } }, { text: 'Edit', menu: { items: [{ text: 'Manager', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Change Run Manager', id: 'run_manager_win', layout: 'fit', split: true, plain: true, shadow: false, listeners: {'afterlayout':function(){Ext.getCmp('manager_update').focus('',10)}}, width: 350, height: 150, items: [new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: '40', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [new Testopia.User.Lookup({ id: 'manager_update', fieldLabel: 'Run Manager' })] })], buttons: [{ text: 'Update Manager', handler: function(){ Testopia.Util.updateFromList('run', { manager: Ext.getCmp('manager_update').getValue(), ids: Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id') }, grid); win.close(); } }, { text: 'Cancel', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(); } }, { text: 'Tags', handler: function(){ Testopia.Tags.update('run', grid); } }, { text: 'Targets', handler: function(){ var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Change Run Targets', id: 'run_target_win', layout: 'fit', split: true, plain: true, shadow: false, listeners: {'afterlayout':function(){Ext.getCmp('target_completion').focus('',10)}}, width: 350, height: 150, items: [new Ext.FormPanel({ bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [new Ext.form.NumberField({ maxValue: 100, minValue: 0, id: 'target_completion', allowBlank: true, fieldLabel: 'Target Completion Rate', hiddenName: 'target_completion', listeners: { 'valid': function(f){ Ext.getCmp('target_pass').maxValue = f.getValue(); } } }), new Ext.form.NumberField({ maxValue: 100, minValue: 0, allowBlank: true, id: 'target_pass', fieldLabel: 'Target Pass Rate', hiddenName: 'target_pass' })] })], buttons: [{ text: 'Update Targets', handler: function(){ Testopia.Util.updateFromList('run', { target_pass: Ext.getCmp('target_pass').getValue(), target_completion: Ext.getCmp('target_completion').getValue(), ids: Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id') }, grid); win.close(); } }, { text: 'Cancel', handler: function(){ win.close(); } }] }); win.show(); } }] } }, { text: 'Clone Selected Test Runs', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/copy.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: function(){ Testopia.TestRun.ClonePopup(grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected().get('product_id'), Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id')); } }, { text: 'Delete Selected Test Runs', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/delete.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: this.deleteList.createDelegate(this) }, { text: 'Refresh List', icon: 'extensions/testopia/img/refresh.png', iconCls: 'img_button_16x', handler: function(){ grid.store.reload(); } }, { text: 'View Test Run in a New Window', handler: function(){ window.open('tr_show_run.cgi?run_id=' + grid.store.getAt(grid.selindex).get('run_id')); } }, { text: 'View Run\'s Test Cases in a New Window', handler: function(){ window.open('tr_list_cases.cgi?run_id=' + grid.store.getAt(grid.selindex).get('run_id')); } },{ text: 'Export Results as CSV', handler: function(){ window.location = 'tr_list_caseruns.cgi?ctype=csv&viewall=1&run_id=' + Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id'); } }] }); } e.stopEvent(); if (grid.getSelectionModel().getCount() < 1) { grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(index); } this.menu.showAt(e.getXY()); }, onGridEdit: function(e){ var ds = this.store; var myparams = e.record.data; myparams.action = 'edit'; var manager; if (!myparams.manager.match('@')){ manager = myparams.manager; delete myparams.manager; } this.form.submit({ url: "tr_process_run.cgi", params: myparams, success: function(f, a){ myparams.manager = manager; ds.commitChanges(); }, failure: function(f, a){ Testopia.Util.error(f, a); myparams.manager = manager; ds.rejectChanges(); } }); }, deleteList: function(){ var grid = this; Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Confirm Delete?', msg: RUN_DELETE_WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, animEl: 'run-delete-btn', icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { var testopia_form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm'); testopia_form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_runs.cgi', params: { run_ids: Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(grid, 'run_id'), action: 'delete' }, success: function(data){ Ext.Msg.show({ msg: "Test runs deleted", buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO }); grid.store.reload(); }, failure: function(f, a){ Testopia.Util.error(f, a); grid.store.reload(); } }); } } }); }, onActivate: function(event){ if (!this.store.getCount()) { this.store.load(); } } }); Testopia.TestRun.NewRunForm = function(plan){ if (plan.data) { plan = plan.data; } var casegrid = new Testopia.TestCase.Grid({ plan_id: plan.plan_id, case_status: 'CONFIRMED' }, { title: 'Select From Existing Cases', region: 'center', id: 'newrun_casegrid', height: 500 }); this.casegrid = casegrid; casegrid.on('render', function(g){ for (var i = 0; i < g.getTopToolbar().items.length; i++) { g.getTopToolbar().items.items[i].destroy(); } g.getTopToolbar().add({ xtype: 'button', text: 'Select All', handler: function(){ casegrid.getSelectionModel().selectAll(); } }, '->', { xtype: 'checkbox', id: 'selectall' }, ' ', ' Include all CONFIRMED Cases in Plan ' + plan.id); }); Testopia.TestRun.NewRunForm.superclass.constructor.call(this, { url: 'tr_new_run.cgi', id: 'newrunform', baseParams: { action: 'add' }, labelAlign: 'left', frame: true, title: 'New Run', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0', width: 1050, height: 800, layout: 'border', items: [{ region: 'north', title: 'Filter Cases', height: 168, collapsible: true, listeners: { 'render': function(p){ p.load({ url: 'tr_process_plan.cgi', params: { action: 'getfilter', plan_id: plan.plan_id }, scripts: true }); } }, autoShow: true, autoScroll: true, buttons: [{ text: 'Filter', handler: function(){ var filter = new Ext.form.BasicForm('case_filter'); var params = filter.getValues(); params.plan_id = plan.plan_id; params.status = 'CONFIRMED'; casegrid.store.baseParams = params; casegrid.store.load(); } }] }, casegrid, { region: 'south', xtype: 'form', url: 'tr_new_run.cgi', bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px', id: 'newrunsouth', height: 200, items: [{ layout: 'column', items: [{ columnWidth: 0.5, layout: 'form', items: [new Testopia.Product.VersionCombo({ fieldLabel: 'Product Version', hiddenName: 'prod_version', mode: 'local', forceSelection: true, allowBlank: false, typeAhead: true, params: { product_id: plan.product_id } }), new Testopia.User.Lookup({ id: 'new_run_manager', hiddenName: 'manager', fieldLabel: 'Run Manager', allowBlank: false }), new Ext.form.NumberField({ maxValue: 100, minValue: 0, allowBlank: true, id: 'target_completion', fieldLabel: 'Target Completion Rate', hiddenName: 'target_completion', listeners: { 'valid': function(f){ Ext.getCmp('target_pass').maxValue = f.getValue(); } } })] }, { columnWidth: 0.5, layout: 'form', items: [new Testopia.Build.Combo({ fieldLabel: 'Build', hiddenName: 'build', mode: 'local', forceSelection: false, allowBlank: false, typeAhead: true, params: { product_id: plan.product_id, activeonly: 1 }, emptyText: 'Select or type a new name' }), new Testopia.Environment.Combo({ fieldLabel: 'Environment', hiddenName: 'environment', mode: 'local', forceSelection: false, allowBlank: false, typeAhead: true, params: { product_id: plan.product_id, isactive: 1 }, emptyText: 'Select or type a new name' }), new Ext.form.NumberField({ maxValue: 100, minValue: 0, allowBlank: true, id: 'target_pass', fieldLabel: 'Target Pass Rate', hiddenName: 'target_pass' })] }] }, { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Summary', layout: 'fit', id: 'run_summary', name: 'summary', anchor: '100%', width: 600, allowBlank: false }, { xtype: 'hidden', name: 'plan_id', value: plan.plan_id }, { layout: 'fit', fieldLabel: 'Notes', id: 'notes', xtype: 'textarea', width: 600, height: 80 }] }], buttons: [{ text: 'Create New Case', handler: function(){ Testopia.TestCase.NewCasePopup(plan.plan_id, plan.product_id); } }, { text: 'Submit', handler: function(){ if (!Ext.getCmp('newrunsouth').getForm().isValid()) { return; } var values = { action: 'add' }; if (Ext.getCmp('selectall').getValue()) { values.getall = Ext.getCmp('selectall').getValue() ? 1 : 0; } else { values.case_ids = Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(casegrid, 'case_id'); } if (!Ext.getCmp('build_combo').getValue()) { values.new_build = Ext.getCmp('build_combo').getRawValue(); } if (!Ext.getCmp('environment_combo').getValue()) { values.new_env = Ext.getCmp('environment_combo').getRawValue(); } Ext.getCmp('newrunsouth').getForm().submit({ params: values, success: function(form, data){ Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Test Run Created', msg: 'Test run ' + data.result.run_id + ' Created. Would you like to go there now?', buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { window.location = 'tr_show_run.cgi?run_id=' + data.result.run_id; } } }); if (Ext.getCmp('plan_run_grid')) { Ext.getCmp('plan_run_grid').store.reload(); } }, failure: Testopia.Util.error }); } }, { text: 'Cancel', type: 'reset', id: 'nrf_cancel_btn', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('newrunsouth').getForm().reset(); try { Ext.getCmp('newRun-win').close(); } catch (err) { window.location = 'tr_show_product.cgi'; } } }] }); this.on('render', function(){ casegrid.store.load(); Ext.getCmp('new_run_manager').setValue(Testopia_user.login); }); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.TestRun.NewRunForm, Ext.Panel); Testopia.TestRun.NewRunPopup = function(plan){ var win = new Ext.Window({ id: 'newRun-win', closable: true, width: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().width - 150, height: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height - 150, plain: true, shadow: false, layout: 'fit', items: [new Testopia.TestRun.NewRunForm(plan)] }); win.show(this); }; Testopia.TestRun.CloneForm = function(product_id, runs, caselist){ var pgrid = new Testopia.TestPlan.Grid({ product_id: product_id }, { id: 'run_clone_plan_grid' }); var vbox = new Testopia.Product.VersionCombo({ id: 'run_clone_version_chooser', mode: 'local', hiddenName: 'new_run_prod_version', fieldLabel: 'Product Version', params: { product_id: product_id } }); var bbox = new Testopia.Build.Combo({ fieldLabel: 'Select a Build', id: 'run_clone_build_chooser', mode: 'local', hiddenName: 'new_run_build', params: { product_id: product_id, activeonly: 1 } }); var ebox = new Testopia.Environment.Combo({ fieldLabel: 'Select an Environment', id: 'run_clone_environment_chooser', mode: 'local', hiddenName: 'new_run_env', params: { product_id: product_id, isactive: 1 } }); function doSubmit(){ var form = Ext.getCmp('run_clone_frm').getForm(); form.baseParams = {}; if (Ext.getCmp('run_copy_cases').collapsed === false){ switch(Ext.getCmp('copy_cases_radio_group').getGroupValue()){ case 'copy_filtered_cases': form.baseParams = Ext.getCmp('caserun_search').form.getValues(); break; case 'copy_selected_cases': form.baseParams.case_list = Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid'), 'caserun_id'); break; } } form.baseParams.action = 'clone'; form.baseParams.ids = runs; form.baseParams.new_run_build = bbox.getValue(); form.baseParams.new_run_environment = ebox.getValue(); form.baseParams.plan_ids = Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(pgrid, 'plan_id'); var p = form.getValues(); if (form.isValid()) { form.submit({ success: function(f, a){ var msg; if (a.result.runlist.length == 1) { msg = a.result.failures.length > 0 ? 'Test cases ' + a.result.failures.join(',') + ' were not included. They are either DISABLED or PROPOSED.
' : ''; Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Run Copied', msg: msg + 'Run ' + a.result.runlist[0] + ' Created. Would you like to go there now?', buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { window.location = 'tr_show_run.cgi?run_id=' + a.result.runlist[0]; } } }); } else { msg = a.result.failures.length > 0 ? a.result.failures.join.length + ' Test cases were not included. They are either DISABLED or PROPOSED. View List
' : ''; Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Test Run Copied', msg: msg + a.result.runlist.length + ' Test runs Copied successfully. View List', buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO }); } }, failure: Testopia.Util.error }) } } Testopia.TestRun.CloneForm.superclass.constructor.call(this, { id: 'run_clone_form', border: false, width: 600, layout: 'border', items: [{ region: 'north', layout: 'fit', border: false, height: 300, items: [pgrid] }, { region: 'center', xtype: 'form', url: 'tr_list_runs.cgi', title: 'Clone Options', autoScroll: true, id: 'run_clone_frm', border: false, frame: true, bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px', labelWidth: 160, height: 350, items: [{ layout: 'table', border: false, autoScroll: true, layoutConfig: { columns: 2, width: '100%' }, items: [{ colspan: 2, layout: 'form', border: false, items: [{ id: 'run_clone_name', xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'New Run Summary', name: 'new_run_summary', width: 500 }] }, { layout: 'form', border: false, items: [vbox, bbox, ebox] }, { layout: 'form', border: false, items: [{ xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'copy_tags', checked: true, boxLabel: 'Copy Run Tags', hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'copy_filters', checked: true, boxLabel: 'Copy Run Filters', hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'hidden', id: 'run_clone_product_id', name: 'product_id', value: product_id }] }, { colspan: 2, layout: 'form', border: false, items: [{ xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'keep_run_manager', checked: false, boxLabel: 'Maintain original manager (unchecking will make me the manager of the new run)', hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'fieldset', autoHeight: true, checkboxToggle: true, checkboxName: 'copy_cases', id: 'run_copy_cases', title: 'Copy Test Cases', collapsed: caselist ? false : true, items: [{ xtype: 'radio', name: 'copy_cases_options', id: 'copy_cases_radio_group', inputValue: 'copy_all_cases', checked: true, boxLabel: 'Include all CONFIRMED cases in selected run(s)', hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'radio', name: 'copy_cases_options', inputValue: 'copy_filtered_cases', boxLabel: 'Only include cases that match the selected filter', hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'radio', name: 'copy_cases_options', inputValue: 'copy_selected_cases', boxLabel: 'Only include cases that are currently selected', checked: caselist ? true : false, hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'keep_indexes', checked: true, boxLabel: 'Copy Case Indexes', hideLabel: true }, { xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'keep_statuses', boxLabel: 'Maintain status of copied cases (unchecking will set case copies to IDLE (Not Run))', hideLabel: true }] }] }] }] }], buttons: [{ text: 'Submit', handler: doSubmit.createDelegate(this) }, { text: 'Cancel', handler: function(){ Ext.getCmp('run-clone-win').close(); } }] }); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.TestRun.CloneForm, Ext.Panel); Testopia.TestRun.ClonePopup = function(product_id, runs, caselist){ var win = new Ext.Window({ id: 'run-clone-win', closable: true, width: 800, height: 600, plain: true, shadow: false, layout: 'fit', items: [new Testopia.TestRun.CloneForm(product_id, runs, caselist)] }); var pg = Ext.getCmp('run_clone_plan_grid'); Ext.apply(pg, { title: 'Select plans to clone runs to' }); win.show(this); var pchooser = new Testopia.Product.Combo({ id: 'run_clone_win_product_chooser', mode: 'local', value: product_id }); pchooser.on('select', function(c, r, i){ pg.store.baseParams = { ctype: 'json', product_id: r.get('id') }; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_version_chooser').reset(); Ext.getCmp('run_clone_build_chooser').reset(); Ext.getCmp('run_clone_environment_chooser').reset(); Ext.getCmp('run_clone_version_chooser').store.baseParams.product_id = r.id; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_build_chooser').store.baseParams.product_id = r.id; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_environment_chooser').store.baseParams.product_id = r.id; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_version_chooser').store.load(); Ext.getCmp('run_clone_build_chooser').store.load(); Ext.getCmp('run_clone_environment_chooser').store.load(); if (r.get('id') != product_id) { Ext.getCmp('run_clone_build_chooser').allowBlank = false; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_environment_chooser').allowBlank = false; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_version_chooser').allowBlank = false; } else { Ext.getCmp('run_clone_build_chooser').allowBlank = true; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_environment_chooser').allowBlank = true; Ext.getCmp('run_clone_version_chooser').allowBlank = true; } Ext.getCmp('run_clone_product_id').setValue(r.get('id')); pg.store.load(); }); pg.getTopToolbar().removeAll(); pg.getTopToolbar().add('Product: ', pchooser); pg.getSelectionModel().un('rowselect', pg.getSelectionModel().events['rowselect'].listeners[0].fn); pg.getSelectionModel().un('rowdeselect', pg.getSelectionModel().events['rowdeselect'].listeners[0].fn); pg.store.load(); }; Testopia.TestRun.AddCaseForm = function(run){ if (run.data) { run = run.data; } var casegrid = new Testopia.TestCase.Grid({ plan_id: run.plan_id, case_status: 'CONFIRMED', exclude: run.run_id }, { title: 'Select From Existing Cases', region: 'center', id: 'newrun_casegrid', height: 500 }); casegrid.on('render', function(g){ for (var i = 0; i < g.getTopToolbar().items.length; i++) { g.getTopToolbar().items.items[i].destroy(); } g.getTopToolbar().add({ xtype: 'button', text: 'Select All', handler: function(){ casegrid.getSelectionModel().selectAll(); } }); casegrid.store.load(); }); Testopia.TestRun.AddCaseForm.superclass.constructor.call(this, { url: 'tr_new_run.cgi', id: 'add_cases_form', title: 'Add Cases to Run', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0', width: 1050, height: 800, layout: 'border', items: [{ region: 'north', title: 'Filter Cases', height: 172, collapsible: true, listeners: { 'render': function(p){ p.load({ url: 'tr_process_plan.cgi', params: { action: 'getfilter', plan_id: run.plan_id }, scripts: true }); } }, autoShow: true, autoScroll: true, buttons: [{ text: 'Filter', handler: function(){ var filter = new Ext.form.BasicForm('case_filter'); var params = filter.getValues(); params.plan_id = run.plan_id; params.exclude = run.run_id; params.status = 'CONFIRMED'; params.limit = Ext.getCmp('case_pager').pageSize; casegrid.store.baseParams = params; casegrid.store.load(); } }] }, casegrid], buttons: [{ text: 'Add Selected Cases to Run', handler: function(){ var form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm'); form.submit({ url: 'tr_list_cases.cgi', params: { action: 'update', addruns: run.run_id, ids: Testopia.Util.getSelectedObjects(casegrid, 'case_id') }, success: function(){ if (Ext.getCmp('add_case_to_run_win')) { Ext.getCmp('add_case_to_run_win').close(); } if (Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid')) { Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').store.reload(); } }, failure: Testopia.Util.error }); } }] }); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.TestRun.AddCaseForm, Ext.Panel); Testopia.TestRun.AddCasePopup = function(run){ var win = new Ext.Window({ id: 'add_case_to_run_win', closable: true, width: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().width - 150, height: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height - 150, plain: true, shadow: false, layout: 'fit', items: [new Testopia.TestRun.AddCaseForm(run)] }); win.show(this); }; Testopia.TestRun.FiltersList = function(run){ this.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: 'tr_process_run.cgi', listeners: { 'exception': Testopia.Util.loadError }, baseParams: { action: 'getfilters', run_id: run.run_id }, root: 'filters', fields: ["name", "query"] }); var ds = this.store; this.columns = [{ header: "Name", width: 30, dataIndex: "name", sortable: true }]; Testopia.TestRun.FiltersList.superclass.constructor.call(this, { title: "Filters", id: "run_filter_grid", loadMask: { msg: "Loading Filters ..." }, autoScroll: true, sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: true, listeners: { 'rowselect': function(sm, index, r){ var name = r.get('name'); Ext.getCmp('object_panel').setActiveTab('caserun-panel'); var params = Testopia.Util.urlQueryToJSON(r.get('query')); var f = document.getElementById('caserun_filter_form'); for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (f[i].type == 'select-multiple') { for (var k = 0; k < f[i].options.length; k++) { f[i].options[k].selected = false; } var list = params[f[i].name]; if (!list) { continue; } if (typeof list != 'object') { list = new Array(list); } for (j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < f[i].options.length; k++) { if (f[i].options[k].value == list[j]) { f[i].options[k].selected = true; break; } } } } else { f[i].value = params[f[i].name]; } } Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').store.baseParams = params; Ext.getCmp('caserun_grid').store.load(); } } }), viewConfig: { forceFit: true } }); this.on('rowcontextmenu', this.onContextClick, this); this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.TestRun.FiltersList, Ext.grid.GridPanel, { onContextClick: function(grid, index, e){ if (!this.menu) { // create context menu on first right click this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id: 'run_filter_ctx', items: [{ text: 'Delete Saved Filter', handler: function(){ var form = new Ext.form.BasicForm('testopia_helper_frm', {}); form.submit({ url: 'tr_process_run.cgi', params: { action: 'delete_filter', query_name: grid.store.getAt(index).get('name'), run_id: grid.store.baseParams.run_id }, success: function(){ Testopia.Util.notify.msg('Filter removed', 'filter removed successfully'); grid.store.reload(); }, failure: Testopia.Util.error }); } }] }); } e.stopEvent(); this.menu.showAt(e.getXY()); }, onActivate: function(event){ if (!this.store.getCount()) { this.store.load(); } } }); Testopia.BugReport = function(params){ params.type = 'bug'; this.store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({ url: 'tr_run_reports.cgi', baseParams: params, reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ root: 'Result', fields: [{ name: "case_id", mapping: "case_id" }, { name: "run_id", mapping: "run_id" }, { name: "bug_id", mapping: "bug_id" }, { name: "case_status", mapping: "case_status" }, { name: "bug_status", mapping: "bug_status" }, { name: "severity", mapping: "bug_severity" }] }), remoteSort: false, sortInfo: { field: 'run_id', direction: "ASC" }, groupField: 'bug_id' }); this.store.isTreport = true; this.view = new Ext.grid.GroupingView({ forceFit: true, groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "Items" : "Item"]})' }); this.columns = [{ header: 'Run', dataIndex: 'run_id', sortable: true, hideable: true, groupRenderer: function(v){ return v; }, renderer: Testopia.Util.makeLink.createDelegate(this,['run'],true) }, { header: 'Case', dataIndex: 'case_id', sortable: true, hideable: true, groupRenderer: function(v){ return v; }, renderer: Testopia.Util.makeLink.createDelegate(this,['case'],true) }, { header: 'Bug', dataIndex: 'bug_id', sortable: true, hideable: true, groupRenderer: function(v){ return v; }, renderer: Testopia.Util.makeLink.createDelegate(this,['bug'],true) }, { header: 'Bug Status', dataIndex: 'bug_status', sortable: true, hideable: true }, { header: 'Case Status', dataIndex: 'case_status', sortable: true, hideable: true }, { header: 'Severity', dataIndex: 'severity', sortable: true, hideable: true }]; Testopia.BugReport.superclass.constructor.call(this, { sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(), layout: 'fit', height: 250, autoScroll: true }); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.BugReport, Ext.grid.GridPanel); /* * Testopia.TestRun.ProgressBar - Create a multicolored version of the Ext ProgressBar. */ Testopia.TestRun.ProgressBar = function(cfg){ Testopia.TestRun.ProgressBar.superclass.constructor.call(this, cfg); }; Ext.extend(Testopia.TestRun.ProgressBar, Ext.ProgressBar, { onRender: function(ct, position){ Ext.ProgressBar.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); var tpl = new Ext.Template('
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
'); if (position) { this.el = tpl.insertBefore(position, { cls: this.baseCls }, true); } else { this.el = tpl.append(ct, { cls: this.baseCls }, true); } if (this.id) { this.el.dom.id = this.id; } this.progressBar = Ext.get(this.el.dom.firstChild); this.gbar = Ext.get(this.progressBar.dom.firstChild); this.rbar = Ext.get(this.gbar.dom.nextSibling); this.obar = Ext.get(this.rbar.dom.nextSibling); if (this.textEl) { //use an external text el this.textEl = Ext.get(this.textEl); delete this.textTopEl; } else { //setup our internal layered text els this.textTopEl = Ext.get(this.progressBar.dom.childNodes[3]); var textBackEl = Ext.get(this.progressBar.dom.childNodes[4]); this.textTopEl.setStyle("z-index", 99).addClass('x-hidden'); this.textEl = new Ext.CompositeElement([this.textTopEl.dom.firstChild, textBackEl.dom.firstChild]); this.textEl.setWidth(this.progressBar.offsetWidth); } if (this.gvalue || this.rvalue || this.ovalue) { this.updateProgress(this.gvalue, this.rvalue, this.ovalue, this.text); } else { this.updateText(this.text); } this.setSize(this.width || 'auto', 'auto'); this.progressBar.setHeight(this.progressBar.offsetHeight); }, updateProgress: function(gvalue, rvalue, ovalue, text){ this.gvalue = gvalue || 0; this.rvalue = rvalue || 0; this.ovalue = ovalue || 0; if (text) { this.updateText(text); } var gw = Math.floor(gvalue * this.el.dom.firstChild.offsetWidth); var rw = Math.floor(rvalue * this.el.dom.firstChild.offsetWidth); var ow = Math.floor(ovalue * this.el.dom.firstChild.offsetWidth); this.gbar.setWidth(gw); this.rbar.setWidth(rw); this.obar.setWidth(ow); return this; }, setSize: function(w, h){ Ext.ProgressBar.superclass.setSize.call(this, w, h); if (this.textTopEl) { this.textEl.setSize(this.el.dom.offsetWidth, this.el.dom.offsetHeight); } return this; } });