
218 lines
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# Bugzilla::WebService::Field - API for managing custom fields and values
# License: Dual-license GPL 3.0+ or MPL 1.1+
# Contributor(s): Vitaliy Filippov <vitalif@mail.ru>
package Bugzilla::WebService::Field;
use strict;
use base qw(Bugzilla::WebService);
use Bugzilla::Field::Choice;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::WebService::Util qw(validate);
use Bugzilla::Error;
use constant READ_ONLY => qw(
# Get field and choice type by $params->{field}
# Throws 'field_not_found' for incorrect fields
sub _get_field
my ($params) = @_;
my $field = Bugzilla->get_field($params->{field});
ThrowUserError('account_disabled') if !$field;
my $type = $field->value_type;
return ($field, $type);
# Get value by id=$params->{id} or name=$params->{value}
# Throws 'value_not_found' for incorrect values
sub _get_value
my ($type, $params, $value_param) = @_;
my $value;
$value_param ||= 'value';
if ($params->{id})
$value = $type->new({ id => $params->{id} });
elsif ($params->{$value_param})
$value = $type->new({ name => $params->{$value_param} });
ThrowUserError('value_not_found') if !$value;
return $value;
# Get all or some values for a field. Arguments:
# field => <field name>
# optional:
# name => <name(s) to search for exact match>
# match => <string(s) to search in the beginning of value name>
# visibility_value_ids => <ID(s) of controlling value in which returned ones should be visible>
# limit => maximum number of matches
sub get_values
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my ($field) = _get_field($params);
if (!$field->is_select)
return {status => 'field_not_select'};
my $join = '';
my $where = [];
my $bind = [];
my $type = $field->value_type;
my @vv = $field->value_field_id ? list $params->{visibility_value_ids} : ();
my @match = list $params->{match};
my @name = list $params->{name};
if (@match || @name)
my @m;
push @m, ('v.'.$type->NAME_FIELD.' LIKE ?') x @match;
push @m, 'v.'.$type->NAME_FIELD.' IN ('.join(', ', ('?') x @name).')' if @name;
push @$where, '('.join(' OR ', @m).')';
push @$bind, (map { $_.'%' } @match), @name;
if (@vv)
$join = " INNER JOIN fieldvaluecontrol fc ON fc.field_id=?".
" AND fc.value_id=v.id AND fc.visibility_value_id IN (".join(", ", ("?") x @vv).")";
unshift @$bind, $field->id, @vv;
$where = @$where ? join(' AND ', @$where) : '1=1';
my $order = $type->LIST_ORDER;
$order =~ s/(^|,)\s*(\S)/$1v.$2/gso;
trick_taint($_) for @$bind;
my $values = Bugzilla->dbh->selectall_arrayref(
"SELECT v.* FROM ".$type->DB_TABLE." v $join WHERE $where GROUP BY v.id".
" ORDER BY $order ".($params->{limit} ? Bugzilla->dbh->sql_limit(int($params->{limit})) : ''),
{Slice=>{}}, @$bind
bless $_, $type for @$values;
if ($field->value_field_id)
$values = [ map { {
id => $_->id,
name => $_->name,
visibility_value_ids => [ map { $_->id } @{$_->visibility_values} ],
} } @$values ];
$values = [ map { { id => $_->id, name => $_->name } } @$values ];
return {
status => 'ok',
values => $values,
# Add value for a field. Arguments:
# field => <field_name>
# value => <value_name>
# sortkey => <number_for_sorting>
# ...other columns from $type->DB_COLUMNS...
sub add_value
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my ($field, $type) = _get_field($params);
my $value = $type->new({ name => $params->{value} });
if ($value)
return {status => 'value_already_exists'};
my $row = {};
delete $params->{$type->ID_FIELD};
for ($type->DB_COLUMNS)
if ($_ eq $type->NAME_FIELD)
$row->{$_} = $params->{value};
elsif (exists $params->{$_})
$row->{$_} = $params->{$_};
$value = $type->create($row);
return {status => 'ok', id => $value->id};
# Update a value. Arguments:
# field => <field_name>
# old_value => <old_value_name> or id => <value_id>
# value => <new_value>
# sortkey => <new_sortkey>
# isactive => <new_isactive>
# ...other columns from $type->DB_COLUMNS...
sub update_value
my ($self, $params) = @_;
# Backwards compatibility (old version had value/new_value instead of old_value/value)
$params->{old_value} ||= $params->{value};
$params->{value} = delete $params->{new_value} if defined $params->{new_value};
my ($field, $type) = _get_field($params);
my $value = _get_value($type, $params, 'old_value') || return {status => 'value_not_found'};
if (defined $params->{value} && $params->{value} ne $value->name)
my $newvalue = $type->new({ name => $params->{value} });
if ($newvalue)
return {status => 'value_already_exists', other_id => $newvalue->id, my_id => $value->id};
# Other columns
delete $params->{$type->ID_FIELD};
for ($type->DB_COLUMNS)
if ($_ ne $type->NAME_FIELD &&
exists $params->{$_})
my $m = "set_$_";
return {status => 'ok', id => $value->id};
# Delete a value (by name or by id). Arguments:
# field => <field_name>
# value => <value_name> or id => <value_id>
sub delete_value
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my ($field, $type) = _get_field($params);
my $value = _get_value($type, $params) || return {status => 'value_not_found'};
return {status => 'ok'};
# Set visibility values for a value. Arguments:
# field => <field_name>
# value => <value_name> or id => <value_id>
# ids => [ visibility_ID, visibility_ID, ... ]
sub set_visibility_values
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my ($field, $type) = _get_field($params);
if (!$field->value_field)
return {status => 'fieldvalues_not_controlled'};
my $value = _get_value($type, $params) || return {status => 'value_not_found'};
my $ids = $params->{ids} || [];
$ids = [ $ids ] unless ref $ids;
$ids = [ map { $_->id } @{ $field->value_field->value_type->new_from_list($ids) } ];
return {status => 'ok', ids => $ids};