
140 lines
5.0 KiB

# Test for xmlrpc call to Bug.add_comment() #
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw(lib);
use QA::Util;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
my ($xmlrpc, $jsonrpc, $config) = get_rpc_clients();
use constant INVALID_BUG_ID => -1;
use constant INVALID_BUG_ALIAS => 'aaaaaaa12345';
use constant PRIVATE_BUG => 40933;
use constant PUBLIC_BUG => 58878;
use constant TEST_COMMENT => '--- Test Comment From QA Tests ---';
use constant TOO_LONG_COMMENT => 'a' x 100000;
my @tests = (
# Permissions
{ args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => 'You must log in',
test => 'Logged-out user cannot comment on a public bug',
{ args => { id => PRIVATE_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => "You must log in",
test => 'Logged-out user cannot comment on a private bug',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PRIVATE_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => "not authorized to access",
test => "Unprivileged user can't comment on a private bug",
# Test ID parameter
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => 'a id argument',
test => 'Failing to pass the "id" param fails',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => INVALID_BUG_ID, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => "not a valid bug number",
test => 'Passing invalid bug id returns error "Invalid Bug ID"',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => '', comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => "You must enter a valid bug number",
test => 'Passing empty bug id param returns error "Invalid Bug ID"',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => INVALID_BUG_ALIAS, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
error => "nor an alias to a bug",
test => 'Passing invalid bug alias returns error "Invalid Bug Alias"',
# Test Comment parameter
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG },
error => 'a comment argument',
test => 'Failing to pass the "comment" parameter fails',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => '' },
error => "a comment argument",
test => 'Passing an empty comment fails',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => ' ' },
error => 'a comment argument',
test => 'Passing only a space for comment fails',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => " \t\n\n\r\n\r\n\r " },
error => 'a comment argument',
test => 'Passing only whitespace (including newlines) fails',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TOO_LONG_COMMENT },
error => "cannot be longer than",
test => "Passing a comment that's too long fails",
# Testing the "private" parameter happens in the tests for Bug.comments
# Test work_time parameter
# XXX Should be testing permissions on the work_time parameter,
# but we currently have no way to verify whether or not time was
# added to the bug, and there's no error thrown if you lack perms.
{ user => 'admin',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT,
work_time => 'aaa' },
error => "is not a numeric value",
test => "Passing a non-numeric work_time fails",
{ user => 'admin',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT,
work_time => '1234567890' },
error => 'more than the maximum',
test => 'Passing too large of a work_time fails',
{ user => 'admin',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => '',
work_time => '1.0' },
error => 'a comment argument',
test => 'Passing a work_time with an empty comment fails',
# Success tests
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
test => 'Unprivileged user can add a comment to a public bug',
{ user => 'unprivileged',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => " \n" . TEST_COMMENT },
test => 'Can add a comment to a bug where the first line is whitespace',
{ user => 'admin',
args => { id => PRIVATE_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT },
test => 'Privileged user can add a comment to a private bug',
{ user => 'admin',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT,
work_time => '1.5' },
test => 'Timetracking user can add work_time to a bug',
# XXX Need to verify that the comment added actually has work_time.
{ user => 'admin',
args => { id => PUBLIC_BUG, comment => TEST_COMMENT,
isprivate => 1 },
test => 'Insidergroup user can add a private comment',
# XXX Need to verify that the comment added was actually private.
foreach my $rpc ($jsonrpc, $xmlrpc) {
$rpc->bz_run_tests(tests => \@tests, method => 'Bug.add_comment');