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What is Bugzilla?
Bugzilla is a free bug-tracking system that is developed by an active
community of volunteers in the Mozilla community. You can install and
use it without having to pay any license fee.
What is Bugzilla4Intranet?
Bugzilla4Intranet is a highly improved fork of Bugzilla version 3.6.4,
targeted at being a Fast and Customisable bug-tracker, and at cleaning
Bugzilla code, which contains a lot of hardcoded behaviour and just
ugly ideas or implementations.
Of course that's an ideal goal :-)
See also http://wiki.4intra.net/Bugzilla4Intranet (russian)
Minimum requirements
Bugzilla4Intranet definitely works on GNU/Linux systems and should also work
on *BSD, other UNIX flavors and even Windows and Mac OS X.
Bugzilla is written in Perl, meaning that Perl and some Perl modules must be
installed on your system. Some of them contain C code which requires compilation.
You will also need a database server. Supported ones are MySQL and PostgreSQL;
there is also support for Oracle, though it is untested for long time and may be broken.
Bugzilla4Intranet Quick Start Guide
(or, how to get Bugzilla up and running in 10 steps)
Vitaliy Filippov <vitalif@mail.ru>
This express installation guide is for "normal" Bugzilla installations,
which means a Linux or Unix system on which Perl, MySQL or PostgreSQL
and a Sendmail compatible MTA are available. For other configurations, please
see the "Installing Bugzilla" section of the Bugzilla Guide in the docs/ directory.
1. Decide from which URL and directory you will be serving the Bugzilla webpages.
2. Unpack the distribution into the chosen directory (there is no copying or installation involved).
3. Install Perl modules, better globally by running CPAN shell, which is
'cpan' or 'perl -MCPAN -eshell' if you have no 'cpan' executable in PATH.
Minimal requirements are:
sudo cpan Date::Parse DBI CGI DateTime Email::Address \
Template JSON Email::MIME Test::Taint \
XML::Twig Text::TabularDisplay Email::Sender \
Lingua::Translit Archive::Zip \
DBD::mysql Image::Magick
For the full installation, you also need the following modules:
sudo cpan -f GD
sudo cpan Template::Plugin::GD GD::Graph GD::Graph3d \
MIME::Parser Mail::RFC822::Address Email::Reply \
Devel::StackTrace Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper \
Text::CSV_XS Spreadsheet::ParseExcel Spreadsheet::XLSX \
Lingua::Stem::Snowball Math::Random::Secure TheSchwartz \
Daemon::Generic HTTP::Server::Simple Net::Server Sys::Sendfile
If you want to use PostgreSQL, you need DBD::pg instead of DBD::mysql.
Some of these contain C code and require a working compiler toolchain and appropriate
system libraries and their 'development' packages (-devel or -dev) for installation:
for example, DBD::mysql needs libmysqlclient, GD needs libgd2 and etc.
Install these with your Linux distro's package manager.
Your Linux distribution may have some of required perl modules available pre-built;
you may install them with package manager if they're sufficiently up to date.
For example, it's usually simpler to install Image::Magick with 'apt-get install perlmagick'
on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
GD module still has an unfixed bug in one of its tests that is harmless, but prevents GD from
installing, so install it with 'cpan -f GD' ('-f' means 'force').
4. Run ./checksetup.pl. It will first check for installed Perl modules and a MTA,
and then complain that localconfig needs to be edited.
NOTE: You can run checksetup as many times as necessary at any moment to check
that everything required has been installed, DB is set up and etc.
5. Create MySQL/PostgreSQL database and user with full access to it.
6. Edit the localconfig file, in particular the $webservergroup and $db_* variables
which define database connection details, name, user and password.
7. Run checksetup.pl once more; if all goes well, it should set up the
Bugzilla database for you.
checksetup.pl should ask you, this time, for the administrator's
email address and password. These will be used for the initial
Bugzilla administrator account.
8. Recommended way is to use standalone pure-perl HTTP server - HTTPServerSimple.pl;
placing it behind a fast frontend server like nginx (http://nginx.org) is probably
more secure, but it's possible to use it even without any frontend. In this case
the simplest way to start Bugzilla is to run
sudo ./HTTPServerSimple.pl --port [HOST:]PORT --user USER --group GROUP
Where HOST and PORT are the desired host and port which Bugzilla should listen on,
and USER and GROUP are the system user/group for running the web server process.
For example, to listen port 8157 on all network interfaces under Debian Linux:
sudo ./HTTPServerSimple.pl --port --user www-data --group www-data
For more advanced configuration see the end of HTTPServerSimple.pl file - there
are all the configuration options that you can override. You may specify these
options on the commandline like above, or put them in a configuration file and
use it with sudo ./HTTPServerSimple.pl /path/to/config.file
To install a service, just put the above command into /etc/rc.local or copy
contrib/init.d/bugzilla script (for Debian) to /etc/init.d.
9. Another way is to use Apache and mod_perl. In this case create a virtual host
with document root pointing to bugzilla installation directory and add the
following into its configuration:
PerlOptions +Parent
PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
PerlSwitches -T -I/path/to/bugzilla
PerlModule Apache::XMLRPC::Lite
PerlConfigRequire /path/to/bugzilla/mod_perl.pl
10. Visit the URL you chose for Bugzilla. Your browser should display the
default Bugzilla home page. You should then log in as the
administrator by following the "Log in" link and supplying the
account information you provided in step 7.
11. Visit the "Parameters" page, as suggested by the page displayed to you.
Set up the relevant parameters for your local setup.
12. That's it. If anything unexpected comes up:
- read the error message carefully,
- backtrack through the steps above,
- check the installation guide,
- if nothing helps, file a bug here: http://github.com/vitalif/bugzilla-4intranet/issues
Note that Bugzilla4Intranet differs from the original Bugzilla, so bug reports
should be filed at our GitHub page (at the above URL), not in the Mozilla bugtracker.
Documentation for Bugzilla4Intranet is a work-in-progress.
Documentation for the ORIGINAL Bugzilla 3.6.4 is available under docs/en/
subdirectory or from the official site http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/.
Some parts of it are up-to-date for Bugzilla4Intranet; some aren't.