
211 lines
11 KiB

# Internationalisation messages for English Bugzilla
package Bugzilla::Language::en;
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
my $terms = {
bug => 'bug',
Bug => 'Bug',
abug => 'a bug',
Abug => 'A bug',
aBug => 'a Bug',
ABug => 'A Bug',
bugs => 'bugs',
Bugs => 'Bugs',
zeroSearchResults => 'Zarro Boogs found',
Bugzilla => 'Bugzilla',
$Bugzilla::messages->{en} = {
terms => $terms,
operator_descs => {
not => 'NOT',
noop => '---',
equals => 'is equal to',
notequals => 'is not equal to',
anyexact => 'is equal to any of the strings',
substring => 'contains the string',
casesubstring => 'contains the string (exact case)',
notsubstring => 'does not contain the string',
anywordssubstr => 'contains any of the strings',
allwordssubstr => 'contains all of the strings',
nowordssubstr => 'contains none of the strings',
regexp => 'matches regular expression',
notregexp => 'does not match regular expression',
lessthan => 'is less than',
lessthaneq => 'is less than or equal to',
greaterthan => 'is greater than',
greaterthaneq => 'is greater than or equal to',
anywords => 'contains any of the words',
allwords => 'contains all of the words',
nowords => 'contains none of the words',
matches => 'matches',
notmatches => 'does not match',
insearch => 'matched by saved search',
notinsearch => 'not matched by saved search',
changedbefore => 'changed before',
changedafter => 'changed after',
changedfrom => 'changed from',
changedto => 'changed to',
changedby => 'changed by',
# Names with other_ prefix are used with correlated search terms
other_changedbefore => 'change $1 before',
other_changedafter => 'change $1 after',
other_changedfrom => 'change $1 from',
other_changedto => 'change $1 to',
other_changedby => 'change $1 by',
desc_between => 'between $1 and $2',
desc_before => 'before $2',
desc_after => 'after $1',
desc_by => 'by $1',
desc_fields => 'one of $1',
field_types => {
FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN() => 'Unknown Type',
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT() => 'Multiple-Selection Box',
FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA() => 'Large Text Box',
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID() => $terms->{Bug}.' ID',
FIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC() => 'Numeric',
field_descs => {
alias => 'Alias',
assigned_to => 'Assignee',
blocked => 'Blocks',
bug_file_loc => 'URL',
bug_group => 'Group',
bug_id => $terms->{Bug}.' ID',
bug_severity => 'Severity',
bug_status => 'Status',
cc => 'CC',
classification => 'Classification',
cclist_accessible => 'CC list accessible',
component_id => 'Component ID',
component => 'Component',
content => 'Content',
comment => 'Comment',
changes => 'Changed',
'[Bug creation]' => 'Creation date',
opendate => 'Creation date',
creation_ts => 'Creation date',
deadline => 'Deadline',
changeddate => 'Changed',
delta_ts => 'Changed',
dependson => 'Depends on',
dup_id => 'Duplicate of',
estimated_time => 'Orig. Est.',
everconfirmed => 'Ever confirmed',
keywords => 'Keywords',
newcc => 'CC',
op_sys => 'OS',
owner_idle_time => 'Time Since Assignee Touched',
percentage_complete => '%Complete',
priority => 'Priority',
product_id => 'Product ID',
product => 'Product',
qa_contact => 'QA Contact',
remaining_time => 'Hours Left',
rep_platform => 'Hardware',
reporter => 'Reporter',
reporter_accessible => 'Reporter accessible',
resolution => 'Resolution',
see_also => 'See Also',
setting => 'Setting',
settings => 'Settings',
short_desc => 'Summary',
status_whiteboard => 'Whiteboard',
target_milestone => 'Target Milestone',
version => 'Version',
votes => 'Votes',
comment0 => 'First Comment',
interval_time => 'Period Worktime',
work_time => 'Hours Worked',
actual_time => 'Hours Worked',
longdesc => 'Comment',
commenter => 'Commenter',
'longdescs.isprivate' => 'Comment is private',
'attach_data.thedata' => 'Attachment data',
'attachments.description' => 'Attachment description',
'attachments.filename' => 'Attachment filename',
'attachments.mimetype' => 'Attachment mime type',
'attachments.ispatch' => 'Attachment is patch',
'attachments.isobsolete' => 'Attachment is obsolete',
'attachments.isprivate' => 'Attachment is private',
'attachments.isurl' => 'Attachment is a URL',
'attachments.submitter' => 'Attachment creator',
'flagtypes.name' => 'Flag Types',
'requestees.login_name' => 'Flag Requestee',
'setters.login_name' => 'Flag Setter',
# Names with other_ prefix are used with correlated search terms
other_work_time => 'Hours Worked $1',
other_longdesc => 'Comment $1',
other_commenter => 'Comment $1 author',
'other_longdescs.isprivate' => 'Comment $1 is private',
'other_attach_data.thedata' => 'Attachment $1 data',
'other_attachments.description' => 'Attachment $1 description',
'other_attachments.filename' => 'Attachment $1 filename',
'other_attachments.mimetype' => 'Attachment $1 mime type',
'other_attachments.ispatch' => 'Attachment $1 is patch',
'other_attachments.isobsolete' => 'Attachment $1 is obsolete',
'other_attachments.isprivate' => 'Attachment $1 is private',
'other_attachments.isurl' => 'Attachment $1 is a URL',
'other_attachments.submitter' => 'Attachment $1 creator',
'other_flagtypes.name' => 'Flag $1 Type',
'other_requestees.login_name' => 'Flag $1 Requestee',
'other_setters.login_name' => 'Flag $1 Setter',
setting_descs => {
'comment_sort_order' => "When viewing $terms->{abug}, show comments in this order",
'csv_colsepchar' => 'Field separator character for CSV files',
'display_quips' => "Show a quip at the top of each $terms->{bug} list",
'zoom_textareas' => 'Zoom textareas large when in use (requires JavaScript)',
'newest_to_oldest' => 'Newest to Oldest',
'newest_to_oldest_desc_first' => 'Newest to Oldest, but keep Description at the top',
'off' => 'Off',
'oldest_to_newest' => 'Oldest to Newest',
'on' => 'On',
'per_bug_queries' => "Enable tags for $terms->{bugs}",
'post_bug_submit_action' => "After changing $terms->{abug}",
'next_bug' => "Show next $terms.bug in my list",
'same_bug' => "Show the updated $terms->{bug}",
'standard' => 'Classic',
'skin' => "$terms->{Bugzilla}'s general appearance (skin)",
'nothing' => 'Do Nothing',
'state_addselfcc' => "Automatically add me to the CC list of $terms->{bugs} I change",
'always' => 'Always',
'never' => 'Never',
'cc_unless_role' => 'Only if I have no role on them',
'lang' => 'Language used in email',
'view_testopia' => 'View the Testopia links',
'quote_replies' => 'Quote the associated comment when you click on its reply link',
'quoted_reply' => 'Quote the full comment',
'simple_reply' => 'Reference the comment number only',
'timezone' => 'Timezone used to display dates and times',
'local' => 'Same as the server',
'remind_me_about_worktime' => 'Remind me to track worktime for each comment',
'remind_me_about_worktime_newbug' => 'Remind me to track worktime for new bugs',
'remind_me_about_flags' => 'Remind me about flag requests',
'redirect_me_to_my_bugzilla' => 'Redirect me to my bugzilla',
'saved_searches_position' => 'Position of Saved Searches bar',
'footer' => 'Page footer',
'header' => 'Page header',
'both' => 'Both',
'csv_charset' => 'Character set for CSV import and export',
'email_weekly_worktime' => 'Email me weekly worktime report',
'silent_affects_flags' => 'Do not send flag email under Silent mode',
'send' => 'Send',
'do_not_send' => 'Don\'t send',
'showhide_comments' => 'Which comments can be marked as collapsed',
'none' => 'None',
'worktime' => 'With worktime only',
'all', => 'All',