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# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org>
# Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>
package Bugzilla::Install::Requirements;
# NOTE: This package MUST NOT "use" any Bugzilla modules other than
# Bugzilla::Constants, anywhere. We may "use" standard perl modules.
# Subroutines may "require" and "import" from modules, but they
# MUST NOT "use."
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Extension;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(vers_cmp install_string);
use List::Util qw(max);
use Safe;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
# This is how many *'s are in the top of each "box" message printed
# by checksetup.pl.
use constant TABLE_WIDTH => 71;
# The below two constants are subroutines so that they can implement
# a hook. Other than that they are actually constants.
# "package" is the perl package we're checking for. "module" is the name
# of the actual module we load with "require" to see if the package is
# installed or not. "version" is the version we need, or 0 if we'll accept
# any version.
# "blacklist" is an arrayref of regular expressions that describe versions that
# are 'blacklisted'--that is, even if the version is high enough, Bugzilla
# will refuse to say that it's OK to run with that version.
my $perl_ver = sprintf('%vd', $^V);
my @modules = (
package => 'CGI.pm',
module => 'CGI',
# 3.51 fixes a security problem that affects Bugzilla.
# (bug 591165)
version => '3.51',
package => 'Digest-SHA',
module => 'Digest::SHA',
version => 0
package => 'TimeDate',
module => 'Date::Format',
version => '2.21'
# 0.28 fixed some important bugs in DateTime.
package => 'DateTime',
module => 'DateTime',
version => '0.28'
# 0.79 is required to work on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
# As correctly detecting the flavor of Windows is not easy,
# we require this version for all Windows installations.
# 0.71 fixes a major bug affecting all platforms.
package => 'DateTime-TimeZone',
module => 'DateTime::TimeZone',
version => ON_WINDOWS ? '0.79' : '0.71'
package => 'DBI',
module => 'DBI',
version => '1.41'
# 2.22 fixes various problems related to UTF8 strings in hash keys,
# as well as line endings on Windows.
package => 'Template-Toolkit',
module => 'Template',
version => '2.22'
package => 'Email-Sender',
module => 'Email::Sender',
version => '1.3'
package => 'Email-MIME',
module => 'Email::MIME',
version => '1.861'
package => 'Email-MIME-Encodings',
module => 'Email::MIME::Encodings',
# Fixes bug 486206
version => '1.313',
package => 'Email-MIME-Modifier',
module => 'Email::MIME::Modifier',
version => '1.442'
package => 'URI',
module => 'URI',
version => 0
package => 'Lingua-Translit',
module => 'Lingua::Translit',
version => '0.18'
package => 'Archive-Zip',
module => 'Archive::Zip',
version => '1.30'
my $extra_modules = _get_extension_requirements('REQUIRED_MODULES');
push(@modules, @$extra_modules);
return \@modules;
my @modules = (
package => 'GD',
module => 'GD',
version => '1.20',
feature => [qw(graphical_reports new_charts old_charts)],
package => 'Chart',
module => 'Chart::Lines',
# Versions below 2.1 cannot be detected accurately.
version => '2.1',
feature => [qw(new_charts old_charts)],
package => 'Template-GD',
# This module tells us whether or not Template-GD is installed
# on Template-Toolkits after 2.14, and still works with 2.14 and lower.
module => 'Template::Plugin::GD::Image',
version => 0,
feature => ['graphical_reports'],
package => 'GDTextUtil',
module => 'GD::Text',
version => 0,
feature => ['graphical_reports'],
package => 'GDGraph',
module => 'GD::Graph',
version => 0,
feature => ['graphical_reports'],
package => 'XML-Twig',
module => 'XML::Twig',
version => 0,
feature => ['moving', 'updates'],
package => 'MIME-tools',
# MIME::Parser is packaged as MIME::Tools on ActiveState Perl
module => ON_WINDOWS ? 'MIME::Tools' : 'MIME::Parser',
version => '5.406',
feature => ['moving'],
package => 'libwww-perl',
module => 'LWP::UserAgent',
version => 0,
feature => ['updates'],
package => 'PatchReader',
module => 'PatchReader',
version => '0.9.4',
feature => ['patch_viewer'],
package => 'perl-ldap',
module => 'Net::LDAP',
version => 0,
feature => ['auth_ldap'],
package => 'Authen-SASL',
module => 'Authen::SASL',
version => 0,
feature => ['smtp_auth'],
package => 'RadiusPerl',
module => 'Authen::Radius',
version => 0,
feature => ['auth_radius'],
package => 'SOAP-Lite',
module => 'SOAP::Lite',
# 0.710.04 is required for correct UTF-8 handling, but .04 and .05 are
# affected by bug 468009.
version => '0.710.06',
feature => ['xmlrpc'],
package => 'JSON-RPC',
module => 'JSON::RPC',
version => 0,
feature => ['jsonrpc'],
package => 'Test-Taint',
module => 'Test::Taint',
version => 0,
feature => ['jsonrpc', 'xmlrpc'],
# We need the 'utf8_mode' method of HTML::Parser, for HTML::Scrubber.
package => 'HTML-Parser',
module => 'HTML::Parser',
version => '3.40',
feature => ['html_desc'],
package => 'HTML-Scrubber',
module => 'HTML::Scrubber',
version => 0,
feature => ['html_desc'],
# Inbound Email
package => 'Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper',
module => 'Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper',
version => 0,
feature => ['inbound_email'],
package => 'Email-Reply',
module => 'Email::Reply',
version => 0,
feature => ['inbound_email'],
# Mail Queueing
package => 'TheSchwartz',
module => 'TheSchwartz',
version => 0,
feature => ['jobqueue'],
package => 'Daemon-Generic',
module => 'Daemon::Generic',
version => 0,
feature => ['jobqueue'],
# mod_perl
package => 'mod_perl',
module => 'mod_perl2',
version => '1.999022',
feature => ['mod_perl'],
package => 'Math-Random-Secure',
module => 'Math::Random::Secure',
version => '0.05',
feature => ['rand_security'],
# Snowball stemmers in full-text search
package => 'Lingua-Stem-Snowball',
module => 'Lingua::Stem::Snowball',
version => 0,
feature => ['fulltext_stem'],
my $extra_modules = _get_extension_requirements('OPTIONAL_MODULES');
push(@modules, @$extra_modules);
return \@modules;
# This maps features to the files that require that feature in order
# to compile. It is used by t/001compile.t and mod_perl.pl.
use constant FEATURE_FILES => (
jsonrpc => ['Bugzilla/WebService/Server/JSONRPC.pm', 'jsonrpc.cgi'],
xmlrpc => ['Bugzilla/WebService/Server/XMLRPC.pm', 'xmlrpc.cgi',
'Bugzilla/WebService.pm', 'Bugzilla/WebService/*.pm'],
moving => ['importxml.pl'],
auth_ldap => ['Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/LDAP.pm'],
auth_radius => ['Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/RADIUS.pm'],
inbound_email => ['email_in.pl'],
jobqueue => ['Bugzilla/Job/*', 'Bugzilla/JobQueue.pm',
'Bugzilla/JobQueue/*', 'jobqueue.pl'],
patch_viewer => ['Bugzilla/Attachment/PatchReader.pm'],
updates => ['Bugzilla/Update.pm'],
# This implements the REQUIRED_MODULES and OPTIONAL_MODULES stuff
# described in in Bugzilla::Extension.
sub _get_extension_requirements
my ($function) = @_;
my $modules = [];
if ($function eq 'REQUIRED_MODULES' || $function eq 'OPTIONAL_MODULES')
no strict 'refs';
$function = 'Bugzilla::Extension::'.lc($function);
foreach (Bugzilla::Extension::loaded())
if (my $em = &$function($_))
ref $_->{feature} or $_->{feature} = [ $_->{feature} ] for @$em;
push @$modules, @$em;
return $modules;
sub check_requirements {
my ($output) = @_;
print "\n", install_string('checking_modules'), "\n" if $output;
my $root = ROOT_USER;
my $missing = _check_missing(REQUIRED_MODULES, $output);
print "\n", install_string('checking_dbd'), "\n" if $output;
my $have_one_dbd = 0;
my $db_modules = DB_MODULE;
foreach my $db (keys %$db_modules) {
my $dbd = $db_modules->{$db}->{dbd};
$have_one_dbd = 1 if have_vers($dbd, $output);
print "\n", install_string('checking_optional'), "\n" if $output;
my $missing_optional = _check_missing(OPTIONAL_MODULES, $output);
# If we're running on Windows, reset the input line terminator so that
# console input works properly - loading CGI tends to mess it up
$/ = "\015\012" if ON_WINDOWS;
my $pass = !scalar(@$missing) && $have_one_dbd;
return {
pass => $pass,
one_dbd => $have_one_dbd,
missing => $missing,
optional => $missing_optional,
any_missing => !$pass || scalar(@$missing_optional),
# A helper for check_requirements
sub _check_missing {
my ($modules, $output) = @_;
my @missing;
foreach my $module (@$modules) {
unless (have_vers($module, $output)) {
push(@missing, $module);
return \@missing;
# Returns the build ID of ActivePerl. If several versions of
# ActivePerl are installed, it won't be able to know which one
# you are currently running. But that's our best guess.
sub _get_activestate_build_id {
eval 'use Win32::TieRegistry';
return 0 if $@;
my $key = Win32::TieRegistry->new('LMachine\Software\ActiveState\ActivePerl')
or return 0;
return $key->GetValue("CurrentVersion");
sub print_module_instructions {
my ($check_results, $output) = @_;
# First we print the long explanatory messages.
if (scalar @{$check_results->{missing}}) {
print install_string('modules_message_required');
if (!$check_results->{one_dbd}) {
print install_string('modules_message_db');
if (my @missing = @{$check_results->{optional}} and $output) {
print install_string('modules_message_optional');
# Now we have to determine how large the table cols will be.
my $longest_name = max(map(length($_->{package}), @missing));
# The first column header is at least 11 characters long.
$longest_name = 11 if $longest_name < 11;
# The table is TABLE_WIDTH characters long. There are seven mandatory
# characters (* and space) in the string. So, we have a total
# of TABLE_WIDTH - 7 characters to work with.
my $remaining_space = (TABLE_WIDTH - 7) - $longest_name;
print '*' x TABLE_WIDTH . "\n";
printf "* \%${longest_name}s * %-${remaining_space}s *\n",
print '*' x TABLE_WIDTH . "\n";
foreach my $package (@missing) {
printf "* \%${longest_name}s * %-${remaining_space}s *\n",
# We only print the PPM repository note if we have to.
if ((!$output && @{$check_results->{missing}})
|| ($output && $check_results->{any_missing}))
my $perl_ver = sprintf('%vd', $^V);
# URL when running Perl 5.8.x.
my $url_to_theory58S = 'http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms';
# Packages for Perl 5.10 are not compatible with Perl 5.8.
if (vers_cmp($perl_ver, '5.10') > -1) {
$url_to_theory58S = 'http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/PPMPackages/10xx/';
print colored(install_string('ppm_repo_add',
{ theory_url => $url_to_theory58S }), 'red');
# ActivePerls older than revision 819 require an additional command.
if (_get_activestate_build_id() < 819) {
print install_string('ppm_repo_up');
# If any output was required, we want to close the "table"
print "*" x TABLE_WIDTH . "\n";
# And now we print the actual installation commands.
if (my @missing = @{$check_results->{optional}} and $output) {
print install_string('commands_optional') . "\n\n";
foreach my $module (@missing) {
my $command = install_command($module);
printf "%15s: $command\n", $module->{package};
print "\n";
if (!$check_results->{one_dbd}) {
print install_string('commands_dbd') . "\n";
my %db_modules = %{DB_MODULE()};
foreach my $db (keys %db_modules) {
my $command = install_command($db_modules{$db}->{dbd});
printf "%10s: \%s\n", $db_modules{$db}->{name}, $command;
print "\n";
if (my @missing = @{$check_results->{missing}}) {
print colored(install_string('commands_required'), 'red') . "\n";
foreach my $package (@missing) {
my $command = install_command($package);
print " $command\n";
if ($output && $check_results->{any_missing} && !ON_WINDOWS
&& !$check_results->{hide_all})
print install_string('install_all', { perl => $^X });
if (!$check_results->{pass}) {
print colored(install_string('installation_failed'), 'red') . "\n\n";
sub _translate_feature {
my $features = shift;
$features = [$features] if !ref $features;
my @strings;
foreach my $feature (@$features) {
push(@strings, install_string("feature_$feature"));
return join(', ', @strings);
sub check_graphviz {
my ($output) = @_;
return 1 if (Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} =~ /^https?:/);
printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", "GraphViz", "(any)") if $output;
my $return = 0;
if(-x Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'}) {
print "ok: found\n" if $output;
$return = 1;
} else {
print "not a valid executable: " . Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} . "\n";
my $webdotdir = bz_locations()->{'webdotdir'};
# Check .htaccess allows access to generated images
if (-e "$webdotdir/.htaccess") {
my $htaccess = new IO::File("$webdotdir/.htaccess", 'r')
|| die "$webdotdir/.htaccess: " . $!;
if (!grep(/png/, $htaccess->getlines)) {
print "Dependency graph images are not accessible.\n";
print "delete $webdotdir/.htaccess and re-run checksetup.pl to fix.\n";
return $return;
# This was originally clipped from the libnet Makefile.PL, adapted here to
# use the below vers_cmp routine for accurate version checking.
sub have_vers {
my ($params, $output) = @_;
my $module = $params->{module};
my $package = $params->{package};
if (!$package) {
$package = $module;
$package =~ s/::/-/g;
my $wanted = $params->{version};
eval "require $module;";
# VERSION is provided by UNIVERSAL::, and can be called even if
# the module isn't loaded.
my $vnum = $module->VERSION || -1;
# CGI's versioning scheme went 2.75, 2.751, 2.752, 2.753, 2.76
# That breaks the standard version tests, so we need to manually correct
# the version
if ($module eq 'CGI' && $vnum =~ /(2\.7\d)(\d+)/) {
$vnum = $1 . "." . $2;
# CPAN did a similar thing, where it has versions like 1.9304.
if ($module eq 'CPAN' and $vnum =~ /^(\d\.\d{2})\d{2}$/) {
$vnum = $1;
my $vstr;
if ($vnum eq "-1") { # string compare just in case it's non-numeric
$vstr = install_string('module_not_found');
elsif (vers_cmp($vnum,"0") > -1) {
$vstr = install_string('module_found', { ver => $vnum });
else {
$vstr = install_string('module_unknown_version');
my $vok = (vers_cmp($vnum,$wanted) > -1);
my $blacklisted;
if ($vok && $params->{blacklist}) {
$blacklisted = grep($vnum =~ /$_/, @{$params->{blacklist}});
$vok = 0 if $blacklisted;
if ($output) {
my $ok = $vok ? install_string('module_ok') : '';
my $black_string = $blacklisted ? install_string('blacklisted') : '';
my $want_string = $wanted ? "v$wanted" : install_string('any');
$ok = "$ok:" if $ok;
my $str = sprintf "%s %19s %-9s $ok $vstr $black_string\n",
install_string('checking_for'), $package, "($want_string)";
print $vok ? $str : colored($str, 'red');
return $vok ? 1 : 0;
sub install_command {
my $module = shift;
my ($command, $package);
$command = 'ppm install %s';
$package = $module->{package};
else {
$command = "$^X install-module.pl \%s";
# Non-Windows installations need to use module names, because
# CPAN doesn't understand package names.
$package = $module->{module};
return sprintf $command, $package;
# This does a reverse mapping for FEATURE_FILES.
sub map_files_to_features {
my %features = FEATURE_FILES;
my %files;
foreach my $feature (keys %features) {
my @my_files = @{ $features{$feature} };
foreach my $pattern (@my_files) {
foreach my $file (glob $pattern) {
$files{$file} = $feature;
return \%files;
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Install::Requirements - Functions and variables dealing
with Bugzilla's perl-module requirements.
This module is used primarily by C<checksetup.pl> to determine whether
or not all of Bugzilla's prerequisites are installed. (That is, all the
perl modules it requires.)
An arrayref of hashrefs that describes the perl modules required by
Bugzilla. The hashes have three keys:
=item C<package> - The name of the Perl package that you'd find on
CPAN for this requirement.
=item C<module> - The name of a module that can be passed to the
C<install> command in C<CPAN.pm> to install this module.
=item C<version> - The version of this module that we require, or C<0>
if any version is acceptable.
An arrayref of hashrefs that describes the perl modules that add
additional features to Bugzilla if installed. Its hashes have all
the fields of L</REQUIRED_MODULES>, plus a C<feature> item--an arrayref
of strings that describe what features require this module.
A hashref that describes what files should only be compiled if a certain
feature is enabled. The feature is the key, and the values are arrayrefs
of file names (which are passed to C<glob>, so shell patterns work).
=over 4
=item C<check_requirements>
=item B<Description>
This checks what optional or required perl modules are installed, like
C<checksetup.pl> does.
=item B<Params>
=item C<$output> - C<true> if you want the function to print out information
about what it's doing, and the versions of everything installed.
=item B<Returns>
A hashref containing these values:
=item C<pass> - Whether or not we have all the mandatory requirements.
=item C<missing> - An arrayref containing any required modules that
are not installed or that are not up-to-date. Each item in the array is
a hashref in the format of items from L</REQUIRED_MODULES>.
=item C<optional> - The same as C<missing>, but for optional modules.
=item C<have_one_dbd> - True if at least one C<DBD::> module is installed.
=item C<any_missing> - True if there are any missing modules, even optional
=item C<check_graphviz($output)>
Description: Checks if the graphviz binary specified in the
C<webdotbase> parameter is a valid binary, or a valid URL.
Params: C<$output> - C<$true> if you want the function to
print out information about what it's doing.
Returns: C<1> if the check was successful, C<0> otherwise.
=item C<have_vers($module, $output)>
Description: Tells you whether or not you have the appropriate
version of the module requested. It also prints
out a message to the user explaining the check
and the result.
Params: C<$module> - A hashref, in the format of an item from
C<$output> - Set to true if you want this function to
print information to STDOUT about what it's
Returns: C<1> if you have the module installed and you have the
appropriate version. C<0> otherwise.
=item C<install_command($module)>
Description: Prints out the appropriate command to install the
module specified, depending on whether you're
on Windows or Linux.
Params: C<$module> - A hashref, in the format of an item from
Returns: nothing
=item C<map_files_to_features>
Returns a hashref where file names are the keys and the value is the feature
that must be enabled in order to compile that file.