
548 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
# Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net>
use utf8;
use strict;
use lib qw(. lib);
use Encode;
use File::Temp;
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Bug;
use Bugzilla::Status;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
my $vars = {};
# Check params
my $display = $cgi->param('display') || 'tree';
if (!defined $cgi->param('id') && $display ne 'doall') {
# Connect to the shadow database if this installation is using one to improve
# performance.
my ($seen, $edges, $baselist, $deps) = GetEdges($display, $cgi->param('id'));
my ($nodes, $bugtitles) = GetNodes($seen, $baselist, $deps, $vars);
my ($clusters, $independent) = GetClusters($seen, $edges);
my $graphs = [];
for (grep { %$_ } @$clusters, $independent)
my $filename = MakeDot($edges, $nodes, $_);
my $gr = { cluster => $_, filename => $filename, alt => $_ eq $independent };
GetDotUrls($gr, $bugtitles);
push @$graphs, $gr;
# Cleanup any old .dot files created from previous runs.
my @bugs = keys %$baselist;
$vars->{bug_id} = join ', ', @bugs;
$vars->{multiple_bugs} = scalar(keys %$baselist) > 1;
$vars->{display} = $display;
$vars->{graphs} = $graphs;
# Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template.
print $cgi->header();
$template->process("bug/dependency-graph.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# Divide the overall graph into closed clusters
sub GetClusters
my ($seen, $edges) = @_;
my $twoway = {};
for my $b (keys %$edges)
for my $d (keys %{$edges->{$b}})
$twoway->{$b}->{$d} = 1;
$twoway->{$d}->{$b} = 1;
$seen = { %$seen };
my ($clusters, $independent) = ([], {});
my $cluster;
while (%$seen)
unless ($cluster && %$cluster)
my ($b) = keys %$seen;
$cluster = { $b => 1 };
delete $seen->{$b};
my $added = 0;
for (keys %$cluster)
for (keys %{$twoway->{$_}})
unless ($cluster->{$_})
$cluster->{$_} = 1;
delete $seen->{$_};
# кластер замкнут
if (!$added || !%$seen)
if (scalar(keys %$cluster) == 1)
my ($b) = keys %$cluster;
$independent->{$b} = 1;
push @$clusters, $cluster;
$cluster = undef;
return ($clusters, $independent);
# Get URLs for HTML usage
sub GetDotUrls
my ($inout, $bugtitles) = @_;
my $base = Bugzilla->params->{$inout->{alt} ? 'webtwopibase' : 'webdotbase'};
# Remote dot server. We don't hardcode 'urlbase' here in case
# 'sslbase' is in use.
if ($base =~ /^https?:/)
$inout->{image_url} = $base . $inout->{filename} . ".gif";
$inout->{map_url} = $base . $inout->{filename} . ".map";
# Local dot installation
# First, generate the svg image file from the .dot source
my ($svgfh, $svgfilename) = DotTemp('.svg');
DotInto($svgfh, [ $base, '-Tsvg', $inout->{filename} ], sub { s/xlink:title=/xlink:show="new" xlink:title=/; $_; }) or ($inout->{timeout} = 1);
$inout->{image_svg_url} = DotRel($svgfilename);
# Next, generate the png image file for those who don't support SVG
my ($pngfh, $pngfilename) = DotTemp('.png');
DotInto($pngfh, [ $base, '-Tpng', $inout->{filename} ]) or ($inout->{timeout} = 1);
$inout->{image_url} = DotRel($pngfilename);
# Then, generate a imagemap datafile that contains the corner data
# for drawn bug objects. Pass it on to CreateImagemap that
# turns this monster into html.
my ($mapfh, $mapfilename) = DotTemp('.map');
DotInto($mapfh, [ $base, '-Tismap', $inout->{filename} ]) or ($inout->{timeout} = 1);
$inout->{image_map_id} = 'imap' . $mapfilename;
$inout->{image_map_id} =~ s/\W+/_/gso;
$inout->{image_map} = CreateImagemap($mapfilename, $inout->{image_map_id}, $bugtitles);
# DotInto: Run local dot with timeout support and write output into filehandle
sub DotInto
my ($intofh, $cmd, $callback) = @_;
my $r = 1;
binmode $intofh;
my $quot = $^O =~ /MSWin/ ? '"' : "'";
my $dottimeout = int(Bugzilla->params->{localdottimeout});
if ($dottimeout && $dottimeout > 0)
# This creepy way is the only one that seems to be truly crossplatform
$cmd = "perl -e $quot\$SIG{ALRM} = sub { exit 1 }; alarm $dottimeout; exec(" .
join(",", map { 'q{'.$_.'}' } @$cmd) .
$cmd = join " ", map { $quot.$_.$quot } @$cmd;
if (my $pid = open DOT, "$cmd|")
binmode DOT;
if ($callback)
print $intofh $callback->($_) while <DOT>;
print $intofh $_ while <DOT>;
close DOT;
$r = undef unless tell $intofh;
close $intofh;
return $r;
# CreateImagemap: This sub grabs a local filename as a parameter, reads the
# dot-generated image map datafile residing in that file and turns it into
# The map datafile won't necessarily contain the bug summaries, so we'll
# pull possible HTML titles from the %bugtitles hash (filled elsewhere
# in the code)
# The dot mapdata lines have the following format (\nsummary is optional):
sub CreateImagemap
my ($mapfilename, $mapid, $bugtitles) = @_;
$mapid ||= 'imagemap';
my $map = "<map name=\"$mapid\">\n";
my $default;
open MAP, "<$mapfilename";
while (my $line = <MAP>)
if ($line =~ /^default ([^ ]*)(.*)$/)
$default = qq{<area alt="" shape="default" href="$1">\n};
if ($line =~ /^rectangle \((.*),(.*)\) \((.*),(.*)\) (http[^ ]*(\d+))/iso)
my ($leftx, $rightx, $topy, $bottomy, $url, $bugid) = ($1, $3, $2, $4, $5, $6);
# Pick up bugid from the mapdata label field. Getting the title from
# bugtitle hash instead of mapdata allows us to get the summary even
# when showsummary is off, and also gives us status and resolution.
my $bugtitle = html_quote(clean_text($bugtitles->{$bugid})) || '';
$map .= qq{<area alt="$bugtitle" name="bug$bugid" shape="rect" } .
qq{title="$bugtitle" href="$url" } .
close MAP;
$map .= "$default</map>";
return $map;
sub AddLink
my ($blocked, $dependson, $seen, $edges) = (@_);
$edges->{$blocked}->{$dependson} = 1;
$seen->{$blocked} = 1;
$seen->{$dependson} = 1;
sub DotTemp
my ($suffix) = @_;
return File::Temp::tempfile("XXXXXXXXXX",
SUFFIX => $suffix,
DIR => bz_locations()->{webdotdir});
# Fix filename
sub DotRel
my ($fn) = @_;
# On Windows $pngfilename will contain \ instead of /
$fn =~ s|\\|/|g if ON_WINDOWS;
# Under mod_perl, pngfilename will have an absolute path, and we
# need to make that into a relative path.
my $cgi_root = bz_locations()->{cgi_path};
$fn =~ s!^\Q$cgi_root\E/?!!;
return $fn;
sub GetEdges
my ($display, $ids) = @_;
my $seen = {};
my $edges = {};
my $baselist = {};
my $deps = {};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db;
if ($display eq 'doall')
my $dependencies = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT blocked, dependson FROM dependencies");
foreach my $dependency (@$dependencies)
my ($blocked, $dependson) = @$dependency;
AddLink($blocked, $dependson, $seen, $edges);
foreach my $i (split('[\s,]+', $ids))
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($i);
$baselist->{$bug->id} = 1;
$seen->{$bug->id} = 1;
my @stack = keys %$baselist;
# web: Any relationship with selected bugs
# openweb: Any relationship with selected bugs + state must be open
if ($display eq 'web' || $display eq 'openweb')
my $openweb = $display eq 'openweb' ? 1 : 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT blocked, dependson, bs.bug_status blocked_status, ds.bug_status dependson_status
FROM dependencies, bugs bs, bugs ds
WHERE (blocked=? OR dependson=?) AND bs.bug_id=blocked AND ds.bug_id=dependson");
foreach my $id (@stack)
my $dependencies = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sth, undef, ($id, $id));
foreach my $dependency (@$dependencies)
my ($blocked, $dependson, $bs, $ds) = @$dependency;
if ($blocked != $id && !exists $seen->{$blocked})
next if $openweb && !is_open_state($bs); # skip AddLink also
push @stack, $blocked;
if ($dependson != $id && !exists $seen->{$dependson})
next if $openweb && !is_open_state($ds); # skip AddLink also
push @stack, $dependson;
AddLink($blocked, $dependson, $seen, $edges);
# Only bugs with direct dependencies to selected
my @blocker_stack = @stack;
foreach my $id (@blocker_stack)
my $blocker_ids = Bugzilla::Bug::EmitDependList('blocked', 'dependson', $id);
foreach my $blocker_id (@$blocker_ids)
push @blocker_stack, $blocker_id unless $seen->{$blocker_id};
AddLink($id, $blocker_id, $seen, $edges);
my @dependent_stack = @stack;
foreach my $id (@dependent_stack)
my $dep_bug_ids = Bugzilla::Bug::EmitDependList('dependson', 'blocked', $id);
foreach my $dep_bug_id (@$dep_bug_ids)
push @dependent_stack, $dep_bug_id unless $seen->{$dep_bug_id};
AddLink($dep_bug_id, $id, $seen, $edges);
return ($seen, $edges, $baselist, $deps);
sub GetNodes
my ($seen, $baselist, $deps, $vars) = @_;
return {} unless keys %$seen;
my $nodes = {};
my $bugtitles = {};
# Retrieve bug information from the database
my $rows = Bugzilla->dbh->selectall_arrayref(
SUM(t3.work_time) AS work_time,
t2.login_name AS assigned_to_login,
t4.name AS product,
t5.name AS component,
FROM bugs AS t1
LEFT JOIN profiles AS t2 ON t2.userid=t1.assigned_to
LEFT JOIN longdescs AS t3 ON t3.bug_id=t1.bug_id AND t3.work_time > 0
LEFT JOIN products AS t4 ON t4.id=t1.product_id
LEFT JOIN components AS t5 ON t5.id=t1.component_id
WHERE t1.bug_id IN (".join(",", ("?") x scalar keys %$seen).")
GROUP BY t1.bug_id", {Slice=>{}}, keys %$seen) || {};
foreach my $row (@$rows)
# Resolution and summary are shown only if user can see the bug
$row->{resolution} = $row->{short_desc} = '' unless Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($row->{bug_id});
$row->{bug_status} ||= 'NEW';
$row->{short_desc_uncut} = $row->{short_desc};
if (length $row->{short_desc} > 32)
$row->{short_desc} = substr($row->{short_desc}, 0, 32) . '...';
Encode::_utf8_off($row->{$_}) for keys %$row;
# Current bug
$vars->{short_desc} = $row->{short_desc} if $row->{bug_id} eq Bugzilla->cgi->param('id');
my $bgnodecolor = GetColorByState($row->{bug_status}, 1);
my $nodecolor = GetColorByState($row->{bug_status});
my $assigneecolor = "white";
$assigneecolor = "red1" if $row->{bug_severity} eq "blocker";
$assigneecolor = "rosybrown1" if $row->{bug_severity} eq "critical";
my @params = ("color=" . $nodecolor);
push @params, "fillcolor=azure2" if exists $baselist->{$row->{bug_id}};
my $important =
($row->{estimated_time} || 0) > 40 ||
($row->{work_time} || 0) > 40 ||
($deps->{$row->{bug_id}} || 0) > 4;
if ($important)
push @params, "height=1.5", "fontsize=13";
if ($row->{short_desc})
$row->{short_desc} =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g;
push @params, <<"EOF";
<TD BGCOLOR=$bgnodecolor>$row->{bug_id}</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="$assigneecolor"><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">$row->{assigned_to_login}</FONT></TD>
# Push the bug tooltip texts into a global hash so that
# CreateImagemap sub (used with local dot installations) can
# use them later on.
$bugtitles->{$row->{bug_id}} = "[".trim("$row->{bug_status} $row->{resolution}")." $row->{assigned_to_login}]";
# Show the bug summary in tooltips only if not shown on
# the graph and it is non-empty (the user can see the bug)
if ($row->{short_desc}) {
$bugtitles->{$row->{bug_id}} .= " $row->{product}/$row->{component} - $row->{short_desc_uncut}";
my $t = $bugtitles->{$row->{bug_id}};
$t =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/gso;
push @params, "tooltip=\"$t\"";
$nodes->{$row->{bug_id}} = $row->{bug_id} . (@params ? " [" . join(',', @params) . "]" : "");
return ($nodes, $bugtitles);
sub MakeDot
my ($edges, $nodes, $cluster) = @_;
$cluster ||= $edges;
my ($fh, $filename) = DotTemp('.dot');
my $urlbase = Bugzilla->params->{urlbase};
no warnings 'utf8';
print $fh "digraph G {";
print $fh <<"EOF";
graph [URL="${urlbase}query.cgi" rankdir=LR overlap=false splines=true]
node [URL="${urlbase}show_bug.cgi?id=\\N" shape=note fontsize=10 fontname="Consolas" style=filled fillcolor=white]
edge [color=blue len=0.5]
OutLinks($edges, $cluster, $fh);
print $fh $nodes->{$_}, "\n" foreach keys %$cluster;
print $fh "}\n";
close $fh;
chmod 0777, $filename;
return $filename;
sub OutLinks
my ($edges, $cluster, $fh) = @_;
for my $blocked (keys %$edges)
if ($cluster->{$blocked})
for my $dependson (keys %{$edges->{$blocked}})
print $fh "$blocked -> $dependson\n";
sub CleanupOldDots
my $since = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
# Can't use glob, since even calling that fails taint checks for perl < 5.6
my $webdotdir = bz_locations()->{webdotdir};
opendir DIR, $webdotdir;
my @files = grep { /\.dot$|\.png$|\.svg$|\.map$/ && -f "$webdotdir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach my $f (@files)
$f = "$webdotdir/$f";
# Here we are deleting all old files. All entries are from the
# $webdot directory. Since we're deleting the file (not following
# symlinks), this can't escape to delete anything it shouldn't
# (unless someone moves the location of $webdotdir, of course)
if (file_mod_time($f) < $since) {
unlink $f;
sub GetColorByState
my ($state, $base) = (@_);
$base = $base ? 0 : 0x40;
my %colorbystate = (
UNCONFIRMED => 'ffffff',
NEW => 'ff8000',
ASSIGNED => 'ffff00',
RESOLVED => '00ff00',
VERIFIED => '675acd',
CLOSED => 'd0d0d0',
REOPENED => 'ff4000',
opened => '00ff00',
closed => 'c0c0c0',
my $color = sprintf("\"#%02x%02x%02x\"", map { int(ord($_)/0xff*(0xff-$base)) }
split //, pack 'H*',
$colorbystate{$state} ||
$colorbystate{is_open_state($state) ? 'opened' : 'closed'});
return $color;