
486 lines
17 KiB

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Testopia System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Greg Hendricks.
# Portions created by Greg Hendricks are Copyright (C) 2006
# Novell. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): David Koenig <dkoenig@novell.com>
# Jeff Dayley <jedayley@novell.com>
# Greg Hendricks <ghendricks@novell.com>
package Bugzilla::Testopia::XmlTestCase;
#use fields qw(testplans testcases tags categories builds);
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Product;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Attachment;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Build;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Category;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::TestCase;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::TestPlan;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::TestRun;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::TestTag;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Util;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::XmlReferences;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Product;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Class::Struct;
attachments => '@',
blocks => 'Bugzilla::Testopia::XmlReferences',
category => '$',
component_ids => '@',
dependson => 'Bugzilla::Testopia::XmlReferences',
tags => '@',
testcase => '$',
testplan => 'Bugzilla::Testopia::XmlReferences',
sub add_attachment(){
my ($self,$attachment) = @_;
push @{$self->attachments}, $attachment;
sub add_tag(){
my ($self,$tag) = @_;
push @{$self->tags}, $tag;
sub get_available_products {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $products = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
"SELECT id, name
FROM products
ORDER BY name",
return $products;
sub add_component {
my ($self,$component,$component_product) = @_;
my $component_id = "";
my $product_id = "";
return "Component $component needs to provide a product." if ( $component_product eq "" );
# Find the product identifier.
my $products_ref = get_available_products();
foreach my $product (@$products_ref){
if ( $component_product eq $product->{name} ){
$product_id = $product->{id};
return "Cannot find product $component_product for component $component." if ( $product_id eq "" );
# Find the component identifier for the product's componet
my $product = Bugzilla::Testopia::Product->new($product_id);
my $components_ref = $product->components;
foreach my $product_component ( @$components_ref ) {
if ( $component eq $product_component->name ) {
$component_id = $product_component->id;
return "Product $component_product does not have a component named $component." if ( $component_id eq "" );
# Save the component identifier for this Test Case.
push @{$self->component_ids}, $component_id;
return "";
sub debug_display {
my ($self) = @_;
my $display_variable = "";
my %text = %{$self->testcase->text()} if ( defined $self->testcase->text() );
print STDERR "Testcase: " . $self->testcase->summary() . "\n";
my $testcase_id = "null";
$testcase_id = $self->testcase->id() if ( $self->testcase->id() );
print STDERR " ID " . $testcase_id . "\n";
print STDERR " Action\n";
if ( defined $text{'action'} ){
my @results = split(/\n/,$text{'action'});
foreach my $result (@results){
print STDERR " $result\n";
my $alias = "null";
$alias = $self->testcase-alias() if ( $self->testcase->alias() );
print STDERR " Alias " . $alias . "\n";
my %author = %{$self->testcase->author()};
my $author_id = $author{"id"};
my $author_login = $author{"login"};
print STDERR " Author " . $author_login . " (id=" . $author_id . ", hash=" . $self->testcase->author() . ")\n";
print STDERR " Blocks " . $self->blocks->display() . "\n";
print STDERR " Category " . $self->category . "\n";
print STDERR " Depends On " . $self->dependson->display() . "\n";
print STDERR " Expected Results\n";
if ( defined $text{'effect'} ){
my @results = split(/\n/,$text{'effect'});
foreach my $result (@results){
print STDERR " $result\n";
print STDERR " Summary " . $self->testcase->summary() . "\n";
#TODO:print STDERR " Default Product Version " . $self->testcase->product_version() . "\n";
#TODO:print STDERR " Document " . $self->testcase->text() . "\n";
my %tester = %{$self->testcase->default_tester()};
my $tester_id = $tester{"id"};
my $tester_login = $tester{"login"};
print STDERR " Tester " . $tester_login . " (id=" . $tester_id . ", hash=" . $self->testcase->default_tester() . ")\n";
print STDERR " Is Automated " . $self->testcase->isautomated() . "\n";
#TODO:print STDERR " Plans " . $self->testcase->plans() . "\n";
#TODO:print STDERR " Priority " . $self->testcase->priority_id() . "\n";
#TODO:print STDERR " Product " . $self->testcase->product_id() . "\n";
print STDERR " Requirement " . $self->testcase->requirement() . "\n";
print STDERR " Script " . $self->testcase->script() . "\n";
print STDERR " Script Arguments " . $self->testcase->arguments() . "\n";
print STDERR " Status " . $self->testcase->status() . "\n";
foreach my $tag (@{$self->tags}){
print STDERR " Tag " . $tag . "\n";
my @attachments = @{$self->testcase->attachments()};
foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
my %submitter = %{$self->testcase->submitter()};
$author_login = $author{"login"};
print STDERR " Attachment " . $attachment->description() . "\n";
print STDERR " Filename " . $attachment->filename() . "\n";
print STDERR " Mime Type " . $attachment->mime_type(). "\n";
print STDERR " Submitter " . $author_login . "\n";
sub get_testcase_ids {
my ($self, $field, @new_testcases) = @_;
my $error_message = "";
my @testcase_id = @{$self->$field->get(uc $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::DATABASE_ID)};
foreach my $testcase_summary ( @{$self->$field->get(uc $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::XML_DESCRIPTION)} ) {
foreach my $testcase (@new_testcases) {
push @testcase_id, $testcase->testcase->{'case_id'} if ( $testcase->testcase->{'summary'} eq $testcase_summary );
#TODO Testplans using Database_Description
foreach my $testcase_summary ( @{$self->$field->get(uc $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::DATABASE_DESCRIPTION)} ) {
$error_message .= "\n" if ( $error_message ne "" );
$error_message .= "Have not implemented code for $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::DATABASE_DESCRIPTION lookup for blocking test case " . $testcase_summary . "' for Test Case '". $self->testcase->summary . "'.";
return $error_message if ( $error_message ne "" );
my @return_testcase_id;
foreach my $testcase_id (@testcase_id) {
my $testcase = Bugzilla::Testopia::TestCase->new($testcase_id);
if ( ! defined($testcase) ) {
$error_message .= "\n" if ( $error_message ne "" );
$error_message .= "Could not find blocking Test Case '" . $testcase_id . "' for Test Case '". $self->testcase->summary . "'.";
else {
push @return_testcase_id, $testcase->id();
return $error_message if ( $error_message ne "" );
return @return_testcase_id;
sub store {
my ($self, @new_testplans) = @_;
my $error_message = "";
my @testplan_id = @{$self->testplan->get(uc $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::DATABASE_ID)};
# If we have any references to test plans from the XML data we need to search the @new_testplans
# array to find the actual test plan id. The new_testplans array contains all test plans created
# from the XML.
# Order of looping does not matter, number of test plans associated to each test case should be small.
foreach my $testplan_name ( @{$self->testplan->get(uc $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::XML_DESCRIPTION)} ) {
foreach my $testplan (@new_testplans) {
push @testplan_id, $testplan->id() if ( $testplan->name() eq $testplan_name );
#TODO Testplans using Database_Description
foreach my $testplan_name ( @{$self->testplan->get(uc $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::DATABASE_DESCRIPTION)} ) {
$error_message .= "\n" if ( $error_message ne "" );
$error_message .= "Have not implemented code for $Bugzilla::Testopia::Xml::DATABASE_DESCRIPTION lookup of test plan " . $testplan_name . "' for Test Case '". $self->testcase->{'summary'} . "'.";
return $error_message if ( $error_message ne "" );
# Have to have a testplan to determine valid categories for testcase.
return "Test Case '" . $self->testcase->{'summary'} . "' needs a Test Plan." if ( $#testplan_id == -1 );
# Verify that each testplan exists.
my @testplan;
foreach my $testplan_id (@testplan_id) {
my $testplan = Bugzilla::Testopia::TestPlan->new($testplan_id);
if ( ! defined($testplan) ) {
$error_message .= "\n" if ( $error_message ne "" );
$error_message .= "Could not find Test Plan '" . $testplan_id . "' for Test Case '". $self->testcase->{'summary'} . "'.";
else {
push @testplan, $testplan;
return $error_message if ( $error_message ne "" );
# Verify that each testplan has the testcase's category associated to it. If the category does not
# exist it will be created.
foreach my $testplan (@testplan) {
my $category = $testplan->product->categories->[0];
my $categoryid = check_case_category($self->category, new Bugzilla::Testopia::Product($testplan->product_id)) if ( defined($category) );
if ( ! defined($categoryid) ) {
my $new_category = Bugzilla::Testopia::Category->create({
product_id => $testplan->product_id,
name => $self->category,
description => "FIX ME. Created during Test Plan import."
$categoryid = $new_category->id;
$self->testcase->{'category_id'} = $categoryid if ( ! defined($self->testcase->{'category_id'}) );
$self->testcase->{plans} = \@testplan;
my $case = Bugzilla::Testopia::TestCase->create($self->testcase);
$self->testcase->{'case_id'} = $case->id;
foreach my $attachment ( @{$self->attachments} ) {
$attachment->{'case_id'} = $case->id;
$attachment = Bugzilla::Testopia::Attachment->create($attachment);
foreach my $asciitag ( @{$self->tags} ) {
# Link the testcase to each of it's testplans.
foreach my $testplan ( @testplan ) {
# Code below requires the testplans to be linked into testcases before being run.
return $error_message;
sub store_relationships {
my ($self, @new_testcases) = @_;
return unless $self->testcase->{'case_id'};
my $testcase = Bugzilla::Testopia::TestCase->new($self->testcase->{'case_id'});
# Hashes are used because the entires in blocks and dependson must be unique.
my %blocks = ();
foreach my $block ( $self->get_testcase_ids("blocks",@new_testcases) ) {
my $blocks_size = keys( %blocks );
my %dependson = ();
foreach my $dependson ( $self->get_testcase_ids("dependson",@new_testcases) ) {
my $dependson_size = keys( %dependson );
if ( ( $blocks_size > 0 ) || ( $dependson_size > 0 ) ) {
# Need to add the current blocks and dependson from the Test Case; otherwise, they will
# be removed.
foreach my $block ( split(/ /,$testcase->blocked_list_uncached()) ) {
foreach my $dependson ( split(/ /,$testcase->dependson_list_uncached()) ) {
my @blocks = keys(%blocks);
my @dependson = keys(%dependson);
$testcase->update_deps( join(' ',@dependson ),join(' ',@blocks) );
=head1 NAME
The XmlTestCase structure stores data for the verfication processing. The database is not updated
until a verfication pass is made through the XML data. Some of the TestCase class references are
database references that will not be valid until the class has been stored in the database. This
structure stores these references to be used during verfication and writting to the database.
$testcase = Bugzilla::Testopia::XMLTestcase->new($case_hash_ref);
=head1 FILEDS
=item C<attachments>
Array - List of attachment hashes that will be used to create Testopia::Attachment objects
for this test case.
=item C<blocks>
Testopia::XMLReferences Object representing the test cases that this tests case blocks.
=item C<category>
Testopia::Category object representing the category this case will belong to.
=item C<component_ids>
List of Bugzilla::Component ids that will be attached to this test case.
=item C<dependson>
Testopia::XMLReferences Object representing the test cases that this tests case depends on.
=item C<tags>
Array of strings - tags to apply to this test case.
=item C<testcase>
Hash representation of the test case that will be created.
=item C<testplan>
Bugzilla::Testopia::XmlReferences of plans to link to this test case
=head1 METHODS
=item C<add_attachment()>
Description: Adds an attachment to the list for later inclusion
Params: attachment - hash representing the Testopia::Attachment to add.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<add_component()>
Description: Adds a component to the list for later inclusion
Params: component_id - id of component to add.
product_id - id of the product this component belongs to.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<add_tag()>
Description: Adds a tag for later inclusion.
Params: string - tag name
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<debug_display()>
Description: Prints debug information to STDERR
Params: None.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<get_test_case_ids()>
Description: Gets a list of the newly created testcases for use in setting up relationships
Params: field - dependson or blocks.
cases - array of test cases newly created by store.
Returns: A list of case ids.
=item C<store()>
Description: Saves a imported Test Case. This method insures that all Test Case attributes not stored
in the Test Case object are created. The attributes include the Test Plan, tags, compoents,
attachments and categories.
Params: test_plans - list of plans to link the newly created cases to.
Returns: error - if the store was not successful, an error message is returned.
=item C<store_relationships>
Description: Save the dependson and blocks relationships between Test Cases. This method can only be
called after the Test Cases being imported have been stored. The dependson and blocks
relationships use the Test Case identifier which is created only after the Test Case has
been stored.
Params: test_cases - array of newly created case objects.
Returns: nothing.
=item C<get_available_products()>
Description: Returns a list of products. This is the same code as Bugzilla::Testopia::TestPlan->get_available_products
without view restrictions.
Params: None.
Returns: A array of product information.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
David Koenig <dkoenig@novell.com>