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# Test for xmlrpc call functions in Bugzilla.pm #
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw(lib);
use Test::More "no_plan";
use QA::Util;
my ($xmlrpc, $jsonrpc, $config) = get_rpc_clients();
foreach my $rpc ($jsonrpc, $xmlrpc) {
my $vers_call = $rpc->bz_call_success('Bugzilla.version');
my $version = $vers_call->result->{version};
ok($version, "Bugzilla.version returns $version");
my $tz_call = $rpc->bz_call_success('Bugzilla.timezone');
my $tz = $tz_call->result->{timezone};
ok($tz, "Bugzilla.timezone retuns $tz");
my $ext_call = $rpc->bz_call_success('Bugzilla.extensions');
my $extensions = $ext_call->result->{extensions};
isa_ok($extensions, 'HASH', 'extensions');
#is(scalar keys %$extensions, 0, 'No extensions returned');
my $time_call = $rpc->bz_call_success('Bugzilla.time');
my $time_result = $time_call->result;
foreach my $type (qw(db_time web_time web_time_utc)) {
cmp_ok($time_result->{$type}, '=~', $rpc->DATETIME_REGEX,
"Bugzilla.time returns a datetime for $type");
cmp_ok($time_result->{tz_offset}, '=~', qr/^(?:\+|-)\d{4}$/,
"Bugzilla.time's tz_offset is in the right format");
cmp_ok($time_result->{tz_short_name}, '=~', qr/^[A-Z]{3,4}/,
"Bugzilla.time's tz_short_name is in the right format");
cmp_ok($time_result->{tz_name}, '=~', qr{^(?:(?:\w+/\w+)|(?:UTC))$},
"Bugzilla.time's tz_name is in the right format");