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<ul class='indexList indexList1'>
<li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#NAME'>NAME</a>
<li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#SYNOPSIS'>SYNOPSIS</a>
<li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#OPTIONS'>OPTIONS</a>
<li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#DESCRIPTION'>DESCRIPTION</a>
<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
<p>migrate.pl - A script to migrate from other bug-trackers to Bugzilla.</p>
<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
<pre class="code"> ./migrate.pl --from=&#60;tracker&#62; [--verbose] [--dry-run]
Migrates from another bug-tracker to Bugzilla. If you want
to upgrade Bugzilla, use checksetup.pl instead.
Always test this on a backup copy of your database before
running it on your live Bugzilla.</pre>
<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
<dt><a name="--from=tracker"
<p>Specifies what bug-tracker you&#39;re migrating from. To see what values are valid, see the contents of the <em class="code">Bugzilla/Migrate/</em> directory.</p>
<dt><a name="--dry-run"
<p>Don&#39;t modify the Bugzilla database at all, just test the import. Note that this could cause significant slowdown and other strange effects on a live Bugzilla, so only use it on a test instance.</p>
<dt><a name="--verbose"
<p>If specified, this script will output extra debugging information to STDERR. Specify multiple times (up to three) for more information.</p>
<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
<p>This script copies data from another bug-tracker into Bugzilla. It migrates users, products, and bugs from the other bug-tracker into this Bugzilla, without removing any of the data currently in this Bugzilla.</p>
<p>Note that you will need enough space in your temporary directory to hold the size of all attachments in your current bug-tracker.</p>
<p>You may also need to increase the number of file handles a process is allowed to hold open (as the migrator will create a file handle for each attachment in your database). On Linux and simliar systems, you can do this as root by typing <code class="code">ulimit -n 65535</code> before running your script.</p>
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