
1418 lines
43 KiB

# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# Contributor(s): Tiago R. Mello <timello@async.com.br>
# Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com>
use strict;
package Bugzilla::Product;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Group;
use Bugzilla::Version;
use Bugzilla::Milestone;
use Bugzilla::Field;
use Bugzilla::Status;
use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements;
use Bugzilla::Mailer;
use Bugzilla::Series;
use Bugzilla::FlagType::UserList;
use Bugzilla::Hook;
# Currently, we only implement enough of the Bugzilla::Field::Choice
# interface to control the visibility of other fields.
use base qw(Bugzilla::Field::Choice);
#### Initialization ####
use constant DB_TABLE => 'products';
use constant FIELD_NAME => 'product';
# Reset these back to the Bugzilla::Object defaults, instead of the
# Bugzilla::Field::Choice defaults.
use constant NAME_FIELD => 'name';
use constant LIST_ORDER => 'name';
use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant REQUIRED_CREATE_FIELDS => qw(
use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant VALIDATORS => {
allows_unconfirmed => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
classification_id => \&_check_classification_id,
name => \&_check_name,
description => \&_check_description,
version => \&_check_version,
defaultmilestone => \&_check_default_milestone,
isactive => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
votesperuser => \&_check_votes_per_user,
maxvotesperbug => \&_check_votes_per_bug,
votestoconfirm => \&_check_votes_to_confirm,
create_series => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
notimetracking => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
extproduct => \&_check_extproduct,
cc_group => \&_check_cc_group,
use constant EXCLUDE_CONTROLLED_FIELDS => ('component', 'target_milestone', 'version');
#### Constructors #####
sub create
my $class = shift;
my ($params) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Some fields do not exist in the DB as is.
if (defined $params->{classification})
$params->{classification_id} = delete $params->{classification};
my $version = delete $params->{version};
my $create_series = delete $params->{create_series};
my $field_values = $class->run_create_validators($params);
my $product = $class->insert_create_data($field_values);
# Add the new version into the DB as valid values.
if ($version)
name => $version,
product => $product,
# Fill visibility values
$product->set_visibility_values([ $product->classification_id ]);
# Create groups and series for the new product, if requested.
$product->_create_bug_group() if Bugzilla->params->{makeproductgroups};
$product->_create_series() if $create_series;
Bugzilla::Hook::process('product_end_of_create', { product => $product });
return $product;
# This is considerably faster than calling new_from_list three times
# for each product in the list, particularly with hundreds or thousands
# of products.
sub preload
my ($products) = @_;
my %prods = map { $_->id => $_ } @$products;
my @prod_ids = keys %prods;
return unless @prod_ids;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
foreach my $field (qw(component version milestone))
my $classname = "Bugzilla::" . ucfirst($field);
my $objects = $classname->match({ product_id => \@prod_ids });
# Now populate the products with this set of objects.
foreach my $obj (@$objects)
my $product_id = $obj->product_id;
$prods{$product_id}->{"${field}s"} ||= [];
push(@{$prods{$product_id}->{"${field}s"}}, $obj);
sub update
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Don't update the DB if something goes wrong below -> transaction.
# Bugzilla::Field::Choice is not a threat as we don't have 'value' field
# Yet do not call its update() for the future
my ($changes, $old_self) = Bugzilla::Object::update($self, @_);
# FIXME when renaming a product, try to rename it in all named queries
# Update is_default for milestone in fieldvaluecontrol
if ($changes->{defaultmilestone})
'target_milestone', $self->id,
[ $changes->{defaultmilestone}->[1] || () ]
# Convert default milestone to name
if ($changes->{defaultmilestone})
$changes->{defaultmilestone} = [
$changes->{defaultmilestone}->[0] ? Bugzilla::Milestone->new($changes->{defaultmilestone}->[0])->name : '',
$changes->{defaultmilestone}->[1] ? Bugzilla::Milestone->new($changes->{defaultmilestone}->[1])->name : '',
# We also have to fix votes. # FIXME WTF?
my @msgs; # Will store emails to send to voters.
if ($changes->{maxvotesperbug} || $changes->{votesperuser} || $changes->{votestoconfirm})
# We cannot |use| these modules, due to dependency loops.
require Bugzilla::Bug;
require Bugzilla::User;
# 1. too many votes for a single user on a single bug.
my @toomanyvotes_list = ();
if ($self->max_votes_per_bug < $self->votes_per_user)
my $votes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'SELECT votes.who, votes.bug_id FROM votes'.
' INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id'.
' WHERE bugs.product_id = ? AND votes.vote_count > ?',
undef, ($self->id, $self->max_votes_per_bug)
foreach my $vote (@$votes)
my ($who, $id) = (@$vote);
# If some votes are removed, RemoveVotes() returns a list
# of messages to send to voters.
push @msgs, Bugzilla::Bug::RemoveVotes($id, $who, 'votes_too_many_per_bug');
my $name = Bugzilla::User::user_id_to_login($who);
push @toomanyvotes_list, {id => $id, name => $name};
$changes->{too_many_votes} = \@toomanyvotes_list;
# 2. too many total votes for a single user.
# This part doesn't work in the general case because RemoveVotes
# doesn't enforce votesperuser (except per-bug when it's less
# than maxvotesperbug). See Bugzilla::Bug::RemoveVotes().
my $votes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'SELECT votes.who, votes.vote_count FROM votes'.
' INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id'.
' WHERE bugs.product_id = ?', undef, $self->id
my %counts;
foreach my $vote (@$votes)
my ($who, $count) = @$vote;
if (!defined $counts{$who})
$counts{$who} = $count;
$counts{$who} += $count;
my @toomanytotalvotes_list = ();
foreach my $who (keys(%counts))
if ($counts{$who} > $self->votes_per_user)
my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT votes.bug_id FROM votes'.
' INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id'.
' WHERE bugs.product_id = ? AND votes.who = ?',
undef, ($self->id, $who)
foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids)
# RemoveVotes() returns a list of messages to send
# in case some voters had too many votes.
push @msgs, Bugzilla::Bug::RemoveVotes($bug_id, $who, 'votes_too_many_per_user');
my $name = Bugzilla::User::user_id_to_login($who);
push @toomanytotalvotes_list, {id => $bug_id, name => $name};
$changes->{too_many_total_votes} = \@toomanytotalvotes_list;
# 3. enough votes to confirm
my $bug_list = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT bug_id FROM bugs, bug_status WHERE product_id = ?'.
' AND bugs.bug_status = bug_status.id AND NOT bug_status.is_confirmed AND votes >= ?',
undef, ($self->id, $self->votes_to_confirm)
my @updated_bugs = ();
foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_list)
my $confirmed = Bugzilla::Bug::CheckIfVotedConfirmed($bug_id);
push (@updated_bugs, $bug_id) if $confirmed;
$changes->{confirmed_bugs} = \@updated_bugs;
# Also update group settings.
if ($self->{check_group_controls})
require Bugzilla::Bug;
my $old_settings = $old_self->group_controls;
my $new_settings = $self->group_controls;
my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
foreach my $gid (keys %$new_settings)
my $old_setting = $old_settings->{$gid} || {};
my $new_setting = $new_settings->{$gid};
# If all new settings are 0 for a given group, we delete the entry
# from group_control_map, so we have to track it here.
my $all_zero = 1;
my @fields;
my @values;
foreach my $field ('entry', 'membercontrol', 'othercontrol', 'canedit',
'editcomponents', 'editbugs', 'canconfirm')
my $old_value = $old_setting->{$field};
my $new_value = $new_setting->{$field};
$all_zero = 0 if $new_value;
next if (defined $old_value && $old_value == $new_value);
push(@fields, $field);
# The value has already been validated.
push(@values, $new_value);
# Is there anything to update?
if (@fields)
if ($all_zero)
'DELETE FROM group_control_map WHERE product_id = ? AND group_id = ?',
undef, $self->id, $gid
if (exists $old_setting->{group})
# There is already an entry in the DB.
my $set_fields = join(', ', map {"$_ = ?"} @fields);
"UPDATE group_control_map SET $set_fields".
" WHERE product_id = ? AND group_id = ?",
undef, (@values, $self->id, $gid)
# No entry yet.
my $fields = join(', ', @fields);
# +2 because of the product and group IDs.
my $qmarks = join(',', ('?') x (scalar @fields + 2));
"INSERT INTO group_control_map (product_id, group_id, $fields) VALUES ($qmarks)",
undef, ($self->id, $gid, @values)
# If the group is mandatory, restrict all bugs to it.
if ($new_setting->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY)
my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT bugs.bug_id FROM bugs'.
' LEFT JOIN bug_group_map ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND group_id = ?'.
' WHERE product_id = ? AND bug_group_map.bug_id IS NULL',
undef, $gid, $self->id
if (scalar @$bug_ids)
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO bug_group_map (bug_id, group_id) VALUES (?, ?)');
foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids)
$sth->execute($bug_id, $gid);
# Add this change to the bug history.
$bug_id, 'bug_group', '', $new_setting->{group}->name,
Bugzilla->user->id, $timestamp
push @{$changes->{group_controls}->{now_mandatory}}, {
name => $new_setting->{group}->name,
bug_count => scalar @$bug_ids,
# If the group can no longer be used to restrict bugs, remove them.
elsif ($new_setting->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPNA)
my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT bugs.bug_id FROM bugs'.
' INNER JOIN bug_group_map ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id'.
' WHERE product_id = ? AND group_id = ?', undef, $self->id, $gid
if (scalar @$bug_ids)
'DELETE FROM bug_group_map WHERE group_id = ? AND ' .
$dbh->sql_in('bug_id', $bug_ids), undef, $gid
# Add this change to the bug history.
foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids)
$bug_id, 'bug_group', $old_setting->{group}->name, '',
Bugzilla->user->id, $timestamp
push @{$changes->{group_controls}->{now_na}}, {
name => $old_setting->{group}->name,
bug_count => scalar @$bug_ids
# Fill visibility values
$self->set_visibility_values([ $self->classification_id ]);
# Changes have been committed.
delete $self->{check_group_controls};
# Now that changes have been committed, we can send emails to voters.
foreach my $msg (@msgs)
# And send out emails about changed bugs
require Bugzilla::BugMail;
foreach my $bug_id (@{ $changes->{confirmed_bugs} || [] })
$changes->{confirmed_bugs_sent_bugmail}->{$bug_id} = Bugzilla::BugMail::send_results({
mailrecipients => { changer => Bugzilla->user->login },
bug_id => $bug_id,
type => "votes",
return $changes;
sub remove_from_db
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if ($self->bug_count)
if (Bugzilla->params->{allowbugdeletion})
require Bugzilla::Bug;
foreach my $bug_id (@{$self->bug_ids})
# Note that we allow the user to delete bugs he can't see,
# which is okay, because he's deleting the whole Product.
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id);
ThrowUserError('product_has_bugs', { nb => $self->bug_count });
if ($params->{delete_series})
my $series_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT series_id FROM series'.
' INNER JOIN series_categories ON series_categories.id = series.category'.
' WHERE series_categories.name = ?',
undef, $self->name
if (scalar @$series_ids)
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM series WHERE ' . $dbh->sql_in('series_id', $series_ids));
# If no subcategory uses this product name, completely purge it.
my $in_use = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT 1 FROM series'.
' INNER JOIN series_categories ON series_categories.id = series.subcategory'.
' WHERE series_categories.name = ? ' . $dbh->sql_limit(1),
undef, $self->name
if (!$in_use)
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM series_categories WHERE name = ?', undef, $self->name);
# Remove visibility values
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM products WHERE id = ?", undef, $self->id);
# We have to delete these internal variables, else we get
# the old lists of products and classifications again.
delete $user->{selectable_products};
delete $user->{selectable_classifications};
#### Validators ####
sub _check_extproduct
my ($invocant, $product) = @_;
$product = $product ? Bugzilla::Product->check({ id => $product }) : undef;
return $product ? $product->id : undef;
sub _check_cc_group
my ($invocant, $cc_group) = @_;
$cc_group = trim($cc_group);
return $cc_group ? $cc_group : undef;
sub _check_classification_id
my ($invocant, $classification_name) = @_;
my $classification_id = 1;
if (Bugzilla->params->{useclassification})
my $classification = ref $classification_name
? $classification_name
: Bugzilla::Classification->check($classification_name);
$classification_id = $classification->id;
delete $invocant->{classification_obj} if ref $invocant;
return $classification_id;
sub _check_name
my ($invocant, $name) = @_;
$name = trim($name);
$name || ThrowUserError('product_blank_name');
if (length($name) > MAX_PRODUCT_SIZE)
ThrowUserError('product_name_too_long', { name => $name });
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({ name => $name });
if ($product && (!ref $invocant || $product->id != $invocant->id))
# Check for exact case sensitive match:
if ($product->name eq $name)
ThrowUserError('product_name_already_in_use', { product => $product->name });
ThrowUserError('product_name_diff_in_case', {
product => $name,
existing_product => $product->name,
return $name;
sub _check_description
my ($invocant, $description) = @_;
$description = trim($description);
$description || ThrowUserError('product_must_have_description');
return $description;
sub _check_version
my ($invocant, $version) = @_;
$version = trim($version);
# We will check the version length when Bugzilla::Version->create will do it.
return $version;
sub _check_default_milestone
my ($invocant, $milestone) = @_;
# Do not create milestones when creating a product
return undef unless ref $invocant;
# Do nothing if target milestones are not in use
return $invocant->default_milestone unless Bugzilla->params->{usetargetmilestone};
$milestone = trim($milestone) || undef;
if ($milestone)
# The default milestone must be one of the existing milestones.
my $mil_obj = new Bugzilla::Milestone({ name => $milestone, product => $invocant });
$mil_obj || ThrowUserError('product_must_define_defaultmilestone', {
product => $invocant->name,
milestone => $milestone,
$milestone = $mil_obj->id;
delete $invocant->{default_milestone_obj};
return $milestone;
sub _check_votes_per_user
return _check_votes(@_, 0);
sub _check_votes_per_bug
return _check_votes(@_, 10000);
sub _check_votes_to_confirm
return _check_votes(@_, 0);
# This subroutine is only used internally by other _check_votes_* validators.
sub _check_votes
my ($invocant, $votes, $field, $default) = @_;
# On product creation, if the number of votes is not a valid integer,
# we silently fall back to the given default value.
# If the product already exists and the change is illegal, we complain.
if (!defined $votes)
if (ref $invocant)
ThrowUserError('product_illegal_votes', { field => $field, votes => $_[1] });
$votes = $default;
return $votes;
# Implement Bugzilla::Field::Choice #
use constant is_default => 0;
#### Methods ####
sub _create_bug_group
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $group_name = $self->name;
my $i = 1;
while (new Bugzilla::Group({ name => $group_name }))
$group_name = $self->name . ($i++);
my $group_description = get_text('bug_group_description', { product => $self });
my $group = Bugzilla::Group->create({
name => $group_name,
description => $group_description,
isbuggroup => 1,
# Associate the new group and new product.
'INSERT INTO group_control_map (group_id, product_id, membercontrol, othercontrol)'.
' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', undef, $group->id, $self->id, CONTROLMAPDEFAULT, CONTROLMAPNA
sub _create_series
my $self = shift;
my @series;
# We do every status, every resolution, and an "opened" one as well.
foreach my $bug_status (@{ Bugzilla->get_field('bug_status')->legal_value_names })
push(@series, [$bug_status, "bug_status=" . url_quote($bug_status)]);
foreach my $resolution (@{ Bugzilla->get_field('resolution')->legal_value_names })
next if !$resolution;
push(@series, [$resolution, "resolution=" . url_quote($resolution)]);
my @openedstatuses = BUG_STATE_OPEN;
my $query = join("&", map { "bug_status=" . url_quote($_) } @openedstatuses);
push(@series, [get_text('series_all_open'), $query]);
foreach my $sdata (@series)
my $series = new Bugzilla::Series(
undef, $self->name, get_text('series_subcategory'),
$sdata->[0], Bugzilla->user->id, 1,
$sdata->[1] . "&product=" . url_quote($self->name), 1
sub set_name { $_[0]->set('name', $_[1]); }
sub set_wiki_url { $_[0]->set('wiki_url', $_[1]); }
sub set_notimetracking { $_[0]->set('notimetracking', $_[1]); }
sub set_description { $_[0]->set('description', $_[1]); }
sub set_default_milestone { $_[0]->set('defaultmilestone', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_active { $_[0]->set('isactive', $_[1]); }
sub set_votes_per_user { $_[0]->set('votesperuser', $_[1]); }
sub set_votes_per_bug { $_[0]->set('maxvotesperbug', $_[1]); }
sub set_votes_to_confirm { $_[0]->set('votestoconfirm', $_[1]); }
sub set_allows_unconfirmed { $_[0]->set('allows_unconfirmed', $_[1]); }
sub set_classification { $_[0]->set('classification_id', $_[1]); }
# FIXME make cc_group reference group ID, not name
sub set_cc_group { $_[0]->set('cc_group', $_[1]); }
sub set_extproduct
my ($self, $product) = @_;
$product = Bugzilla::Product->check({ id => $product }) if $product && !ref $product;
$self->set('extproduct', $product ? $product->id : undef);
sub set_group_controls
my ($self, $group, $settings) = @_;
$group->is_active_bug_group || ThrowUserError('product_illegal_group', { group => $group });
scalar(keys %$settings) || ThrowCodeError('product_empty_group_controls', { group => $group });
# We store current settings for this group.
my $gs = $self->group_controls->{$group->id};
# If there is no entry for this group yet, create a default hash.
unless (defined $gs)
$gs = {
entry => 0,
membercontrol => CONTROLMAPNA,
othercontrol => CONTROLMAPNA,
canedit => 0,
editcomponents => 0,
editbugs => 0,
canconfirm => 0,
group => $group,
# Both settings must be defined, or none of them can be updated.
if (defined $settings->{membercontrol} && defined $settings->{othercontrol})
# Legality of control combination is a function of
# membercontrol\othercontrol
# NA + - - -
# SH + + + +
# DE + - + +
# MA - - - +
foreach my $field ('membercontrol', 'othercontrol')
my ($is_legal) = grep { $settings->{$field} == $_ }
if (!defined $is_legal)
ThrowCodeError('product_illegal_group_control', {
field => $field,
value => $settings->{$field},
unless ($settings->{membercontrol} == $settings->{othercontrol} ||
$settings->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPSHOWN ||
($settings->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPDEFAULT && $settings->{othercontrol} != CONTROLMAPSHOWN))
ThrowUserError('illegal_group_control_combination', { groupname => $group->name });
$gs->{membercontrol} = $settings->{membercontrol};
$gs->{othercontrol} = $settings->{othercontrol};
foreach my $field ('entry', 'canedit', 'editcomponents', 'editbugs', 'canconfirm') {
next unless defined $settings->{$field};
$gs->{$field} = $settings->{$field} ? 1 : 0;
$self->{group_controls}->{$group->id} = $gs;
$self->{check_group_controls} = 1;
sub active_components
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{active_components})
require Bugzilla::Component;
$self->{active_components} = Bugzilla::Component->match({ product_id => $self->id, isactive => 1 });
return $self->{active_components};
sub components
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!defined $self->{components})
my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT id FROM components WHERE product_id = ? ORDER BY name',
undef, $self->id
require Bugzilla::Component;
$self->{components} = Bugzilla::Component->new_from_list($ids);
return $self->{components};
sub group_controls_full_data
return $_[0]->group_controls(1);
sub group_controls
my ($self, $full_data) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# By default, we don't return groups which are not listed in
# group_control_map. If $full_data is true, then we also
# return groups whose settings could be set for the product.
my $where_or_and = 'WHERE';
my $and_or_where = 'AND';
if ($full_data)
$where_or_and = 'AND';
$and_or_where = 'WHERE';
# If $full_data is true, we collect all the data in all cases,
# even if the cache is already populated.
# $full_data is never used except in the very special case where
# all configurable bug groups are displayed to administrators,
# so we don't care about collecting all the data again in this case.
if (!defined $self->{group_controls} || $full_data)
# Include name to the list, to allow us sorting data more easily.
my $query =
"SELECT id, name, entry, membercontrol, othercontrol,".
" canedit, editcomponents, editbugs, canconfirm".
" FROM groups LEFT JOIN group_control_map ON id = group_id".
" $where_or_and product_id = ?".
" $and_or_where isbuggroup = 1";
$self->{group_controls} = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query, 'id', undef, $self->id);
# For each group ID listed above, create and store its group object.
my @gids = keys %{$self->{group_controls}};
my $groups = Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list(\@gids);
$self->{group_controls}->{$_->id}->{group} = $_ foreach @$groups;
# We never cache bug counts, for the same reason as above.
if ($full_data)
my $counts = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'SELECT group_id, COUNT(bugs.bug_id) AS bug_count FROM bug_group_map'.
' INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id'.
' WHERE bugs.product_id = ? ' . $dbh->sql_group_by('group_id'),
{Slice => {}}, $self->id
foreach my $data (@$counts)
$self->{group_controls}->{$data->{group_id}}->{bug_count} = $data->{bug_count};
return $self->{group_controls};
sub groups_mandatory_for
my ($self, $user) = @_;
my $groups = $user->groups_as_string;
# For membercontrol we don't check group_id IN, because if membercontrol
# is Mandatory, the group is Mandatory for everybody, regardless of their
# group membership.
my $ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
"SELECT group_id FROM group_control_map WHERE product_id = ?".
" AND (membercontrol = $mandatory OR (othercontrol = $mandatory AND group_id NOT IN ($groups)))",
undef, $self->id
return Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list($ids);
sub groups_valid
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{groups_valid} if defined $self->{groups_valid};
# Note that we don't check OtherControl below, because there is no
# valid NA/* combination.
my $ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT DISTINCT group_id FROM group_control_map AS gcm'.
' INNER JOIN groups ON gcm.group_id = groups.id'.
' WHERE product_id = ? AND isbuggroup = 1'.
' AND membercontrol != ' . CONTROLMAPNA, undef, $self->id
$self->{groups_valid} = Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list($ids);
return $self->{groups_valid};
sub versions
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!defined $self->{versions})
my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT id FROM versions WHERE product_id = ?',
undef, $self->id
$self->{versions} = Bugzilla::Version->new_from_list($ids);
return $self->{versions};
sub milestones
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!defined $self->{milestones})
my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT id FROM milestones WHERE product_id = ?',
undef, $self->id
$self->{milestones} = Bugzilla::Milestone->new_from_list($ids);
return $self->{milestones};
sub bug_count
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!defined $self->{bug_count})
$self->{bug_count} = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT COUNT(bug_id) FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ?',
undef, $self->id
return $self->{bug_count};
sub bug_ids
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!defined $self->{bug_ids})
$self->{bug_ids} = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ?',
undef, $self->id
return $self->{bug_ids};
sub user_has_access
my ($self, $user) = @_;
return Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array(
' FROM products LEFT JOIN group_control_map'.
' ON group_control_map.product_id = products.id'.
' AND group_control_map.entry != 0 AND group_id NOT IN (' . $user->groups_as_string . ')'.
' WHERE products.id = ? ' . Bugzilla->dbh->sql_limit(1),
undef, $self->id
sub flag_types
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{flag_types})
$self->{flag_types} = {};
foreach my $type ('bug', 'attachment')
my %flagtypes;
foreach my $component (@{$self->active_components})
foreach my $flagtype (@{$component->flag_types->{$type}})
if (!$flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}})
$flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}} = $flagtype;
# Merge custom user lists
my $cl = new Bugzilla::FlagType::UserList;
$flagtypes{$flagtype->{id}}->{custom_list} = $cl;
$self->{flag_types}->{$type} = [
sort { $a->{sortkey} <=> $b->{sortkey}
|| $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} }
values %flagtypes
return $self->{flag_types};
#### Accessors ######
sub allows_unconfirmed { return $_[0]->{allows_unconfirmed}; }
sub description { return $_[0]->{description}; }
sub is_active { return $_[0]->{isactive}; }
sub votes_per_user { return $_[0]->{votesperuser}; }
sub max_votes_per_bug { return $_[0]->{maxvotesperbug}; }
sub votes_to_confirm { return $_[0]->{votestoconfirm}; }
sub default_milestone { return $_[0]->{defaultmilestone}; }
sub classification_id { return $_[0]->{classification_id}; }
sub wiki_url { return $_[0]->{wiki_url}; }
sub notimetracking { return $_[0]->{notimetracking}; }
sub extproduct { return $_[0]->{extproduct}; }
sub cc_group { return $_[0]->{cc_group}; }
#### Subroutines ######
sub default_milestone_obj
my $self = shift;
if (!exists $self->{default_milestone_obj} && $self->default_milestone)
$self->{default_milestone_obj} = Bugzilla::Milestone->new($self->default_milestone);
return $self->{default_milestone_obj};
sub classification_obj
my $self = shift;
$self->{classification_obj} ||= Bugzilla::Classification->new($self->classification_id);
return $self->{classification_obj};
sub extproduct_obj
my $self = shift;
if (!exists $self->{extproduct_obj})
$self->{extproduct_obj} = $self->{extproduct} ? $self->new($self->{extproduct}) : undef;
return $self->{extproduct_obj};
sub enterable_extproduct_name
my $self = shift;
if (!exists $self->{extproduct_name})
my $n = $self->{extproduct} ? $self->extproduct_obj->name : '';
$n = '' if $n ne '' && !Bugzilla->user->can_enter_product($n);
$self->{extproduct_name} = $n;
return $self->{extproduct_name};
sub enterable_intproduct_name
my $self = shift;
if (!exists $self->{intproduct_name})
my $n = $self->{extproduct} ? [] : $self->match({ extproduct => $self->id });
$n = @$n ? $n->[0]->name : '';
$n = '' if $n ne '' && !Bugzilla->user->can_enter_product($n);
$self->{intproduct_name} = $n;
return $self->{intproduct_name};
# CustIS Bug 38616 - CC list restriction
# FIXME: Maybe also disallow bug access for these users?
sub restrict_cc
my $self = shift;
my ($cclist, $field) = @_;
my $id = $field eq 'id';
my $login = $field eq 'login' || $field eq 'login_name';
my $group = $self->cc_group || return undef;
my @cclist = @$cclist;
if ($login)
@cclist = map { Bugzilla::User::login_to_id($_) } @cclist;
if ($id || $login)
@cclist = @{ Bugzilla::User->new_from_list(\@cclist) };
my (@ok, @remove);
for (@cclist)
$_->in_group($group) ? push(@ok, $_) : push(@remove, $_);
if ($login)
@$cclist = map { $_->login } @ok;
elsif ($id)
@$cclist = map { $_->id } @ok;
@$cclist = @ok;
return @remove ? \@remove : undef;
sub check_product
my ($product_name) = @_;
unless ($product_name)
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({ name => $product_name });
unless ($product)
ThrowUserError('product_doesnt_exist', { product => $product_name });
return $product;
sub check
my ($class, $params) = @_;
$params = { name => $params } if !ref $params;
$params->{_error} = 'product_access_denied';
my $product = $class->SUPER::check($params);
if (!Bugzilla->user->can_see_product($product))
ThrowUserError('product_access_denied', $params);
return $product;
# Product is a special case: it has access controls applied.
# So return all products visible to current user.
sub get_all { @{ Bugzilla->user->get_selectable_products } }
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Product - Bugzilla product class.
use Bugzilla::Product;
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product(1);
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({ name => 'AcmeProduct' });
my @components = @{ $product->components() };
my @active_components = @{ $product->active_components() };
my $groups_controls = $product->group_controls();
my @milestones = $product->milestones();
my @versions = $product->versions();
my $bugcount = $product->bug_count();
my $bug_ids = $product->bug_ids();
my $has_access = $product->user_has_access($user);
my $flag_types = $product->flag_types();
my $id = $product->id;
my $name = $product->name;
my $description = $product->description;
my $isactive = $product->is_active;
my $votesperuser = $product->votes_per_user;
my $maxvotesperbug = $product->max_votes_per_bug;
my $votestoconfirm = $product->votes_to_confirm;
my $wiki_url = $product->wiki_url;
my $notimetracking = $product->notimetracking;
my $defaultmilestone = $product->default_milestone;
my $classificationid = $product->classification_id;
my $allows_unconfirmed = $product->allows_unconfirmed;
Product.pm represents a product object. It is an implementation
of L<Bugzilla::Object>, and thus provides all methods that
L<Bugzilla::Object> provides.
The methods that are specific to C<Bugzilla::Product> are listed
=head1 METHODS
=item C<components>
Description: Returns an array of component objects belonging to
the product.
Params: none.
Returns: An array of Bugzilla::Component object.
=item C<group_controls()>
Description: Returns a hash (group id as key) with all product
group controls.
Params: $full_data (optional, false by default) - when true,
the number of bugs per group applicable to the product
is also returned. Moreover, bug groups which have no
special settings for the product are also returned.
Returns: A hash with group id as key and hash containing
a Bugzilla::Group object and the properties of group
relative to the product.
=item C<groups_mandatory_for>
=item B<Description>
Tells you what groups are mandatory for bugs in this product.
=item B<Params>
C<$user> - The user who you want to check.
=item B<Returns> An arrayref of C<Bugzilla::Group> objects.
=item C<groups_valid>
=item B<Description>
Returns an arrayref of L<Bugzilla::Group> objects, representing groups
that bugs could validly be restricted to within this product. Used mostly
by L<Bugzilla::Bug> to assure that you're adding valid groups to a bug.
B<Note>: This doesn't check whether or not the current user can add/remove
bugs to/from these groups. It just tells you that bugs I<could be in> these
groups, in this product.
=item B<Params> (none)
=item B<Returns> An arrayref of L<Bugzilla::Group> objects.
=item C<versions>
Description: Returns all valid versions for that product.
Params: none.
Returns: An array of Bugzilla::Version objects.
=item C<milestones>
Description: Returns all valid milestones for that product.
Params: none.
Returns: An array of Bugzilla::Milestone objects.
=item C<bug_count()>
Description: Returns the total of bugs that belong to the product.
Params: none.
Returns: Integer with the number of bugs.
=item C<bug_ids()>
Description: Returns the IDs of bugs that belong to the product.
Params: none.
Returns: An array of integer.
=item C<user_has_access()>
Description: Tells you whether or not the user is allowed to enter
bugs into this product, based on the C<entry> group
control. To see whether or not a user can actually
enter a bug into a product, use C<$user-&gt;can_enter_product>.
Params: C<$user> - A Bugzilla::User object.
Returns C<1> If this user's groups allow him C<entry> access to
this Product, C<0> otherwise.
=item C<flag_types()>
Description: Returns flag types available for at least one of
its components.
Params: none.
Returns: Two references to an array of flagtype objects.
=item C<preload>
When passed an arrayref of C<Bugzilla::Product> objects, preloads their
L</milestones>, L</components>, and L</versions>, which is much faster
than calling those accessors on every item in the array individually.
This function is not exported, so must be called like
=item C<check_product($product_name)>
Description: Checks if the product name was passed in and if is a valid
Params: $product_name - String with a product name.
Returns: Bugzilla::Product object.
=head1 SEE ALSO