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Welcome to Testopia!
Testopia is a test case management extension for Bugzilla. It is designed to
be a generic tool for tracking test cases, allowing for testing
organizations to integrate bug reporting with their test case run results.
Though it is designed with software testing in mind, it can be used to track
testing on virtually anything in the engineering process.
The following installation instructions assume you are installing the latest version of Testopia, currently version 2.3.
=== Requirements ===
* Bugzilla 3.4.3+
* Perl JSON 2.10
* GD-Graph3d 0.63
Testopia is an extension to Bugzilla. This means that if you have one of the
supported versions of Bugzilla installed, you are all set to install Testopia.
Installation instructions for Bugzilla can be found at http://bugzilla.org
'''IMPORTANT NOTE:''' These instructions assume you have installed Bugzilla according to the Bugzilla instructions (from tarball or cvs). Installations from Debian .deb or from some RPM packages may place Bugzilla files in separate directories in which case, these will not work.
Please make sure that your language of Bugzilla is the same as language of Testopia to be installed on. If you are not sure, just set language of your Bugzilla to English. You can change it any time later.
=== Installation on Linux ===
''' From the tarball: '''
If you are installing Testopia from the release tarball, simply untar the
tarball in your bugzilla top level directory. On Linux this would look
something like this:
$> cp testopia-<version>.tar.gz /path/to/bugzilla
$> cd /path/to/bugzilla
$> tar xzvf testopia-<version>.tar.gz
Next you need to patch the Bugzilla files. Find the patch file in the extensions/testopia directory matching your version of Bugzilla.
For example, if you are running Bugzilla 3.4.3 you will apply the patch-3.4.3 patch file.
$> patch -p0 -i extensions/testopia/patch-3.4.3
Finally, you need to run checksetup.pl
$> ./checksetup.pl
If you are missing any dependencies, checksetup.pl will inform you. See "Installing Dependencies".
''' From CVS: '''
If you want to install the latest code from CVS you will need to do the
1. Check out the CVS code in a temporary location
$> export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot
$> cvs login
(Logging in to anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org)
CVS password: anonymous
$> cvs co Testopia
2. You will now make a tarball of the source. If you like to update your
Bugzilla from CVS, be sure to delete the top level CVS directory first.
$> cd mozilla/webtools/testopia
$> rm -rf CVS
$> tar cvf /tmp/testopia.tar .
Once you have your tarball, follow the tarball instructions above to untar it into your Bugzilla directory The last step is to install the Ext libraries:
$> cd path/to/bugzilla/testopia/
$> wget http://extjs.com/deploy/ext-3.0.1.zip
$> unzip ext-3.0.1.zip
$> mv ext-3.0.1 extjs
Congratulations, you should be able to see the Testopia links at the bottom of
your bugzilla pages.
=== Installation on Windows ===
Windows installations are not officially supported. By this we mean don't ask the developers for help as we have never tried to install on Windows and don't have any desire to. However, there have been numerous users that have managed to do so on their own. Here are some pointers:
*Add a .txt file extension to your corresponding patch file (\bugzilla\testopia\patch-3.0[.x]).
*Edit the above patch file to remove *nix line feed characters, and putting in classic DOS/Windows carriage returns.<br>You can do this manually, or with WordPad (write.exe) or numerous utilities such as unix2dos or tofrodos.
*Download GNU Patch and install it in a directory in your path.<br>It can be downloaded from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/patch.htm
*Change PERL "shebang" paths from native *nix, to a Windows Format. <br>If you have MySQL Server installed, the Replace utility does a great job at this:
C:\&lt;apache path&gt;\htdocs\bugzilla&gt; for&nbsp;%i in (*.cgi) do ("&lt;MySQL path&gt;\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" --&nbsp;%i)
C:\&lt;apache path&gt;\htdocs\bugzilla&gt; for&nbsp;%i in (*.pl) do ("&lt;MySQL path&gt;\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" --&nbsp;%i)
C:\&lt;apache path&gt;\htdocs\bugzilla\Bugzilla&gt; for&nbsp;%i in (*.pm) do ("&lt;MySQL path&gt;\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" --&nbsp;%i)
From here the steps should be fairly identical to those above, meaning patch the files and run checksetup.pl.
If you have problems please post questions to the support-webtools list. Do not email the developers directly.
If you find additional pointers, please post them to the Wiki version of this file at http://wiki.mozilla.org/Testopia:README
=== Installing Dependencies ===
Some of the most common dependencies you'll need to install can be easily installed in both Windows and linux:
Install JSON:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install M/MA/MAKAMAKA/JSON-2.10.tar.gz
Install GD-Graph3d:
perl-MCPAN -e shell
install W/WA/WADG/GD-Graph3d-0.63.tar.gz
In Windows, missing modules are easiest installed by running checksetup.pl and paying attention to the printout:
* This is Bugzilla 3.2.4 on perl 5.8.9
* Running on WinXP/.Net Build 2600 (Service Pack 3)
Checking perl modules...
* NOTE: You must run any commands listed below as Administrator.
* Note For Windows Users *
* In order to install the modules listed below, you first have to run *
* the following command as an Administrator: *
* *
* ppm repo add theory58S http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms
* *
* Bugzilla requires you to install some Perl modules which are either *
* missing from your system, or the version on your system is too old. *
* *
* The latest versions of each module can be installed by running the *
* commands below. *
ppm install TimeDate
When running checksetup.pl, you will get an "Unable To Locate Component" error related to "OCI.dll" if you do not have the Oracle perl module installed. &nbsp;If you are not using Oracle you can supress this message by running the following command:
<pre>ppm remove --area perl DBD::Oracle
Remember to "ppm install DBD-mysql" if you are using MySQL!<br>
=== Upgrading ===
In general, you will need to follow these steps:
# Reverse the old patch by running the patch command you used to install with -R
# Untar the new files
# Apply the new patch
# Run checksetup.pl
'''Upgrading to latest from CVS:'''
Testopia comes with a script to update to the lates checked in version (trunk or tip).
WARNING: This should only be done against the latest released version. The tip is
considered unstable.
$<path to bugzilla>/testopia/contrib> bash cvs_update.sh /path/to/bugzilla
The script can be modified to checkout a tag or version if you know what you
are doing.
=== Getting Help ===
First you should consult the documentation. You can reach it by clicking the
Help link on your installation or by visiting:
Questions can be asked on the mailing list:
or in the IRC channel at:
irc://irc.mozilla.org/testopia or irc://irc.mozilla.org/mozwebtools
The latest news and info can be found at the project homepage: