
934 lines
26 KiB

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Testopia System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Greg Hendricks.
# Portions created by Greg Hendricks are Copyright (C) 2006
# Novell. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Greg Hendricks <ghendricks@novell.com>
# Jeff Dayley <jedayley@novell.com>
# Ben Warby <bwarby@novell.com>
use strict;
use lib "..";
use lib "../..";
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::Deep;
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Product;
use Bugzilla::Testopia::Environment;
use Testopia::Test::Util;
use Testopia::Test::Constants;
use Testopia::Test::Selenium::Util;
use Testopia::Test::Selenium::Constants;
my ($user_type, $login, $passwd) = @ARGV;
use constant DEBUG => 1;
my $isanon = 0;
# $se object from Test::Selenium::Util
if ($login && $passwd){
unless ( Testopia::Test::Selenium::Util->login( $login, $passwd) ) {
else {
$se->open( 'tr_environments.cgi' );
$se->pause(3000) if DEBUG;
ok( $se->is_text_present("I need a legitimate login and password to continue"), "anonymous user check" );
$isanon = 1;
skip "Anonymous Login", 2 if $isanon;
sub test_plan_prompt
my $self = shift;
#Test without action
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("Choose a Test Plan"),
"SE_tr_new_case.cgi failed to display 'Choose a Test Plan'");
=item test_display_page
Tests displaying the tr_new_case.cgi page
sub test_display_page
my $self = shift;
my $test = {
url => "tr_new_case.cgi",
action => "display",
params => {
plan_id => TEST_PLAN_1
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("Create a New Test Case"),
"'SE_tr_new_case.cgi" .
"?plan_id=" . TEST_PLAN_1 .
"' failed to display 'Create a New Test Case'");
=item test_add
Tests the Add action for creating a test plan
sub test_add
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $summary = "Selenium_Test_Case " . localtime();
my $test = {
url => "tr_new_case.cgi",
action => "add",
params => {
plan_id => TEST_PLAN_1,
category => TEST_CAT,
status => "2",
priority => "1",
isautomated => "0",
summary => $summary
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present('{success: true'),
"'SE_tr_new_case.cgi' failed to display 'regexp:Case \\d+ Created'"
. " after creating a new test case");
sub test_search_cases
my $self = shift;
#Show search case
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("Search by Test Case Number"),
"Did not display 'Search by Test Case Number' in test_search_cases.");
=item test_show_cases
Test showing cases
sub test_show_cases
my $self = shift;
#Show case
$sel->open("tr_show_case.cgi?case_id=" . TEST_CASE_1);
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("Case List"),
"Did not display 'Case List' in test_show_cases.");
sub test_load
my $self = shift;
$sel->pause(5000); # used to let the whole page load
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("Test Cases"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display 'Test Cases'");
=item test_update
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi
sub test_update
my $self = shift;
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_PLAN_1 . "," . TEST_PLAN_2
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
=item test_update_addruns
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with adding runs
sub test_update_addruns
my $self = shift;
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_PLAN_1 . "," . TEST_PLAN_2,
addsruns => TEST_RUN_1
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
=item test_update_requirement
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating requirement
sub test_update_requirement
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current requirement so can change back to old requirement
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $req1 = $ref->{requirement};
#Get current requirement so can change back to old requirement
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $req2 = $ref->{requirement};
#Change requirement
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
requirement => TEST_CASE_REQUIREMENT_1
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_REQUIREMENT_1 eq $ref->{requirement},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with requirement '"
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_REQUIREMENT_1 eq $ref->{requirement},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with requirement '"
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{requirement} = $req1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{requirement} = $req2;
=item test_update_case_status
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating case status
sub test_update_case_status
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current case status so can change back to old requirement
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $cStatus1 = $ref->{case_status_id};
#Get current case status so can change back to old requirement
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $cStatus2 = $ref->{case_status_id};
#Change case status
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
case_status => TEST_CASE_STATUS_1
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_STATUS_1 eq $ref->{case_status_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with case status '"
. TEST_CASE_STATUS_1 . "'" );
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_STATUS_1 eq $ref->{case_status_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with case status '"
. TEST_CASE_STATUS_1 . "'" );
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{case_status_id} = $cStatus1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{case_status_id} = $cStatus2;
=item test_update_priority
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating priority
sub test_update_priority
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current priority so can change back to old requirement
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $priority1 = $ref->{priority_id};
#Get current priority so can change back to old priority
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $priority2 = $ref->{priority_id};
#Change priority
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
priority => TEST_CASE_PRIORITY_1
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_PRIORITY_1 eq $ref->{priority_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with priority '"
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_PRIORITY_1 eq $ref->{priority_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with priority '"
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{priority} = $priority1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{priority} = $priority2;
=item test_update_isautomated
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating isautomated
sub test_update_isautomated
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current isautomated so can change back to old isautomated
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $isautomated1 = $ref->{isautomated};
#Get current isautomated so can change back to old isautomated
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $isautomated2 = $ref->{isautomated};
#convert isautomated so it will be in the right format
my $isautomated = TEST_CASE_ISAUTOMATED_1;
$isautomated = "on";
} else{
$isautomated = "off";
#Change is automated
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
isautomated => $isautomated
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_ISAUTOMATED_1 eq $ref->{isautomated},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with isautomated '"
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_ISAUTOMATED_1 eq $ref->{isautomated},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with isautomated '"
#convert isautomated1 so it will be in the right format
$isautomated1 = "on";
} else{
$isautomated1 = "off";
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{isautomated} = $isautomated1;
#convert isautomated2 so it will be in the right format
$isautomated2 = "on";
} else{
$isautomated2 = "off";
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{isautomated} = $isautomated2;
=item test_update_script
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating script
sub test_update_script
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current script so can change back to old script
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $script1 = $ref->{script};
#Get current script so can change back to old script
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $script2 = $ref->{script};
my $script = "Script " . $sel->get_eval("'Selenium-' + (new Date()).getTime()");
#Change script
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
script => $script
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert($script eq $ref->{script},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with script '"
. $script . "'" );
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert($script eq $ref->{script},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with script '"
. $script . "'" );
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{script} = $script1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{script} = $script2;
=item test_update_arguments
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating arguments
sub test_update_arguments
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current arguments so can change back to old argument
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $arguments1 = $ref->{arguments};
#Get current arguments so can change back to old argument
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $arguments2 = $ref->{arguments};
my $arguments = "Arguments " . $sel->get_eval("'Selenium-' + (new Date()).getTime()");
#Change arguments
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
arguments => $arguments
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert($arguments eq $ref->{arguments},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with arguments '"
. $arguments . "'" );
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert($arguments eq $ref->{arguments},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with arguments '"
. $arguments . "'" );
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{arguments} = $arguments1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{arguments} = $arguments2;
=item test_update_category
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating category
sub test_update_category
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current category so can change back to old category
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $category1 = $ref->{category_id};
#Get current category so can change back to old category
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $category2 = $ref->{category_id};
#Change category
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
category => TEST_CASE_1_CAT
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_1_CAT eq $ref->{category_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with category '"
. TEST_CASE_1_CAT . "'" );
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert(TEST_CASE_1_CAT eq $ref->{category_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with priority '"
. TEST_CASE_1_CAT . "'" );
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{category} = $category1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{category} = $category2;
=item test_update_default_tester
Tests the update action for tr_list_cases.cgi with updating defalut tester
sub test_update_default_tester
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $self = shift;
#Get current default tester so can change back to old default tester
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
my $default_tester1 = $ref->{default_tester_id};
#Get current default tester so can change back to old default tester
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
my $default_tester2 = $ref->{default_tester_id};
#Change default tester
my $test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "update",
params => {
ids => TEST_CASE_1 . "," . TEST_CASE_2,
tester => TEST_TESTER_1
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display '{'success': true}'");
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_1));
$self->assert(TEST_TESTER_1 eq $ref->{default_tester_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_1 . "' did not update with default tester '"
. TEST_TESTER_1 . "'" );
#Check to make sure it actually completed the update properly
$ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE case_id = ?',
undef, (TEST_CASE_2));
$self->assert(TEST_TESTER_1 eq $ref->{default_tester_id},
"Test case '" .TEST_CASE_2 . "' did not update with default tester '"
. TEST_TESTER_1 . "'" );
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_1;
$test->{params}->{tester} = $default_tester1;
#Changes it back to it's original value
$test->{params}->{ids} = TEST_CASE_2;
$test->{params}->{tester} = $default_tester2;
=item test_delete
Tests the delete and do_delete action for tr_list_cases.cgi
sub test_delete
my $self = shift;
# Create a test case to delete
my $summary = $sel->get_eval("'DELETE ME -' + (new Date()).getTime()");
my $test = {
url => "tr_new_case.cgi",
action => "add",
params => {
plan_id => TEST_PLAN_2,
category => TEST_CASE_1_CAT,
status => "3",
priority => "2",
isautomated => "0",
summary => $summary
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present('{success: true'),
"Unable to create a test case to delete");
# Get case_id to use later
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
FROM test_cases
WHERE summary = ?',
undef, ($summary));
my $del_case = $ref->{case_id};
# Test the actual deletion
$test = {
url => "tr_list_cases.cgi",
action => "delete",
params => {
case_ids => $del_case
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("{'success': true}"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display" .
" '{'success': true}'");
=item test_page_select
Tests the select which page from the list to display for tr_list_cases.cgi
sub test_list_tab
my $self = shift;
$sel->open("tr_list_cases.cgi" .
"?current_tab=case" .
$self->assert($sel->is_text_present("Test Cases"),
"'tr_list_cases.cgi' failed to display 'Test Cases'");