
635 lines
20 KiB

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# Contributor(s): C. Begle
# Jesse Ruderman
# Andreas Franke <afranke@mathweb.org>
# Stephen Lee <slee@uk.bnsmc.com>
# Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>
package Bugzilla::Search::Quicksearch;
# Make it harder for us to do dangerous things in Perl.
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Keyword;
use Bugzilla::Status;
use Bugzilla::Field;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use base qw(Exporter);
@Bugzilla::Search::Quicksearch::EXPORT = qw(quicksearch);
# Custom mappings for some fields.
use constant MAPPINGS => {
# Status, Resolution, Platform, OS, Priority, Severity
"status" => "bug_status",
"platform" => "rep_platform",
"os" => "op_sys",
"severity" => "bug_severity",
# People: AssignedTo, Reporter, QA Contact, CC, etc.
"assignee" => "assigned_to",
"owner" => "assigned_to",
# Product, Version, Component, Target Milestone
"milestone" => "target_milestone",
# Summary, Description, URL, Status whiteboard, Keywords
"summary" => "short_desc",
"description" => "longdesc",
"comment" => "longdesc",
"url" => "bug_file_loc",
"whiteboard" => "status_whiteboard",
"sw" => "status_whiteboard",
"kw" => "keywords",
"group" => "bug_group",
# Flags
"flag" => "flagtypes.name",
"requestee" => "requestees.login_name",
"setter" => "setters.login_name",
# Attachments
"attachment" => "attachments.description",
"attachmentdesc" => "attachments.description",
"attachdesc" => "attachments.description",
"attachmentdata" => "attach_data.thedata",
"attachdata" => "attach_data.thedata",
"attachmentmimetype" => "attachments.mimetype",
"attachmimetype" => "attachments.mimetype"
my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
return $cache->{quicksearch_fields} if $cache->{quicksearch_fields};
# Get all the fields whose names don't contain periods. (Fields that
# contain periods are always handled in MAPPINGS.)
my @db_fields = grep { $_->name !~ /\./ }
Bugzilla->get_fields({ obsolete => 0 });
my %full_map = (%{ MAPPINGS() }, map { $_->name => $_->name } @db_fields);
# Eliminate the fields that start with bug_ or rep_, because those are
# handled by the MAPPINGS instead, and we don't want too many names
# for them. (Also, otherwise "rep" doesn't match "reporter".)
# Remove "status_whiteboard" because we have "whiteboard" for it in
# the mappings, and otherwise "stat" can't match "status".
# Also, don't allow searching the _accessible stuff via quicksearch
# (both because it's unnecessary and because otherwise
# "reporter_accessible" and "reporter" both match "rep".
delete @full_map{qw(rep_platform bug_status bug_file_loc bug_group
bug_severity bug_status
cclist_accessible reporter_accessible)};
$cache->{quicksearch_fields} = \%full_map;
return $cache->{quicksearch_fields};
# Certain fields, when specified like "field:value" get an operator other
# than "substring"
use constant FIELD_OPERATOR => {
content => 'matches',
owner_idle_time => 'greaterthan',
use constant EQ_FIELDS => {
classification => 1,
product => 1,
component => 1,
version => 1,
target_milestone => 1,
resolution => 1,
severity => 1,
priority => 1,
op_sys => 1,
rep_platform => 1,
# We might want to put this into localconfig or somewhere
use constant PRODUCT_EXCEPTIONS => (
'row', # [Browser]
# ^^^
'new', # [MailNews]
# ^^^
use constant COMPONENT_EXCEPTIONS => (
'hang' # [Bugzilla: Component/Keyword Changes]
# ^^^^
sub quicksearch {
my ($searchstring) = (@_);
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# Don't use fucking globals, use a blessed object
my $self = bless {
chart => 0,
and => 0,
or => 0,
# Remove leading and trailing commas and whitespace.
$searchstring =~ s/(^[\s,]+|[\s,]+$)//g;
ThrowUserError('buglist_parameters_required') unless ($searchstring);
if ($searchstring =~ m/^[0-9,\s]*$/) {
else {
# Globally translate " AND ", " OR ", " NOT " to space, pipe, dash.
$searchstring =~ s/\s+AND\s+/ /g;
$searchstring =~ s/\s+OR\s+/|/g;
$searchstring =~ s/\s+NOT\s+/ -/g;
$self->{words} = [ splitString($searchstring) ];
$self->{content} = '';
$self->{unknown_fields} = [];
$self->{ambiguous_fields} = {};
# Loop over all main-level QuickSearch words.
foreach my $qsword (@{$self->{words}}) {
my $negate = substr($qsword, 0, 1) eq '-';
if ($negate) {
$qsword = substr($qsword, 1);
# No special first char
if (!$self->_handle_special_first_chars($qsword, $negate)) {
# Split by '|' to get all operands for a boolean OR.
foreach my $or_operand (split(/\|/, $qsword)) {
if (!$self->_handle_field_names($or_operand, $negate))
# Having ruled out the special cases, we may now split
# by comma, which is another legal boolean OR indicator.
foreach my $word (split(/,/, $or_operand)) {
if (!$self->_special_field_syntax($word, $negate)) {
$self->_default_quicksearch_word($word, $negate);
$self->{or} = 0;
} # foreach (@words)
$cgi->param('content', $self->{content});
# If we have wanted resolutions, allow closed states
if (keys %{$self->{resolutions}}) {
foreach (@{get_legal_field_values('bug_status')}) {
$self->{states}->{$_} = 1 unless is_open_state($_);
$cgi->param('bug_status', keys %{$self->{states}});
$cgi->param('resolution', keys %{$self->{resolutions}});
# Inform user about any unknown fields
if (@{$self->{unknown_fields}} || %{$self->{ambiguous_fields}}) {
{ unknown => $self->{unknown_fields},
ambiguous => $self->{ambiguous_fields} });
# Make sure we have some query terms left
scalar($cgi->param())>0 || ThrowUserError("buglist_parameters_required");
# List of quicksearch-specific CGI parameters to get rid of.
my @params_to_strip = ('quicksearch', 'load', 'run');
my $modified_query_string = $cgi->canonicalise_query(@params_to_strip);
my $order;
if ($order = $cgi->cookie('LASTORDER'))
$order =~ s/relevance(\s*(a|de)sc)?,|,relevance(\s*(a|de)sc)?//iso;
$order = "relevance DESC,$order";
$order = "relevance DESC";
$cgi->param('order', $order);
if ($cgi->param('load')) {
my $urlbase = correct_urlbase();
# Param 'load' asks us to display the query in the advanced search form.
print $cgi->redirect(-uri => "${urlbase}query.cgi?format=advanced&amp;"
. $modified_query_string);
# Otherwise, pass the modified query string to the caller.
# We modified $cgi->params, so the caller can choose to look at that, too,
# and disregard the return value.
return $modified_query_string;
# Parts of quicksearch() #
sub _bug_numbers_only {
my $searchstring = shift;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# Allow separation by comma or whitespace.
$searchstring =~ s/[,\s]+/,/g;
if ($searchstring !~ /,/) {
# Single bug number; shortcut to show_bug.cgi.
print $cgi->redirect(
-uri => correct_urlbase() . "show_bug.cgi?id=$searchstring");
else {
# List of bug numbers.
$cgi->param('bug_id', $searchstring);
$cgi->param('order', 'bugs.bug_id');
$cgi->param('bug_id_type', 'anyexact');
sub _handle_alias {
my $searchstring = shift;
if ($searchstring =~ /^([^,\s]+)$/) {
my $alias = $1;
# We use this direct SQL because we want quicksearch to be VERY fast.
my $is_alias = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array(
q{SELECT 1 FROM bugs WHERE alias = ?}, undef, $alias);
if ($is_alias) {
$alias = url_quote($alias);
print Bugzilla->cgi->redirect(
-uri => correct_urlbase() . "show_bug.cgi?id=$alias");
sub _handle_status_and_resolution
my $self = shift;
$self->{legal_statuses} = get_legal_field_values('bug_status');
$self->{legal_resolutions} = get_legal_field_values('resolution');
my @openStates = BUG_STATE_OPEN;
my @closedStates;
my (%states, %resolutions);
foreach (get_legal_field_values('bug_status')) {
push(@closedStates, $_) unless is_open_state($_);
if ($self->{words}->[0] eq 'OPEN')
shift @{$self->{words}};
%states = map { $_ => 1 } @openStates;
elsif ($self->{words}->[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+(,[A-Z]+)*$/)
my (%st, %res);
if (matchPrefixes(\%st, \%res, [split(/,/, $self->{words}->[0])],
$self->{legal_statuses}, $self->{legal_resolutions}))
shift @{$self->{words}};
%states = %st;
%resolutions = %res;
# Default: search for ALL BUGS! (Vitaliy Filippov <vfilippov@custis.ru> 2009-01-30)
%states = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{legal_statuses}};
$self->{states} = \%states;
$self->{resolutions} = \%resolutions;
sub _handle_special_first_chars {
my $self = shift;
my ($qsword, $negate) = @_;
my $firstChar = substr($qsword, 0, 1);
my $baseWord = substr($qsword, 1);
my @subWords = split(/[\|,]/, $baseWord);
if ($firstChar eq '+' || $firstChar eq '#') {
$self->{content} .= ' +' . join ' +', @subWords if @subWords;
return 1;
if ($firstChar eq ':') {
foreach (@subWords) {
$self->addChart('product', 'substring', $_, $negate);
$self->addChart('component', 'substring', $_, $negate);
return 1;
if ($firstChar eq '@') {
$self->addChart('assigned_to', 'substring', $_, $negate) foreach (@subWords);
return 1;
if ($firstChar eq '[') {
$self->{content} .= ' ' . $baseWord;
$self->addChart('status_whiteboard', 'substring', $baseWord, $negate);
return 1;
if ($firstChar eq '!') {
$self->addChart('keywords', 'anywords', $baseWord, $negate);
return 1;
return 0;
sub _handle_field_names {
my $self = shift;
my ($or_operand, $negate) = @_;
# votes:xx ("at least xx votes")
if ($or_operand =~ /^votes:([0-9]+)$/) {
$self->addChart('votes', 'greaterthan', $1 - 1, $negate);
return 1;
# Flag and requestee shortcut
if ($or_operand =~ /^(?:flag:)?([^\?]+\?)([^\?]*)$/) {
$self->addChart('flagtypes.name', 'substring', $1, $negate);
$self->{and}++; $self->{or} = 0; # Next boolean AND
$self->addChart('requestees.login_name', 'substring', $2, $negate);
return 1;
# generic field1,field2,field3:value1,value2 notation
if ($or_operand =~ /^([^:]+):([^:]+)$/) {
my @fields = split(/,/, $1);
my @values = split(/,/, $2);
foreach my $field (@fields) {
if ($field eq 'status')
my (%st, %res);
if (matchPrefixes(\%st, \%res, \@values, $self->{legal_statuses}, $self->{legal_resolutions}))
$self->{states} = \%st;
$self->{resolutions} = \%res;
my $translated = _translate_field_name($field);
# Skip and record any unknown fields
if (!defined $translated) {
push @{$self->{unknown_fields}}, $field;
# If we got back an array, that means the substring is
# ambiguous and could match more than field name
elsif (ref $translated) {
$self->{ambiguous_fields}->{$field} = $translated;
my $operator = FIELD_OPERATOR->{$translated};
if (!$operator && EQ_FIELDS->{$translated})
Bugzilla->cgi->param($translated, @values);
$operator ||= 'substring';
foreach my $value (@values) {
$self->addChart($translated, $operator, $value, $negate);
return 1;
return 0;
sub _translate_field_name {
my $field = shift;
$field = lc($field);
my $field_map = FIELD_MAP;
# If the field exactly matches a mapping, just return right now.
return $field_map->{$field} if exists $field_map->{$field};
# Check if we match, as a starting substring, exactly one field.
my @field_names = keys %$field_map;
my @matches = grep { $_ =~ /^\Q$field\E/ } @field_names;
# Eliminate duplicates that are actually the same field
# (otherwise "assi" matches both "assignee" and "assigned_to", and
# the lines below fail when they shouldn't.)
my %match_unique = map { $field_map->{$_} => $_ } @matches;
@matches = values %match_unique;
if (scalar(@matches) == 1) {
return $field_map->{$matches[0]};
elsif (scalar(@matches) > 1) {
return \@matches;
# Check if we match exactly one custom field, ignoring the cf_ on the
# custom fields (to allow people to type things like "build" for
# "cf_build").
my %cfless;
foreach my $name (@field_names) {
my $no_cf = $name;
if ($no_cf =~ s/^cf_//) {
if ($field eq $no_cf) {
return $field_map->{$name};
$cfless{$no_cf} = $name;
# See if we match exactly one substring of any of the cf_-less fields.
my @cfless_matches = grep { $_ =~ /^\Q$field\E/ } (keys %cfless);
if (scalar(@cfless_matches) == 1) {
my $match = $cfless_matches[0];
my $actual_field = $cfless{$match};
return $field_map->{$actual_field};
elsif (scalar(@matches) > 1) {
return \@matches;
return undef;
sub _special_field_syntax {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $negate) = @_;
# P1-5 Syntax
if ($word =~ m/^P(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?$/i) {
my ($p_start, $p_end) = ($1, $2);
my $legal_priorities = get_legal_field_values('priority');
# If Pn exists explicitly, use it.
my $start = lsearch($legal_priorities, "P$p_start");
my $end;
$end = lsearch($legal_priorities, "P$p_end") if defined $p_end;
# If Pn doesn't exist explicitly, then we mean the nth priority.
if ($start == -1) {
$start = max(0, $p_start - 1);
my $prios = $legal_priorities->[$start];
if (defined $end) {
# If Pn doesn't exist explicitly, then we mean the nth priority.
if ($end == -1) {
$end = min(scalar(@$legal_priorities), $p_end) - 1;
$end = max(0, $end); # Just in case the user typed P0.
($start, $end) = ($end, $start) if $end < $start;
$prios = join(',', @$legal_priorities[$start..$end])
$self->addChart('priority', 'anyexact', $prios, $negate);
return 1;
# Votes (votes>xx)
if ($word =~ m/^votes>([0-9]+)$/) {
$self->addChart('votes', 'greaterthan', $1, $negate);
return 1;
# Votes (votes>=xx, votes=>xx)
if ($word =~ m/^votes(>=|=>)([0-9]+)$/) {
$self->addChart('votes', 'greaterthan', $2-1, $negate);
return 1;
return 0;
sub _default_quicksearch_word {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $negate) = @_;
$self->{content} .= ' '.$word;
# Helpers
# Split string on whitespace, retaining quoted strings as one
sub splitString
my $string = shift;
my @quoteparts;
my @parts;
my @quoteparts = split /\"/, $string, -1;
my @parts;
for my $i (0 .. $#quoteparts)
if ($i % 2)
@parts or push @parts, '';
$parts[$#parts] .= '"'.$quoteparts[$i].'"';
my @p = split /\s+/, $quoteparts[$i], -1;
my $c = 0;
$p[0] or $c = 1, shift @p;
@parts && $parts[$#parts] or $c = 1, pop @parts;
$c or $parts[$#parts] .= shift @p;
push @parts, @p;
return @parts;
# Expand found prefixes to states or resolutions
sub matchPrefixes {
my $hr_states = shift;
my $hr_resolutions = shift;
my $ar_prefixes = shift;
my $ar_check_states = shift;
my $ar_check_resolutions = shift;
my $foundMatch = 0;
foreach my $prefix (@$ar_prefixes) {
foreach (@$ar_check_states) {
if (/^$prefix/) {
$$hr_states{$_} = 1;
$foundMatch = 1;
foreach (@$ar_check_resolutions) {
if (/^$prefix/) {
$$hr_resolutions{$_} = 1;
$foundMatch = 1;
return $foundMatch;
# Negate comparison type
sub negateComparisonType {
my $comparisonType = shift;
if ($comparisonType eq 'anywords') {
return 'nowords';
return "not$comparisonType";
# Add a boolean chart
sub addChart {
my $self = shift;
my ($field, $comparisonType, $value, $negate) = @_;
$negate && ($comparisonType = negateComparisonType($comparisonType));
makeChart("$self->{chart}-$self->{and}-$self->{or}", $field, $comparisonType, $value);
if ($negate) {
$self->{or} = 0;
else {
# Create the CGI parameters for a boolean chart
sub makeChart {
my ($expr, $field, $type, $value) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
$cgi->param("field$expr", $field);
$cgi->param("type$expr", $type);
$cgi->param("value$expr", url_decode($value));